What is the XStream imitate use case - cyclejs

The docs go over imitate use case, but I don't understand the example made. Where would you call a Parent function, is it like recursive? I'd like to see what the model function looks like, and what the child gets out of it.

imitate is meant to create a cycle in the graph of streams connected by operators, that's the use case. It would often be seen when building a state stream.
However, nowadays we have a solution in Cycle.js called #cycle/state which solves for that use case, and in Cycle.js there is no need for imitate anymore. We would like to deprecate imitate but we have heard some people still depend on it, so we're postponing the deprecation.
(I'm the creator of xstream and Cycle.js)


How to composite using-by objects (real world example)

Hey i have question with a real word example.
Its related to my two other, but not really answered questions here:
Let's say we have a switch with the methods switchOn(), switchOff().
The switch(es) are included in some other structure, for example a switch-bag, from where i can pull out the switches.
This can be seen as a ready system.
Now i want to introduce the possibility of switching these switches on after a certain time automatically: A time switch
The time switch ueses now the "normal" switch.
The normal switch doesn't have to know something about the time switch.
So but now the client can pull out the normal switch from the switch-bag and now he want also to get to the time-switch related to these normal switch, maybe to configure a new time.
And this is my question, how can the client get to the time-switch?
There are a few possibilites:
I refactor the normal switch class to a third-class where the
normal-switch and the time switch lives bundled in it. But for this,
i break some other client code which still uses the normal switch, but
get now from the switch bag a "Combinator"-Class/Object out of it.
I don't change anything of the normal switch class. The client if he
wants to get access to the time switch have to ask a Map which time switch is related to it. (I think this approach is classical a
relation-programming style like a sql relationship database and its
not anymore real object-oriented style)
I extend the normal switch: Here i also have different options:
I change it to a big facade, which delegates the calls to the
normal-switch and time switch (its similar to my first solution with
the combinator, but here with an facade don't breaking some existing
client code)
i extend the normal switch letting the existing normal switch code
untouched and introduce a component holder. Into this component
holder i inject the time switch. So i have these methods there:
switchOn(); switchOff(); getComponent("timeSwitch"). But these
approach feels like a entity-component system
but is that still object oriented programming?
i think the last solution is the best one, because its the most flexible.
But what do you think which approach is the best, maybe some approach i didnt mentionend here?
One more thing you must to know here: The time switch is one extension of the normal switch. One of many. So i want to add of course different more things XYZ switches/behavior extensions to the normal switch
Update: answer totally re-written (so the first comment won't make sense any more).
To summarize:
SwitchBag provides access to a list/collection of switches.
Switches have methods like on() and off().
You want to extend the behavior of at least some switches can do stuff themselves based on the passing of time, etc.
Clients (e.g. the UI) need access to the switches classes.
You make comments like
and now he want also to get to the time-switch related to these normal
which suggests you have one of each, etc - which is way more complex than it needs to be. Here's some options to consider - some of your ones were heading in the right direction.
Option A: One type of switch
This assumes that the solutions design & functional drivers don't push you to create huge and overly complex switches. For example, let's say some of your switches need to do something after a period of time, others don't. Such a difference is not necessarily reason enough to make a separate class.
E.g. you can implement a time related property like Duration, if Duration > 0 then time logic applies and gets executed; < 0 means no time logic is applied (normal switch behavior).
I'm assuming here that any client can get access to any switch via the SwitchBag.
This is the option I would start with because it's simple and still allows plenty of functional scope.
Option B: Smart SwitchBag, Dumb Swithes
I'm not sure if I like the smell of this option because it tightly-couples the SwitchBag and Switch classes, but it could be useful.
Keep the switch class as dumb as possible.
SwitchBag knows about switches, it controls access to them (and their properties/methods). Use class structure and access modifiers to control this.
SwitchBag can decide to do stuff to switches based on time if it wants to.
In this approach, switches will be mostly properties, and be a little bit like the SwitchBags personal database, only it's fluid based on objects at runtime.
Note - you can still have events on the switches.
Option C: Interfaces
Create a basic switch. Create interfaces that are designed to be applied to switch class(es), that extend them as necessary. E.g.:
interface ITimeBehaviour{
double InitialDuration
double TimeUntilChange
At runtime you can see if a given switch instance implements the interface and respond accordingly. But whilst you can do this I'm not sure why you would, based on what I understand of your problem.
Other Thoughts
Your comments suggest you've thought a lot about OO concepts like inheritance and methods, but I saw no evidence you've considered asynchronous programming techniques - such as using events. If you know nothing about this then do some research and get up to speed, then see if that offers an elegant solution to your problem.
Design Patterns - are you familiar with the idea of design patterns? If you aren't, be sure to research that too. There's heaps of good content online, which describe patterns that might already solve the fundamentals of your problem.

