Grouping ORDER ITEMS from hourly to daily - sql

I would like to SUM the price of these Order Items together for each Order for a Contract.
I want to reduce my granularity from hourly to daily and so reduce the row count that we pass to the fact table and then the SSAS cube.
i.e. Contract A which can have many Orderlines, consider Orderline 1 which can have many Order Items.
I have had to screen the Order Items, but they are just sequential id numbers.
The problem is that I have to roll this up to a daily granularity from hourly, but still be able to give users on the cube access to the Order Item level

you can use SUM as a window function. this will effectively write the same sum to multiple rows for each order-item; just like the price.
for example
SELECT ......
, SUM(price) OVER (PARTITION BY order_item)
FROM ....


Aggregate my quantity sum in a way that doesn't lead to the storeID repeating?

I am writing a SQL query that needs to show the total number of orders from each store. The issue I am running into, is that while I can figure out how to sum the orders by product and each product is only sold by one store, I can't figure out how to total the orders by store alone
This is the code I currently have
SELECT storeID AS [STORE], Product_ID
, SUM(quantity) AS [ORDERS BY STORE]
FROM Fulfillment, Store
GROUP BY storeID, Product_ID;
This line of code leads to a repeat of storeID in the results, where ideally, I would only want storeID to be included in the results once with the total quantity of all of Product_ID being included. I tried to remove Product_ID from the GROUP BY statement, but this resulted in the following error
Column 'Fulfillment.Product_ID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
I'm new to SQL and am trying to learn, so any help and advice is greatly appreciated
#ZLK is correct that if your goal is a total number of units ordered ("quantity") of any product, simply remove the [product_id] column from the SELECT and GROUP BY.
However, it appears that you're referencing two tables ("FROM Fulfillment, Store") and not specifying how those tables are joined, creating a cartesian join - all rows in one table will be joined to all rows in the other table. If the [storeID] and [quantity] fields are available in the Fulfillment table, I recommend removing the Store table reference from the FROM clause (so "FROM Fulfillment" alone).
One last note: You mention that you want to count "orders". In some circumstances, an order may have multiple products and a quantity > 1. If your goal is the total number of "orders" regardless of the number of products or quantity of products on an order, you'll want to use "COUNT(DISTINCT orderID) as [Orders]" (where "orderID" is the reference to the unique order number).

Bigquery - how to aggregate data based on conditions

I have a simple table like the following, which has product, price, cost and category. price and cost can be null.
And this table is being updated from time to time. Now I want to have a daily summary of the table content grouped by category, to see in each category, how many products that has no price, and how many has a price, and how many products has a price that is higher than the cost, so the result table would look like the following:
I think I can get a query running everyday by setting up query re-run schedule in bigQuery, so I can have three rows of data appended to the result table everyday.
But the problem is, how can I get those three rows? I know I can group by, but how do I get the count with those conditions like not null, larger than, etc.
You seem to want window functions:
select t.*
countif(price is nuill) over (partition by date) as products_no_price,
countif(price <= cost) over (partition by date) as products_price_lower_than_cost
from t;
You can run this code on the table that has date column. In fact, you don't need to store the last two columns.
If you want to insert the first table into the second, then there is no date and you can simply use:
select t.*
countif(price is nuill) over () as products_no_price,
countif(price <= cost) over () as products_price_lower_than_cost
from t;

How do I use array_agg with a condition?

I have a table with a list of potential customers, their activity, and their sales representative. Every customer can have up to 1 sales rep. I've built a summary table where I aggregate the customer activity, and group it by the sales rep, and filter by the customer creation date. This is NOT a cohort (the customers do not all correspond to the scheduled_flights, but rather this is a snapshot of activity for a given period of time) It looks something like this:
Now, in addition to the total number of customers, I'd also like to output an array of those actual customers. The customers field is currently calculated by performing sum(is_customer) as customers and then grouping by the sales rep. To build the array, I've tried to do array_agg(customer_name) which outputs the list of all customer names -- I just need the list of names who also satisfy the condition that is_customer = 1, but I can't use that as a where clause since it would filter out other activity, like scheduled and completed flights for customers that were not new.
This should probably work:
array_agg(case when is_customer = 1 then customer_name end) within group (order by customer_name)
Snowflake should ignore NULL values in the aggregation.

Averaging Grouped Data in Single SQL Statement Using Multiple Group Bys

I want to see the average cost of an item. First I am using a SUM statement and GROUP BY the manufacturing order and Item to see how much each item costs per manufacturing order (using WHERE statements to take out specific steps in the process). Then I want to average those to see how much the item costs on average based on that set, can I do this easily in one statement instead on creating a temp table?
You have to take result in temp table if you first want to sum the cost of an item per manufacture order and perform average on total cost per item achieved from sum. I hope I understood your problem statement clearly.
SELECT item, AVG(cost) FROM
(SELECT item, manufacture_order, SUM(COST) cost
FROM manufacture_order_tab
GROUP BY item, manufacture_order) tab1
GROUP BY item;
try this
FROM your_table
GROUP BY your_column

order by and group by mysql

tell some big, diff between order by and group by,
like sort columns data=>order by
group it by similar data used for aggregation , order by could be used inside the grouped items ,
please Tell 5 diff
The order by clause is used to order your data set. For example,
select *
from customers
order by customer_id asc
will give you a list of customers in order of customer id from lowest to highest.
The group by clause is used to aggregate your data. For example,
select customer_id, sum(sale_price), max(sale_price)
from customers
group by customer_id
order by customer_id asc
will give you each customer along with their total sales and maximum sale, again ordered by customer id.
In other words, grouping allows you to combine multiple rows from the database into a single output row, based on some criteria, and select functions of those fields not involved in the grouping (minimum, maximum, total, average and so on).
group by groups data by one or more columns, and order by orders the data by one or more columns? i don't really get the question?
using group by is similar to select distinct in the aspect that only unique values for the given values will be returned. furthermore you can use aggregate functions to calculate e.g. the sum for each group.
what do you want to hear? tell me five differences between apples and oranges?