How to write Unit Test for Hybris DAO Implementation - sql

I am new with unit test and I am trying to test this method, but it did not manage to capture the query of the method, I only managed to get it to enter an exception but not to take the query and return it.
Is there a way to return "result.getResult().get(0)" in the unit test?
public HouseModel findByCode(String code) {
var sQuery = "SELECT {h:pk} FROM {House as h} WHERE {h:id} = ?id ";
var query = new FlexibleSearchQuery(sQuery);
query.addQueryParameter("id", Objects.requireNonNullElse(code, ""));
SearchResult<HouseModel> result =;
return result.getResult().get(0);
Code Test:
public void testFindByCode() {
when( any())).thenThrow(new RuntimeException("test"));
RuntimeException exception = new RuntimeException();
try {
var result2 = houseDAOImpl.findByCode("testcode");
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
exception = e;
boolean shouldtrue = exception.getMessage().equalsIgnoreCase("test");

Hybris supports TransactionTest incase of interaction with db.
public class HouseDAOImpTest extends HybrisJUnit4TransactionalTest
private TypeService typeService;
private ModelService modelService;
private DeeplinkUrlDao dao;
private List<HouseModel> createdRules;
* #throws java.lang.Exception
public void setUp() throws Exception
createdRules = createHouses();
houseDAOImpl = (HouseFinderDao) Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean("houseFinderDao");
public void testFindByCode()
final HouseModel hm = houseDAOImpl.findByCode("testcode");
assertThat(hm.getCode(), is(equalTo(""testcode""));
private ModelService getModelService()
if (modelService == null)
modelService = (ModelService) Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean("modelService");
return modelService;
private TypeService getTypeService()
if (typeService == null)
typeService = (TypeService) Registry.getApplicationContext().getBean("typeService");
return typeService;
* Creates the Houses.
private List<HouseModel> createHouses()
final List<HouseModel> result = new ArrayList<HouseModel>();
final HouseModel houseModel1 = getModelService().create(HouseModel.class);
// create other houses model and follow previous steps
return result;


Trouble in testing with invalid field

public with sharing class SobjectByParams {
public SObject createSObject(String sObjectName, Map<String, String> fields) {
String invalidSObjectError = System.Label.invalid_Sobject_Name;
String invalidFieldError = System.Label.Invalid_Sobject_Field;
SObject newObject;
try {
newObject = (SObject) Type.forName(sObjectName).newInstance();
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException(invalidSObjectError);
for (String field : fields.keySet()) {
try {
newObject.put(field, fields.get(field));
} catch (SObjectException ex) {
throw new InvalidTypeNameException(invalidFieldError);
insert newObject;
return newObject;
public class InvalidTypeNameException extends Exception {
public with sharing class SobjectByParamsTest {
SobjectByParams sobjectByParams;
private static final String TestName = 'TestName';
private static final String BCity = 'Lviv';
private static final String LastName = 'Kapo';
private static final String Email = 'email';
static void createSObject() {
SobjectByParams sobjectByParams = new SobjectByParams();
Map<String, String> fields = new Map<String, String>();
fields.put('BillingCity', BCity);
SObject result = sobjectByParams.createSObject(TestName, fields);
System.assertEquals(BCity, result.get(BCity));
SobjectByParams.InvalidTypeNameException: invalidSobjectNameError - PROBLEM
TEST WORKING on 53.33% but I need min 80%
I don`t know how to fix my problem.
Shouldn't TestName be a sObject name like Contact? Does this code work when you run it normally, does it insert anything or throw? Check/fix that and then you probably need a negative test too.
Make second test method
static void testPassingBadData() {
SobjectByParams sobjectByParams = new SobjectByParams();
Map<String, String> fields = new Map<String, String>();
fields.put('BillingCity', BCity);
sobjectByParams.createSObject('NoSuchObjectInTheSystem', fields);
System.assert(false, 'This should have failed and thrown exception');
} catch(Exception e){

how to reject a call in Android?