What do i need to wrap a PL/SQL-Package in GitLab CI/CD?

I am trying to learn some more about GitLab CI/CD and wanna write a specific Stage like "wrap_packages", where a specific list of .sql-Files is given and these scripts should be wrapped to .plb, to copy&paste them into a specific folder.
Everything is working so far, but now i have to implement the wrapping. I guess i have to use an image, with Oracle Middleware, to use the wrap-command? Or is there a better way to do this? Because i cant find anything that helps me with this.
I hope you can help me with this.
The wrap utility either exists in the full OCI client installation (not instant client), or within the actual database as an API. The simplest way to wrap your code is using the database API, after it is installed, as demonstrated here: https://github.com/pmdba/code-obfuscation-toolkit. There are a variety of ways that this could be incorporated into your CI/CD pipeline.
If you're looking for a more robust commercial (licensed $$$) solution, consider PCFLObfuscate (http://www.petefinnigan.com/products/pfclobfuscate.htm). It has a command-line option that integrates well with CI/CD.
A question that must also be asked is why you want to obfuscate your code with "wrap"? At best obfuscation only slows down someone who wants to see your code, as it is rather easily undone (at least the wrapping part). Deeper obfuscation (as provided by PFCLObfuscate, for example) actually changes the formatting of your code, your variable names, etc. before wrapping to make it much harder to tell what is going on even after it is unwrapped.
It is important to understand that there is no level of protection available for PL/SQL that can prevent someone with access to the wrapped code from unwrapping it and seeing the actual PL/SQL.

Reactive Extensions for .NET Developers

I found some information about this but I have several confusion regarding this. So when we need to use this RX.NET.
What are the important of using this items? When I need to use this?
As with every toolset, it can shape how you approach problems. Given a hammer, all your problems may become nails. It is the same with Rx.NET. It gives you a new approach. Whether you choose to use this approach for a particular problem is up to you, and as with any tool or technology, there are plusses and minuses. You will need to study and gain experience to make those sort of complex judgements for yourself.
For starters, Rx.NET allows you to cultivate the approach of programming 'reactively.' This is akin to functional programming, in the sense that you declare behavour as being composed of underlying behavior. Rx.NET allows you to specify functions over streams to give new streams. This powerful technique can be applied to almost any problem you can imagine.
For example, a program using Linq and Rx.NET to draw mouse movements as points on a screen within a bounding box would like something like:
where mouseMovements would be your mouse event as an observable
You could declare the
myPointsInBox = mouseMovements.Where(box.Contains(m))
as its own observable and have multiple subscribers:
you can make streams from streams
var everyThousandthPoint= myPointsInBox.Buffer(….).Select(…)
and then do things with them
You get the idea.

In the Diode library for scalajs, what is the distinction between an Action, AsyncAction, and PotAction, and which is appropriate for authentication?

