I am doing some work with Antlr and Python and have come across this error message "line 1:0 no viable alternative at input 'start 001 vs 003'" but have no idea what to do with it or how to fix it.
start: expr | <EOF>;
: 'start' duration=DURATION 'fight' player_1=FILE 'vs' player_2=FILE #durationfightExpr
FILE : ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|' '|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
DURATION : ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)?;
WS : [ \r\n\t]+ -> skip;
For the input start 001 vs 003, the lexer creates just 1 FILE token. You'll probably want to exclude the white space char from FILE:
FILE : ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
But then you run into the problem that the following tokens are created:
'start' `start`
FILE `001`
'vs' `vs`
FILE `003`
I.e. both 001 and 003 are FILE tokens. Because FILE can match this input too, and because it is placed before DURATION, int/double kind of input will always become a FILE. But if you these rules:
DURATION : ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)?;
FILE : ('A'..'Z'|'a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|':'|'\\'|'/'|'-'|'_'|'.')+ ;
then input like 001 will never become a FILE token (perhaps that's OK for you, I don't know). Note that these rules can be written more succinctly like this:
DURATION : [0-9]+ ('.' [0-9]+)?;
FILE : [A-Za-z0-9:\\/\-_.]+;
I have defined the following grammar:
grammar Test;
parse: expr EOF;
expr : IF comparator FROM field THEN #comparatorExpr
dateTime : DATE_TIME;
number : (INT|DECIMAL);
op : (GT | GE | LT | LE | EQ);
comparator : op (number|dateTime);
fragment LETTER : [a-zA-Z];
fragment DIGIT : [0-9];
IF : '$IF';
OR : '$OR';
GT : '>' ;
GE : '>=' ;
LT : '<' ;
LE : '<=' ;
EQ : '=' ;
DATE_TIME : (INT|DECIMAL)('M'|'y'|'d');
WS : [ \r\t\u000C\n]+ -> skip;
And I try to parse the following input:
$IF >=15 $FROM AgeInYears $THEN
it gives me the following error:
line 1:6 mismatched input '15 ' expecting {INT, DECIMAL, DATE_TIME}
All SO posts I found point out to the same reason for this error - identical LEXER rules. But I cannot see why 15 can be matched to either DECIMAL - it requires . between 2 ints, or to DATE_TIME - it has m|d|y suffix as well.
Any pointers would be appreciated here.
It's always a good idea to run take a look at the token stream that your Lexer produces:
grun Test parse -tokens -tree Test.txt
[#2,6:8='15 ',<FIELD_IDENTIFIER>,1:6]
[#4,15:25='AgeInYears ',<FIELD_IDENTIFIER>,1:15]
line 1:6 mismatched input '15 ' expecting {INT, DECIMAL, DATE_TIME}
(parse (expr $IF (comparator (op >=) 15 ) $FROM (field AgeInYears ) $THEN) <EOF>)
Here we see that "15 " (1 5 space) has been matched by the FIELD_IDENTIFIER rule. Since that's three input characters long, ANTLR will prefer that Lexer rule to the INT rule that only matches 2 characters.
For this particular input, you can solve this be reworking the FIELD_IDENTIFIER rule to be:
grun Test parse -tokens -tree Test.txt
(parse (expr $IF (comparator (op >=) (number 15)) $FROM (field AgeInYears) $THEN) <EOF>)
That said, I suspect that attempting to allow spaces within your FIELD_IDENTIFIER (without some sort of start/stop markers), is likely to be a continuing source of pain as you work on this. (There's a reason why you don't see this is most languages, and it's not that nobody thought it would be handy to allow for multi-word identifiers. It requires a greedy lexer rule that is likely to take precedence over other rules (as it did here)).
Orignial question:
My code to parse:
What I expcted: N100 G1 M4
But ANTLR can not idetify this because ANTLR always match longest substring?
How to handle the case?
What I am going to do:
I am trying to parse CNC G-Code txt and get keywords from a file stream, which is usually used to control a machine and drive motors to move.