I need to automatically reject calls from the list of numbers I have set
I found one solution but it doesn't work
public class IncomingCallReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
private ITelephony telephonyService;
private String blacklistednumber = "+458664455";
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) context.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
try {
Class c = Class.forName(tm.getClass().getName());
Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod("getITelephony");
ITelephony telephonyService = (ITelephony) m.invoke(tm);
Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
String phoneNumber = bundle.getString("incoming_number");
Log.e("INCOMING", phoneNumber);
if ((phoneNumber != null) && phoneNumber.equals(blacklistednumber)) {
Log.e("HANG UP", phoneNumber);
} catch (Exception e) {

Countinouly decrease the value on long click in recylerview adapter class

Below is the code session. please check and solve my issue.
holder.outer_qty.setOnLongClickListener(new View.OnLongClickListener() {
private Handler mHandler = new Handler();
private Runnable incrementRunnable = new Runnable() {
#Override public void run() {
if (holder.outer_qty.isPressed()) {
if (holder.outer_count > 1) {
Fragment_cataloguesall.mselected_update = 1;
holder.outer_count = holder.outer_count - 1;
holder.Total_outerQTY = holder.outerqntyValue * holder.outer_count;
helper.update_allpro(holder.productCode.getText().toString(), holder.plus_sign.getText().toString(), holder.outer_qty.getText().toString(), holder.Total_qty.getText().toString(), String.valueOf(holder.outer_count), "0");
dbList = helper.GetProductData(Fragment_cataloguesall.CatCode, Fragment_cataloguesall.SubcatCode, "", Filter_screen);
mFilteredList = dbList;
selectedCard = dbList;
} else {}
mHandler.postDelayed(incrementRunnable, 1);
public boolean onLongClick(View view) {
mHandler.postDelayed(incrementRunnable, 1);
return true;
How to solve this issue please explain or help me to solve it?

