What to send as Content - kotlin

In my application, I save data to Firebase and to local storage using the Room library. With Firebase, everything is clear to me. But with Rom I had questions. I can't figure out what to pass to the class parameter.
class PacketsLocalDataSource(val context: Context) {
lateinit var db: PacketsDatabase
lateinit var dao: PacketDao
fun saveLocal(packet: Packet) {
db = PacketsDatabase.getInstance(context)
dao = db.packetDao()
And further, in the code below, I want to save the data. But there is an error on the fifth line of the code: No value passed for parameter 'context'. Please let me know what I need to send here.
class PocketScoutContainer {
private val firebaseRealtimeDatabase = Firebase.database
private val packetsRemoteDataSource = PacketsRemoteDataSource(firebaseRealtimeDatabase)
private val packetsLocalDataSource = PacketsLocalDataSource()
val packetsRepository = PacketsRepository(packetsRemoteDataSource, packetsLocalDataSource)

You need to pass Context to PacketsLocalDataSource constructor. In turn, the context must be passed when creating an instance of the class PocketScoutContainer. So:
class PocketScoutContainer(context: Context) {
private val packetsLocalDataSource = PacketsLocalDataSource(context)
And when creating PocketScoutContainer instanse in some Activity:
val pocketScoutContainer = PocketScoutContainer(this.applicationContext)
If PocketScoutContainer instantiated somewhere outside an activity or a fragment, you will need to pass Context there.
This may help further: Dependency Injection


Kotlin Coroutines - cannot return object from room db

I'm not super sure what I'm doing here so go easy on me:
I'm making a wordle clone and the word that is to be guessed is stored as a string in a pre-populated room database which I am trying to retrieve to my ViewModel and currently getting:
instead of the actual data.
I have tried using LiveData which only returned null which as far as I'm aware is because it was not observed.
Switched to coroutines which seemed to make more sense if my UI doesn't need the data anyway.
I ended up with this so far:
interface WordListDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
suspend fun readWord(): String
// tried multiple versions here only string can be converted from Job
// #Query("SELECT * FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
// fun readWord(): LiveData<WordList>
// #Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
// fun readWord(): WordList
class WordRepository(private val wordListDao: WordListDao) {
//val readWordData: String = wordListDao.readWord()
suspend fun readWord(): String {
return wordListDao.readWord()
#Entity(tableName = "wordlist")
data class WordList(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id: Int,
val word: String,
var used: Boolean
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private var word: String
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
word = viewModelScope.launch {
Log.d("TAG", ": $word") // does nothing?
println(word) // StandaloneCoroutine{Active}#933049a
This is the only way that I have managed to not get the result of:
Cannot access database on the main thread
There is a better way to do this, I just can't figure it out.
You can access the return value of repository.readWord() only inside the launch block.
viewModelScope.launch {
val word = repository.readWord()
Log.d("TAG", ": $word") // Here you will get the correct word
If you need to update you UI when this word is fetched from database, you need to use an observable data holder like a LiveData or StateFlow.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private val _wordFlow = MutableStateFlow("") // A mutable version for use inside ViewModel
val wordFlow = _word.asStateFlow() // An immutable version for outsiders to read this state
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
_wordFlow.value = repository.readWord()
You can collect this Flow in your UI layer,
someCoroutineScope {
viewModel.wordFlow.collect { word ->
// Update UI using this word
Edit: Since you don't need the word immediately, you can just save the word in a simple global variable for future use, easy.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private lateinit var repository: WordRepository
private lateinit var word: String
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
word = repository.readWord()
// word is not available here, but you also don't need it here
// This is the function which is called when user types a word and presses enter
fun submitGuess(userGuess: String) {
// You can access the `word` here and compare it with `userGuess`
The database operation will only take a few milliseconds to complete so you can be sure that by the time you actually need that original word, it will have been fetched and stored in the word variable.
(Now that I'm at a computer I can write a bit more.)
The problems with your current code:
You cannot safely read from the database on the main thread synchronously. That's why the suspend keyword would be used in your DAO/repository. Which means, there is no way you can have a non-nullable word property in your ViewModel class that is initialized in an init block.
Coroutines are asychronous. When you call launch, it is queuing up the coroutine to start its work, but the launch function returns a Job, not the result of the coroutine, and your code beneath the launch call continues on the same thread. The code inside the launch call is sent off to the coroutines system to be run and suspend calls will in most cases, as in this case, be switching to background threads back and forth. So when you call toString() on the Job, you are just getting a String representation of the coroutine Job itself, not the result of its work.
Since the coroutine does its work asynchronously, when you try to log the result underneath the launch block, you are logging it before the coroutine has even had a chance to fetch the value yet. So even if you had assigned the result of the coroutine to some String variable, it would still be null by the time you are logging it.
For your database word to be usable outside a coroutine, you need to put it in something like a LiveData or SharedFlow so that other places in code can subscribe to it and do something with the value when it arrives.
SharedFlow is a pretty big topic to learn, so I'll just use LiveData for the below samples.
One way to create a LiveData using your suspend function to retrieve the word is to use the liveData builder function, which returns a LiveData that uses a coroutine under the hood to get the value to publish via the LiveData:
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
private val word: LiveData<String> = liveData {
val someLiveDataForUi: LiveData<Something> = Transformations.map(word) { word ->
// Do something with word and return result. The UI code can
// observe this live data to get the result when it becomes ready.
To do this in a way that is more similar to your code (just to help with understanding, since this is less concise), you can create a MutableLiveData and publish to the LiveData from your coroutine.
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository
private val word = MutableLiveData<String>()
init {
val wordDb = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
val wordDao = wordDb.wordlistDao()
repository = WordRepository(wordDao)
viewModelScope.launch {
word.value = repository.readWord()
val someLiveDataForUi: LiveData<Something> = Transformations.map(word) { word ->
// Do something with word and return result. The UI code can
// observe this live data to get the result when it becomes ready.
If you're not ready to dive into coroutines yet, you can define your DAO to return a LiveData instead of suspending. It will start reading the item from the database and publish it through the live data once it's ready.
interface WordListDao {
#Query("SELECT word FROM wordlist WHERE used = 0 ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1")
fun readWord(): LiveData<String>
class HomeViewModel(application: Application) : ViewModel() {
private val repository: WordRepository = WordListDatabase.getDatabase(application)
private val word: LiveData<String> = repository.readWord()
The return value is as expected, because launch does always return a Job object representing the background process.
I do not know how you want to use the String for, but all operations which should be done after receiving the String must be moved inside the Coroutine or in a function which is called from the Coroutine.
viewModelScope.launch {
val word = repository.readWord()
// do stuff with word
// switch to MainThread if needed

