Unable to access data in Postgres query where clause - sql

I am dealing with the following JSON in a Postgres database column called steps in a table called tCampaign :
"name":"Step 1",
"rewardConditions": [
"conditionDefinitions": [
"properties": null,
"name": "Registration"
"properties": null,
"name":"Opt In"
"properties": {"activation": {"type": "onReward"}, "betFlavour": "SPORTS", "channels": ["__use_campaign_restrictions__"], "expiry": {"offset": {"days": "02", "hours": "00", "minutes": "00", "seconds": "00"}, "type": "relative"}, "inRunning": "-", "maxReward": {"USD": "1"}, "minimumOdds": "", "oddsInput": {"minimumOdds": {"american": "", "european": ""}}, "retail": "offBetBuild", "returnStakeOnPayout": "false"},
"name" : "Step 2",
"stepReference" : "01daa4a0-bc79-11eb-ab6f-2fa1cb676e38",
"rewardConditions": [
"conditionDefinitions": [
"instanceId" : "01fb15ae-01d0-49e1-966a-8ff438e9a191",
"type" : "genericSportsBet",
"properties" : {"betFlavour": "SPORTS", "betTrackEventThreshold": "10", "betTypes": [ "SGL" ], "builderBetOption": "ALL", "channels": [ "__use_campaign_restrictions__" ], "currencyThresholdMap": { "USD": "1" }, "eventHierarchySelection": { "categories": [], "classes": [], "events": [], "marketTemplates": [], "markets": [ "5824" ], "retrobetEventIds": [ "1200" ], "selections": [], "selectionsMarket": [], "types": [] }, "eventHierarchySelectionUI": { "markets": [ { "id": 5824, "mapping": [], "name": "Match Result", "parentId": 1200, "parentParentId": 5, "path": [ "Category: |England|", "Class: |England Premier League|", "Type: |GK Team K| |vs| |GK Team L|" ], "selectionMapper": false, "settled": "N", "startTime": "2021-05-31 11:15:00", "status": "A" } ] }, "inRunning": "-", "legTypes": [ "WIN" ], "metOnSettlement": false, "minOdds": "", "oddsInput": { "minOdds": { "american": "", "european": "" } }, "priceTypes": [ "LP" ]},
"name" : "Sports Bet"
"instanceId" : "0110eb70-44f9-4d57-40bb-09ff4169136c",
"type" : "sportsReward",
"properties" : {"activation": {"type": "onReward"}, "betFlavour": "SPORTS", "channels": ["__use_campaign_restrictions__"], "expiry": {"offset": {"days": "02", "hours": "00", "minutes": "00", "seconds": "00"}, "type": "relative"}, "inRunning": "-", "maxReward": {"USD": "2"}, "minimumOdds": "", "oddsInput": {"minimumOdds": {"american": "", "european": ""}}, "retail": "offBetBuild", "returnStakeOnPayout": "false"},
"name" : "Freebet",
"calculator" : {"type":"fixed","value":"100"}
and have written the following query to extract properties from conditionDefinitions :
select conditionDefinitions->'properties' as properties from tcampaign cmp
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(steps) singleStep ON true
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(singleStep->'rewardConditions') rewardConditions on TRUE
LEFT JOIN LATERAL json_array_elements(rewardConditions->'conditionDefinitions') conditionDefinitions on TRUE
where properties is not null ;
but I get the following error :
ERROR: column "properties" does not exist
LINE 5: where properties is null ;
If I remove the where clause the query runs fine. Why do I not have access to properties in the where clause? Because I can see results coming back if I remove the WHERE clause, so the query does have results


Extract array from varchar in PrestoSQL

I have a VARCHAR field like this:
"config": 0,
"type": "0
"config": x,
"type": "1"
"config": "",
"type": ""
"config": [
"address": {},
"category": "",
"merchant": {
"data": [
"file": 0
"range_id": 1,
"shop_id_info": null
"type": "new"
And I need to extract merchant data from this. Desirable output is:
Please advise. I keep getting Cannot cast VARCHAR to array/unnest type VARCHAR
You can try using json path $.*.config.*.merchant.data.* but if it does not work for you (as for me in Athena version, where arrays in json path are not supported well) you can cast your json to ARRAY(JSON) and do some manipultaions from there (needed to fix your JSON a little bit):
Test data:
WITH dataset AS (
(JSON '[
"config": {},
"type": "0"
"config": "x",
"type": "1"
"config": "",
"type": ""
"config": [
"address": {},
"category": "",
"merchant": {
"data": [
"file": 0
"range_id": 1,
"shop_id_info": null
"type": "new"
) AS t (json_value))
And query:
SELECT flatten(
CAST(json_value AS ARRAY(JSON))
, json_object -> try(CAST(json_extract(json_object, '$.config') AS ARRAY(JSON))))),
json_config -> CAST(json_extract(json_config, '$.merchant.data') as ARRAY(INTEGER))))
FROM dataset
Which will give you array of numbers:
[10, 12, 23]
And from there you can continue with unnest and so on if needed.