The G-Code rule is :
// Define a grammar called Hello
grammar GCode;
script : blocks+ EOF;
| ncblock
ncblock :
ncelements NEWLINE //
ncelements :
LINENUMEXPR // linenumber N100
| GCODEEXPR // G10 G54.1
| coordexpr // X100 Y100 Z[A+b*c]
| FeedExpr // F10.12
| AccExpr // E2.0
// | callSubroutine
VARNAME '=' expression NEWLINE
multiplyingExpression ('+' | '-') multiplyingExpression
: powExpression (('*' | '/') powExpression)*
: signedAtom ('^' signedAtom)*
: '+' signedAtom
| '-' signedAtom
| atom
: scientific
| variable
| '(' expression ')'
| ParameterKeyword getValueExpr
'[' expression ']'
ParameterKeyword: [XYZABCUVWIJKR];
: Digit+ ('.' Digit+)*
: SIGN? NUMBER (('E' | 'e') SIGN? NUMBER)?
fragment NUMBER
: ('0' .. '9') + ('.' ('0' .. '9') +)?
: '0' [xX] HEX_DIGIT+
fragment HEX_DIGIT
: [0-9a-fA-F]
INT : Digit+;
Digit : [0-9];
: ('+' | '-')
: [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*
: '\r'? '\n'
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines
Sample program(it works well except the last line):
N200 G54.1
a = 100
b = 10
c = a + b
Z[a + b*c]
N002 G2 X30.1 Y20.1 I20.1 J0.1 K0.2 R20
N100 G1X100.5Z[VAR1+100]M3H3 // it works well except the last line
I want to parse N100G1X100.5YE5Z[VAR1+100]M3H3 to
-> N100 G1 X100 Z[VAR1+100]
-> or it will be better to split the node X100 to two subnode X 100:
I am trying to use ANTLR, but ANTLR always take the rule "longest match wins". N100G1X100 is identified to a word.
Append question:
What's the best tool to finish the task?
ANTLR has a strict separation between pasrer and lexer, and therefor the lexer operates in a predictable way (longest match wins). So if you have some sort of identifier rule that matches N100G1M4 but sometimes want to match N100, G1 and M4 separately, you're out of luck.
How to handle the case?
The only answer one can give (with the amount of details given) is: remove the rule that matches N100G1M4 as 1 token. If that is something you cannot do, then don't use ANTLR, but use a "scannerless" parser.
Scannerless Parser Generators
I am new to ANTLR (any version) and I am just getting started writing my first grammar file. I'm using the IntelliJ IDE with the ANTLR plugin (v1.6).
My grammar is
grammar TestGrammar;
testfile : message+ EOF;
message : timestamp WS id (NL | EOF);
timestamp : NumericLiteral;
id : NumericLiteral;
NumericLiteral : INTEGER | DECIMAL;
INTEGER : [+-]? [0-9]+;
DECIMAL : [+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+;
EXPONENT : [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+;
WS: (' ' | '\t')+;
NL: '\r'? '\n';
When I apply the simple test input
123 1231
123 1312
The data is correctly parsed, but I get an error in the IntelliJ preview window.
"extraneous input '<EOF>' expecting {<EOF>, NL}"
What have I done wrong? The EOF seems to be correctly detected... If I add a NL on the last line then the file is parsed correctly but I need to make sure that a final NL is optional.
Additional detail for the format:
We are reverse engineering a data format so I will be honest and say that we don't really know what the constraints are going to be! Our current understanding is that:
Each message must be on its own row
Allow empty lines between messages
Don't require a new line at the end of the file
We have seen evidence of files following these patterns so we know that they are valid input.
In your grammar you explicitly states that a 'new line' must end a line. The question here is: Is the 'new line' at the end of a message part of the language? The same question occurs about white spaces. Are they part of the language? If not, you can skip them:
WS: (' ' | '\t') -> skip;
NL: '\r'? '\n' -> skip;
Then, you can simplify your message rule:
message: timestamp id;
If you really need to keep the end of lines:
NL: '\r'? '\n';
And you add this token as optional at the end of your message rule:
message: timestamp id NL?;
This will work with your example, but will fail for:
123 1231
123 1312
The \n between the two lines will produce an error. The solution that seems the most promising is the first one (skip NL and WS with the simplified message rule) BUT, this entry will be matched as OK:
123 1231 123 1312
It will produce two message rule context.
To sum up, in your example, in order to give you the best way of building your grammar we must know the constraints of your input language.