Using MiniProfiler's database profiling with NHibernate

What's the simplest way to use MiniProfiler's database profiling with NHibernate? In order for the profiler to work, I need to wrap the DbConnection that NHibernate uses in a ProfiledDbConnection.
I'm not too familiar with the internals of NHibernate, so I don't know where all the extensibility points are. (I noticed that an NHibernate ISession has a Connection property, but it is read-only.)
[UPDATE] Please see the following links for a version of that uses RealProxy to proxy the SqlCommand - batching is now supported
I've left the original answer unaltered as it was accepted. [/UPDATE]
I've managed to partially get this to work by implementing a Profiled Client Driver (example for Sql Server 2008 below) - this works for simple examples, however I haven't yet found a solution for NH batching (which attempts to cast the command back to SqlCommand)
public class ProfiledSql2008ClientDriver : Sql2008ClientDriver
public override IDbCommand CreateCommand()
return new ProfiledDbCommand(
base.CreateCommand() as DbCommand,
public override IDbConnection CreateConnection()
return ProfiledDbConnection.Get(
base.CreateConnection() as DbConnection,
I extended Roberts answer above to work with NHibernate batching. There is a lot of code here so it can possibly be shortened, some of it based on the nHibernate source for the client driver.
<property name="connection.driver_class">YoureOnTime.Data.ProfiledSqlClientDriver, YoureOnTime.Common</property>
public class ProfiledSqlClientDriver : DriverBase, IEmbeddedBatcherFactoryProvider
public override IDbConnection CreateConnection()
return new ProfiledSqlDbConnection(
new SqlConnection(),
public override IDbCommand CreateCommand()
return new ProfiledSqlDbCommand(
new SqlCommand(),
public override bool UseNamedPrefixInSql
get { return true; }
public override bool UseNamedPrefixInParameter
get { return true; }
public override string NamedPrefix
get { return "#"; }
public override bool SupportsMultipleOpenReaders
get { return false; }
public static void SetParameterSizes(IDataParameterCollection parameters, SqlType[] parameterTypes)
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
SetVariableLengthParameterSize((IDbDataParameter)parameters[i], parameterTypes[i]);
private const int MaxAnsiStringSize = 8000;
private const int MaxBinarySize = MaxAnsiStringSize;
private const int MaxStringSize = MaxAnsiStringSize / 2;
private const int MaxBinaryBlobSize = int.MaxValue;
private const int MaxStringClobSize = MaxBinaryBlobSize / 2;
private const byte MaxPrecision = 28;
private const byte MaxScale = 5;
private const byte MaxDateTime2 = 8;
private const byte MaxDateTimeOffset = 10;
private static void SetDefaultParameterSize(IDbDataParameter dbParam, SqlType sqlType)
switch (dbParam.DbType)
case DbType.AnsiString:
case DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength:
dbParam.Size = MaxAnsiStringSize;
case DbType.Binary:
if (sqlType is BinaryBlobSqlType)
dbParam.Size = MaxBinaryBlobSize;
dbParam.Size = MaxBinarySize;
case DbType.Decimal:
dbParam.Precision = MaxPrecision;
dbParam.Scale = MaxScale;
case DbType.String:
case DbType.StringFixedLength:
dbParam.Size = IsText(dbParam, sqlType) ? MaxStringClobSize : MaxStringSize;
case DbType.DateTime2:
dbParam.Size = MaxDateTime2;
case DbType.DateTimeOffset:
dbParam.Size = MaxDateTimeOffset;
private static bool IsText(IDbDataParameter dbParam, SqlType sqlType)
return (sqlType is StringClobSqlType) || (sqlType.LengthDefined && sqlType.Length > MsSql2000Dialect.MaxSizeForLengthLimitedStrings &&
(DbType.String == dbParam.DbType || DbType.StringFixedLength == dbParam.DbType));
private static void SetVariableLengthParameterSize(IDbDataParameter dbParam, SqlType sqlType)
SetDefaultParameterSize(dbParam, sqlType);
// Override the defaults using data from SqlType.
if (sqlType.LengthDefined && !IsText(dbParam, sqlType))
dbParam.Size = sqlType.Length;
if (sqlType.PrecisionDefined)
dbParam.Precision = sqlType.Precision;
dbParam.Scale = sqlType.Scale;
public override IDbCommand GenerateCommand(CommandType type, SqlString sqlString, SqlType[] parameterTypes)
IDbCommand command = base.GenerateCommand(type, sqlString, parameterTypes);
//if (IsPrepareSqlEnabled)
SetParameterSizes(command.Parameters, parameterTypes);
return command;
public override bool SupportsMultipleQueries
get { return true; }
#region IEmbeddedBatcherFactoryProvider Members
System.Type IEmbeddedBatcherFactoryProvider.BatcherFactoryClass
get { return typeof(ProfiledSqlClientBatchingBatcherFactory); }
public class ProfiledSqlClientBatchingBatcher : AbstractBatcher
private int batchSize;
private int totalExpectedRowsAffected;
private SqlClientSqlCommandSet currentBatch;
private StringBuilder currentBatchCommandsLog;
private readonly int defaultTimeout;
public ProfiledSqlClientBatchingBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, IInterceptor interceptor)
: base(connectionManager, interceptor)
batchSize = Factory.Settings.AdoBatchSize;
defaultTimeout = PropertiesHelper.GetInt32(NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.CommandTimeout, NHibernate.Cfg.Environment.Properties, -1);
