How to fix type error: Caught TypeError in DataLoader worker process 1 - typeerror

I got a TypeError while training my model:
enter image description here
here is my data preprocessing code:
class CriteoDatasetOtherSplit(
Criteo Display Advertising Challenge Dataset
Data prepration:
* Remove the infrequent features (appearing in less than threshold instances) and treat them as a single feature
* Discretize numerical values by log2 transformation which is proposed by the winner of Criteo Competition
:param dataset_path: criteo train.txt path.
:param cache_path: lmdb cache path.
:param rebuild_cache: If True, lmdb cache is refreshed.
:param min_threshold: infrequent feature threshold.
def __init__(self, dataset_path=None, cache_path='./criteo', rebuild_cache=False, min_threshold=8):
self.NUM_FEATS = 39
self.NUM_INT_FEATS = 13
self.min_threshold = min_threshold
if rebuild_cache or not Path(cache_path).exists():
shutil.rmtree(cache_path, ignore_errors=True)
if dataset_path is None:
raise ValueError('create cache: failed: dataset_path is None')
self.__build_cache(dataset_path, cache_path)
self.env =, create=False, lock=False, readonly=True)
with self.env.begin(write=False) as txn:
self.length = txn.stat()['entries'] - 1
self.field_dims = np.frombuffer(txn.get(b'field_dims'), dtype=np.uint32)
self.other_dims = np.frombuffer(txn.get(b'other_dims'), dtype=np.uint32)
def __getitem__(self, index):
with self.env.begin(write=False) as txn:
np_array = np.frombuffer(
txn.get(struct.pack('>I', index)), dtype=np.uint32).astype(dtype=np.long)
return np_array[1:], np_array[0]
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __build_cache(self, path, cache_path):
feat_mapper, other_feat_mapper, defaults = self.__get_feat_mapper(path)
with, map_size=int(1e11)) as env:
field_dims = np.zeros(self.NUM_FEATS, dtype=np.uint32)
other_dims = np.zeros(self.NUM_FEATS, dtype=np.uint32)
for i, fm in other_feat_mapper.items():
other_dims[i - 1] = len(fm)
for i, fm in feat_mapper.items():
field_dims[i - 1] = len(fm) + other_dims[i - 1]
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
txn.put(b'field_dims', field_dims.tobytes())
txn.put(b'other_dims', other_dims.tobytes())
for buffer in self.__yield_buffer(path, feat_mapper, other_feat_mapper, defaults):
with env.begin(write=True) as txn:
for key, value in buffer:
txn.put(key, value)
def __get_feat_mapper(self, path):
feat_cnts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
with open(path) as f:
pbar = tqdm(f, mininterval=1, smoothing=0.1)
pbar.set_description('Create criteo dataset cache: counting features')
for line in pbar:
values = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
if len(values) != self.NUM_FEATS + 1:
for i in range(1, self.NUM_INT_FEATS + 1):
feat_cnts[i][convert_numeric_feature(values[i])] += 1
for i in range(self.NUM_INT_FEATS + 1, self.NUM_FEATS + 1):
feat_cnts[i][values[i]] += 1
feat_mapper = {i: {feat for feat, c in cnt.items() if c >= self.min_threshold} for i, cnt in feat_cnts.items()}
other_feat_mapper = {i: {feat for feat, c in cnt.items() if c < self.min_threshold} for i, cnt in feat_cnts.items()}
feat_mapper = {i: {feat: idx for idx, feat in enumerate(cnt)} for i, cnt in feat_mapper.items()}
other_feat_mapper = {i: {feat: idx for idx, feat in enumerate(cnt)} for i, cnt in other_feat_mapper.items()}
defaults = {i: len(cnt) for i, cnt in feat_mapper.items()}
return feat_mapper, other_feat_mapper, defaults
def __yield_buffer(self, path, feat_mapper, other_feat_mapper, defaults, buffer_size=int(1e5)):
item_idx = 0
buffer = list()
with open(path) as f:
pbar = tqdm(f, mininterval=1, smoothing=0.1)
pbar.set_description('Create criteo dataset cache: setup lmdb')
for line in pbar:
values = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t')
if len(values) != self.NUM_FEATS + 1:
np_array = np.zeros(self.NUM_FEATS + 1, dtype=np.uint32)
np_array[0] = int(values[0])
for i in range(1, self.NUM_INT_FEATS + 1):
other_feat_mapper[i].setdefault(convert_numeric_feature(values[i]), 0)
np_array[i] = feat_mapper[i].get(convert_numeric_feature(values[i]),
for i in range(self.NUM_INT_FEATS + 1, self.NUM_FEATS + 1):
other_feat_mapper[i].setdefault(values[i], 0)
np_array[i] = feat_mapper[i].get(values[i], other_feat_mapper[i][values[i]]+defaults[i])
buffer.append((struct.pack('>I', item_idx), np_array.tobytes()))
item_idx += 1
if item_idx % buffer_size == 0:
yield buffer
yield buffer
def convert_numeric_feature(val: str):
if val == '':
return 'NULL'
v = int(val)
if v > 2:
return str(int(math.log(v) ** 2))
return str(v - 2)


Error when trying to implement mAP as metrics in yolov1 training using tensorflow

I am trying to implement mAP as the main metric for yolov1 training. It ran fine for several epochs and was able to give the mAP value along with its loss for each batch. but after several epochs, it would crash, and I can't figure out what was wrong.
