Bintray is offline how to create android builds - react-native

Since yesterday i Bintray is offline i have issue to create Android builds via Fastlane is there any way to avoid this issue?

I found a solution to make the builds:
React Native Project using Fastline on the Folder android => build.grandle file you can replace "jcenter()" with "mavenCentral() and grandlePluginPortal()".


Impossible to update expo project inside Expo Go after switching to EAS Build

I have the need to run a project from Expo Go without being connected to PC. We are developing an app that require GPS and needs to be tested in open field.
Before EAS became the standard to create projects i used
expo build:android
ad this created not only the apk, but uploaded the project to my account and i was able to start it from Expo Go projects section just like the app was installed on phisical device. That worked also fo iOS and was a great testing feature.
After i moved to EAS Build
eas build -p android --profile preview --clear-cache
my project inside Expo Go does not update anymore and its stucked at sdk 44 even if now i'm working (and creating builds) with sdk 46.
I went through the official documentation many times but i don't get how to make the app start from Expo Go (project sction) as i did before. Maybe i'm missing some configuration.
Thank you all for any kind reply.
Have a good day.
I found the solution to this problem and now my builds are working and uploading to Expo Go.
Check out this information:
Basically EAS Updates will not bundle anything inside your .gitignore, in my case it needed specific config files. Did a quick test by taking them off the .gitignore and now it's working. Will move to GitHub SECRETS in the future.
Hope that helps.

How to make iOS and android folders in react native expo project

I am working on react native expo project and I have no knowledge regarding how to create iOS and android folders within expo please help me regarding how to create iOS and android folders and at last how to make final build. thanks.
From your project directory, run expo eject. This will download the
required dependencies and build native projects under the ios and
android directories.

React Native Expo publish to Android

I built a test application using react native. I'm trying to publish it following this tutorial:
However, my project does not have folder android. How can I create this folder?
In React-native, there are two method to create Singed APK File
First you should know
it's best to create apps using react-native init rather than expo as React-Native-Cli gives you local project for both ios and android,you can test and debug the code locally and also use the tool to publish applications
- If you create the project by using this command -
react-native init Project_Name
Then follow this method.
you're using expo and also expo-cli! that's good! but when i use expo i usually like to go with expo XDE which has single version to publish,render or debug with it's own console in the bottom and that'll help you upload your code to expo server where you can ask them to render app for iOS or android and they will return you a link which will download the APK or the ipa file for android or iOS respectively
Here is the documentation link which'll explain you each step one by one and do keep an eye on the notes and TODOs while following the step (in your scenario)
- If you use expo,for create React-native project
then follow this method generate the singed APK file for Android - Expo

Init IOS project with pods using react-native init command

Is there any way to create the IOS project with pods using react-native init command?
Currently there is different installation instruction for react native libraries.
Example: Some of them install using react-native link command while other requires to setup using cocoapods. Missing both will leads to lots of compilation errors.
Could anyone suggest what is best way to create project using react-native.
On the official react native documentation, there are 2 ways to start up your project, which is using 'CRNA' or 'Build With Native Code'.
For CRNA, it is the fastest and easiest way to start up your project.
It really easy to run your React Native app on a physical device without setting up a development environment. If you want to run your app on the iOS Simulator or an Android Virtual Device, please refer to the instructions for building projects with native code to learn how to install Xcode and set up your Android development environment.
The react native link is used if you want to link your library through the terminal. But in some cases, there are several problem occurred related to library compatibility. I rather suggest use pods or manually link your library through XCode.
Pods is a dependency manager for native code that we use on our native code project. It will automatically generate and link the library.
If you want to have pods on your ios project. After you install cocoapods, you could follow these steps :
1. Open terminal and direct to your project (cd YOUR_PROJECT/ios
2. pod init
3. And then Podfile will be generated within the ios project.
And from now on, you should use YOUR_PROJECT.xcworkspace if you want to manage the project. Thats because Pods should be placed and included same with your project but '.xcodeproj' does not include your Pods.

React Native: What file is responsible for the build of an app?

I'm currently working on a project for work that will require me to play around with the way in which react-naive apps build and I'm wondering what file/files are actually responsible for the building of an app?
As far as I know, React Native using Gradle build tool for building android apps. You can find an executable file named gradlew inside of android directory. For iOS, I'm not so sure, but I think RN use xcodebuild command line tool.