how do i update configuration in kotlin for change language on radio btn selected in kotlin - kotlin

how to update this one without using resources.updateConfiguration this commented codes please any can say? and solve it.
when i click th eradio btn an dthe language will have to change
this is mainActivity.kt file
class LanguageChange : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
radio_group_btn.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, i ->
when(i){ -> {
} -> {
private fun Context.setLang(lan: String): Context{
// val config = resources.configuration
// config.setLocale(Locale(lan))
// resources.updateConfiguration(config,resources.displayMetrics)
// onConfigurationChanged(config)
val config = resources.configuration
return createConfigurationContext(config)
override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) {

It's a good question. Short answer you can't. Even with updateConfiguration you can't be sure about result. For more details please read this article But i say it again there is no 100% method to change language inside app with default strings.


Can i use Jsoup in Jetpack Compose in kotlin

In traditional xml way , i use GlobalScope.launch{} with runOnUiThread {} to work with Jsoup.But in jetpack Compose this not work anymore. It just instant closed when run it.
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val url=""
var doc= Jsoup.connect(url).get()
runOnUiThread {
setContent {
WannaJsoupTheme {
Surface(color = MaterialTheme.colors.background) {
Based on the above code, apparently you're using the main thread to perform I/O operations. Main thread are generally used for user interface operations. It's better to use background threads for I/O operations. - They are more efficient.
Here's demo app which I created to demonstrate use of JSoup with MVVM architecture.
Link -
Solution -
Quick Solution
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
// Initiate Coroutine scope
val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
var text by remember {
JsoupTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
// Initiate coroutine scope will will run on IO thread & write method to get the text from the website
scope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
val url = ""
Jsoup.connect(url).get().also {
text = it.text()
// Fetch result from the state variable [Text]
Text(text = "Result: $text")

Problems using VIewHolder fun and variable

I'm having trouble binding my ViewHolder, and I've got two warning that I believe are related. I am trying to use Hilt to create a clickable ViewHolder, so in my SessionAdapter I am using an inner class to bind my SessionViewHolder to my RecyclerView.
First, I am struggling to understand what to return for the inner class SessionViewHolder fun bind(session: Session) { ...}. Android Studio is telling me function "bind" is never used, but I thought I used it in my onBindViewHolder?
Secondly, in my override onBindViewHolder I don't understand how I should use val session?
class SessionFragment : Fragment() {
var adapter: SessionAdapter = SessionAdapter()
private val sessionAdapter = SessionListAdapter(this::onSessionClicked)
private fun onSessionClicked(session: Session): Session {
class SessionAdapter {
fun setOnClickListener() {
private fun addSessionToItinerary() {
return addSessionToItinerary()
class SessionListAdapter(
private val onSessionCLicked: (Session) -> Unit,
) : ListAdapter<Session, SessionListAdapter.SessionViewHolder>(SessionItemCallback) {
inner class SessionViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
fun bind() {
val textView = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(0)
fun bind(session: Session) {
textView.text = session.title
itemView.setOnClickListener {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): SessionViewHolder {
val layoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
val itemView = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_session_list, parent, false)
return SessionViewHolder(itemView)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: SessionViewHolder, position: Int) {
val session = getItem(position)
Thank you in advance for you help. I have gotten myself confused with the recurrence of bind and session throughout my adapter.
See here in this code, you have defined two bind functions, but one is nested inside the other so it is unusable:
fun bind() {
val textView = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(0)
fun bind(session: Session) {
textView.text = session.title
itemView.setOnClickListener {
The outer bind() function is the one you are calling, and it doesn't make sense to bind nothing. This function gets a reference to a TextView, and it creates a function that is never used.
Another problem is that you are passing 0 to findViewById. There is never going to be a view with an ID of 0. You need to pass
Side note, return#onClickListener is unnecessary. If a function doesn't return anything, putting a return statement on the last line doesn't do anything.
To make it work, you should replace the above code with something like this, but replace the name of the text view with whatever ID you assigned it in your XML:
fun bind(session: Session) {
val textView = itemView.findViewById<TextView>(
textView.text = session.title
itemView.setOnClickListener {
and then pass the session to this function when you call it.
Side note, your SessionAdapter class doesn't make any sense at all, but you're not using it for anything anyway. I would delete that.

