collaborating address columns from multiple tables into one column (3million rows) - sql

I have a table that looks like this
stack building12
123road street12
123road street 33
123road street 44
123road street 45
wolf building 451-2
451-2 building wolf
wolf building 451-2
sweet rd. 254-11
I have about 3 million rows that contains address information from different tables with common_id. I joined 4 tables and made it into one table. I want to make the address rows into one address row that looks like this.
stack building12
123road street12
wolf building 451-2
sweet rd. 254-11
I tried to do this by using pandas, but it takes too long so I want to do this by using spark sql or pyspark functions.
when collaborated, it should collect only the ones that are not null or not "--"
like row common_id 158, it should collect addresses that are mostly the same. In this case, "wolf building 451-2" is in table1_address column and table3_address.
if all column contains address but has slightly different address like row common_id 157, then it should collect random address.

There are few approaches:
Using rdd with map function.
from pyspark.sql import Row
data = [('James','Smith','M',30),('Anna','Rose','F',41),
columns = ["firstname","lastname","gender","salary"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=data, schema = columns)
# Output:
| James| Smith| M| 30|
| Anna| Rose| F| 41|
| Robert|Williams| M| 62|
def isMale(row):
# Basic Function, replace your address matching logic here.
if row['gender']=="M":
return True
return False x:isMale(x)) x: Row(x)).toDF()
DataFrame[_1: boolean]
| _1|
| true|
| true|
Using map with dataframes:


How to compare elements of a row string in one dataframe column with elements of a row string of another dataframe column, and remove non-matching?

I have two dataframes with different row counts.
df1 has the problems and count
problems | count
broken, torn | 10
torn | 15
worn-out, broken | 25
df2 has the order_id and problems
order_id | problems
123 | broken
594 | torn
811 | worn-out, broken
I need to remove all rows from df1 that do not match the individual problems in the list in df2. And I want to maintain the count of df1.
The final df1 data frame would look like this:
problems | count
broken | 10
torn | 15
worn-out, broken | 25
I have only done this for columns in the same dataframe before. Not sure how to deal with multiple data frames.
Can someone please help?
Try this to merge the two df's together:
(pd.merge(df.assign(problems = df['problems'].str.split(', ').map(frozenset)),
df2.assign(problems = df2['problems'].map(frozenset)),on = 'problems'))

Scala convert Array to DataFrame Column

I am trying to add an Array of values as a new column to the DataFrame.
Lets assume there is an Array(4,5,10) and a dataframe
| name | age |
| John | 32 |
| Elizabeth| 28 |
| Eric | 41 |
My requirement is to add the above array as a new column to the dataframe. My expected output is as follows:
| name | age | rank |
| John | 32 | 4 |
| Elizabeth| 28 | 5 |
| Eric | 41 | 10 |
I am trying if I can achieve this using rdd and zipWithIndex.
This is resulting in something of this sort.
(0,([John, 32],4))
I want to convert the above RDD back to required dataframe. Let me know how to achieve this.
Are there any alternatives available for achieving the desired result other than using rdd and zipWithIndex? What is the best way to do it?
Context for better understanding:
I am using Xpress optimization suite to solve a mathematical problem. Xpress takes inputs interms of Arrays and also outputs the result in an Array. I get input as a DataFrame and I am extracting columns as Arrays(using collect) and passing to Xpress. Xpress outputs Array[Double] as solution. I want to add this solution back to the dataframe as a column and every value in the solution array corresponds to the row of the dataframe at its index i.e value at index 'n' of the output Array corresponds to 'n'th row of the dataframe
After the join just map the results to what you are looking for.
You can convert this back to a dataframe after joining the RDDs.
val originalDF = Seq(("John", 32), ("Elizabeth", 28), ("Eric", 41)).toDF("name", "age")
val rank = Array(4, 5, 10)
// convert to Seq first
val rankDF = rank.toSeq.toDF("rank")
val joined =
val finalRDD ={ case (k,v) => (k, v._1.getString(0), v._1.getInt(1), v._2.getInt(0)) }
val finalDF = finalRDD.toDF("id", "name", "age", "rank")
| id| name|age|rank|
| 0| John| 32| 4|
| 1|Elizabeth| 28| 5|
| 2| Eric| 41| 10|
The only alternate way that I can think of is to use the org.apache.spark.sql.functions.row_number() window function. This essentially achieves the same thing by adding an increasing, consecutive row number to the dataframe.
The drawback with this is the large amount of data shuffle into one partition, since we need to have unrepeated row numbers for all rows in the dataframe. If your data is very large this can lead to an out of memory issue. (Note: this may not be applicable in your case, since you mentioned you are doing a collect on the data and have not mentioned any memory issues in this).
The approach of converting to an rdd and using zipWithIndex is an acceptable solution, but generally converting from dataframe to rdd is not recommended due to the performance difference of using an RDD instead of a dataframe.

