Does usb support control (IN) transfer with wLength = 0? - usb

Recently, I'm learning usb protocol with libusb and linux gadget (g_zero). When I do the following control transfer, the usb device just stucks.
0xC0, // bRequestType (IN, device to host)
0x5C, // bRequest
0x0000, // wValue
0x0000, // wIndex
NULL, // buffer
0, // buffer length
1000 // timeout
I also use a usb analyzer to monitor the usb packets, it show as follow:
Setup Stage:
SETUP Packet
DATA0 Packet: c0 5c 00 00 00 00 00 00
ACK Packet
Data Stage:
nothing here, then follow immediately with
Status Stage:
OUT Packet
DATA1 Packet (length: 0)
NAK Packet
PING Packet // then PING Packet infinitely
After that, I search the usb 2.0 specification and found (in ch 8.5.3) that the specification describes only three type of control transfer:
Setup Data Status
Stage Stage Stage
/---------\ /------------------------------------\ /-------\
Control <Setup (0)> <Out (1)> <Out (0)> ... <Out (0/1)> <In (1)>
Control <Setup (0)> <In (1)> <In (0)> ... <In (0/1)> <Out (1)>
Setup Status
Stage Stage
/---------\ /-------\
No-Data <Setup (0)> <IN (1)>
Control DATA0 DATA1
So I guess maybe usb doesn't support Ctrl-IN-0 transfer?


CMSIS USB firmware for stm32f401. Fails to send device descriptor with EOVERFLOW (-75) error