android livedata not working in Activity , viewmodel

Hello I have recently encountered a situation where observing is not possible in livedata, so I am going to ask a question
It's too basic, but I don't know why it doesn't work, so I need your help.
If you give me a little teaching, I would be grateful
my SignUpActivity
class SignUpActivity : BaseKotlinActivity<ActivitySignUpBindingImpl, SignUpViewModel>() {
override val layoutResourceId: Int get() = R.layout.activity_sign_up
override val viewModel: SignUpViewModel by viewModel()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val binding = DataBindingUtil.setContentView<ActivitySignUpBindingImpl>(this, layoutResourceId)
binding.apply {
lifecycleOwner = this#SignUpActivity
signUpViewModel = viewModel
viewModel?.apply {
signUpStep.observe(this#SignUpActivity, Observer {
when (it) {
SignUpStep.SIGN_UP -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, SignUpFragment(), "SignUpFragment").commit()
SignUpStep.PASSWORD -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, SignUpPasswordFragment(), "SignUpPasswordFragment").commit()
SignUpStep.PHONE_CERTIFICATION -> supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace(, SignUpPhoneCertificationFragment(), "SignUpPhoneCertificationFragment").commit()
else -> Unit
Log.d("Test Checked1", "${signUpStep.value}")
my viewModel
private val _signUpStep = MutableLiveData<SignUpStep>(SignUpStep.SIGN_UP)
val signUpStep: LiveData<SignUpStep>
get() = _signUpStep
fun moveStep(view: View, newSignUpStep: SignUpStep) {
val oldSignUpStep = _signUpStep.value
_signUpStep.value = newSignUpStep
Log.d( "Test Checked","moveStep: $oldSignUpStep -> $newSignUpStep")
Test Checked1: SIGN_UP
If you check the log, you can see that the moveStep changes normally. Then signUpSteop has changed normally, but it is not received in the observe of livedata, because the screen does not move and the log does not appear.
I'm just wondering if the code is wrong or what's wrong. Can you help me?
For reference, signUpStep is changing in Fragment and livedata is constantly being observed in activity.

how Live data will be update in MVVM

I want to get input from the user using EditText and pass it to server and show the response to the user. I do this simply without any architecture but I would like to implement it in MVVM.
this is my repository code:
class Repository {
fun getData(context: Context, word: String): LiveData<String> {
val result = MutableLiveData<String>()
val request = object : StringRequest(
Response.Listener {
result.value = it.toString()
Response.ErrorListener {
result.value = it.toString()
override fun getParams(): MutableMap<String, String> {
val params = HashMap<String, String>()
params["word"] = word
return params
val queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context)
return result
and these are my View Model codes:
class ViewModel(application: Application) : AndroidViewModel(application) {
fun getData(word: String): LiveData<String> {
val repository = Repository()
return repository.getData(getApplication(), word)
and my mainActivity would be like this:
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val model = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(
model.getData("test").observe(this, Observer {
Log.i("Log", "activity $it")
My layout has an EditText which I want to get user input and pass it to the server, how should i do that?
Here how i did it in my projet.
You can probably use android annotations.
It's gonna requiere you to put some dependencies and maybe change the class a bit, but then you gonna link your Viewmodel with your repository and then you gonna have to program the setter of the variable to do a notifyChange() by making the class herited from BaseObservable. Then in the xml, if you did the correctly, you should be able to do a thing like text:"#={model.variable}" and it should be updating at the same time.
A bit hard and explain or to show for me sorry, but i would look into Android Annotations with #DataBinding, #DataBound :BaseObservable
Hope that can help a bit!

Using lambdas does not compile when trying to pass in a method expecting a SAM interface

I am trying to understand lambdas and Kotlin. I created this trivial example
interface OnClickListener {
fun onClick(s: String)
class Button {
var clickListener: OnClickListener? = null
fun setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener?) {
clickListener = listener
fun click() {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val b = Button()
object : OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(s: String) {
Variation 1
val l = {
s -> println(s)
b.clickListener = l*/
Variation 2
s -> println(s)
Variation 3
b.clickListener = {
s -> println(s)
So the above code only compiles if I pass an anonymous object. But I wanted to figure out how to use the lambdas.
None of the 3 variation to use a lambda compiles.
I thought since the OnClickListener is a SAM I should easily be able to pass in a lambda
What am I doing wrong here?
To be able to use a lambda, you need to use a Java interface.
First, create a Java file and create an interface:
public interface OnClickListener {
void onClick(String s);
Then in your main:
b.setOnClickListener(OnClickListener { s ->
As for your Button class:
class Button {
var clickListener: OnClickListener? = null //You can use this too but there's another way as well.
//lateinit var clickListener: OnClickListener //Telling the compiler that you will initialize it later on.
fun setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener) { //removed redundant ? from the function signature.
clickListener = listener
fun click() {
clickListener?.onClick("hello") //Incase of lateinit, you don't need a '?' anymore
SAM conversion only works between a Java code and a Kotlin code.
EDIT: Since in Kotlin, you can store a function in a variable as well, here is my another two cents on how you can do it in a different way:
class Button {
lateinit var myFunction: (String) -> Unit
fun setOnClickListener(block : (String) -> Unit) {
myFunction = block //storing state of your 'listener'
fun onClick() = myFunction.invoke("Invoked from onClick function")
Then in your main:
fun main() {
val button = Button()
button.setOnClickListener { s ->
As Taseer Ahmad points out, SAM conversion only works for Java interfaces since Kotlin already has proper function types. Of course, an easy way around this is to simply define a second setOnClickListener method that takes a function type
class Button {
var clickListener: OnClickListener? = null
fun setOnClickListener(listener: OnClickListener?) {
clickListener = listener
inline fun setOnClickListener(crossinline listener: (String) -> Unit) {
setOnClickListener(object : OnClickListener {
override fun onClick(s: String) = listener(s)
fun click() {
This then allows you to write b.setOnClickListener { println(it) }. I always inline methods like this as a habit, but it's not really required, so you can remove the inline and crossinline if you want.