Can you list other ebay sellers items with the ebay api? - ebay-api

Is it possible to list items for sale by other eBay sellers using eBay API's (Trading, Browsing)?
I can only seem to list the ones in the environment I create in eBay developer program.
Thanks in advance

You can list items of any user once you get the Auth & Auth token or the oAuth token from the eBayer.
Basically it is the same procedure yoi did to get the token, but the full one, not the simpliefied that you probably used.
In the developer website, in the token area there are instructions


How can I add another store to Ebay API?

Now I want get OAuth token for my store on, but I have only for store in
Help, please!
I figured out my developer api for my store on
When I try do this at by adding ebay redirect url to
It's havent success.
Should I create new accout for developer Ebay API for or I can setting it in this account?

eBay API token detect if a user has already reauthorized, any way to decode the eBay token?

I have a web application that will authorize a user with eBay so that I can post items for them. But I want to cap the limit at 50 per account and eBay account. I can easily track how many item posts they performed in my application. But what prevents the user from opening another account with my application and re-authorize with the same eBay account.
So I tried it with my application and my eBay account and looking at the tokens from account1 and account 2 there's literally 5 characters difference at the beginning of the token String (around character 15). Rest of the token is the same.
Is there a way to tell from the token if it's the same account?
Ok to handle this you would need to get the eBay User and compare to see if they have already registered. Using the user authorized token make a call to get the user details via:
GetUserCall gu = new GetUserCall(ApiContext);
UserType user = gu.getUser();
Now compare and save relevant data.

What is full url to POST listings on Flipkart Marketplace Seller APIs?

I am building a smart inventory Android app to post items by scanning barcode to my flipkart seller account.
I generated tokens but every time I call POST on the REST API using
url= ''
I am getting
Response:500 internal server error
Can any one help me to list an item on flipkart using API, step by step?
You have to provide SKUID value instead of SKUID in url and also provide access token as a parameter in postman.

Prestashop API to users manage it's shopping

I have been studying the API Web Service that Prestahop offers, but this API can only be used for manage the shop, not for the users login and buy items , check it's accounts, etc.
Exist some API in which you can get an access token for authentication to use in the API calls and buy items, check account state, find products, etc to use for example to make an app for the shop.
Thanks in advance.

Ebay API: Get All Transactions By Seller

I am trying to use the Ebay API to get completed transactions for a seller(s) that is using a different account from my developer account. I've looked into GetSellerTransactions and GetOrders. Unfortunately, I am not sure if it's possible to specify a User ID different from mine. Could you point me to working example of how to do this?
To get transactions for a user you should be first authorized by that user.
You will need a developer account for that.
This links will guide you
Once you get the user token for a user you need to send them along with your developer credentials to make the getOrders API call for that particular user.