I am trying to get USB device code working on my stm32f401 microcontroller. So far, I'm able to read the packets from the host, send the first device request, receive and apply the assigned address. After that, the host requests for the device descriptor again, and my device doesn't response to that for some reason. I've been fighting this issue for weeks now, seems like I need help with it.
In my code, after initializing the peripherals, I set up my endpoint 0 and set its Tx FIFO size to 16. When the device receives a packet, it reads the packet status and reads the packet content in function setup_packet_handler(). This function prints the content word by word:
uint32_t data = *fifo;
printf("Rx from FIFO: 0x%08x\n", data);
void rxflvl_handler() {
uint32_t packet_status = USB_OTG_FS->GRXSTSP;
uint8_t endpoint_number = (packet_status & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPNUM_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPNUM_Pos;
uint16_t bcnt = (packet_status & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT_Pos;
uint16_t pktsts = (packet_status & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_Pos;
printf("Received packet of status 0x%02x\n", pktsts);
switch (pktsts) {
case 0x06: // SETUP packet (includes data)
setup_packet_handler(endpoint_number, bcnt);
case 0x02: // OUT packet (includes data)
case 0x04: // SETUP stage has completed
case 0x03: // OUT transfer has completed
// Re-enable the endpoint
My main() function watches the current number of packets to send and free space of the Tx FIFO for endpoint 0:
int main(void)
/* Pins initialization */
/* USB initialization */
fifo_space = in_endpoint->DTXFSTS & USB_OTG_DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV_Msk;
printf("FIFO free space: %i\n", fifo_space);
while (1)
// Checking for USB interrupts
// Notify if packets number changed
uint32_t npkts = (in_endpoint->DIEPTSIZ & USB_OTG_DIEPTSIZ_PKTCNT_Msk) >> USB_OTG_DIEPTSIZ_PKTCNT_Pos;
if (npkts != in_packets) {
printf("Packets number update: %i\n", npkts);
in_packets = npkts;
// Notify if FIFO space changed
uint16_t new_space = in_endpoint->DTXFSTS & USB_OTG_DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV_Msk;
if (new_space != fifo_space) {
fifo_space = new_space;
printf("FIFO free space: %i\n", new_space);
Now the broken part, the code which sends the device descriptor. The function handle_descriptor_request() is called when the device descriptor request is received.
The function sets the size to transmit to 18; packet count to 3 (endpoint 0 max packet size is configured to 8); enables the endpoint and fills the FIFO. After that, prints the FIFO free space, to ensure it has decreased.
void handle_descriptor_request(void) {
printf("Received descriptor request\n");
0 * 0x1000);
USB_OTG_INEndpointTypeDef* in_endpoint = (USB_OTG_INEndpointTypeDef*)(
// flush_txfifo(0);
// in_endpoint->DIEPTSIZ = 0;
// in_endpoint->DIEPCTL |= USB_OTG_DIEPCTL_SNAK;
printf("Manual PKTCNT to 3\n");
// Set Tx size to 18
in_endpoint->DIEPTSIZ |= 18 << USB_OTG_DIEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ_Pos;
// Send 3 packets (8 bytes max for each)
in_endpoint->DIEPTSIZ |= 3 << USB_OTG_DIEPTSIZ_PKTCNT_Pos;
// Enable transmission
// Write a valid device descriptor to the Tx FIFO
*fifo = 0x02000112;
*fifo = 0x08000000;
*fifo = 0x13aa6666;
*fifo = 0x00000000;
*fifo = 0x0000012c;
fifo_space = in_endpoint->DTXFSTS & USB_OTG_DTXFSTS_INEPTFSAV_Msk;
printf("FIFO free space: %i\n", fifo_space);
Below is the log I'm getting from the device. I see that the first device request is transmitted successfully, the FIFO size drops from 16 to 11, than back to 16. Number of packets to send decreases from 3 to 2 (although it should decrease to 0, right?). I also see this descriptor with Wireshark. Then the device address is received and answered by a ZLP packet; then something goes wrong. My FIFO space keeps decreasing with every descriptor request, the packets doesn't seem to leave the device.
USB reset received
FIFO free space: 16
INEPNE Endpoint interrupt
TXFE Endpoint interrupt
// First descriptor request. Sent successfully
Received packet of status 0x06
// Device descriptor request in binary form
Rx from FIFO: 0x01000680
Rx from FIFO: 0x00400000
// Output from handle_descriptor_request()
Received descriptor request
Manual PKTCNT to 3
FIFO free space: 11
// Output from main()
Packets number update: 2
FIFO free space: 16
// Output from rxflvl_handler()
Received packet of status 0x04
Received packet of status 0x02
Received packet of status 0x03
INEPNE Endpoint interrupt
TXFE Endpoint interrupt
// Received address
Received packet of status 0x06
// Set address request in binary form
Rx from FIFO: 0x001d0500
Rx from FIFO: 0x00000000
Received address: 29
Writing zero-length packet
Manual PKTCNT to 1
Packets number update: 1
Received packet of status 0x04
Packets number update: 0
TXFRC Endpoint interrupt
TXFE Endpoint interrupt
// Another device descriptor request
Received packet of status 0x06
Rx from FIFO: 0x01000680
Rx from FIFO: 0x00120000
Received descriptor request
Manual PKTCNT to 3
FIFO free space: 11
Packets number update: 3
Received packet of status 0x04
// Looks unsuccessful. Try again...
Received packet of status 0x06
Rx from FIFO: 0x01000680
Rx from FIFO: 0x00120000
Received descriptor request
Manual PKTCNT to 3
FIFO free space: 6
// And so on. The FIFO free space decreases to 0
Here are the Wireshark views of the first and second descriptor responses. The second one fails with EOVERFLOW (-75). Sometimes I see -71 error when run 'dmesg' on my host. Can't figure out what is the reason for that.
If I will be flushing the 0th FIFO before the descriptor transmission, i.e. uncomment the
Thing doesn't change a lot: the FIFO free space stops decreasing below 11, but the packets doesn't seem to be sent.
If I recover the endpoint before the descriptor tranmission, uncommenting the
in_endpoint->DIEPTSIZ = 0;
then starting at the second try, the device seems to strart sending something, but still something wrong. The FIFO size increases to 15 words instead of 16
// ...
Rx from FIFO: 0x01000680
Rx from FIFO: 0x00120000
Received descriptor request
Manual PKTCNT to 3
FIFO free space: 11
FIFO free space: 15
Received packet of status 0x04
Received packet of status 0x02
Received packet of status 0x03
Also I can't understand why the number of packets drops from 3 to 2 for the successful transmission. I can see in Wireshark whole descriptor (18 bytes) and the endpoint size is configured to 8.
Could you point me to things I may need to check?