azure search exact match of file name not returning exact results

I am indexing all the file names into the index. But when I search with exact file name in the search query it is returning all other file names also. below is my index definition.
"fields": [
"name": "id",
"type": "Edm.String",
"facetable": true,
"filterable": true,
"key": true,
"retrievable": true,
"searchable": false,
"sortable": false,
"analyzer": null,
"indexAnalyzer": null,
"searchAnalyzer": null,
"synonymMaps": [],
"fields": []
"name": "FileName",
"type": "Edm.String",
"facetable": false,
"filterable": false,
"key": false,
"retrievable": true,
"searchable": true,
"sortable": false,
"analyzer": "keyword-analyzer",
"indexAnalyzer": null,
"searchAnalyzer": null,
"synonymMaps": [],
"fields": []
"scoringProfiles": [],
"defaultScoringProfile": null,
"corsOptions": null,
"analyzers": [
"name": "keyword-analyzer",
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.CustomAnalyzer",
"charFilters": [],
"tokenizer": "keyword_v2",
"tokenFilters": ["lowercase", "my_asciifolding", "my_word_delimiter"]
"tokenFilters": [
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.AsciiFoldingTokenFilter",
"name": "my_asciifolding",
"preserveOriginal": true
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.Azure.Search.WordDelimiterTokenFilter",
"name": "my_word_delimiter",
"generateWordParts": true,
"generateNumberParts": false,
"catenateWords": false,
"catenateNumbers": false,
"catenateAll": false,
"splitOnCaseChange": true,
"preserveOriginal": true,
"splitOnNumerics": true,
"stemEnglishPossessive": false,
"protectedWords": []
"#odata.etag": "\"0x8D6FB2F498F9AD2\""
Below is my sample data
"value": [
"id": "1",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile_1psd2680.psd"
"id": "2",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile-1psd260.psd"
"id": "3",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile_1psd2689.psd"
"id": "4",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile-1psdxx2680.psd"
Below is the Analyze API results
"tokens": [
"token": "samplepsdfile_1psd2689.psd",
"startOffset": 0,
"endOffset": 26,
"position": 0
"token": "samplepsdfile",
"startOffset": 0,
"endOffset": 13,
"position": 0
"token": "psd",
"startOffset": 15,
"endOffset": 18,
"position": 1
"token": "psd",
"startOffset": 23,
"endOffset": 26,
"position": 2
When I search with the keyword "SamplePSDFile_1psd2689.psd", Azure search returning three records in the results instead of only document 3. Below is my search query and the results.
"#odata.count": 3,
"value": [
"#search.score": 2.3387241,
"id": "2",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile-1psd260.psd"
"#search.score": 2.2493405,
"id": "3",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile_1psd2689.psd"
"#search.score": 2.2493405,
"id": "1",
"FileName": "SamplePSDFile_1psd2680.psd"
How I can achieve my expected results. I tried with and without double quotes around the keyword all other options, but no luck. What I am doing wrong here in this case?
Some body suggested to use $filter, but that field wasn't filterable in our case.
Please help me on this.
If you are looking for exact match then you probably don't want any analyzer involved. Give it a try with this line
"analyzer": "keyword-analyzer"
changed to
"analyzer": null
If you need to be able to do exact match on the field and also support partial keyword searches then you need to index the field twice with different names. Maybe append “Exact” to the exact match field name and don’t use an analyzer for that one. The name without exact can have an analyzer. Then search on the field using the right field name index depending on the type of search.