This is the error code that I got:
InvalidArgumentError: in user code:
C:\Users\DeepLab\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_11432/ mean_average_precision *
if iou > best_iou:
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\autograph\operators\ if_stmt
_tf_if_stmt(cond, body, orelse, get_state, set_state, symbol_names, nouts)
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\autograph\operators\ _tf_if_stmt
cond = _verify_tf_condition(cond, 'if statement')
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\autograph\operators\ _verify_tf_condition
cond = array_ops.reshape(cond, ())
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\util\ wrapper
return target(*args, **kwargs)
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\ reshape
result = gen_array_ops.reshape(tensor, shape, name)
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\ reshape
return reshape_eager_fallback(
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\ops\ reshape_eager_fallback
_result = _execute.execute(b"Reshape", 1, inputs=_inputs_flat, attrs=_attrs,
C:\Users\DeepLab\anaconda3\envs\GPU\lib\site-packages\tensorflow\python\eager\ quick_execute
tensors = pywrap_tfe.TFE_Py_Execute(ctx._handle, device_name, op_name,
InvalidArgumentError: Input to reshape is a tensor with 0 values, but the requested shape has 1 [Op:Reshape]
For calculating mAP, I use these functions:
intersection_over_union used to return iou in tensor type
convert_cellboxes used to return the label value measured from the shape of the image
cellboxes_to_boxes used to return the list of lists containing 6 values (class_idx, confident, x, y, w, h)
non_max_suppression used to return the filtered version of cellboxes_to_boxes output
get_bboxes used to return a list containing 7 value, img_idx, class_idx, confident, x, y, w, h). It will be used as an input to calculate mAP.
mean_average_precisions is used to calculate mAP.
def intersection_over_union(boxes_preds, boxes_labels, box_format="midpoint"):
if box_format == "midpoint":
box1_x1 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1] - boxes_preds[..., 2:3] / 2 ## ==> x - w / 2 for each grid in each image
box1_y1 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2] - boxes_preds[..., 3:4] / 2 ## ==> y - h / 2 for each grid in each image
box1_x2 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1] + boxes_preds[..., 2:3] / 2 ## ==> x + w / 2 for each grid in each image
box1_y2 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2] + boxes_preds[..., 3:4] / 2 ## ==> y + h / 2 for each grid in each image
box2_x1 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1] - boxes_labels[..., 2:3] / 2
box2_y1 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2] - boxes_labels[..., 3:4] / 2
box2_x2 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1] + boxes_labels[..., 2:3] / 2
box2_y2 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2] + boxes_labels[..., 3:4] / 2
if box_format == "corners":
box1_x1 = boxes_preds[..., 0:1]
box1_y1 = boxes_preds[..., 1:2]
box1_x2 = boxes_preds[..., 2:3]
box1_y2 = boxes_preds[..., 3:4] # (N, 1)
box2_x1 = boxes_labels[..., 0:1]
box2_y1 = boxes_labels[..., 1:2]
box2_x2 = boxes_labels[..., 2:3]
box2_y2 = boxes_labels[..., 3:4]
x1 = K.max((box1_x1, box2_x1))
y1 = K.max((box1_y1, box2_y1))
x2 = K.min((box1_x2, box2_x2))
y2 = K.min((box1_y2, box2_y2))
intersection = K.clip((x2-x1), min_value=0, max_value=abs(x2-x1)) * K.clip((y2-y1), min_value=0, max_value=abs(y2-y1))
#intersection = 2
box1_area = abs((box1_x2 - box1_x1) * (box1_y2 - box1_y1))
box2_area = abs((box2_x2 - box2_x1) * (box2_y2 - box2_y1))
return intersection / (box1_area + box2_area - intersection + 1e-6)
def convert_cellboxes(predictions, S=7): #array (n, 7, 7, 30) (n, 7 x 7, 30)
#batch_size = predictions.shape[0]
n = batch_size
predictions = K.reshape(predictions, (n, 7, 7, 30))
n = len(X_val)%batch_size
predictions = K.reshape(predictions, (n, 7, 7, 30))
bboxes1 = predictions[..., 21:25]
bboxes2 = predictions[..., 26:30]
scores = tf.concat(
(tf.expand_dims(predictions[..., 20], 0), tf.expand_dims(predictions[..., 25], 0)), axis=0 #(1, 7, 7, 2)
) ## (n, 7, 7, 2)
best_box = tf.expand_dims(K.argmax(scores, 0), -1)
best_boxes = bboxes1 * (1 - best_box) + best_box * bboxes2 ##(7, 7, 4)
cell_indices = tf.expand_dims(tf.tile(tf.range(start=0, limit=7, delta=1), (7,)), -1) # (49, 1) (1, 7, 7, 1)
cell_indices = tf.repeat(tf.reshape(cell_indices, (1, 7, 7, 1)), n, 0) ## reshape from (49, 1) to (n, 7, 7, 1)
best_boxes = tf.cast(best_boxes, tf.float32)
cell_indices = tf.cast(cell_indices, tf.float32)
x = 1 / S * (best_boxes[..., :1] + cell_indices)
y = 1 / S * (best_boxes[..., 1:2] + K.permute_dimensions(cell_indices, (0, 2, 1, 3)))
w_h = 1 / S * best_boxes[..., 2:4]
converted_bboxes = tf.concat((x, y, w_h), axis=-1) # dimensi terakhir = 4
predicted_class = tf.expand_dims(K.argmax(predictions[..., :20], -1), -1) #n, 7, 7, 1
best_confidence = tf.expand_dims(K.max((predictions[..., 20], predictions[..., 25]), 0), -1)