Create new column with fuzzy-score across two string columns in the same dataframe

I'm trying to calculate a fuzzy score (preferable partial_ratio score) across two columns in the same dataframe.
| column1 | column2|
| -------- | -------------- |
| emmett holt| holt
| greenwald| christopher
It would need to look something like this:
| column1 | column2|partial_ratio|
| -------- | -------------- |-----------|
| emmett holt| holt|100|
| greenwald| christopher|22|
With the help of another question on this website, I worked towards the following code:
compare=pd.MultiIndex.from_product([ dataframe['column1'],dataframe ['column2'] ]).to_series()
def metrics (tup):
return pd.Series([fuzz.partial_ratio(*tup)], ['partial_ratio'])
df['partial_ratio'] = df.apply(lambda x: fuzz.partial_ratio(x['original_title'], x['title']), axis=1)
But the problem already starts with the first line of the code that returns the following error notification:
Cannot convert column into bool: please use '&' for 'and', '|' for 'or', '~' for 'not' when building DataFrame boolean expressions.
You can say I'm kind of stuck here so any advice on this is appreciated!
You need a UDF to use fuzzywuzzy:
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
def fuzzyudf(original_title, title):
return fuzz.partial_ratio(original_title, title)
df2 = df.withColumn('partial_ratio', fuzzyudf('column1', 'column2'))
| column1| column2|partial_ratio|
|emmett holt| holt| 100|
| greenwald|christopher| 22|