How can I access to data class object from activity?

I am trying to access to data class (Content)and I would like to use object(val isSelected: Boolean?)from PictureActivity. However, it causes UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property content has not been initialized. Do you know how to solve this situation? I used lateinit but I don't even know if using lateinit is the best way to access to data class(Content). If you know other way to access to it, please let me know.
The code is down below.
data class Content(
val id: Int,
val text: String,
val isSelected: Boolean?,
val url: String?
class PictureActivity : BaseActivity() {
private lateinit var binding: PictureActivityBinding
private lateinit var content: Content
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
binding = PictureActivityBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)
private fun startContentDownload(url: String) {
//download image
lateinit keyword in Kotlin gives you an option to initialize it later but make sure you do it before you use.
To check if that variable is initialized or not, you can use below:
if(::content.isInitialized) {
// put your code here
In your case you have get data from somewhere(network call maybe) to fill in content data class, and then you will be able to use it.
You need to initialize the content variable first then only you can use it
content = Content(...)

Simulate package-privacy on properties in Kotlin

So, I have an enum called Level. That enum is actually just a wrapper for some other Level. Now I need to access that wrapped value (currently a protected property) in a different class called Log which sits in the same package. Obviously I do not want to completely expose that property by making it internal or public, but I need to access that wrapped value in my Log class.
How to I do that?
As Kotlin doesn't provide anything similar to package-private visibility, everything I tried failed. I'm already aware of the possibility to put both classes in one file, but that only allows me to gain exclusive access to the classes themselves, not their properties. And because I need to have both classes public that won't help either. So if anyone knows a workaround, I would be more than happy to hear it, because even though I really like Kotlin, this might be the reason for me to drop the language.
Both classes I mentioned look as follows:
enum class Level(protected val level: java.util.logging.Level) {
/** Useful for stuff */
OFF(CustomLevel("OFF", Int.MAX_VALUE)),
ASSERT(CustomLevel("ASSERT", 1200)),
FATAL(CustomLevel("FATAL", 1100)),
ERROR(CustomLevel("ERROR", 1000)),
WARN(CustomLevel("WARN", 900)),
INFO(CustomLevel("INFO", 800)),
DEBUG(CustomLevel("DEBUG", 700)),
ALL(CustomLevel("ALL", Int.MIN_VALUE));
private class CustomLevel(name: String, value: Int) : java.util.logging.Level(name, value)
object Log {
var consoleVerbosity: Level
get() = Level.findLevel(consoleHandler.level)
set(value) {
consoleHandler.level = value.level // The property I need to access
var fileVerbosity: Level
get() = Level.findLevel(fileHandler.level)
set(value) {
fileHandler.level = value.level // The property I need to access
private val consoleHandler = ConsoleHandler()
init {
consoleHandler.formatter = SimpleFormatter()
consoleHandler.level = DEFAULT_CONSOLE_VERBOSITY.level
private val fileHandler = FileHandler()
init {
fileHandler.formatter = SimpleFormatter()
fileHandler.level = DEFAULT_FILE_VERBOSITY.level
I am running the latest stable version of Kotlin (1.4.31)
As a workaround you may define an extension function/property for Log class in the scope of Level class:
enum class Level(private val level: java.util.logging.Level) {
//Option 1
companion object {
fun Log.getLevelOf(level: Level) = level.level
//Option 2
val Log._level get() = level
Also you may define extension property for Level class in the scope of Log class for more natural usage:
object Log {
private val Level.level : java.util.logging.Level
get() = consoleHandler.level = Level.run { getLevelOf(this#level) } // For Option 1
get() = with(this) { _level } // For Option 2
Downside of this approach is a tough coupling between these classes.
You just have to use extension functions like this:
fun Level.toLevel() = this.level
That allows you to access protected properties of other classes.
You cannot access a private class from another class but you can access a class from a class that is packed inside a file. So the workaround is to make fun in public class to access the private class which is in the same file.
But the highlight is that you cannot write a class inside an enum class in Kotlin.
I still don't know how you managed to write this code down in an IDE, because it will show an error.