predicted_class = tf.cast(predicted_class, tf.float32)
best_confidence = tf.cast(best_confidence, tf.float32)
converted_preds = tf.concat(
(predicted_class, best_confidence, converted_bboxes), -1 # n, 7, 7, 6
return converted_preds
def cellboxes_to_boxes(out, S=7):
n = batch_size
converted_pred = K.reshape(convert_cellboxes(out), (n, S * S, -1)) # (n, 49, 6)
n = len(X_val)%batch_size
converted_pred = K.reshape(convert_cellboxes(out), (n, S * S, -1)) # (n, 49, 6)
converted_pred = converted_pred.numpy() # mode graph
all_bboxes = []
for ex_idx in range(out.shape[0]):
bboxes = []
for bbox_idx in range(S * S):
bboxes.append([x for x in converted_pred[ex_idx, bbox_idx, :]])
return all_bboxes
def non_max_suppression(bboxes, iou_threshold, threshold, box_format="midpoint"):
#bboxes = bboxes[0]
#for i, box in enumerate(bboxes):
# bboxes[i][4:6] = box[4:6] * 7
assert type(bboxes) == list
bboxes = [box for box in bboxes if box[1] > threshold]
bboxes = sorted(bboxes, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
bboxes_after_nms = []
while bboxes:
chosen_box = bboxes.pop(0)
bboxes = [
box # (6)
for box in bboxes
if box[0] != chosen_box[0]
or intersection_over_union(
< iou_threshold
return bboxes_after_nms
def get_bboxes(gt_labels, pred_labels, iou_threshold, threshold, box_format="midpoint"):
images_pred_boxes = list with each element in this format (image_idx, class_prediction, prob_score, x, y, w, h)
images_gt_boxes = list with each element in this format (image_idx, class, prob_score, x, y, w, h)
images_pred_boxes = []
images_gt_boxes = []
#pred_labels = model.predict(images) # data training, validation, testing
image_idx = 0
gt_boxes = cellboxes_to_boxes(gt_labels)
pred_boxes = cellboxes_to_boxes(pred_labels)
for i in range(len(gt_labels)):
pred_box_nms = non_max_suppression(pred_boxes[i], iou_threshold, threshold, box_format="midpoint")
for nms_box in pred_box_nms:
images_pred_boxes.append([image_idx] + nms_box)
for box in gt_boxes[i]:
if box[1] > threshold:
images_gt_boxes.append([image_idx] + box)
image_idx += 1
return images_pred_boxes, images_gt_boxes
def mean_average_precision(
y_true, y_pred, iou_threshold=0.5, box_format="midpoint", num_classes=20
pred_boxes, true_boxes = get_bboxes(y_true, y_pred, iou_threshold=0.6, threshold=0.3, box_format="midpoint")
# list storing all AP for respective classes
average_precisions = []
# used for numerical stability later on
epsilon = 1e-6
for c in range(num_classes):
detections = []
ground_truths = []
# Go through all predictions and targets,
# and only add the ones that belong to the
# current class c
for detection in pred_boxes:
if detection[1] == c:
for true_box in true_boxes:
if true_box[1] == c:
# find the amount of bboxes for each training example
# Counter here finds how many ground truth bboxes we get
# for each training example, so let's say img 0 has 3,
# img 1 has 5 then we will obtain a dictionary with:
# amount_bboxes = {0:3, 1:5, ..., 20: 10}
amount_bboxes = Counter([gt[0] for gt in ground_truths])
# We then go through each key, val in this dictionary
# and convert to the following (w.r.t same example):
# amount_bboxes = {0:torch.tensor[0,0,0], 1:torch.tensor[0,0,0,0,0]}
for key, val in amount_bboxes.items():
amount_bboxes[key] = np.zeros(val)
# sort by box probabilities which is index 2
detections.sort(key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
TP = np.zeros((len(detections)))
FP = np.zeros((len(detections)))
total_true_bboxes = len(ground_truths)
# If none exists for this class then we can safely skip
if total_true_bboxes == 0:
for detection_idx, detection in enumerate(detections):
# Only take out the ground_truths that have the same
# training idx as detection
ground_truth_img = [
bbox for bbox in ground_truths if bbox[0] == detection[0]
num_gts = len(ground_truth_img) #
best_iou = 0
best_gt_idx = 0
iou = 0
for idx, gt in enumerate(ground_truth_img):
iou = intersection_over_union(
if iou > best_iou:
best_iou = iou
best_gt_idx = idx
if best_iou > iou_threshold:
# only detect ground truth detection once
if amount_bboxes[detection[0]][best_gt_idx] == 0:
# true positive and add this bounding box to seen
TP[detection_idx] = 1
amount_bboxes[detection[0]][best_gt_idx] = 1
FP[detection_idx] = 1
# if IOU is lower then the detection is a false positive
FP[detection_idx] = 1
TP = tf.constant(TP)
FP = tf.constant(FP)
TP_cumsum = tf.cumsum(TP, axis=0)
FP_cumsum = tf.cumsum(FP, axis=0)
recalls = TP_cumsum / (total_true_bboxes + epsilon)
precisions = tf.math.divide(TP_cumsum, (TP_cumsum + FP_cumsum + epsilon))
precisions = tf.concat((tf.cast(tf.constant([1]), precisions.dtype), precisions), axis=0)
recalls = tf.concat((tf.cast(tf.constant([0]), recalls.dtype), recalls), axis=0)
# torch.trapz for numerical integration
average_precisions.append(tfp.math.trapz(precisions, recalls))
return sum(average_precisions) / len(average_precisions)
for training, I used a standard with pascalvoc2007 as its dataset and a batch size of 4.

incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input (LinearFunction) in machine learning

I have trained a deep Q-Learning model using Chanier:
class Q_Network (chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
super (Q_Network, self).__init__ (
fc1=L.Linear (input_size, hidden_size),
fc2=L.Linear (hidden_size, hidden_size),
fc3=L.Linear (hidden_size, output_size)
def __call__(self, x):
h = F.relu (self.fc1 (x))
h = F.relu (self.fc2 (h))
y = self.fc3 (h)
return y
def reset(self):
self.zerograds ()
def train_dqn(env):
Q = Q_Network (input_size=env.history_t + 1, hidden_size=100, output_size=3)
Q_ast = copy.deepcopy (Q)
optimizer = chainer.optimizers.Adam ()
optimizer.setup (Q)
epoch_num = 50
step_max = len ( - 1
memory_size = 200
batch_size = 20
# epsilon = 1.0
epsilon = 0.9
epsilon_decrease = 1e-3
epsilon_min = 0.1
start_reduce_epsilon = 200
train_freq = 10
update_q_freq = 20
# gamma = 0.97
gamma = 0.9
show_log_freq = 5
memory = []
total_step = 0
total_rewards = []
total_losses = []
start = time.time ()
for epoch in range (epoch_num):
pobs = env.reset ()
step = 0
done = False
total_reward = 0
total_loss = 0
while not done and step < step_max:
# select act
pact = np.random.randint (3)
if np.random.rand () > epsilon:
pact = Q (np.array (pobs, dtype=np.float32).reshape (1, -1))
pact = np.argmax (
# act
obs, reward, done = env.step (pact)
# add memory
memory.append ((pobs, pact, reward, obs, done))
if len (memory) > memory_size:
memory.pop (0)
# train or update q
if len (memory) == memory_size:
if total_step % train_freq == 0:
shuffled_memory = np.random.permutation (memory)
memory_idx = range (len (shuffled_memory))
for i in memory_idx[::batch_size]:
batch = np.array (shuffled_memory[i:i + batch_size])
b_pobs = np.array (batch[:, 0].tolist (), dtype=np.float32).reshape (batch_size, -1)
b_pact = np.array (batch[:, 1].tolist (), dtype=np.int32)
b_reward = np.array (batch[:, 2].tolist (), dtype=np.int32)
b_obs = np.array (batch[:, 3].tolist (), dtype=np.float32).reshape (batch_size, -1)
b_done = np.array (batch[:, 4].tolist (), dtype=np.bool)
q = Q (b_pobs)
maxq = np.max (Q_ast (b_obs).data, axis=1)
target = copy.deepcopy (
for j in range (batch_size):
target[j, b_pact[j]] = b_reward[j] + gamma * maxq[j] * (not b_done[j])
Q.reset ()
loss = F.mean_squared_error (q, target)
total_loss +=
loss.backward ()
optimizer.update ()
if total_step % update_q_freq == 0:
Q_ast = copy.deepcopy (Q)
# epsilon
if epsilon > epsilon_min and total_step > start_reduce_epsilon:
epsilon -= epsilon_decrease
# next step
total_reward += reward
pobs = obs
step += 1
total_step += 1
total_rewards.append (total_reward)
total_losses.append (total_loss)
if (epoch + 1) % show_log_freq == 0:
log_reward = sum (total_rewards[((epoch + 1) - show_log_freq):]) / show_log_freq
log_loss = sum (total_losses[((epoch + 1) - show_log_freq):]) / show_log_freq
elapsed_time = time.time () - start
print ('\t'.join (map (str, [epoch + 1, epsilon, total_step, log_reward, log_loss, elapsed_time])))
start = time.time ()
return Q, total_losses, total_rewards
if __name__ == "__main__":
Q, total_losses, total_rewards = train_dqn (Environment1 (train))
serializers.save_npz(r'C:\Users\willi\Desktop\dqn\dqn.model', Q)
After saved the model,I call the model again and feed data in it to let it predict:
load model:
model = Q_Network (input_size=91, hidden_size=100, output_size=3)
serializers.load_npz(r'C:\Users\willi\Desktop\dqn\dqn.model', model)
feed one row data:
data = pd.read_csv (r'C:\Users\willi\Downloads\spyv.csv')
the data is looks like:
open high low close volume datetime
0 236.250 239.01 236.22 238.205 2327395 30600
1 238.205 240.47 238.00 239.920 1506096 30660
2 239.955 240.30 238.85 239.700 1357531 30720
3 239.690 243.33 239.66 241.650 1265604 30780