currentBatch = CreateConfiguredBatch();
//we always create this, because we need to deal with a scenario in which
//the user change the logging configuration at runtime. Trying to put this
//behind an if(log.IsDebugEnabled) will cause a null reference exception
//at that point.
currentBatchCommandsLog = new StringBuilder().AppendLine("Batch commands:");
public override int BatchSize
get { return batchSize; }
set { batchSize = value; }
protected override int CountOfStatementsInCurrentBatch
get { return currentBatch.CountOfCommands; }
public override void AddToBatch(IExpectation expectation)
totalExpectedRowsAffected += expectation.ExpectedRowCount;
IDbCommand batchUpdate = CurrentCommand;
string lineWithParameters = null;
var sqlStatementLogger = Factory.Settings.SqlStatementLogger;
if (sqlStatementLogger.IsDebugEnabled || log.IsDebugEnabled)
lineWithParameters = sqlStatementLogger.GetCommandLineWithParameters(batchUpdate);
var formatStyle = sqlStatementLogger.DetermineActualStyle(FormatStyle.Basic);
lineWithParameters = formatStyle.Formatter.Format(lineWithParameters);
currentBatchCommandsLog.Append("command ")
if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
log.Debug("Adding to batch:" + lineWithParameters);
if (currentBatch.CountOfCommands >= batchSize)
protected void ProfiledPrepare(IDbCommand cmd)
IDbConnection sessionConnection = ConnectionManager.GetConnection();
if (cmd.Connection != null)
// make sure the commands connection is the same as the Sessions connection
// these can be different when the session is disconnected and then reconnected
if (cmd.Connection != sessionConnection)
cmd.Connection = sessionConnection;
cmd.Connection = (sessionConnection as ProfiledSqlDbConnection).Connection;
ProfiledSqlDbTransaction trans = (ProfiledSqlDbTransaction)typeof(NHibernate.Transaction.AdoTransaction).InvokeMember("trans", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.GetField | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, ConnectionManager.Transaction, null);
if (trans != null)
cmd.Transaction = trans.Transaction;
catch (InvalidOperationException ioe)
throw new ADOException("While preparing " + cmd.CommandText + " an error occurred", ioe);
protected override void DoExecuteBatch(IDbCommand ps)
log.DebugFormat("Executing batch");
if (Factory.Settings.SqlStatementLogger.IsDebugEnabled)
currentBatchCommandsLog = new StringBuilder().AppendLine("Batch commands:");
int rowsAffected;
rowsAffected = currentBatch.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (DbException e)
throw ADOExceptionHelper.Convert(Factory.SQLExceptionConverter, e, "could not execute batch command.");
Expectations.VerifyOutcomeBatched(totalExpectedRowsAffected, rowsAffected);
totalExpectedRowsAffected = 0;
currentBatch = CreateConfiguredBatch();
private SqlClientSqlCommandSet CreateConfiguredBatch()
var result = new SqlClientSqlCommandSet();
if (defaultTimeout > 0)
result.CommandTimeout = defaultTimeout;
catch (Exception e)
if (log.IsWarnEnabled)
return result;
public class ProfiledSqlClientBatchingBatcherFactory : IBatcherFactory
public virtual IBatcher CreateBatcher(ConnectionManager connectionManager, IInterceptor interceptor)
return new ProfiledSqlClientBatchingBatcher(connectionManager, interceptor);
public class ProfiledSqlDbCommand : ProfiledDbCommand
public ProfiledSqlDbCommand(SqlCommand cmd, SqlConnection conn, MiniProfiler profiler)
: base(cmd, conn, profiler)
Command = cmd;
public SqlCommand Command { get; set; }
private DbTransaction _trans;
protected override DbTransaction DbTransaction
get { return _trans; }
this._trans = value;
ProfiledSqlDbTransaction awesomeTran = value as ProfiledSqlDbTransaction;
Command.Transaction = awesomeTran == null ? (SqlTransaction)value : awesomeTran.Transaction;
public class ProfiledSqlDbConnection : ProfiledDbConnection
public ProfiledSqlDbConnection(SqlConnection connection, MiniProfiler profiler)
: base(connection, profiler)
Connection = connection;
public SqlConnection Connection { get; set; }
protected override DbTransaction BeginDbTransaction(System.Data.IsolationLevel isolationLevel)
return new ProfiledSqlDbTransaction(Connection.BeginTransaction(isolationLevel), this);
public class ProfiledSqlDbTransaction : ProfiledDbTransaction
public ProfiledSqlDbTransaction(SqlTransaction transaction, ProfiledDbConnection connection)
: base(transaction, connection)
Transaction = transaction;
public SqlTransaction Transaction { get; set; }
Try implementing NHibernate.Connection.IConnectionProvider (you could just inherit DriverConnectionProvider), in GetConnection() wrap the IDbConnection as you need.
Plug your connection provider using the Environment.ConnectionProvider key in your config properties.
If anyone is interested I have done an integration using a custom Log4net appender instead. This way I feel safe that I don't mess with the Connection object.
The rough outline is something along these lines: NHibernate emits the sqlstrings as debug statements and the appender configured in log4net.xml calls Start and Dispose on the MiniProfiler.

