MobX React: Define a observer hook - mobx

I'm trying to define my own hooks in a MobX project which depend on mobx observables.
But it's not possible to wrap a hook with observer() because observer() must return a component.
Is there a way to define observer hooks?
// not working because observer must return a component
const useFindSuggestion = observer(({ target, node, suggestionsStore }: LinkSuggestionWrapperProps) => {
const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = useState<IDocumentInfo[]>([]);
useEffect(() => {
const suggestions = suggestionsStore.getRelevantSuggestions(node, target).filter((s) => s.documentId !==;
}, []);
return { suggestions };

Solution: use autorun within hook


why chatMsgStore.addChatMsg(bdmsg) does not effect the store?

import {useLocalObservable} from "mobx-react-lite";
function chatStore() {
return {
chatmsg: [],
setChatMsg(arr) {
this.chatmsg = arr
addChatMsg(msg) {
export const useChatStore = () => useLocalObservable(chatStore)
const App = () => {
const chatMsgStore = useChatStore()
const AppFunctions = {chatMsgStore}
useEffect(() => {
socket.on(activechat.chatid, (bdmsg) => {
return () => {
}, [activechat, chatMsgStore.chatmsg])
return (
<AppContext.Provider value={AppFunctions}>
export default App;
async function getChatMessages(url, body, userStore, chatMsgStore) {
on app load i add a socket listener which deps are activechat and chatMsgStore.
this listener is dynamic and must be changed when deps change.
the only purpose of this listener is to add a msg to the store and re-render the observer component
deps :
activechat - non store state
chatMsgStore.chatmsg - store state
why chatMsgStore.addChatMsg(bdmsg) does not effect the store? so deeply nested components inside App.js is not re-rendering.
otherwise i have a function getChatMessages which i import from custom hook deep inside App.js which sets the messages. this func is not a child of App.js and it is not wrapped with observer chatMsgStore.setChatMsg(firstResData) works! i can set the message so the observer component will re-render
how to make this code in useeffect above work?
Your App component is not wrapped with observer HOC so it won't react to observable values changes.
Wrap it like that:
const App = observer(() => {
// ...
or when exporting:
export default observer(App)
More info in the docs
you should use autorun from mobx in order to set correctly the reactivity in useEffect, here is a link to the doc that explains why and how use it.
But I think that you should not put chatMsgStore.chatmsg inside the deps array because you're not using it inside the useEffect.
If you can provide a working example maybe we can help you further.

useEffect (with depencies from redux useSelector hooks) into custom hooks it's trigger on every import

I'm new in react native world and i'm on a new project with store (manage by redux).
I encounter an issue with custom hooks and useEffect
here my custom hooks
const useTheme = () => {
const [activeTheme, setActiveTheme] = useState();
const { id: universID, defaultTheme: universDefaultTheme } = useSelector(
(state) => state.univers
const { theme } = useSelector((state) => state);
const { themes: activeThemes } = useSelector((state) => state.settings);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
//set theme when univers change
useEffect(() => {
console.log('TODO TOO MANY CALLS!!!!!', universID);
if (universID) {
activeThemes.find((theme) => theme.univers === universID)?.theme
}, [universID]);
//get active theme of current univers
useEffect(() => {
activeThemes.find((theme) => theme.univers === universID)?.theme
}, [activeThemes]);
... rest of code ...
return {
on components i use
const {
theme: { colors },
} = useTheme();
My issue is that on every import the useEffect(()=>{},[universID]) is trigger. UniversID come from redux store.
If i understand clearly when i import useTheme() the reference of universID change because there are copy of universID from store created, and reference change.
if i pass universID as arguments to useTheme hooks there are no problem, cause reference is the same. But if i do this i need tu make a useSelector(universID) on every components who import useTheme hooks.
My understanding of mecanism is good ?
There are a way to get universID from store with the same reference on every import, for not trigger useEffect(,[universID]) on every import ? without pass universID as arguments of useTheme (i.e. useRef, useCallback) ?
Thanks for the time past to read (or better, to answer ;))