4 241.570 242.13 240.20 240.490 896000 30840
Now predict:
x = data.iloc[1].to_numpy()
y = model(x)
But the error says:
IndexError: tuple index out of range
The full error is:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-b745008aa965> in <module>
65 x = data.iloc[1].to_numpy()
---> 66 y = Q(x)
~\ddqn.ipynb in __call__(self, x)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\ in __call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
285 # forward is implemented in the child classes
286 forward = self.forward # type: ignore
--> 287 out = forward(*args, **kwargs)
289 # Call forward_postprocess hook
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\links\connection\ in forward(self, x, n_batch_axes)
181 in_size = utils.size_of_shape(x.shape[n_batch_axes:])
182 self._initialize_params(in_size)
--> 183 return linear.linear(x, self.W, self.b, n_batch_axes=n_batch_axes)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\functions\connection\ in linear(x, W, b, n_batch_axes)
306 args = x, W, b
--> 308 y, = LinearFunction().apply(args)
309 if n_batch_axes > 1:
310 y = y.reshape(batch_shape + (-1,))
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\ in apply(self, inputs)
306 if configuration.config.type_check:
--> 307 self._check_data_type_forward(in_data)
309 self.check_layout_forward(input_vars)
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\ in _check_data_type_forward(self, in_data)
444 try:
445 with type_check.light_mode:
--> 446 self.check_type_forward(in_type)
447 return
448 except type_check.InvalidType:
~\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\chainer\functions\connection\ in check_type_forward(self, in_types)
27 x_type.ndim == 2,
28 w_type.ndim == 2,
---> 29 x_type.shape[1] == w_type.shape[1],
30 )
31 if type_check.eval(n_in) == 3:
IndexError: tuple index out of range
TypeError: incompatible array types are mixed in the forward input (LinearFunction).
Actual: <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>, <class 'numpy.ndarray'>
The error says that your input is a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame while your model parameters are numpy.ndarray.
You need to convert your pandas dataframe data to numpy using .to_numpy().
Probably you will face other issues with the format of the data and you will need to manipulate it to match your training examples.
x = data.iloc[1].to_numpy()
y = model(x)

AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute 'to_cpu'

Good day,
I'm developing a deep learning model for wireless signal detection. Below is the snippet of the function that computes the model accuracy and bit error rate (BER):
from chainer.datasets import TupleDataset
import numpy as np
from chainer import cuda
from chainer import function
def get_idp_acc(model, dataset_tuple, comp_ratio, profile = None, batchsize = 128, gpu = -1):
chainer.config.train = True
xp = np if gpu < 0 else cuda.cupy
x, indices, x_zf, HtH, Hty = dataset_tuple._datasets[0], dataset_tuple._datasets[1], dataset_tuple._datasets[2], dataset_tuple._datasets[3], dataset_tuple._datasets[4]
accs = 0
BERs = 0
model.train = False
for j in range(0, len(x), batchsize):
x_batch = xp.array(x[j:j + batchsize])
indices_batch = xp.array(indices[j:j + batchsize])
x_zf_batch = xp.array(x_zf[j:j + batchsize])
HtH_batch = xp.array(HtH[j:j + batchsize])
Hty_batch = xp.array(Hty[j:j + batchsize])
if profile == None:
acc_data = model(x_batch, indices_batch, x_zf_batch, HtH_batch, Hty_batch, comp_ratio = comp_ratio,
ret_param = 'acc')
acc_data = model(x_batch, indices_batch, x_zf_batch, HtH_batch, Hty_batch, comp_ratio = comp_ratio,
ret_param = 'acc', profile = profile)
acc =
BER = 1.0 - acc
accs += acc * len(x_batch)
BERs += BER * len(x_batch)
return (accs / len(x)) * 100.
