How to pass multiple function implementations in Kotlin? - kotlin

Reading about higher order functions in Kotlin, I see a syntax for passing a function implementation ("inline") like the following one:
calculate(4, 5) { a, b -> a * b }
The a, b -> a * b part is actually a function passed to a function. Full snippet:
fun calculate(x: Int, y: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int { // 1
return operation(x, y) // 2
fun sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y // 3
fun main() {
val sumResult = calculate(4, 5, ::sum) // 4
val mulResult = calculate(4, 5) { a, b -> a * b } // 5
println("sumResult $sumResult, mulResult $mulResult")
Consider having a function that receives 2 functions, e.g.
fun calculate2(x: Int, y: Int, operation: (Int, Int) -> Int, operation2: (Int, Int) -> Int): Int {
How do I pass it 2 function implementations - "inline" (without first declaring the functions)?
Trying to do like the following gives me a compilation error:
calculate(4, 5) { a, b -> a * b} {a, b -> a + b }

calculate(4, 5, { a, b -> a * b }, { a, b -> a + b })
calculate(4, 5, { a, b -> a * b }) { a, b -> a + b }


How can I check if a set of functions all return non null, in a single expression?

Suppose I have three functions foo, bar, baz, all of which return nullable types.
fun foo(): Int? = 1
fun bar(): Int? = 2
fun baz(): Int? = 3
I want to call them, and if all them returns non-null, I want to compute a value from their return values.
I could do this with statements, like this:
val x = foo()
val y = bar()
val z = baz()
val result = if (x != null && y != null && z != null) x + y + z else null
However, I don't like the fact that I have to declare 3 extra variables that I can still access afterwards. By having 3 extra statements like this, it also means that I cannot use expression-bodied functions, if I were writing a function that returns result.
If I use lets instead:
val result = foo()?.let { x ->
bar()?.let { y ->
baz()?.let { z ->
x + y + z
This creates a deep nesting. If it were only one function, this would have been fine, but with 3 functions or more, this makes my intention of "call these three functions, if they are all non null, add them together" rather unclear.
How can I write this in a way that clearly conveys my intention, but also making it a single expression?
If they are of different types, I think you need to write your own helper functions like these (different overloads needed for different numbers of parameters, because there's no other way for the compiler to know the types of the arguments):
inline fun <T : Any, U : Any, R> ifAllNotNull(t: T?, u: U?, block: (t: T, u: U) -> R): R? {
return when {
t != null && u != null -> block(t, u)
else -> null
inline fun <T : Any, U : Any, V : Any, R> ifAllNotNull(t: T?, u: U?, v: V?, block: (t: T, u: U, v: V) -> R): R? {
return when {
t != null && u != null && v != null -> block(t, u, v)
else -> null
val result = ifAllNotNull(foo(), bar(), baz()) { x, y, z -> x + y + z }
Note that all three parameters will be evaluated before any are checked for null.
Or if you want to do what you described (hiding the three variables after the result calculation) using just standard library functions, you can use run to limit the scope of the temporary variables:
val result = run {
val x = foo()
val y = bar()
val z = baz()
if (x != null && y != null && z != null) x + y + z else null
This would also give you the opportunity to short-circuit if you like:
val result = run {
val x = foo() ?: return#run null
val y = bar() ?: return#run null
val z = baz() ?: return#run null
x + y + z
You could filter out all null-values and only apply an operation on the list, if it did not shrink in size, e.g.:
fun sumIfNoneNull(values: List<Int?>): Int? = values
.takeIf { it.size == values.size }
One may generalize this further, e.g.:
fun <T, R> List<T>.foldIfNoneNull(
initial: R,
operation: (acc: R, T) -> R
): R? = this
.takeIf { nonNullList -> nonNullList.size == this.size }
?.fold(initial, operation)
You may use this like any other fold, e.g.:
listOf(foo(), bar(), baz()).foldIfNoneNull(0) { acc, cur -> acc + cur }
val result = listOf(foo(), bar(), baz())
.reduce { acc, i ->
when {
acc == null || i == null -> null
else -> acc + i
Or as function:
fun <T> apply(operation: (T, T) -> T, vararg values: T?): T? {
return values
.reduce { acc, i ->
when {
acc == null || i == null -> null
else -> operation(acc, i)
val result = apply({ x, y -> x + y }, foo(), bar(), baz())

Generic Kotlin factory to DRY constructor parameters

I have the following simple class hierarchy.
abstract class B {
abstract val o : Int
class D1 (m: Int, n: Int) : B() {
override val o = m + n
class D2 (m: Int, n: Int) : B() {
override val o = m * n
I need a "factory function" f that gives me instances of D1 or D2 by calling it as f<D1>() or f<D2>() with hard coded parameters, say 3 and 4. The following doesn't work but illustrates what I need:
// won't compile; just demonstrates what I need
fun < T : B > f () : T {
return T(3, 4) // i. e. return T.constructor(m, n)
How to best accomplish this? Any DRY way is fine as long I don't have to repeat 3, 4 all over my code when I instantiate D1 or D2
The only way to do it is via reflection and reified type parameter:
inline fun <reified T : B> f(m: Int = 3, n: Int = 4): T {
val constructor = T::class.constructors.first {
it.parameters.size == 2 &&
it.parameters.all { param -> param.type == Int::class }
return, n)
Here's an alternate way without reflection, but you have to manually type out a line for each class you want to handle.
inline fun <reified T : B> f(): T{
val m = 3
val n = 4
return when (T::class) {
D1::class -> D1(m, n)
D2::class -> D2(m, n)
else -> error("Unsupported type ${T::class}")
} as T