Is there a cleaner way to set a top-level variable later in code without making it a lateinit var?

So what I want to achieve is that to have the top-level variable set some time later in the main function, but I don't want to make it a lateinit var which certainly breaks the Extension variable functionality.
For instance this code doesn't work since extension variables don't support lateinit modifier:
lateinit var Dispatchers.Konvironment: MainCoroutineDispatcher
private set
fun main() {
Dispatchers.Konvironment = ArbitraryMainDispatcher(Thread.currentThread()) { queue.add(it) }
So what I finally came up with is to use a dummy variable and implement the getter of the val variable.
val Dispatchers.Konvironment: MainCoroutineDispatcher
get() = dispatcher
private lateinit var dispatcher: MainCoroutineDispatcher
fun main() {
dispatcher = ArbitraryMainDispatcher(Thread.currentThread()) { queue.add(it) }
But it is certainly not clean way to do that. It looks ugly (ish) creating multiple variable in the top-level structure is not very clean architecture.
So is there any possible clean workarounds? Sort of like lazy initialization, by some delegates or something.
Well, partially answering your question:
var Dispatchers.Konvironment: MainCoroutineDispatcher
get() = dispatcher
private set(value) {
dispatcher = value
private lateinit var dispatcher: MainCoroutineDispatcher
fun main() {
Dispatchers.Konvironment = ArbitraryMainDispatcher(Thread.currentThread()) { queue.add(it) }
will give you the desired way of assigning the value. There is no way to get rid of this additional lazyinit variable, though.
Extensions are nothing more than just some Kotlin syntax sugar for static methods which take an instance of the extended class as one of the arguments, and perform some action. If you're familiar with Java then, for example, these extensions:
// Extensions.kt
fun Foo.extendedAction() {
var Foo.extendedBar: Bar
get() = this.bar
set(value) {
this.bar = value
are under the hood these methods in Java:
public class ExtensionsKt {
public static final void extendedAction(Foo foo) {
public static final Bar getExtendedBar(Foo foo) {
return foo.getBar();
public static final Bar setExtendedBar(Foo foo, Bar bar) {
The conclusion which maybe drawn from the above is that extensions don't actually add anything to the extended classes' signatures, they simply decorate them with additional functionality. Or, as put in the docs:
Extensions do not actually modify classes they extend. By defining an extension, you do not insert new members into a class, but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on variables of this type.
So you can see, unless dispatcher somehow already exists within Dispatchers, you can't do what you want without providing an external, "backing" variable which value can be actually referenced by the extension.

How do I test generators for delegated properties?

In my current project there is a class that will later on be implemented by many others. This class provides some generators for delegated properties.
abstract class BaseClass {
protected val delegated1 get() = new Delegated1Impl()
protected val delegated2 get() = new Delegated2Impl()
This base class can be used this way:
class Example : BaseClass() {
var field1 by delegated1
var field2 by delegated2
Now I want to test these delegated generators. Some of them contain logic which I want to test, but for now I only want to know that everytime they are called they return a new instance.
Now my question is: how can I test these generators?
The generators are not visible outside of extending classes so I cannot simply create an instance of it and call these methods.
fun `delegated1 should always return a new instance`() {
val target = object: BaseClass()
val first = target.delegated1 // This does not work since it is protected
val second = target.delegated1
assertTrue(first !== second)
You need a new object created whenever you "call" the get method. So how to test it? With a provider
A Provider<T> is just an object that provides you new instances of a concrete class. Its signature is something like this:
interface Provider<T> {
fun get() : T
So you need to inject a new Provider<T> into your BaseClass:
abstract class BaseClass(
private val implementation1Provider : Provider<YourInterface>,
private val implementation2Provider : Provider<YourInterface>) {
protected val delegated1 get() = implementation1Provider.get()
protected val delegated2 get() = implementation2Provider.get()
Now you can inject your custom providers in the test and assert that they have been called:
fun `delegated1 should always return a new instance`() {
val implementation1Provider = ...
val target = Example(implementation1Provider, ...)
val first = target.field1
// assert that implementation1Provider.get() has been called