When the code is run, I get the following error below despite having imported all the required chainer modules. I really need your help on this issue as I'm stuck for nearly two months without making any headways in my project.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 14, in <module>
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 39, in run
acc_dict[name], BER_dict[name] = util.sweep_idp(model, test, comp_ratios, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 107, in sweep_idp
batchsize=args.batchsize, profile=profile))
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 83, in get_idp_acc
AttributeError: 'numpy.float32' object has no attribute 'to_cpu'
Below is the additional information providing codes for model definition:
K = 10
num_layers = 3*K
def lin_soft_sign(x, t):
'''Linear soft sign activation function from the original paper Eq. (11)'''
y = -1 + F.relu(x + t)/ F.absolute(t) - F.relu(- t)/ F.absolute(t)
return y
def accuracy(x, y):
'''Computes the fraction of elements for which x and y are equal'''
return np.mean(np.equal(x, y)).astype(np.float32)
class MLP(chainer.Chain):
def __init__(self, K, coeff_generator, profiles = None, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K):
super(MLP, self).__init__()
if profiles == None:
profiles = [(0, 10)]
self.coeff_generator = coeff_generator
self.z_dims = z_dims
self.v_dims = v_dims
self.K = K
self.profiles = profiles
self.profile = 0
with self.init_scope():
self.p0_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p1_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p2_l1 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.z_dims)
self.p0_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p1_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p2_lv = IncompleteLinear(None, self.v_dims)
self.p0_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
self.p1_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
self.p2_l3 = IncompleteLinear(None, self.K)
def __call__(self, x, indices, x_zf, HtH, Hty, ret_param = 'loss', profile = None, comp_ratio = None):
if profile == None:
profile = self.profile
# Form Zero-forcing detection
err_rel = F.sum((x - x_zf)**2, axis = 1)
params = layer_profile(self.coeff_generator,
*self.profiles[profile], self.z_dims,
self.v_dims, comp_ratio)
def detnet_layer(x_d, x_logit, v, z_dims, v_dims):
HtH_x = np.matmul(HtH, np.expand_dims(, axis = 2).astype(np.float32))
HtH_x = F.squeeze(HtH_x, axis = -1)
#x_concat = np.concatenate([Hty, x, HtH_x, v], axis=1)
x_concat = F.concat([Hty, x_d, HtH_x, v], axis = 1)
if profile == 0:
z = F.relu(self.p0_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p0_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p0_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
elif profile == 1:
z = F.relu(self.p1_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p1_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p1_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
elif profile == 2:
z = F.relu(self.p2_l1(x_concat))
v += self.p2_lv(z, *params)
x_logit += self.p2_l3(z, *params)
x = lin_soft_sign(x_logit, F.broadcast_to(np.ones(1).astype(np.float32), x_logit.shape))
return x, x_logit, v
x_k = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.K), dtype = np.float32)
x_k_logit = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.K), dtype = np.float32)
v = np.zeros((Hty.shape[0], self.v_dims), dtype = np.float32)
loss = 0
mod = sg.Modulator('BPSK', K)
for k in range(1, num_layers + 1):
x_k, x_k_logit, v = detnet_layer(x_k, x_k_logit, v, self.z_dims, self.v_dims)
err = F.sum((x - x_k)**2, 1)
loss += (np.log(k)).astype(np.float32) * F.mean(err/err_rel)
report = {'loss': loss, 'acc': accuracy(mod.demodulate(, indices)}, self)
return report[ret_param]
def report_params(self):
return ['validation/main/acc']
def param_names(self):
if len(self.profiles) > 1:
return 'IDPDETNET_{}_{}_{}_p{}'.format(self.z_dims, self.v_dims, self.coeff_generator.__name__, len(self.profiles))
return 'IDPDETNET_{}_{}_{}'.format(self.z_dims, self.v_dims, self.coeff_generator.__name__)
import os
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
import numpy as np
import visualize as vz
import idp.coeffs_generator as cg
from net import MLP
import util
K = 10
N = 4
v_dims = 2*K
z_dims = 8*K
SNR_dB_tmin = -4
SNR_dB_tmax = 24
SNR_dB_test = np.linspace(SNR_dB_tmin, SNR_dB_tmax, 8)
num_snr_test = len(SNR_dB_test)
def run(args):
train, test = util.get_dataset(args.modeltype)
names = ['all-one (standard)', 'linear']
colors = [vz.colors.all_one_lg, vz.colors.linear_lg]
models = [
MLP.MLP(K, cg.uniform, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K),
MLP.MLP(K, cg.linear, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
comp_ratios = np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 20)
acc_dict = {}
BER_dict = {}
ratios_dict = {}
for i in range(num_snr_test):
for name, model in zip(names, models):
util.load_or_train_model(model, train, test, args)
acc_dict[name], BER_dict[name] = util.sweep_idp(model, test, comp_ratios, args)
ratios_dict[name] = [100. * cr for cr in comp_ratios]
filename = "IDPDETNET1_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(ratios_dict, acc_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder = args.figure_path, ext=args.ext,
title = 'IDPDETNET (BPSK)',
xlabel = 'IDP (%)',
ylabel = 'Test Accuracy (%)', ylim = (0, 100))
filename = "IDPDETNET2_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(ratios_dict, BER_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder=args.figure_path, ext=args.ext,
xlabel='IDP (%)',
ylabel='BER (bits/sec)')
filename = "IDPDETNET3_{}".format(args.modeltype)
vz.plot(num_snr_test, BER_dict, names, filename, colors = colors,
folder = args.figure_path, ext = args.ext,
title = 'IDPDETNET (BPSK)',
xlabel = 'SNR (dB)',
ylabel = ' BER (bits/sec)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = util.default_parser('IDPDETNET Example').parse_args()
Hi Seiya Tokui. Thank you for your kind input. Here is the model definition based on the above code:
model = MLP.MLP(K, cg.uniform, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
model = MLP.MLP(K, cg.linear, z_dims = 8*K, v_dims = 2*K)
Hi #BloodyD. Thank for your brilliant contributions. The model started training, but then later returned the following error:
1 nan nan 0.50108 5.85448
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 14, in <module>
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 38, in run
util.load_or_train_model(model, train, test, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 204, in load_or_train_model
train_model(model, train, test, args)
File "/Users/mac/Documents/idp_detnet/examples/", line 184, in train_model
return eval('\n', ''))
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'NaN' is not defined
The error occurs in the last line of this snippet code below:
name = model.param_names()
save_model(model, os.path.join(args.model_path, name))
chainer.config.train = False
with open(os.path.join(args.out, 'log'), 'r') as fp:
return eval('\n', ''))

SOM kmean optimization ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions

I am trying to merge kmeans into SOM finding the best match unit. During clustering points to return the numbers of clusters for each point I encounter this error
"ValueError: all the input arrays must have same number of dimensions"
in line 159
distances_from_center = np.concatenate((distances_from_center, [dist(teacher,nodes)]))
I am trying to optimize the SOM using the fast kmeans approach.
