How to calculate the difference between row values based on another column value without filtering the values in between - pandas

How to calculate the difference between row values based on another column value without filtering the values in between.I want to calculate the difference between seconds for turn_marker == 1. but when I use the following method, it filters all the zeros but I need the zeros, because I need the entire data set.
Here you can see my data set with a column called turn_marker that has the values zero and 1, and another column with seconds. Now I want to calculte the time bwetween those rows where turn_marker is equal 1.
dataframe = main_dataframe.query("turn_marker=='1;'")
main_dataframe["seconds_diff"] = dataframe["seconds"].diff()
I would be grateful if you could help me.

You can do this:
main_dataframe['indx'] = main_dataframe.index
main_dataframe['diff'] = main_dataframe.sort_values(by=['turn_marker', 'indx'], ascending=[False, True])['seconds'].diff()
main_dataframe.loc[main_dataframe.turn_marker == '0;', 'diff'] = np.nan


how to sum rows in my dataframe Pandas with specific condition?

Could anyone help me ?
I want to sum the values with the format:
print (...+....+)
for example:
a b
France 2
Italie 15
Croatie 7
I want to make the sum of France and Croatie.
Thank you for your help !
One of possible solutions:
set column a as the index,
using loc select rows for the "wanted" values,
take column b,
sum the values found.
So the code can be:
result = df.set_index('a').loc[['France', 'Croatie']].b.sum()
Note double square brackets. The outer pair is the "container" of index values
passed to loc.
The inner part, and what is inside, is a list of values.
To subtract two sums (one for some set of countries and the second for another set),
you can run e.g.:
wrk = df.set_index('a').b
result = wrk.loc[['Italie', 'USA']].sum() - wrk.loc[['France', 'Croatie']].sum()

Pandas dataframe: grouping by unique identifier, checking conditions, and applying 1/0 to new column if condition is met/not met

I have a large dataset pertaining customer churn, where every customer has an unique identifier (encoded key). The dataset is a timeseries, where every customer has one row for every month they have been a customer, so both the date and customer-identifier column naturally contains duplicates. What I am trying to do is to add a new column (called 'churn') and set the column to 0 or 1 based on if it is that specific customer's last month as a customer or not.
I have tried numerous methods to do this, but each and every one fails, either do to tracebacks or they just don't work as intended. It should be noted that I am very new to both python and pandas, so please explain things like I'm five (lol).
I have tried using pandas groupby to group rows by the unique customer keys, and then checking conditions:
df2 = df2.groupby('customerid').assign(churn = [1 if date==max(date) else 0 for date in df2['date']])
which gives tracebacks because dataframegroupby object has no attribute assign.
I have also tried the following:
df2.sort_values(['date']).groupby('customerid').loc[df['date'] == max('date'), 'churn'] = 1
df2.sort_values(['date']).groupby('customerid').loc[df['date'] != max('date'), 'churn'] = 0
which gives a similar traceback, but due to the attribute loc
I have also tried using numpy methods, like the following:
df2['churn'] = df2.groupby(['customerid']).np.where(df2['date'] == max('date'), 1, 0)
which again gives tracebacks due to the dataframegroupby
df2['churn'] = np.where((df2['date']==df2['date'].max()), 1, df2['churn'])
which does not give tracebacks, but does not work as intended, i.e. it applies 1 to the churn column for the max date for all rows, instead of the max date for the specific customerid - which in retrospect is completely understandable since customerid is not specified anywhere.
Any help/tips would be appreciated!
IIUC use GroupBy.transform with max for return maximal values per groups and compare with date column, last set 1,0 values by mask:
mask = df2['date'].eq(df2.groupby('customerid')['date'].transform('max'))
df2['churn'] = np.where(mask, 1, 0)
df2['churn'] = mask.astype(int)

How to get the count of dataframe rows at 75% or max

The command below shows some details about the dataframe.
It gives details about count, mean, std, min, 25%, ...
Is there any way to get the count of rows in a dataframe at 75% or 25%?
Use pandas.Series.quantile to determine the value for the given quantile of the selected column.
.quantile has the benefit of being able to specify any quantile value (e.g. 30%)
.describe() is limited to [25%, 50%, 75%], and it performs unnecessary aggregations.
Select the specific data using Boolean selection, with .ge and .le
.ge is >=
.le is <=
.eq is ==
Once you have all the values matching the criteria, use something like quartile_25.count() or len(quartile_25), to get determine how many values meet the criteria.
col should be some column name as a string
quartile_75 = df[df[col].ge(df[col].quantile(q=.75))]
quartile_25 = df[df[col].le(df[col].quantile(q=.25))]
max_ = df[df[col].eq(df[col].max())]

filling nan values with two different values

Some values in theenter code here FlightNumber column are missing. These numbers are meant to increase by 10 with each row so 10055 and 10075 need to be put in place. Fill in these missing numbers and make the column an integer column (instead of a float column). Some values in the FlightNumber column are missing. These numbers are meant to increase by 10 with each row so 10055 and 10075 need to be put in place. Fill in these missing numbers and make the column an integer column (instead of a float column).
I tried this but not getting the correct result.
df['FlightNumber'].fillna(10055, inplace = True)
df['FlightNumber'].fillna(10075, inplace = True)
df[['FlightNumber']] = df[['FlightNumber']].astype(int)
df.loc[df['FlightNumber'].isna(),'FlightNumber'] = df.loc[df[df['FlightNumber'].isna()].index-1,'FlightNumber'].astype(int)+10

pandas - numpy using np.where to calculate and construct new columns

I am trying to create a new column based on selection criteria in another column. This is at an end of a while loop so the data frame does not have the column until this part of the first iteration. All subsequent iterations will be based on this columns previous iteration's total and the current totals:
if 'cBeds' in sPhase.columns:
sPhase['cBeds'] = np.where(sPhase['COUNTYFP'] == '1', (sPhase['cBeds'] + (sPhase[infCount] * .08)), sPhase['cBeds'])
sPhase['cBeds'] = np.where(sPhase['COUNTYFP'] == '1', (sPhase[infCount] * .08), sPhase['cBeds'])
However, when I run the code I get 'KeyError: 'cBeds'
How can handle updating a column in a conditional when the column doesn't exist on the first iteration?
In the else clause, you reference sPhase['cbeds'] as the third parameter to np.where even though you've already established that the column does not exist.
If you want to avoid this problem, just add the column at the beginning of the loop and give it a default value that you can conditionally change later.