I do not understand the difference between yolo's Modelsize and BFOLPS.
I would appreciate it if someone could tell me the difference.
Also, please let me know how to check yolo's Modelsize .
Thank you in advance.
I would appreciate if someone could clarify this confusion for me.I'm struggling to identified when to use each of them.
Mandatory, OR/Mandatory, AND
Optional, OR/Optional, AND
Thank you
I have an issue with contributors in gracenote:
Does someone know how much "date" and "place" fields types there might be ?
For now, i only saw something like TYPE="BIRTH". I suppose there might be something like "DEATH", i just want a confirmation please.
If someone knows about it, that would be great =).
TYPE="BIRTH" and TYPE="DEATH" are supported for contributor PLACE and DATE tags.
We will update the documentation to make sure both options are documented.
I've encountered the raw_native_types in a tlb import statement and I'm unclear of what the benefit of this attribute is. I've read the MSDN description for this (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/8etzzkb6%28v=vs.71%29.aspx#_predir_raw_native_types) but it hasn't helped clearing it up for me. Can someone help explain it to me?
The intention defines the benefit. If one really doesn't want to use _bstr_t or _variant_t because, who knows, one abominates them (not that uncommon), or one doesn't trust the compiler to actually do a good job at keeping them alive, or one already uses other smart wrappers, or one really likes to explicitly call SysFreeString and VariantClear, then one specifies raw_native_types.
Hi I am looking for a way to do Single Link Clustering with a 2D ArrayList in Java Netbeans.
Followed by visualizing the results on a graph.
As far as I know - LingPipe can do it but it uses a HashSet String which I think might display the results in accurately.
Any suggestions? I really appreciate the help. Thank you! :D
I'm really hoping that somebody could help me regarding this problem. I am using Microsoft Access 2007 to build some forms while connecting to my sql database. Everything seems ok except the forms inserting data in the database showing this kind of message
"Query input must contain at least one table or query"
I'm not finding where the exact problem is!! Can anyone give me any helpful advice what to do? I would really appreciate any kind of advice.
Thanks in advance.
What is the sql (you might find it in the logfile of the server)?
There might be a problem in the FROM part.