N = 8 # linear size of 2D map
M = 8
n_teacher = 10000 # # of teacher signal
np.random.seed(100)# test seed for random number
def main():
# initialize node vectors
nodes = np.random.rand(N,M,3)# node array. each node has 3-dim weight vector
#nodes = centers_initiation(n_teacher, 4)
#initial out put
#TODO; make out put function to simplify here
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
""" Learning """
# teacher signal
teachers = np.random.rand(n_teacher,3)
for i in range(n_teacher):
train(nodes, teachers, i)
# intermediate out put
if i%200 ==0 or i< 100: #out put for i<100 or each 1000 iteration
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
plt.imshow(nodes, interpolation='none')
def train(nodes, teachers, i):
bmu = best_matching_unit(nodes, teachers[i])
#print bmu
for x in range(N):
for y in range(M):
c = np.array([x,y])# coordinate of unit
d = np.linalg.norm(c-bmu)
L = learning_ratio(i)
S = learning_radius(i,d)
for z in range(3): #TODO clear up using numpy function
nodes[x,y,z] += L*S*(teachers[i,z] - nodes[x,y,z])
def dist(x, y):
# euclidean distance
if len(x.shape) == 1:
d = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y) ** 2))
d = np.sqrt(np.sum((x - y) ** 2, axis=1))
return d
def centers_initiation(teacher, number_of_centers):
# initialization of clusters centers as most distant points. return cluster centers (point)
dist_per_point = np.empty((0, 0), int)
dist_for_point = 0
index_of_deleted_point = 0
for point in teacher:
for other_point in np.delete(teacher, index_of_deleted_point, axis=0):
dist_for_point += dist(point, other_point)
dist_per_point = np.append(dist_per_point, dist_for_point)
dist_for_point = 0
index_of_deleted_point += 1
ordered_points_by_min = np.array(
[key for key, value in sorted(enumerate(dist_per_point), key=lambda p: p[1], reverse=True)])
return teacher[ordered_points_by_min[0:number_of_centers]]
def get_cluster_number(teacher, nodes):
# clustering points. return numbers of clusters for each point
distances_from_centers = np.zeros((0, nodes.shape[0]), int)
for point in teacher:
distances_from_center = np.array([])
for center in nodes:
distances_from_center = np.concatenate((distances_from_center, [dist(teacher,nodes)]))
distances_from_centers = np.concatenate((distances_from_centers, [distances_from_center]), axis=0)
nearest_center_number = np.argmin(distances_from_centers, axis=1)
return nearest_center_number
def best_matching_unit(teacher, nodes):
clusters = get_cluster_number(teacher, nodes)
clusters_centers_shift = 1
new_centers = np.zeros(nodes.shape)
counter = 0
while np.sum(clusters_centers_shift) != 0:
counter += 1
for i in xrange(nodes.shape[0]):
new_centers[i] = np.mean(teacher[:][clusters == i], axis=0)
clusters_centers_shift = dist(new_centers, nodes)
clusters = get_cluster_number(teacher, new_centers)
nodes = np.copy(new_centers)
return clusters
def neighbourhood(t):#neighbourhood radious
halflife = float(n_teacher/4) #for testing
initial = float(N/2)
return initial*np.exp(-t/halflife)
def learning_ratio(t):
halflife = float(n_teacher/4) #for testing
initial = 0.1
return initial*np.exp(-t/halflife)
def learning_radius(t, d):
# d is distance from BMU
s = neighbourhood(t)
return np.exp(-d**2/(2*s**2))

Tensorflow : train on mini batch, fast then slow

I am a beginner in tensorflow and I am trying to train a model using "mini batch". To do that I created a generator and iterate it. The problem I encounter is that, at the beginning of the epoch, the train seems fast (many batch per seconds) then the train slow down (1 batch per second) so I am wondering where I am wrong in my code but I do not find the problem.
def prepare_data(filename):
'''load file which give path and label for the data'''
f = open(filename, 'r')
data = [line.split() for line in f]
feat =[]
for l in data:
n_samples = len(feat)
shuf = list(range(n_samples))
count = Counter(label)
feature = [feat[i] for i in shuf]
label = np.array(label,
return feature, label[shuf]
def get_specgrams(paths, nsamples=16000):
Given list of paths, return specgrams.
