Getting No data from WCF project to azure application insights - wcf

I am trying to configure application insights for one of my WCF project. I did the configuration using visual studio and redeployed the application in IIS. But it is not sending any request Data to application insights. I have used same configuration method on a sample WCF application and I got request information in my app insights. I have referred some documentation for troubleshooting. It is showing to add appinsights.wcf package from Myget. But I don't have access to that in My workstation. Without Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wcf package I have successfully connected my demo application to application insights. Please share your suggestion for implementation. My main application is using .net 4.6.1 framework and my sub project has dependencies with another sub projects. Any suggestions is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

If your data is not sending into application insights, please go through the SO Thread.
I hope you are looking for without using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wcf package in your project.
But without using this package it is not possible to send Telemetry data into application insights. Which is the must requirement to use the recent or prerelease Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Wcf package in your project.
Refer here for more information


How to add WCF Service to .NET Core project in Visual Studio 2019?

I am unable to add a connected service reference to a WCF endpoint in VS 2019. I used to be able to do it in VS2017 with an extension. Now I can't find the extension anywhere, and when I try to add a connected service, I get lots of options but nothing for a WCF service.
Just to clarify, I am not trying to develop a WCF service, just trying to create a service reference to act as a client to a remote WCF service.
There is an article on how to use such a tool, here, but absolutely no information on where to find the tool or how to install it. I even found what may be the source code for the tool, but again with no installation instructions.
My project is a .NET Core project, targeting NetStandard 1.6.
.Net Core is still supporting client-side. You can use hosted service in it and add the ip:port/wcfinterface from the connected services.
You can try it by following this link.
I was able to resolve this issue by simply creating a new class library targeting NetStandard2.0. Right-clicking on Dependencies -> Managed Connected Services now showed an additional item below the Service Dependencies item, called Service References. Adding a new Service Reference, you are then presented with a WCF option.
I tried re-targeting this class lib back to NetStandard1.6, and all is still working. My original class lib was very old, and had some old stuff like dnxcore50 in the .csproj file, so maybe something there was screwing it up.
Thanks all for the suggestions.

Azure App Service Application Insights Not showing sql command text in dependency

I have a web app (.Net 4.6.2) running on an Azure App Service with Application Insights. I'm using SQL Azure as a back end. When Application Insights logs sql dependencies, the command text isn't included, just the server name and the database name shows up under 'Command'
I've uninstalled and reinstalled the extension and seem to have exhausted online sources. Can anybody suggest where else I look for a solution?
Is this how you install the extension? (Just double checking) And you tried removing/adding back the extension?
Also - does you application refer to SDK in source code already? (via nuget)

Visual Studio web deploy stuck in updating dll file at output console

I'm trying to publish an ASP website with a Azure SQL database to Microsoft Azure using Visual studio 2015 community. Its getting stuck at a certain point and taking too much time. Screen is shown below.
Screenshot of Output window
From the deployment screenshot, it seems your application takes too long time to update file CustomerCarePortal.dll. If this file is too big, it is normal to take some time to upload. If this file is not big, please try to delete this file via ftp, then deploy again to see whether it will reduce your deployment time. You could also try to deploy the application to a new clean Web APP to check whether it related with Azure Web APP environment. If you have some deployment issue, please have a look at this article. The detailed log information may be help to find out the reason.

ADAL 3.1.203031538-alpha: Problems calling AuthenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync() in ASPNET5 and ASPNET5Core

I am trying to write a library in ASPNET5 Core using VS2015 CTP6 that calls the Azure Service Management REST API. The code works fine in a .NET45 Console App.
In an ASPNET5Core Console App, the code fails silently on the AcquireTokenAsync call and the program terminates.
In an ASPNET5 Console App, the program won't even build with errors stating I must add a reference to System.Threading.Tasks and System.Runtime.
You can find a repo containing all three projects here: (make sure you read the readme on the repo for more information)
Are these bugs, or am I missing something?
The .NET Core support in the current ADAL Alpha is provided only for confidential client flows, that is - code behind of web applications and processes running on the server. Native clients on .NET core are not supported.

Cannot see option to 'Add Application Insights Telemetry to Project'

I have an existing web role that I deploy to Azure. Now I would like to try out Application Insights but I do not see an option to 'Add Application Insights Telemetry to Project'. I installed all the latest updates and if I try adding another web role project to my Azure deployment that new project has the option to add Application Insights.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
I believe VSIX checks if ApplicationInsights.config is added to the project. If it is present the option to add is not available.
I think I figured this out. Somehow telemetry was already added to my project, and that is probably why the menu option was not available.
I ran into the same problem then found another option called overview after right clicking my project. Option might be available for other people so posting here as I didn't find this information elsewhere.
Right click project > Overview > Connected services > Monitoring with application insights > follow set up with azure account.
Also had to follow this post as .config file didn't add