Query Druid SQL inner join with a dataSource name that has a dash

How to write an INNER JOIN query between two data sources that one of them has a dash as it's schema name
Executing the following query on the Druid SQL binary results in a query error
FROM first
INNER JOIN "second-schema" on first.device_id = "second-schema".device_id;
org.apache.druid.java.util.common.ISE: Cannot build plan for query
Is this the correct syntax when trying to refrence a data source that has a dash in it's name?
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "second-schema",
"parser": {
"type": "string",
"parseSpec": {
"format": "json",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "ts_start"
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"dimensionExclusions": [],
"spatialDimensions": []
"metricsSpec": [
{ "type": "hyperUnique", "name": "conn_id_hll", "fieldName": "conn_id"},
"type": "count",
"name": "event_count"
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": "minute"
"ioConfig": {
"type": "realtime",
"firehose": {
"type": "kafka-0.8",
"consumerProps": {
"zookeeper.connect": "localhost:2181",
"zookeeper.connectiontimeout.ms": "15000",
"zookeeper.sessiontimeout.ms": "15000",
"zookeeper.synctime.ms": "5000",
"group.id": "flow-info",
"fetch.size": "1048586",
"autooffset.reset": "largest",
"autocommit.enable": "false"
"feed": "flow-info"
"plumber": {
"type": "realtime"
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "realtime",
"maxRowsInMemory": 50000,
"basePersistDirectory": "\/opt\/druid-data\/realtime\/basePersist",
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10m",
"windowPeriod": "PT15m",
"rejectionPolicy": {
"type": "serverTime"
"dataSchema": {
"dataSource": "first",
"parser": {
"type": "string",
"parseSpec": {
"format": "json",
"timestampSpec": {
"column": "ts_start"
"dimensionsSpec": {
"dimensions": [
"dimensionExclusions": [],
"spatialDimensions": []
"metricsSpec": [
{ "type": "doubleSum", "name": "val_num", "fieldName": "val_num" },
{ "type": "doubleMin", "name": "val_num_min", "fieldName": "val_num" },
{ "type": "doubleMax", "name": "val_num_max", "fieldName": "val_num" },
{ "type": "doubleSum", "name": "size", "fieldName": "size" },
{ "type": "doubleMin", "name": "size_min", "fieldName": "size" },
{ "type": "doubleMax", "name": "size_max", "fieldName": "size" },
{ "type": "count", "name": "first_count" }
"granularitySpec": {
"type": "uniform",
"segmentGranularity": "HOUR",
"queryGranularity": "minute"
"ioConfig": {
"type": "realtime",
"firehose": {
"type": "kafka-0.8",
"consumerProps": {
"zookeeper.connect": "localhost:2181",
"zookeeper.connectiontimeout.ms": "15000",
"zookeeper.sessiontimeout.ms": "15000",
"zookeeper.synctime.ms": "5000",
"group.id": "first",
"fetch.size": "1048586",
"autooffset.reset": "largest",
"autocommit.enable": "false"
"feed": "first"
"plumber": {
"type": "realtime"
"tuningConfig": {
"type": "realtime",
"maxRowsInMemory": 50000,
"basePersistDirectory": "\/opt\/druid-data\/realtime\/basePersist",
"intermediatePersistPeriod": "PT10m",
"windowPeriod": "PT15m",
"rejectionPolicy": {
"type": "serverTime"
Based on your schema definitions there are a few observations I'll make.
When doing a join you usually have to list out columns explicitly (not use a *) otherwise you get collisions from duplicate columns. In your join, for example, you have a device_id in both "first" and "second-schema", not to mention all the other columns that are the same across both.
When using a literal delimiter I don't mix them up. I either use them or I don't.
So I think your query will work better in the form of something more like this
"second-schema"."etid" as "ss_etid",
"second-schema"."device_id" as "ss_device_id",
"second-schema"."device_name" as "ss_device_name",
"second-schema"."x_1" as "ss_x_1",
"second-schema"."x_2" as "ss_x_2",
"second-schema"."x_3" as "ss_x_3",
"second-schema"."vlan" as "ss_vlan",
"second-schema"."s_x" as "ss_s_x",
"second-schema"."d_x" as "ss_d_x",
"second-schema"."d_p" as "ss_d_p",
FROM "first"
INNER JOIN "second-schema" ON "first"."device_id" = "second-schema"."device_id";
Obviously feel free to name columns as you see fit, or include exclude columns as needed. Select * will only work when all columns across both tables are unique.