BTLE ServiceData is always null

I am working on a react-native Android app using react-native-ble-plx for BTLE support, and Windows 10 using the .NET API Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile for the GATT server/peripheral.
When I add any "ServiceData" to the advertising payload in the Windows GATT service, the scanned device's 'serviceData' payload is always null in the react-native client.
In the Windows 10 server, if the GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters.ServiceData property is not null, then the service advertisement status is GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus.StartedWithoutAllAdvertisementData. (When leaving 'ServiceData' set to null, it is GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus.Started, as expected).
Using the Silicon Labs "EFR Connect" app in android, it also does not show any ServiceData for the device in the advertising packet.
Using WireShark with BTVS to inspect the packets on the Windows machine, it does show the Service Data bytes, and the controller shows a 'Success' response.
Here is the code where I set up the ServiceData in Windows:
GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters advParameters = new GattServiceProviderAdvertisingParameters
IsConnectable = _peripheralSupported,
IsDiscoverable = true,
ServiceData = GetServiceData().AsBuffer()
_serviceProvider.AdvertisementStatusChanged += ServiceProvider_AdvertisementStatusChanged;
private byte[] GetServiceData()
var flagsData = new List<byte> { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
flagsData.AddRange(new List<byte>(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP")));
return flagsData.ToArray();
Here is the code in the react-native scanner:
public scanDevices(
timeoutSeconds: number,
listener: (error: string | null, scannedDevice: IPhoenixDevice | null) => void,
): void {
console.log('Entered PhoenixDeviceManager.scanDevices');
this.isScanning = true;
try {
this.scannedDevices.length = 0; // Clear array of devices
this.bleManager.startDeviceScan(this.serviceUUIDs, null, (error, scannedDevice) => {
console.log('In device scan callback');
if (error) {
listener(`Error message: ${error.message}, reason: ${error.reason}`, null);
if (!scannedDevice) {
console.log('scannedDevice is null');
} else if (!this.scannedDevices.some((d) => === {
listener(null, new PhoenixDevice(,;
`Device discovered, id: ${}, name: ${}, localName: ${scannedDevice.localName}, serviceData: ${scannedDevice.serviceData}`,
const timeoutMs = timeoutSeconds * 1000;
// stop scanning devices after specified number of seconds
setTimeout(() => {
}, timeoutMs);
} catch (error) {
Here is the WireShark trace running on Windows 10 showing the packet containing the ServiceData (and the Success response):
Frame 499: 84 bytes on wire (672 bits), 84 bytes captured (672 bits) on interface TCP#, id 0
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI Command - LE Set Extended Advertising Data
Command Opcode: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x2037)
Parameter Total Length: 80
Advertising Handle: 0x02
Data Operation: Complete scan response data (0x03)
Fragment Preference: The Controller should not fragment or should minimize fragmentation of Host data (0x01)
Data Length: 76
Advertising Data
Length: 2
Type: Flags (0x01)
000. .... = Reserved: 0x0
...1 .... = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Host): true (0x1)
.... 1... = Simultaneous LE and BR/EDR to Same Device Capable (Controller): true (0x1)
.... .0.. = BR/EDR Not Supported: false (0x0)
.... ..1. = LE General Discoverable Mode: true (0x1)
.... ...0 = LE Limited Discoverable Mode: false (0x0)
16-bit Service Class UUIDs
Length: 3
Type: 16-bit Service Class UUIDs (0x03)
UUID 16: Device Information (0x180a)
128-bit Service Class UUIDs
Length: 17
Type: 128-bit Service Class UUIDs (0x07)
Custom UUID: caecface-e1d9-11e6-bf01-fe55135034f0 (Unknown)
Service Data - 128 bit UUID
Length: 50
Type: Service Data - 128 bit UUID (0x21)
Custom UUID: caecface-e1d9-11e6-bf01-fe55135034f0 (Unknown)
Service Data: ffff0000000000000000000000000000004142434445464748494a4b4c4d4e4f50
[Response in frame: 500]
[Command-Response Delta: 1.889ms]
Frame 500: 7 bytes on wire (56 bits), 7 bytes captured (56 bits) on interface TCP#, id 0
Bluetooth HCI H4
Bluetooth HCI Event - Command Complete
Event Code: Command Complete (0x0e)
Parameter Total Length: 4
Number of Allowed Command Packets: 1
Command Opcode: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x2037)
0010 00.. .... .... = Opcode Group Field: LE Controller Commands (0x08)
.... ..00 0011 0111 = Opcode Command Field: LE Set Extended Advertising Data (0x037)
Status: Success (0x00)
[Command in frame: 499]
[Command-Response Delta: 1.889ms]
I've also tried using the exact code verbatim in this example and it has the exact same problem:
Does anyone know what the problem might be?