Joining two pyspark dataframes by unique values in a column

Let's say, I have two pyspark dataframes, users and shops. A few sample rows for both the dataframes are shown below.
users dataframe:
| idvalue | day-of-week | geohash |
| id-1 | 2 | gcutjjn |
| id-1 | 3 | gcutjjn |
| id-1 | 5 | gcutjht |
shops dataframe
| shop-id | shop-name | geohash |
| sid-1 | kfc | gcutjjn |
| sid-2 | mcd | gcutjhq |
| sid-3 | starbucks | gcutjht |
I need to join both of these dataframes on the geohash column. I can do a naive equi-join for sure, but the users dataframe is huge, containing billions of rows, and geohashes are likely to repeat, within and across idvalues. So, I was wondering if there's a way to perform joins on unique geohashes in the users dataframe and geohashes in the shops dataframe. If we can do that, then it's easy to replicate the shops entries for matching geohashes in resultant dataframe.
Probably it can be achieved with a pandas udf, where I would perform a groupby on users.idvalue, do a join with shops within the udf by only taking the first row from the group (because all ids are same anyway within the group), and creating a one row dataframe. Logically it feels like this should work, but not sure sure on the performance aspect as udf(s) are usually slower than spark native transformations. Any ideas are welcome.
You said that your Users dataframe is huge and that "geohashes are likely to repeat, within and across idvalues". You didn't referred however if there might be duplicated geohashes in your shops dataframe.
If there are no repeated hashes in the latter, I think that a simple join would solve your problem:
val userDf = Seq(("id-1",2,"gcutjjn"),("id-2",2,"gcutjjn"),("id-1",3,"gcutjjn"),("id-1",5,"gcutjht")).toDF("idvalue","day_of_week","geohash")
val shopDf = Seq(("sid-1","kfc","gcutjjn"),("sid-2","mcd","gcutjhq"),("sid-3","starbucks","gcutjht")).toDF("shop_id","shop_name","geohash")
| id-1| 2|gcutjjn|
| id-2| 2|gcutjjn|
| id-1| 3|gcutjjn|
| id-1| 5|gcutjht|
| sid-1| kfc|gcutjjn|
| sid-2| mcd|gcutjhq|
| sid-3|starbucks|gcutjht|
|geohash|shop_id|idvalue| days|
|gcutjjn| sid-1| id-1|[2, 3]|
|gcutjht| sid-3| id-1| [5]|
|gcutjjn| sid-1| id-2| [2]|
If you have repeated hash values in your shops dataframe, a possible approach would be to remove those repeated hashes from your shops dataframe (if your requirements allow this), and then perform the same join operation.
val userDf = Seq(("id-1",2,"gcutjjn"),("id-2",2,"gcutjjn"),("id-1",3,"gcutjjn"),("id-1",5,"gcutjht")).toDF("idvalue","day_of_week","geohash")
val shopDf = Seq(("sid-1","kfc","gcutjjn"),("sid-2","mcd","gcutjhq"),("sid-3","starbucks","gcutjht"),("sid-4","burguer king","gcutjjn")).toDF("shop_id","shop_name","geohash")
| id-1| 2|gcutjjn|
| id-2| 2|gcutjjn|
| id-1| 3|gcutjjn|
| id-1| 5|gcutjht|
|shop_id| shop_name|geohash|
| sid-1| kfc|gcutjjn| << Duplicated geohash
| sid-2| mcd|gcutjhq|
| sid-3| starbucks|gcutjht|
| sid-4|burguer king|gcutjjn| << Duplicated geohash
//Dataframe with hashes to exclude:
val excludedHashes = shopDf.groupBy("geohash").count.filter("count > 1")
|gcutjjn| 2|
//Create a dataframe of shops without the ones with duplicated hashes
val cleanShopDf = shopDf.join(excludedHashes,Seq("geohash"),"left_anti")
|gcutjhq| sid-2| mcd|
|gcutjht| sid-3|starbucks|
//Perform the same join operation
|gcutjht| sid-3| id-1| [5]|
The code provided was written in Scala but it can be easily converted to Python.
Hope this helps!
This is an idea if it possible you used pyspark SQL to select distinct geohash and create to the tempory table. Then join from this table instead of dataframes.

SQLAlchemy getting label names out from columns

I want to use the same labels from a SQLAlchemy table, to re-aggregate some data (e.g. I want to iterate through mytable.c to get the column names exactly).
I have some spending data that looks like the following:
| name | region | date | spending |
| John | A | .... | 123 |
| Jack | A | .... | 20 |
| Jill | B | .... | 240 |
I'm then passing it to an existing function we have, that aggregates spending over 2 periods (using a case statement) and groups by region:
grouped table:
| Region | Total (this period) | Total (last period) |
| A | 3048 | 1034 |
| B | 2058 | 900 |
The function returns a SQLAlchemy query object that I can then use subquery() on to re-query e.g.:
subquery = get_aggregated_data(original_table)
region_A_results = session.query(subquery).filter(subquery.c.region = 'A')
I want to then re-aggregate this subquery (summing every column that can be summed, replacing the region column with a string 'other'.
The problem is, if I iterate through subquery.c, I get labels that look like:
Is there a way to get the textual label from a set of column objects, without the anon_1. prefix? Especially since I feel that the prefix may change depending on how SQLAlchemy decides to generate the query.
Split the name string and take the second part, and if you want to prepare for the chance that the name is not prefixed by the table name, put the code in a try - except block:
for col in subquery.c:
except IndexError:
Also, the result proxy (region_A_results) has a method keys which returns an a list of column names. Again, if you don't need the table names, you can easily get rid of them.