< EDIT >
Regarding your comments, there is two solutions. Either you are sure your files are well formed and the idea is to extract the information of the file without constraints or you are in a dynamic where you have to be sure the input files conforms to the grammar (in order to also remove "bad files").
I'm pretty sure you are in the first case (as you said you are performing reverse engineering), so you probably want to create a CST from your file to extract information. In that case, considering your input files are always well formed, you don't need to bother about checking if NL are present at the end of messages (by construction, files always have one message by line). In this case, you can skip everything you don't need. The grammar became:
grammar TestGrammar;
testfile : message+ EOF;
message : timestamp id;
timestamp : NumericLiteral;
id : NumericLiteral;
NumericLiteral : INTEGER | DECIMAL;
INTEGER : [+-]? [0-9]+;
DECIMAL : [+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+;
EXPONENT : [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+;
WS: (' ' | '\t')+ -> skip;
NL: '\r'? '\n' -> skip;
This grammar will recognize
123 1231
123 1312
as well as
123 1231
(as many as \n you want between them)
123 1312
but also
123 1231 123 1312 (-> this will produce two messages as expected)
However, if your input files could be not well formed, with this grammar, you will not be able to exclude them. If you need to ensure that only one message is present by line, you should go with a slightly modified version of the grammar proposed by Raz Friman here:
grammar TestGrammar;
testfile : (message? NL)* message EOF;
message : timestamp id;
timestamp : NumericLiteral;
id : NumericLiteral;
WS: [\t ]+ -> skip;
NL: '\r'? '\n';
NumericLiteral : INTEGER | DECIMAL;
INTEGER : [+-]? [0-9]+;
DECIMAL : [+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+;
EXPONENT : [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+;
With this grammar:
123 1231
(as many as \n you want between them)
123 1312
will be recognized whereas:
123 1231 123 1312
will throw an error.
If you need to ensure the constraints of the Newlines, you can make the root file check for a final "message" rule and then apply the EOF rule.
The grammar for this is posted below:
testfile : (message NL)* message EOF;
message : timestamp id;
timestamp : NumericLiteral;
id : NumericLiteral;
WS: [\t ]+ -> channel(HIDDEN);
NL: '\r'? '\n';
NumericLiteral : INTEGER | DECIMAL;
INTEGER : [+-]? [0-9]+;
DECIMAL : [+-]? [0-9]* '.' [0-9]+;
EXPONENT : [eE] [+-]? [0-9]+;
I'm trying to develop a grammar to parse a DSL using ANTLR4 (first attempt at using it)
The grammar itself is somewhat similar to SQL in the sense that should
It should be able to parse commands like the following:
select type1.attribute1 type2./xpath_expression[#id='test 1'] type3.* from source1 source2
fromDate 2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00 toDate 2014-01-13T00:00:00.123456Z
where (type1.attribute2 = "XX" AND
(type1.attribute3 <= "2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00" OR
type2./another_xpath_expression = "YY"))
EDIT: I've updated the grammar switching CHAR, SYMBOL and DIGIT to fragment as suggested by [lucas_trzesniewski], but I did not manage to get improvements.
Attached is the parse tree as suggested by Terence. I get also in the console the following (I'm getting more confused...):
warning(125): API.g4:16:8: implicit definition of token 'CHAR' in parser
warning(125): API.g4:20:31: implicit definition of token 'SYMBOL' in parser
line 1:12 mismatched input 'p' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:19 mismatched input 't' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:27 mismatched input 'm' expecting {'.', NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:35 mismatched input '#' expecting {NUMBER, CHAR, SYMBOL}
line 1:58 no viable alternative at input 'm'
line 3:13 no viable alternative at input '(deco.m'
I was able to put together the bulk of the grammar, but it fails to properly match all the tokens, therefore resulting in incorrect parsing depending on the complexity of the input.
By browsing on internet it seems to me that the main reason is down to the lexer selecting the longest matching sequence, but even after several attempts of rewriting lexer and grammar rules I could not achieve a robust set.
Below are my grammar and some test cases.
What would be the correct way to specify the rules? should I use lexer modes ?
grammar API;
get : K_SELECT (((element) )+ | '*')
'from' (source )+
( K_FROM_DATE dateTimeOffset )? ( K_TO_DATE dateTimeOffset )?
