How to block dataiku dataset from formatting date values? - dataiku

I've some date values which get automatically format when I pass that through dataiku dataset. I don't want to format those dates. I just want them in the same format in which they are before formatting.
Before formatting
After formatting
---- UPDATE ----
I've fixed this by setting the datatype of each column in dataframe using astype() methode.
bucketOutput_df = bucketOutput_df.astype({"bucketStatusDate": str, "bucketSpudDate": str})


Converting VarChar Column with multiple date format to single date column with proper format

I have data of transaction dates in one column within varchar format.
This column contains three separate formats of date in dd-mm-yy, dd/dd/yyyy and third format in dd/mm/yyy format with missing the last digit.
How to modify this column in the correct date format column with the dd-mm-yyyy format.
Add a date column and fill with your convert statement to get the desired format. Once everything looks okay you can drop the text column and rename the new proper date column to match the original.

Convert date column to character column

One of the columns is present in date datatype. I need to convert that date column in character datatype so that it can be concatenated with another character column.
Right now my date column is present in the following format : 09-JUN-2020.
Please help me in converting this column to character column.This needs to be done sas enterprise guide.
Thank u so much in advance.
You can use PUT() to convert from numeric to character. You need to find the format you want the output to look like and use that as your second parameter. Assuming you want your date to look like 2020-06-02 character this works:
*puts date as 2020-06-02;
newVar1 = put(dateVar, yymmddd10.);
*creates date variable as 02Jun2020;
newVar2 = put(dateVar, date9.);
FYI - You can find the list of formats available here

How to convert string to date type in the Pentaho?

I am try to convert string value to date. The string has this format : yyyy-MM-dd. But when I try to convert using select values (in meta-date I selected fildname, type = Date and currency = dd/MM/yyyy I got this error :
String : couldn't convert string [2017-01-30] to a date using format [yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS] on offset location 4
If I do in calculator step : Create a new field, Final_date as a Copy of field A; on Field A put the name of your input string; Data type is date and on Conversion mask choose the yyyy-MM-dd format (you don't have to pick one from the dropdown menu, you can write your own). I got the same error.
I am using the Pentaho Data Intagration 9.
I am try to convert the string format in yyyy-MM-dd to date type format in dd/MM/yyyy. For this case, how to convert string to date ?
When converting from string to date you specify the source format that the string is using, so in this case yyyy-MM-dd. That should be in the format selection list, but you can also manually type in any format needed.
Once the field is in date format, it will be correctly output to most database types. For files, you can define the new format (dd/MM/yyyy) in the output step like Text File Output or Excel Writer. Alternatively, you convert the date back into a string with the desired format using Select Values.

BigQuery, transform INTEGER variable to DATE

I have a dataset with a date variable coded as NUMERIC.
e.g. "01/03/2005" appears as "1032005"
I want to transform the variable to STRING, pad it with leading zeroes, and then transform in to a DATE format. In BigQuery casting appears not to be allowed, so I create a new variable ad hoc, but I am unable to report there the original values.
How should I do it?
You can format as a string and then parse as a date:
SELECT PARSE_DATE('%d%m%Y', FORMAT('%08d', int_date))
FROM (SELECT 1032005 AS int_date)
This gives:

convert TEXT dd/mm/yyyy in SQL column to DATE YYYY-MM-DD

I would love to know the best way to handle data that has been inputted incorrectly as dd/mm/yyyy into a sql database as TEXT and to have it converted into a new column of the table with the datatype as DATE so it is actually stored as yyyy-mm-dd.
Existing text date column name is called "olddate" with an empty column created called "truedate" to house the new data. Each row has the date field, but none are able to be sorted correctly because of this issue.
Any ideas how I can slice and dice the current date into a new DATE field friendly version?
Thanks in advance :-)
That is style 103. So use:
select convert(date, col, 103)
Are you using Oracle? If so, TO_DATE is what you want. You can take in a string that represents a date and convert it to a date using the format you pass it.