can not run multiple jobs with quartz

Hi i m trying to run two jobs using batch framework.
My problem is SimpleJobLauncher is running only one job which is last in the jobs list.
Here what i am doing:
I have two jobs in my database along with the steps for the jobs.
I read the job data from database and process it as following
public class BatchJobScheduler {
private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(BatchJobScheduler.class);
private ApplicationContext ac;
private DataSourceTransactionManager mTransactionManager;
private SimpleJobLauncher mJobLauncher;
private JobRepository mJobRepository;
private SimpleStepFactoryBean stepFactory;
private MapJobRegistry mapJobRegistry;
private JobDetailBean jobDetail;
private CronTriggerBean cronTrigger;
private SimpleJob job;
private SchedulerFactoryBean schedulerFactory;
private static String mDriverClass;
private static String mConnectionUrl;
private static String mUser;
private static String mPassword;
public static JobMetaDataFeeder metadataFeeder;
static {
try {
metadataFeeder = new JobMetaDataFeeder();
metadataFeeder.configureDataSource(mDriverClass, mConnectionUrl,
mUser, mPassword);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (SQLException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
private static void loadProperties() throws FileNotFoundException,
IOException {
Properties properties = new Properties();
InputStream is;
if (BatchJobScheduler.class.getClassLoader() != null) {
is = BatchJobScheduler.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
} else {
is = System.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(
mDriverClass = properties.getProperty("batch.jdbc.driver");
mConnectionUrl = properties.getProperty("batch.jdbc.url");
mUser = properties.getProperty("batch.jdbc.user");
mPassword = properties.getProperty("batch.jdbc.password");
public void start(WebApplicationContext wac) throws Exception {
try {
ac = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("batch-spring.xml");
mTransactionManager = (DataSourceTransactionManager) ac
mJobLauncher = (SimpleJobLauncher) ac.getBean("mJobLauncher");
mJobRepository = (JobRepository) ac.getBean("mRepositoryFactory");
List<JobMetadata> jobsMetaData = getJobsData(mDriverClass,
mConnectionUrl, mUser, mPassword, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
sLog.error("Exception while starting job", e);
public List<CronTriggerBean> getJobTriggers(List<JobMetadata> jobsMetaData)
throws Exception {
List<CronTriggerBean> triggers = new ArrayList<CronTriggerBean>();
for (JobMetadata jobMetadata : jobsMetaData) {
job = (SimpleJob) ac.getBean("job");
ArrayList<Step> steps = new ArrayList<Step>();
for (StepMetadata stepMetadata : jobMetadata.getSteps()) {
// System.err.println(ac.getBean("stepFactory").getClass());
stepFactory = new SimpleStepFactoryBean<String, Object>();
T5CItemReader itemReader = (T5CItemReader) BeanUtils
stepFactory.setItemProcessor((ItemProcessor) BeanUtils
stepFactory.setItemWriter((ItemWriter) BeanUtils
steps.add((Step) stepFactory.getObject());
ReferenceJobFactory jobFactory = new ReferenceJobFactory(job);
mapJobRegistry = (MapJobRegistry) ac.getBean("jobRegistry");
jobDetail = (JobDetailBean) ac.getBean("jobDetail");
Map<String, Object> jobDataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
jobDataMap.put("jobName", jobMetadata.getJobName());
jobDataMap.put("jobLocator", mapJobRegistry);
jobDataMap.put("jobLauncher", mJobLauncher);
jobDataMap.put("timestamp", new Date());
// jobDataMap.put("jobParams", jobMetadata.getJobParameters());
cronTrigger = (CronTriggerBean) ac.getBean("cronTrigger");
return triggers;
private void createAndRunScheduler(List<JobMetadata> jobsMetaData)
throws Exception {
// System.err.println(ac.getBean("schedulerFactory").getClass());
schedulerFactory = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