('where' expr )?
element : qualifier DOT attribute;
qualifier : 'raw' | 'std' | 'deco' ;
attribute : ( word | xpath | '*') ;
word : CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)*;
xpath : (xpathFragment+);
: '/' ( DOT | CHAR | NUMBER | SYMBOL )+
| '[' (CHAR | NUMBER | SYMBOL )+ ']'
source : ( 'system1' | 'system2' | 'ALL') ; // should be generalised.
dateTimeOffset : date 'T' time;
filter : (element OP value) ;
value : QUOTE .+? QUOTE ;
: filter
| '(' expr 'AND' expr ')'
| '(' expr 'OR' expr ')'
K_SELECT : 'select';
K_RANGE : 'range';
K_FROM_DATE : 'fromDate';
K_TO_DATE : 'toDate' ;
QUOTE : '"' ;
MINUS : '-';
SIGN : '+' | '-';
COLON : ':';
COMMA : ',';
DOT : '.';
OP : '=' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '!=';
fragment DIGIT : ('0'..'9');
fragment CHAR : [a-z] | [A-Z] ;
fragment SYMBOL : '#' | [-_=] | '\'' | '/' | '\\' ;
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ;
NONWS : ~[ \t\r\n];
select raw./priobj/tradeid/margin[#id='222'] deco.* deco.marginType from system1 system2
fromDate 2014-01-12T00:00:00.123456+00:00 toDate 2014-01-13T00:00:00.123456Z
where ( deco.marginType >= "MV" AND ( ( raw.CretSysInst = "RMS_EXODUS" OR deco.ExtSysNum <= "1234" ) OR deco.ExtSysStr = "TEST Spaced" ) )
select * from ALL
select deco./xpath/expr/text() deco./xpath/expr[a='3' and b gt '6] raw.* from ALL where raw.attr3 = "myvalue"
The image shows that my grammar is unable to recognise several parts of the commands
What is a bit puzzling me is that the single parts are instead working properly,
e.g. parsing only the 'expr' as shown by the tree below
That kind of thing: word : (CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)+); is indeed a job for the lexer, not the parser.
This: DIGIT : ('0'..'9'); should be a fragment. Same goes for this: CHAR : [a-z] | [A-Z] ;. That way, you could write NUMBER : CHAR+;, and WORD: CHAR (CHAR | NUMBER)*;
The reason is simple: you want to deal with meaningful tokens in your parser, not with parts of words. Think of the lexer as the thing that will "cut" the input text at meaningful points. Later on, you want to process full words, not individual characters. So think about where is it most meaningful to make those cuts.
Now, as the ANTLR master has pointed out, to debug your problem, dump the parse tree and see what goes on.
my real grammar is way more complex but I could strip down my problem. So this is the grammar:
grammar test2;
options {language=CSharp3;}
#parser::namespace { Test.Parser }
#lexer::namespace { Test.Parser }
start : 'VERSION' INT INT project;
project : START 'project' NAME TEXT END 'project';
START: '/begin';
END: '/end';
WS : ( ' '
| '\t'
| '\r'
| '\n'
) {$channel=HIDDEN;}
INT : '0'..'9'+;
NAME: ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z')+;
TEXT : '"' ( '\\' (.) |'"''"' |~( '\\' | '"' | '\n' | '\r' ) )* '"';
: '/begin hello';
And I want to parse this (for example):
/begin project
testproject "description goes here"
Now it will not work like this (Mismatched token exception). If I remove the last Token STARTA, it works. But why? I don't get it.
Help is really appreciated.
When the lexer sees the input "/begin " (including the space!), it is committed to the rule STARTA. When it can't match said rule, because the next char in the input is a "p" (from "project") and not a "h" (from "hello"), it will try to match another rule that can match "/begin " (including the space!). But there is no such rule, producing the error:
mismatched character 'p' expecting 'h'
and the lexer will not give up the space and match the START rule.
Remember that last part: once the lexer has matched something, it will not give up on it. It might try other rules that match the same input, but it will not backtrack to match a rule that matches less characters!
This is simply how the lexer works in ANTLR 3.x, no way around it.