I want to use Fleks ECS as shown in this example:
How to setup my KorGE project to be able to import the Fleks library?
I found that there is a built in function to import the Fleks into KorGE project.
Just configure the build.gradle.kts file as in the example below:
korge {
id = "com.example.mygame"
name = "My Game"
targetAndroidIndirect() // targetAndroidDirect()
I create a Gradle project with several sub-modules, and one module needs war plugin, I just want to customize the web app directory, but the code does not work:
apply {
// cannot work
tasks.getByName("war") {
// cannot work either
tasks.war {
webAppDirName = "src/main/webfiles"
//... other code
This is how I code in the sub-project subproject.gradle.kts file, How to solve this? Thanks for any help!
Solved with the code:
webAppDirName = "src/main/webfiles"
I'm facing an issue when I try to bundle Aurelia-hammer with the CLI.
The app still keeps pulling hammer-swipe.js, hammer-tap.js,... from the node_modules folder.
When I inspect the plugin's AMD structure, these are defined as global resources:
function configure(frameworkConfig) {
Is there any way to bundle these with the CLI? I tried adding these files to the "resources" element in aurelia.json without success.
the plugin author should export those classes: (HammerPressCustomAttribute...) so they could be traced properly. But you can dummy-import theme yourself as a workaround:
import { HammerPressCustomAttribute } from 'aurelia-hammer/hammer-press';
import { HammerSwipeCustomAttribute } from 'aurelia-hammer/hammer-swipe';
import { HammerTapeCustomAttribute } from 'aurelia-hammer/hammer-tap';
normally you have to do this as well:
import { HammerHoldCustomAttribute } from 'aurelia-hammer/hammer-hold';
but the class exported from hammer-hold.js is named HammerPressCustomAttribute (oops looks like copy-paste issue) so just reference the file even with a non existent class.
import { HammerHoldCustomAttribute } from 'aurelia-hammer/hammer-hold';
this should fix your problem (I hope). It's best to open an issue in the plugin repo and ask the author to export those classes (and rename the duplicate one).
I have app.js that looks like:
var noflo = require("noflo");
var graph = noflo.graph.createGraph("PrintValueGraph");
graph.addNode("output", "Print");
var network = noflo.createNetwork(graph);
And I have a Print.coffee script in the same dir, that has the same code as Output.coffee on the noflo-core folder.
I get the error: no process defined for inbound node output.
Do u have any idea, what the problem is?
You must declare the Print component in the package.json
"noflo": {
"components": {
"Print": "./Print.coffee"
Components need to be registered in the package.json (or component.json for the browser) for the NoFlo ComponentLoader to find them.
See example: https://github.com/c-base/ingress-table/blob/master/package.json#L41
There is also the grunt-noflo-manifest package that can automate this for you.
The convention is to keep your components in a components/ subdirectory inside your project.
I am developing an Eclipse wizard that will be used for creating a project. I can create the folder hieararchy but I cannot create a package under "src" folder. I found this answer How to create packages (folders) in an Eclipse project via plugin here. However, it does not solve my problem. When I create a folder under "src" folder, eclipse does not recognize it as a package. How can I do this?
Try this using JDT API as below.
private void createPackage(IProject project) throws JavaModelException {
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
IFolder folder = project.getFolder("src");
// folder.create(true, true, null);
IPackageFragmentRoot srcFolder = javaProject
IPackageFragment fragment = srcFolder.createPackageFragment(project.getName(), true, null);
for more help please access this link
I have been trying to import some sample actionscript package into my flash project.
The sample code is defined in the org.red5.flash.bwcheck package.
In my flash project's (flash 8 and actionscript 2.0) actions frame:
I added these lines at the beginning:
import org.red5.flash.bwcheck.app.*;
import org.red5.flash.bwcheck.events.*;
import org.red5.flash.bwcheck.*;
and add the call to this package in my code
function start()
serverURL = settingsManager.getIP();
serverApplication = "live";
clientServerService = "checkBandwidthUp";
serverClientService = "checkBandwidth";
trace("calling connect()");
The connect() is a function defined org.red5.flash.bwcheck.app.BandwidthDetectionApp.
Nothing happens when I test the movie.
I added these paths to both action script 2.0's settings and project preferences:
when I test or debug movie, the connect() does not seem to be called.
If I called the connect with the full path name:
Then I got a lot of syntax errors about the sample code which should not have errors.
My question is how do I import package and use it in my Actions Frame?