I'm using web3j CLI to generate java code. My command is as below (i'm in solidity folder currently):
web3j generate solidity -b tempFiles/MasterDAO.bin -a tempFiles/MasterDAO.abi -o ../java -p org.web3j
And my file structure is as the graph shows.
The abi file and bin file is saved in tempFiles folder.
However, when I press enter, the web3j says that
Generating org.web3j.MasterDAO ... not a valid name:
I'm confusing what goes wrong. Thanks!
Fixed, the web3j does not support event and emit keywords, remove them and it works fine.
This is command for packaging edge extension -
manifoldjs -l debug -p edgeextension -f edgeextension -m \manifest.json.
- I gave here the path of my extension manifest.json file.
After manifoldjs finished running following folders should create -
My Extension
But in my case, folders are not creating and I am unable to package my extension.
I try to check the description and it looks like you are developing an extension for the MS Edge legacy browser.
I try to refer to the official docs and try to create and package sample extension.
I got the output below:
When I try to check the folder then I noticed that folder is empty. So based on my test result I am able to produce the issue.
I try to check the old threads and found that it is a known issue.
I found that issue occurs if the users are using the Node V10. In that thread, users had mentioned that it will work fine with the Node V8. I suggest trying to make a test with the Node V8 may help you to fix the issue.
Further, I suggest you can try to provide feedback about this issue on their Github page.
I am trying to analyse my raw GNSS data on the GNSS Analyser app from here https://github.com/google/gps-measurement-tools. The installation guide includes the following step:
4.2 gunzip installation
The automatic ftp code inside GnssAnalysis will download ephemeris zip files, and attempt to
unzip them using gunzip.
Download gzip.exe from here http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gzip/gzip-1.9.zip
Extract the files from the zip file, rename gzip.exe to gunzip.exe
Move gunzip.exe to somewhere in your Windows path (type path in the Windows
Command Prompt to see what your path is, typically you will find a directory
C:\Windows\system32 and you can put gunzip.exe there.)
However, upon downloading gunzip, I cant find a gzip.exe file, and hence tried renaming the gzip.c and gzip.h file instead. It did not work and I got this error when attempting to process my own raw data.
I have just tried and got success to import DB from a backup file:
gzip -d < C:\Users\my-user\Downloads\my-db-backup.sql.gz | mysql -u root -p MY_DB_NAME
I have an established yocto build which I'm now trying to switch over to having a root file system (eg. EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES += "read-only-rootfs").
However I'm running into an issue with a recipe in the meta-mono layer: mozroot-certdata. I see the culprit is the pkg_postint script (http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-mono/tree/recipes-mono/mozroot-certdata/mozroot-certdata_1.0.0.bb) which needs to modify the root file system on first boot which the build system is correctly flagging as impossible with a read only root file system:
ERROR: The following packages could not be configured offline and rootfs is read-only: ['mozroot-certdata']
My question is: is there a way to get these mozroot certs installed and configured with mono during the build process, such that the root file system does not need to be modified at boot/run time?
Well, I had a brief look at this late this summer, as I'm also using a read-only rootfs. The problem is that mozroot.exe is hardcoded to write into /usr/share/.mono/certs and does not respect your sysroot. You could probably hack mozroot.exe to actually write the imported files into the sysroot, though my time limit didn't allow me to try this (and neither have I ever looked into mono at all...).
My solution was instead to do the import at every boot. (It could also be done only once, but then the issue about updates come along). To achive this I made a bind mount on the directory where mozroot.exe wants to write the certdata.
Details of my solution
Add a file volatile-binds.bbappend with the following contents:
/tmp/mono-certs /usr/share/.mono/certs \n\
That will make a bind mount from /tmp/mono-certs to /usr/share/.mono/certs, thus you'll be able to import the certs.
Then I added a service file and a mozroot-certdata_%.bbappend:
DEPENDS += "mono-native"
SRC_URI += "file://mozroot-certdata.service \
inherit systemd
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "mozroot-certdata.service"
do_install_append() {
mkdir -p ${D}${datadir}/.mono/certs
mkdir -p ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}
install -m 440 ${WORKDIR}/mozroot-certdata.service ${D}${systemd_system_unitdir}/mozroot-certdata.service
FILES_${PN} += "${datadir}"
# Empty the postinstallation script, as we can import the cert offline.
pkg_postinst_${PN} () {
# mono $D/usr/lib/mono/4.5/mozroots.exe --import --machine --ask remove --file $D/${sysconfdir}/ssl/certdata.txt
The service file mozroot-certdata.service:
Description=Import certficates to Mono
ExecStart=/usr/bin/mono /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mozroots.exe --import --machine --ask-remove --file /etc/ssl/certdata.txt
is there a way to get these mozroot certs installed and configured with mono during the build process
Yes but it requires mosroots binary to be executable at rootfs creation time. See Post-Installation Scripts in documentation.
The 'else' branch in pkg_postinst is what gets executed at that time and if it succeeds, then the delayed postinst is not needed (and you shouldn't get a build error). mono-native recipe already exists so you should be able to depend on that and to fix the else branch in the pkg_postinst function so it finds native mono & mosroots.exe and writes to the correct place under $D.