How to explain implementation in Kotlin

I am really new in Kotlin programming language. I work with generic types and I found code statements shown below. What does it means? What is the meaning of each line?
class s(val b: t) : t by b {
fun f1(): Int = b.f3 + 1
override fun f2(g: Int): Any? = when {
g == 0 -> null
else -> b.f2(g - 1)
override fun l(g: Int, h: k?, z: m):
k = when {
g == 0 -> z.f1.f2.f3(1, z, true)
else -> b.l(g - 1, h, z)}}
override fun f4 (g: Int): Short = when {
g == 0 -> 0
else -> b.f4(g - 1)}}}

Method returns tuples in Kotlin

I don't see any examples of how to use tuples in Kotlin.
The errors i get on the first line (method definition) is "unresolved reference: a" and "expecting member declaration" for Int...
private fun playingAround : Pair<out a: Int, out b: Int> {
if(b != 0) {
b = a
a = a * 2
} else {
b = a
a = a * 3
return Pair(a, b)
About the logic: b is 0 in the beginning and a has a random value.
From the second call on, we go into the else logic.
i don't feel the official doc is enough: I did try also without the ":" after the method name like the official doc seems to imply
-same problem
You are using incorrect syntax. It should be something like this:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> {
val x: Int
val y: Int
if (b != 0) {
y = a
x = a * 2
} else {
y = a
x = a * 3
return Pair(x, y)
Note that a and b are method parameter values which cannot be reassigned, so you need variables x and y to store the result.
You can write this with much shorter syntax though:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) = if (b != 0) Pair(a * 2, a) else Pair(a * 3, a)
Please have a look at the functions chapter of the kotlin reference and/or play around with the Kotlin koans to get familiar with Kotlin (or if, by any means, reading grammar is your favorite, have a look at the function declaration grammar instead; if you do not get what's written there, no problem. Start with the tutorials/reference instead).
One of the solutions could look like this:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) = b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
or if you meant, that you actually want to pass a pair, then maybe the following is better:
private fun playingAround(givenPair: Pair<Int, Int>) = givenPair.let { (a, b) ->
b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
It's hard to really know what you wanted to accomplish as you didn't really specify what that is.
Extension function instead? For completeness:
private fun Pair<Int, Int>.playingAround() = let { (a, b) ->
b.let {
if (it != 0) a * 2
else a * 3
} to a
and of course: you do not need to use let, nor to use to, nor to use destructuring declarations, etc. There are just some of many possible solutions.
You can rewrite your code as the following:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int) : Pair<Int, Int> {
val tempA: Int
val tempB: Int
if(b != 0) {
tempB = a
tempA = a * 2
} else {
tempB = a
tempA = a * 3
return Pair(tempA, tempB)
And using Destructuring Declarations you can write the following:
val (a, b) = playingAround(1, 2)
Your function syntax is not correct. I suggest to study the documentation first.
To make this a bit more Kotlin-idiomatic, use if as an expression:
private fun playingAround(a: Int, b: Int): Pair<Int, Int> =
if (b != 0) {
Pair(a * 2, a)
} else {
Pair(a * 3, a)

Elementary functions in kotlin

Looking for a way to get elementary functions and their derivatives I approach it like this:
abstract class Fun() {
* i = 0 -- the function itself,
* i = 1, 2, 3, ... -- its successive derivatives
abstract fun d(i: Int, x: Float): Float
class Lin(val k: Float) : Fun() {
// y = k*x
override fun d(i: Int, x: Float, p: Float) = when (i) {
0 -> k * x
1 -> k
else -> 0.0f
class Sum(val fun0: Fun, val fun1: Fun) : Fun() {
// y = fun0(x) + fun1(x)
override fun d(i: Int, x: Float, p: Float) = fun0.d(i, x) + fun1.d(i, x)
class Example(val fun1: Fun, val fun2: Fun){
var res = fun1.d(0, 5.25f) // fun1 value at 5.25f
res = fun1.d(1, 3.29f) // fun1 first derivative at 3.29f
val sum = Sum(fun1, fun2) // sum of f1 and f2
res = sum(0, 3.78f) // sum value at 3.78f
res = sum(1, 5.69f) // sum first derivative at 5.69f
Is there a more idiomatic way to do it in Kotlin?
I have exposed the problem as I had done in Java, that is, classes that contain functions. My question is if I can do the same with functions, pass them on to a class like:
class ParametricCurveXYZ(val fun_x: Fun, val fun_y: Fun, val fun_z: Fun) {
fun pointToXYZ(s: Float) = VectorXYZ(fun_x.d(0, s), fun_y.d(0, s), fun_z.d(0, s))
fun tangent(s: Float) = VectorXYZ(fun_x.d(1, s), fun_y.d(1, s), fun_z.d(1, s)).normalized()
You can use lambdas instead of regular classes and overload operators to combine lambdas.
fun lin(k: Float) = { i: Int, x: Float ->
when (i) {
0 -> k * x
1 -> k
else -> 0.0f
operator fun ((Int, Float) -> Float).plus(that: (Int, Float) -> Float) =
{ i: Int, x: Float -> this(i, x) + that(i, x) }
fun doSomething() {
val sum = lin(1f) + lin(2f)
val res = sum(0, 3.78f)