In the scala and scalajs library Diode, I have used but not entirely understood the PotAction class and only recently discovered the AsyncAction class, both of which seem to be favored in situations involving, well, asynchronous requests. While I understand that, I don't entirely understand the design decisions and the naming choices, which seem to suggest a more narrow use case.
Specifically, both AsyncAction and PotAction require an initialModel and a next, as though both are modeling an asynchronous request for some kind of refreshable, updateable content rather than a command in the sense of CQRS. I have a somewhat-related question open regarding synchronous actions on form inputs by the way.
I have a few specific use cases in mind. I'd like to know a sketch (not asking for implementation, just the concept) of how you use something like PotAction in conjunction with any of:
Username/password authentication in a conventional flow
OpenAuth-style authentication with a third-party involved and a redirect
Token or cookie authentication behind the scenes
Server-side validation of form inputs
Submission of a command for a remote shell
All of these seem to be a bit different in nature to what I've seen using PotAction but I really want to use it because it has already been helpful when I am, say, rendering something based on the current state of the Pot.
Historically speaking, PotAction came first and then at a later time AsyncAction was generalized out of it (to support PotMap and PotVector), which may explain their relationship a bit. Both provide abstraction and state handling for processing async actions that retrieve remote data. So they were created for a very specific (and common) use case.
I wouldn't, however, use them for authentication as that is typically something you do even before your application is loaded, or any data requested from the server.
Form validation is usually a synchronous thing, you don't do it in the background while user is doing something else, so again Async/PotAction are not a very good match nor provide much added value.
Finally for the remote command use case PotAction might be a good fit, assuming you want to show the results of the command to the user when they are ready. Perhaps PotStream would be even better, depending on whether the command is producing a steady stream of data or just a single message.
In most cases you should use the various Pot structures for what they were meant for, that is, fetching and updating remote data, and maybe apply some of the ideas or internal models (such as the retry mechanism) to other request types.
All the Pot stuff was separated from Diode core into its own module to emphasize that they are just convenient helpers for working with Diode. Developers should feel free to create their own helpers (and contribute back to Diode!) for new use cases.

What is interface bloat?

Can someone explain to me what interface bloat in OOP is (preferably with an example).
Assuming you mean API and not GUI, for me I/F bloat can happen in several ways.
An API just keeps getting extended and extended with new functions without any form of segregation so you finish up with a monolithic header file that becomes hard to use.
The functions declared in an existing API keep getting new parameters added to their signatures so you have to keep upgrading and your existing applications are not backwards compatible.
Functions in an existing API keep getting overloaded with very similar variants which can lead to difficulty selecting the relevant function to be used.
To help with this you can:
Separate out the API into a series of headers and libraries so you can more easily control what parts you actually need. Any internal dependencies should be resolved automatically by the vendor so the user doesn't have to find out the dependencies by trial and error, e.g. that I need to include header file wibble.h when I only wanted to use the functions in the API declared in the shozbot.h header file.
Make upgrades to the API backwards compatible by introducing overloading where applicable. But you should group the overloaded functions into categpories, e.g. if new set of overloaded functions are added to an existing API, say our_api.h, to adapt it to a new technology, say SOA, then they are provided separately in their own header file our_api_soa.h in addition to the existing header our_api.h.
Think of an OO language where all methods are defined in Object, even though they are only meaningful for some subclasses. That would be the most extreme example.
Most Microsoft products?
Interface bloat is having too much on the screen at once, particularly elements that are little used, or are confusing in their function. Probably an easier way to describe interface bloat is to look at something that does not have it, try Basecamp from 37signals. There are only a few tabs, and a few links in the header.
Interface bloat can be remedied by collapsable panes (using Javascript, for example), or drill-down menus that hide less-often used choices until they are needed.
Interface bloat is the gradual addition of elements that turn what may been a simple, elegant interface into one littered with buttons, menus, options, etc. all over the place that ruin the original cohesive feel of the application. One example that comes to mind for me is iTunes. In it's early renditions, it was quite simple, but has, over time, added quite a lot of features that might qualify as bloat (iTunes DJ, Coverflow, Genius).
Interface bloat is sometimes caused by trying to have every feature one click away, as in this humorous example:
Too many toolbar buttons
(Although funny, this example isn't fair to Firefox because in this example the user added all those toolbars)
A UI design technique called "progressive disclosure" is one way to reduce interface bloat. Only expose the most frequently-used features as a top-level click. If you have less-frequently-used features that are still valuable enough to include in your app, group them in a logical way, e.g. behind a dropdown menu or other navigation element.
Learning by example:
An extreme example of interface bloat that most C++ programmers will be familiar with is std::basic_string. Page up and page down of member functions with only small variations, most of these functions wouldn't have had to be member functions but could have been free functions in a string utility library.