eBay API issues - cannot publish an offer

All of the following is being performed in eBay's API sandbox.
I am attempting to list an item by using the inventory API. Specifically, I have created an inventory item and a relevant offer for that item. When I make a POST request to the publish offer endpoint, I get the following error:
"errors": [
"errorId": 25016,
"domain": "API_INVENTORY",
"subdomain": "Selling",
"category": "REQUEST",
"message": "The title value is invalid. Seller Provided Title Value is missing."
"errorId": 25002,
"domain": "API_INVENTORY",
"subdomain": "Selling",
"category": "REQUEST",
"message": "A user error has occurred. The duration \"GTC\" day(s) is not available for this listing type, or invalid for category \"49996\".",
"parameters": [
"name": "0",
"value": "GTC"
"name": "1",
"value": "49996"
I can't see any reference in any of the API documentation to a "Seller Provided Title". The duration error is also confusing as the API says it only supports "GTC" listings. The product has a title so it must be in reference to something else.
My inventory item is as follows:
"sku": "13725",
"product": {
"title": "Harley Davidson bike",
"aspects": {
"Year": [
"Model": [
"Road Glide Special"
"Manufacurer": [
"Type": [
"For Sale By": [
"Vehicle Title": [
"Mileage": [
"VIN (Vehicle Identification Number)": [
"Color": [
"Black Quartz"
"description": "Item description goes here",
"imageUrls": [
"condition": "USED_EXCELLENT",
"availability": {
"pickupAtLocationAvailability": [
"quantity": 1,
"merchantLocationKey": "425",
"availabilityType": "IN_STOCK",
"fulfillmentTime": {
"value": 1,
"unit": "DAY"
And my offer object is as follows:
"offerId": "5852159010",
"sku": "13725",
"marketplaceId": "EBAY_MOTORS",
"format": "FIXED_PRICE",
"availableQuantity": 0,
"pricingSummary": {
"price": {
"value": "18294.0",
"currency": "USD"
"listingPolicies": {
"paymentPolicyId": "5807565000",
"fulfillmentPolicyId": "5806186000"
"categoryId": "49996",
"merchantLocationKey": "425",
"tax": {
"applyTax": false
"status": "UNPUBLISHED",
"eBayPlusEligible": false
I had similar issues on sandbox, and came to the conculsion it was broken.
They also have some limits on only certain categories working.
Have you tried it agains the live API, I have found this to be far more reliable, ignoring the fact doing development work live is dangerous!
For your info here is my working code offer:
inventory_template = {
"availability": {
"shipToLocationAvailability": {
"quantity": product.quantity_available
"condition": "NEW",
"product": {
"aspects": {spec.name: [spec.value] for spec in product.specifics},
"brand": product.product_brand,
"description": product.product_description,
"imageUrls": [
"https://ebay.mydomain.co.uk/{}".format(img.image_link) for img in product.images],
"mpn": product.product_mpn,
"title": product.product_title,
"upc": [
"ean": [
# "epid": "string"
"sku": sku,
offer_body = {
"availableQuantity": offer.available_quantity,
"categoryId": offer.category_id,
"listingDescription": html,
"listingPolicies": {
"paymentPolicyId": offer.payment_policy_id,
"returnPolicyId": offer.return_policy_id,
"fulfillmentPolicyId": offer.fulfillment_policy_id,
"merchantLocationKey": offer.merchant_location_key,
"pricingSummary": {
"price": {
"value": offer.summary_price_value,
"currency": offer.summary_price_currency
"sku": offer.sku,
"marketplaceId": offer.marketplace_id,
"format": offer.format
the offer.available_quantity etc are items from my database, its the structure I'm showing.

how to write a query in oracle to get a single value as string from the json list?

I have a json string containing list of data, I want to write a query to get a single value based on the condition. but it is returning list of values. please help me to write a valid query in oracle database.
My json string looks like
"Key": [
"obj": {
"Info": [
"Code": "",
"tax": "",
"rate": "",
"taxAmount": {
"formattedAmount": "",
"Amount": ""
"Code": "qwer",
"tax": "ggs",
"rate": "0",
"taxAmount": {
"formattedAmount": "10.00",
"Amount": "10.00"
"key": "qwer"
"Code": "poiu",
"tax": "ggs",
"rate": "0",
"taxAmount": {
"formattedAmount": "20.00",
"Amount": "20.00"
"key": "poiu"
"coverageCode": "zxcv",
"tax": "ggs",
"rate": "0",
"taxAmount": {
"formattedAmount": "30.00",
"Amount": "30.00"
"key": "zxcv"
"status": "S"
I want to get formattedAmount value "10.00". Written a query like
SELECT json_query(details, '$.Info.taxAmount.formattedAmount' WITH WRAPPER)
FROM details_table where json_query(details, '$.Info.Code' WITH WRAPPER) = 'qwer';
returns no value. without where clause i'll get all the formattedAmont in list [,"10.00","20.00","30.00"]