List<CronTriggerBean> triggerList = getJobTriggers(jobsMetaData);
Trigger[] triggers = new Trigger[triggerList.size()];
int triggerCount = 0;
for (CronTriggerBean trigger : triggerList) {
triggers[triggerCount] = trigger;
private List<JobMetadata> getJobsData(String driverClass,
String connectionURL, String user, String password, String query)
throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
return metadataFeeder.getJobsMetadata();
private List<String> getItemList(String jobParameterString) {
List<String> itemList = new ArrayList<String>();
String[] parameters = jobParameterString.split(";");
for (String string : parameters) {
String[] mapKeyValue = string.split("=");
if (mapKeyValue.length == 2) {
itemList.add(mapKeyValue[0] + ":" + mapKeyValue[1]);
} else {
// exception for invalid job parameters
System.out.println("exception for invalid job parameters");
return itemList;
private Map<String, Object> getParameterMap(String jobParameterString) {
Map<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String[] parameters = jobParameterString.split(";");
for (String string : parameters) {
String[] mapKeyValue = string.split("=");
if (mapKeyValue.length == 2) {
parameterMap.put(mapKeyValue[0], mapKeyValue[1]);
} else {
// exception for invalid job parameters
System.out.println("exception for invalid job parameters");
return parameterMap;
public class MailJobLauncher extends QuartzJobBean {
* Special key in job data map for the name of a job to run.
static final String JOB_NAME = "jobName";
private static Log sLog = LogFactory.getLog(MailJobLauncher.class);
private JobLocator mJobLocator;
private JobLauncher mJobLauncher;
* Public setter for the {#link JobLocator}.
* #param jobLocator
* the {#link JobLocator} to set
public void setJobLocator(JobLocator jobLocator) {
this.mJobLocator = jobLocator;
* Public setter for the {#link JobLauncher}.
* #param jobLauncher
* the {#link JobLauncher} to set
public void setJobLauncher(JobLauncher jobLauncher) {
this.mJobLauncher = jobLauncher;
protected void executeInternal(JobExecutionContext context) {
Map<String, Object> jobDataMap = context.getMergedJobDataMap();
private void executeRecursive(Map<String, Object> jobDataMap) {
String jobName = (String) jobDataMap.get(JOB_NAME);
JobParameters jobParameters = getJobParametersFromJobMap(jobDataMap);"Quartz trigger firing with Spring Batch jobName=" + jobName
+ jobDataMap + jobParameters);
try {, jobParameters);
} catch (JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException e) {
jobDataMap.put("timestamp", new Date());
} catch (NoSuchJobException e) {
sLog.error("Could not find job.", e);
} catch (JobExecutionException e) {
sLog.error("Could not execute job.", e);
* Copy parameters that are of the correct type over to {#link
* JobParameters}, ignoring jobName.
* #return a {#link JobParameters} instance
private JobParameters getJobParametersFromJobMap(
Map<String, Object> jobDataMap) {
JobParametersBuilder builder = new JobParametersBuilder();
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : jobDataMap.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
if (value instanceof String && !key.equals(JOB_NAME)) {
builder.addString(key, (String) value);
} else if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double) {
builder.addDouble(key, ((Number) value).doubleValue());
} else if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long) {
builder.addLong(key, ((Number) value).longValue());
} else if (value instanceof Date) {
builder.addDate(key, (Date) value);
} else {
.debug("JobDataMap contains values which are not job parameters (ignoring).");
return builder.toJobParameters();
I couldnt figure it out why launcher is ignoring all other jobs please help me.
Make sure these properties are set:
This will allow a few jobs to run at the same time. Adjust the settings as needed.