# read the wav files
wavs = [[1] for x in paths]
# zero pad the shorter samples and cut off the long ones.
data = []
for wav in wavs:
if wav.size < 16000:
d = np.pad(wav, (nsamples - wav.size, 0), mode='constant')
d = wav[0:nsamples]
# get the specgram
#specgram = [signal.spectrogram(d, nperseg=256, noverlap=128)[2] for d in data]
#specgram = [s.reshape(129, 124, -1) for s in specgram]
return np.asarray(data)
def get_specgram(path, nsamples=16000):
Given path, return specgrams.
# read the wav files
wav =[1]
# zero pad the shorter samples and cut off the long ones.
if wav.size < 16000:
d = np.pad(wav, (nsamples - wav.size, 0), mode='constant')
d = wav[0:nsamples]
# get the specgram
#specgram = [signal.spectrogram(d, nperseg=256, noverlap=128)[2] for d in data]
#specgram = [s.reshape(129, 124, -1) for s in specgram]
return d
# multci classification binary labels
def one_hot_encode(labels, n_unique_labels=31):
n_labels = len(labels)
#print('number of unique labels:', n_unique_labels)
one_hot_encode = np.zeros((n_labels,n_unique_labels))
one_hot_encode[np.arange(n_labels), labels] = 1
return np.array(one_hot_encode,
def model(tr_features, tr_labels, ts_features, ts_labels):
# remove gpu device error
config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement = True)
# parameters
number_loop = math.ceil(len(tr_features)/BATCH_SIZE)
training_epochs = 10
n_dim = 16000
n_classes = 31 #len(np.unique(ts_labels))
n_hidden_units_one = 280
n_hidden_units_two = 300
sd = 1 / np.sqrt(n_dim)
learning_rate = 0.1
# get test data
ts_features, ts_labels = get_data(ts_features, ts_labels)
# Model
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,n_dim])
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None,n_classes])
W_1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_dim,n_hidden_units_one], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
b_1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_units_one], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
h_1 = tf.nn.tanh(tf.matmul(X,W_1) + b_1)
W_2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_units_one,n_hidden_units_two], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
b_2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_units_two], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
h_2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(h_1,W_2) + b_2)
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_hidden_units_two,n_classes], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([n_classes], mean = 0, stddev=sd))
y_ = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(h_2,W) + b)
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
# function and optimizers
cost_function = -tf.reduce_sum(Y * tf.log(y_))
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost_function)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_,1), tf.argmax(Y,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
# train loop
cost_history = np.empty(shape=[1],dtype=float)
y_true, y_pred = None, None
with tf.Session(config = config) as sess:
for epoch in range(training_epochs):
print(' ## Epoch n°', epoch+1 )
batch = batch_generator(BATCH_SIZE, tr_features, tr_labels)
acc_total = 0.0
for cpt, (train_features_batch, train_labels_batch) in enumerate(batch):
_,cost =[optimizer,cost_function],feed_dict={X:train_features_batch,Y:train_labels_batch})
cost_history = np.append(cost_history,cost)
correct_prediction = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_,1), tf.argmax(Y,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_prediction, tf.float32))
acc = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={X:train_features_batch,Y:train_labels_batch})
acc_total = (acc_total*cpt + acc)/(cpt+1)
print('Train accuracy : ', acc_total, '[',str(cpt+1), '/',str(number_loop), ']' ,flush=True, end='\r')
print('Train accuracy : ', acc_total)
y_pred =,1),feed_dict={X: ts_features})
y_true =,1))
print('Test accuracy: ', round(, feed_dict={X: ts_features, Y: ts_labels}) , 3))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,8))
p,r,f,s = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred, average='micro')
print("F-Score:", round(f,3))
def batch_generator(batch_size, feat_path, labels):
n_sample = len(feat_path)
ite = math.ceil(n_sample/batch_size)
for i in range(0, ite):
if i == ite-1:
label = one_hot_encode(labels[-batch_size:])
feat = get_specgrams(feat_path[-batch_size:])
yield (feat, label)
label = one_hot_encode(labels[i*batch_size:i*batch_size+batch_size])
feat = get_specgrams(feat_path[i*batch_size:i*batch_size+batch_size])
yield (feat, label)
def get_data(feat_path, labels):
feat = get_specgrams(feat_path)
label = one_hot_encode(labels)
return feat, label
def __main__():
print('## Load data and shuffle')
feat_path, labels = prepare_data('data_labelised2.txt')
idx = int(len(labels)*0.8)
print("## Create Model")
model(feat_path[0:idx], labels[0:idx], feat_path[idx+1:], labels[idx+1:])
with tf.device('/gpu:0'):