polidea ble encode send package to base64

I want to send a command to my scooter via polidea ble but I don't know how to compose the package and encode it to base64, I tried different ways but it seems it does not work. Here is the documentation of how I need to make the package:
APP 🡪 Bluetooth
0x02 – Speed Limit
D0 – 1 is 6Km/k, 2 is 12Km/h, 3 is 20Km/h, 4 is 25Km/h, 5 No speed Limit
0x03 - Change Zero Start
D0 🡪 0 Zero Start OFF, 1 Zero Start ON
0x05 –Lock Unlock Scooter
D0 🡪 0 Unlock, 1 Lock
0x06 – On/Off light from display
D0 🡪 0 light OFF, 1 light ON
For example, how should the package look to turn on the light?
My understanding of the documentation you have included, is that to turn on the light the code to create the packet in base64 would be:
import { Buffer } from "buffer";
var start_pack = 0x55;
var opcode = 0x06 // light
var action = 0x01 // On
var length = 0x01 // Length of what? action?
var checksum = start_pack + opcode + action + length
var valueBytes = Buffer.alloc(5);
valueBytes[0] = start_pack;
valueBytes[1] = opcode;
valueBytes[2] = length;
valueBytes[3] = action;
valueBytes[4] = checksum;
var valueBase64 = valueBytes.toString('base64')
console.log("Data to write: " + valueBase64)
This gave me an output of:
Data to write: VQYBAV0=

How Can I Establish UART Communication between 2 Stm32 and produce PWM signal

Edit: I solved UART communication problem but I have new problem getting pwm signal after receiving Transmit Data. I can blink led I can drive relay with transmitted data but I could not produce PWM signal.
maps(120, 1, 1, 250, RxData[4]);
I used __HAL_TIM_SET_COMPARE function but it doesnt work. I can observe ADC_Left’s value on Debug site but its not work.
I am trying to realize UART communication between 2 stm32. I know there are several topic related with but my question focused another one.
I am reading 2 adc value on stm32 which is only transmit these value and other one only receive these 2 adc value. To do this
__HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart1, UART_IT_RXNE); // Interrupt Enable
char TxData1[10];
TxData1[0] = 0xEA;
TxData1[1] = wData.Byte_1;
TxData1[2] = wData.Byte_2;
TxData1[3] = wData.Byte_3;
TxData1[4] = wData.Right_Adc_Val;
TxData1[5] = wData.Left_Adc_Val;
TxData1[6] = wData.Byte_6;
for(uint8_t i = 1 ; i < 7; i++)
wData.Checksum = wData.Checksum + TxData1[i];
wData.Checksum_H = (wData.Checksum >> 8)&0xFF;
wData.Checksum_L = (wData.Checksum)&0xFF;
TxData1[7] = wData.Checksum_H;
TxData1[8] = wData.Checksum_L;
TxData1[9] = 0xAE;
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*) &TxData1,10);
This block sent them I can observate them on Debug screen and using TTL module's Tx Rx pins.
__HAL_UART_ENABLE_IT(&huart1, UART_IT_RXNE); // Interrupt Enable
char RxData[10];
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*) &RxData,10);
void HAL_UART_RxCpltCallback(UART_HandleTypeDef *huart)
if(huart->Instance == USART1)
HAL_UART_Receive_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*) &RxData,10);
There is no problem up to here but when i getting RxData 0. index , it gives EA . Of course it should be give EA. When the adc data change all the ranking is changing. RxData[0] gives meaningless data. adc value is jumping over the all RxData array.
data locations must always be in the same index. How Can I get these data in stability for ex.
RxData[4]= should give adc value. so on.
Edit: I tried other mode of UART, DMA (in circular mode) and direct mode were used. I cant receive even 1 byte with DMA .
In your example code, you have an extra & that needs to be removed from both the transmit and receive HAL method calls. Example:
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*) &TxData1,10);
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart1,(uint8_t*) TxData1,10);
To avoid this type of error in the future, recommend not using the cast and try something like the following:
uint8_t TxData1[10];
HAL_UART_Transmit_IT(&huart1, TxData1, sizeof(TxData1);