reactive object not updating on event emitted from watch

i'm building a complex form using this reactive obj
const formData = reactive({})
provide('formData', formData)
inside the form one of the components is rendered like this:
this is the ComboZone render function:
setup(props: any, { emit }) {
const { t } = useI18n()
const { getters } = useStore()
const municipalities = getters['registry/municipalities']
const _provinces = getters['registry/provinces']
const _regions = getters['registry/regions']
const municipality = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'municipality_p')
const province = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'province_p')
const region = useModelWrapper(props, emit, 'region_p')
const updateConnectedField = (key: string, collection: ComputedRef<any>) => {
if (collection.value && collection.value.length === 1) {
console.log(`update:${key} => ${collection.value[0].id}`)
emit(`update:${key}`, collection.value[0].id)
} else {
console.log(`update:${key} =>undefined`)
emit(`update:${key}`, undefined)
const provinces = computed(() => (municipality.value ? _provinces[municipality.value] : []))
const regions = computed(() => (province.value ? _regions[province.value] : []))
watch(municipality, () => updateConnectedField('province_p', provinces))
watch(province, () => updateConnectedField('region_p', regions))
return { t, municipality, province, region, municipalities, provinces, regions }
useModelWrapper :
import { computed, WritableComputedRef } from 'vue'
export default function useModelWrapper(props: any, emit: any, name = 'modelValue'): WritableComputedRef<any> {
return computed({
get: () => props[name],
set: (value) => {
console.log(`useModelWrapper update:${name} => ${value}`)
emit(`update:${name}`, value)
problem is that the events emitted from useModelWrapper update the formData in the parent template correctly, the events emitted from inside the watch function are delayed by one render....
Use watchEffect instead of watch
...with the caveat that I haven't tried to reproduce, my guess is that you're running into this issue because you're using watch which runs lazily.
The lazy nature is a result of deferring execution, which is likely why you're seeing it trigger on the next cycle.
Runs a function immediately while reactively tracking its dependencies and re-runs it whenever the dependencies are changed.
Compared to watchEffect, watch allows us to:
Perform the side effect lazily;
Be more specific about what state should trigger the watcher to re-run;
Access both the previous and current value of the watched state.
found a solution, watchEffect wasn't the way.
Looks like was an issue with multiple events of update in the same tick, worked for me handling the flush of the watch with { flush: 'post' } as option of the watch function.
Try to use the key: prop in components. I think it will solve the issue.

useFocusEffect doesn't update setstate

I'm trying to use useFocusEffect to setState.
but I can't update state...
How can i fix this?
const [isFocuse, setIsFocuse] = useState(true);
React.useCallback(() => {
console.log('mount', isFocuse); // mount true
return () => {
console.log('unmount', isFocuse); // unmount true
}, []),
I know its a old question but for anyone looking for solution.
According to React navigation docs on useFocusEffect.
You need to add state you need to change as a dependency to your useCallback hook.
So correct code will be.
const [isFocuse, setIsFocuse] = useState(true);
React.useCallback(() => {
console.log('mount', isFocuse);
return () => {
console.log('unmount', isFocuse);
}, [isFocuse]));`
And that will work.
PS- setState or its hooks equivalent is async task so console.log() may run before state is updated will result is incorrect values of log in this case. You can use useEffect hook as with isFocuse as dependency to log the change in state

How to use useFocusEffect hook

As the docs,
"Sometimes we want to run side-effects when a screen is focused. A side effect may involve things like adding an event listener, fetching data, updating document title, etc."
I'm trying to use useFocusEffect to fetch data everytime that the user go to that page.
on my component I have a function which dispatch an action with redux to fetch the data:
const fetchData = ()=>{
Actually I'm using useEffect hook to call fetchData(), but I'd like to fetch data everytime that the user go to that page and not only when rendered the first time.
It's not clear from the documentation how to use useFocusEffect and I'm not having success on how to do it.
Any help?
The docs show you how to do it. You need to replace API.subscribe with your own thing:
React.useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, companyJobsFetch, userDetails.companyId])
For version react navigation 4.x, you can use addEvent listener
useEffect(() => {
if (navigation.isFocused()) {
resetReviews(); // replace with your function
}, [navigation.isFocused()]);
useEffect(() => {
const focusListener = navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
// The screen is focused
// Call any action
_getBusiness({id: business?.id}); // replace with your function
return () => {
// clean up event listener
}, []);
For later version 5.x, you can use hooks to achieve this
import { useIsFocused } from '#react-navigation/native';
// ...
function Profile() {
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
return <Text>{isFocused ? 'focused' : 'unfocused'}</Text>;