As Anders mentioned this alone is not enough if you care about package-based upgrades.
I've upgraded my deveolpment environment from python-3.2/ Qt-4.8/ PyQt4 to python 3.4.2 / Qt5.3 / PyQt5.
Everything is Ok but the python source code generation with pyuic5.
When calling this commands I get the error
/usr/bin/python3: No module named uic
The Qt uic program is located at
The PyQt5 pacjakge is located at
Even if the PyQt5 environment is operational as runtime I can't build any new GUI interface, so I can't move forward with this application upgrade.
Any idea ?
Thanks for help.
Thanks for the answer from #Akhil. The code below really helps me avoid the "module not found" problem, and successfully create a .py file from a .ui file.
exec python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic youruifile -o yourpyfile -x
call python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic -x filename.ui -o filename.py
this one worked for me (28th june 2017, PyQt5, python 3.6, win10, 64bit)
I faced the same issue. I had installed PyQt into a virtual environment and the issue was the the pyuic5 script was not using the python interpreter for that virtual environment.
So I opened up the pyuic5 script
exec pythonw2.7 -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic ${1+"$#"}
exec python -m PyQt5.uic.pyuic ${1+"$#"}'
This resolved the issue for me.
I know this is late, but I just recently encountered this issue when setting up external tools for Qt Creator. I know its not exactly what you ran into but it produces the same error. I don't like the idea of modifying files in my anaconda/bin directory so I didn't want to implement either of the other answers.
What I did find is that when you are setting up an external tool Qt Creator operates as if you are working in a new environment (i.e. your PATH is not the same as your development path). What I found is that you need to set the Environment field to have the same path as your development environment. This occurs by default when you setup Build and Run Settings for your project, but not for external tools.
Like #ekhumoro said in his comment You must pay attention to your PATH at all times.
I believe you are a Mac user and I had faced a similar issue.
It seems you'll simply have to provide the full path of the pyuic file (for me, it was under a hidden folder usr in the home directory: /usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/5.10.1_1/bin/pyuic5).
In your terminal, change directory to where the *.ui files( which you wish to convert to a *.py file) lies.
So for instance, if you have a Qt designer file saved by the name untitled.ui on your desktop, put in the following command in your terminal:
Amars-MacBook-Pro:Desktop amaradak$ /usr/local/Cellar/pyqt/5.10.1_1/bin/pyuic5 -x untitled.ui -o untitled.py
Hope this helps...
Try this: i've been searching for 2 days and all problem solved!
First Rule in Python: Don't use .XML this is not Java instead use .PY for me i don't need uic at all
Let's begin, my pyuic5 actually there is no in PyQt5 folder instead in Scripts Folder
you have to make sure that the yourFile.ui is in the same location of your pyuic5.exe
Follow the pict below, you will be understand:
How to convert ui to py for easy way
uic not found solved
it works like a Charm !
Hi everybody , see last pict, i just converted ui to py for the first time in my life !
Is there anyone that can explain to someone that doesn't know how to use Terminal what are the commands to use Transporter for iTunes Connect?
I tryed to follow the guide but with no results....
These are my steps till now:
I put this command in terminal:
export TRANSPORTER_HOME=`xcode-select --print-path`/../
Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin
and my terminal change like this:
~ myname$ Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin
so I guess with this now I am in the transporter folder...
Now I want to etrieve my app’s current metadata Using Lookup Mode, and I tryed with this command:
$ iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u [myname#gmail.com] -p [mypassword] -vendor_id [id999999999] -
destination [Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin]
but I get this:
$ iTMSTransporter -m lookupMetadata -u [myname#gmail.com] -p [mypassword] -vendor_id [id999999999] -
-bash: Applications/Application Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin$: No such file or directory
I assume I'm writing the destination in a wrong way....
So how should I write that command?
And also... when I will have to upload my edited file... what shoud I put?
Thanks a lot for any help with this issue
Start by putting the export command into a single line.
export TRANSPORTER_HOME=`xcode-select --print-path`/../Applications/Application\ Loader.app/Contents/MacOS/itms/bin
Then you have to use the full path to the iTMSTransporter Binary. You can use the variable you just defined for this.
"$TRANSPORTER_HOME/iTMSTransporter" -m lookupMetadata -u ... -vendor_id ... -destination ~/myapp
The destination is the directory where the app data will be put. ~ means your user directory. So if your username is blue ~/myapp means /Users/blue/myapp.
Don't use Xcodes directory for this.
I would recommend to NOT specify your password with the -p parameter. You don't want your password to appear in bash_history. If you don't specify the passwort you will be asked for it.
Again. Make sure that this is in one line. You must not spread the command over more than one line. Unfortunately if you copy and paste from the pdf document you get a multi line command that won't work.
I suggest to open a text editor, paste the command from the pdf into the text editor and format the command so it is on a single line.
Then go to https://bugreport.apple.com and file a bug about the crappy documentation of iTMSTransporter