How to tie together an HID USB descriptor and the USB frames actually sent on the bus

I'm trying to decipher data sent on the USB bus by an HID device (an Eaton power supply to be precise)
Using Wireshark, I can capture the USB traffic. When the device is connected, I can see the HID descriptor being sent. I can parse it alright, and thanks to an external reference ( and, I've got some info regarding the different fields of the descriptor.
However, I can't seem to link the descriptor to the data inside the frames I actually capture with Wireshark: I can't really make out any clear header or pattern in the messages, tied to the descriptor.
In this case, I see quite a bunch of URB Control Response messages, which probably contain the data I want, but which message contains which info is unclear.
Does anyone have some sort of method to reverse-engineer and parse the data sent by a USB HID device ?
I wrote a bit of code a while back to help me decode HID report descriptors and to create C language structure definitions to describe each report. What I would do is:
capture the USB data using Wireshark
filter on "usb.request_in"
select the "GET DESCRIPTOR Response HID Report" packet
right-click the "HID Report" and choose "Copy" and " a Hex Stream"
Now run the decoding software and paste the hex stream after the "-c" option. For example:
rexx rd.rex -c 05010906a101854b050719e029e7250175019508810275089501810326ff0019002aff0081007501950305081901290325019102750595019103c005010902a1010901a100854d09301581257f750895018106c0c0
It will by default print the C-structures (see below). If you want to also decode the HID report descriptors then use the "-d" option.
// Keyboard/Keypad Page inputReport 4B (Device --> Host)
typedef struct
uint8_t reportId; // Report ID = 0x4B (75) 'K'
// Collection: Keyboard
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardLeftControl : 1; // Usage 0x000700E0: Keyboard Left Control, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardLeftShift : 1; // Usage 0x000700E1: Keyboard Left Shift, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardLeftAlt : 1; // Usage 0x000700E2: Keyboard Left Alt, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardLeftGui : 1; // Usage 0x000700E3: Keyboard Left GUI, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardRightControl : 1; // Usage 0x000700E4: Keyboard Right Control, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardRightShift : 1; // Usage 0x000700E5: Keyboard Right Shift, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardRightAlt : 1; // Usage 0x000700E6: Keyboard Right Alt, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t KB_KeyboardKeyboardRightGui : 1; // Usage 0x000700E7: Keyboard Right GUI, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t pad_2; // Pad
uint8_t KB_Keyboard; // Value = 0 to 255
} inputReport4B_t;
// LED Indicator Page outputReport 4B (Device <-- Host)
typedef struct
uint8_t reportId; // Report ID = 0x4B (75) 'K'
// Collection: Keyboard
uint8_t LED_KeyboardNumLock : 1; // Usage 0x00080001: Num Lock, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t LED_KeyboardCapsLock : 1; // Usage 0x00080002: Caps Lock, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t LED_KeyboardScrollLock : 1; // Usage 0x00080003: Scroll Lock, Value = 0 to 1
uint8_t : 5; // Pad
} outputReport4B_t;
// Generic Desktop Page inputReport 4D (Device --> Host)
typedef struct
uint8_t reportId; // Report ID = 0x4D (77) 'M'
// Collection: Mouse Pointer
int8_t GD_MousePointerX; // Usage 0x00010030: X, Value = -127 to 127
} inputReport4D_t;
Now that you have a clear idea of the possible reports that may be flowing, you can go back to your Wireshark trace (still filtered on "usb.request_in") and select "URB_INTERRUPT in" packets. The "Leftover Capture Data" should contain the payload as described by one of the C structures.
Hope this helps.