Calling a suspend function from inside - kotlin

I think conceptually this should work. But there is an error:
Suspend function 'dueWorkingHours' should be called only from a coroutine or another suspend function
Is Java and Kotlin parallelization not compatible? Is there a way around this?
Actually, I have the Runnable only to through it into a Handler:
handler.postDelayed(myRunnable, 100)
If there is a similar concept in Kotlin that I could use instead that would be fine too.

It’s not just a matter of Java and Kotlin parallelism being compatible or not. Even in pure Kotlin projects, you can never call suspend functions from outside a coroutine or other suspend function. There has to be some coroutine entry point for the suspend function to have a CoroutineContext, CoroutineScope, and Continuation, which are necessary ingredients for coroutines to work.
If you want to start a coroutine that does something after a delay, you use a CoroutineScope to launch a coroutine and you can call delay() as the first thing you do in that coroutine.


What are the differences between 'suspend fun main()' and 'fun main = runBlocking {}'? [duplicate]

Take the following two samples of code (taken from the Kotlin documentation and from the Coroutines library README respectively):
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
In Kotlin >= 1.3.0 one can mark the main() function as suspendable and use a coroutineScope directly.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
launch {
Both produce the same output:
Are there any functional differences between the two approaches? If yes, what are they?
runBlocking() and coroutineScope() are functionally very similar. They both pause the current execution waiting until the inner coroutine finishes. The difference is that runBlocking() is meant to be executed from a regular non-suspendable code, so it waits by blocking and coroutineScope() is used from suspendable context, so it suspends.
That difference makes them do much different things internally. runBlocking() has to first initialize the whole coroutines machinery before it could execute a suspendable lambda. coroutineScope() has access to existing coroutine context, so it only schedules the inner lambda to be executed and suspends.
Now, suspend fun main() is just a "shortcut" that Kotlin compiler provides to make it easier to initialize coroutines apps. Internally, it creates a bridge between the real main function and your suspendable main function. It generates a separate main() function, which is not suspendable and is the "real" main function. This function initializes a coroutine and uses internal runSuspend() utility to execute your suspend fun main(). This is described here:
Both methods of starting a coroutine application are very similar and you can choose according to your taste. One notable difference is that runBlocking() creates a dispatcher using the current "main" thread. suspend fun main() also executes using the main thread, but it doesn't specify the dispatcher, so whenever you use e.g. coroutineScope() it will switch to Dispatchers.Default. As a result, your runBlocking() example uses single-threaded dispatcher while your coroutineScope() example uses multi-threaded Dispatchers.Default. However, this difference should not really be taken into account when choosing between both methods. We can very easily switch dispatchers at any time.

Coroutines: main() runBlocking vs suspend main

Take the following two samples of code (taken from the Kotlin documentation and from the Coroutines library README respectively):
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
fun main() = runBlocking {
launch {
In Kotlin >= 1.3.0 one can mark the main() function as suspendable and use a coroutineScope directly.
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
suspend fun main() = coroutineScope {
launch {
Both produce the same output:
Are there any functional differences between the two approaches? If yes, what are they?
runBlocking() and coroutineScope() are functionally very similar. They both pause the current execution waiting until the inner coroutine finishes. The difference is that runBlocking() is meant to be executed from a regular non-suspendable code, so it waits by blocking and coroutineScope() is used from suspendable context, so it suspends.
That difference makes them do much different things internally. runBlocking() has to first initialize the whole coroutines machinery before it could execute a suspendable lambda. coroutineScope() has access to existing coroutine context, so it only schedules the inner lambda to be executed and suspends.
Now, suspend fun main() is just a "shortcut" that Kotlin compiler provides to make it easier to initialize coroutines apps. Internally, it creates a bridge between the real main function and your suspendable main function. It generates a separate main() function, which is not suspendable and is the "real" main function. This function initializes a coroutine and uses internal runSuspend() utility to execute your suspend fun main(). This is described here:
Both methods of starting a coroutine application are very similar and you can choose according to your taste. One notable difference is that runBlocking() creates a dispatcher using the current "main" thread. suspend fun main() also executes using the main thread, but it doesn't specify the dispatcher, so whenever you use e.g. coroutineScope() it will switch to Dispatchers.Default. As a result, your runBlocking() example uses single-threaded dispatcher while your coroutineScope() example uses multi-threaded Dispatchers.Default. However, this difference should not really be taken into account when choosing between both methods. We can very easily switch dispatchers at any time.

What mechanism causes a Kotlin coroutine to suspend?

I'm trying to understand kotlin coroutines, I'm coming from C# and there's something I'm not understanding here in kotlin. In this scenario I'm writing a webapi using Kotlin in the Quarkus framework. From what I can tell if I label a controller (or resource) function as a suspend function quarkus will automatically launch it in a coroutine.
The issue i have is i don't know what the preferred method for suspending that coroutine is. The vast majority of examples I see on kotlin coroutines use the delay() function, which internally uses suspendCancellableCoroutine() to suspend the function. That makes sense, but i don't see a lot of example calling suspendCancellableCoroutine() explicitly. I've done some reading about the underlying code that gets generated in a suspend function, and some resources lead me to believe that by virtue of calling another suspend function i'll hit a suspend point and that will suspend my coroutine. In C# i'd usually just call await() from inside my async function to execute the long running code.
In my kotlin setup i have setup an instance of jmeter and i simulate 5 threads calling my API at the same time, while limiting my program to run on a single thread in quarkus. My API then makes a call to another API (i'll call that API, data API from now on), which could be a long running operation. For the purpose of my test my data API has a 1 second sleep in it.
web api controller -> web api processing -> web api calls data api through client -> data API does slow operation
I've tried calling async/await on the call to the data API, which seems to work, JMeter reports that 5 requests are all completed in roughly 1 second, and the logging i have indicates that all 5 requests are handled on a single thread. This feels clunky though. I'm already in a coroutine and now my coroutine is creating a new coroutine (async is a coroutine builder) to execute the long running function.
I've also removed the async/await and updated the call to the data API to be a suspend function as well (though this is a client generated from resteasy client). This also seems to work, but resteasy reactive could be generating something that's doing the suspend for me. I need to work with a simpler example, but in the mean time...
If i'm not using the delay() function in Kotlin, and i'm executing code in a coroutine, what is the preferred method to indicate that a section of code is potentially blocking and my coroutine should be suspended? Do i launch a new coroutine? Call suspendCancellableCoroutine()? Or something else? Probably overthinking this, but i want to make sure i understand this.
The coroutines library provides several suspend functions you can use to suspend in a coroutine or in another suspend function, among them:
The typical way to convert blocking (long-running synchronous) code into something you can use in a coroutine is to wrap it in withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { } or withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { }. If it's something you use repeatedly, you can write a suspend function for it:
suspend fun foo() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
but if it's some one-off blocking chunk of code, you can use withContext directly in a coroutine.
Note, using async { }.await() is basically never done. The compiler warns you against it. You should be using withContext instead. Calling await on a Deferred is used either when one coroutine needs a result from some other coroutine that has been passed to it, or when you're working with multiple parallel children coroutines inside a coroutineScope block.
The typical way to convert asynchronous callback-based code into a suspend function so you can use it synchronously in a coroutine is to use suspendCoroutine or suspendCancellableCoroutine. You can look up how to use those. They are pretty low level. Many libraries like Retrofit and Firebase already provide suspend functions you can use instead of the callbacks.
coroutineScope and supervisorScope are for creating a scope inside your coroutine to run multiple children coroutines in parallel and wait for them all.

Inappropriate blocking method call output stream write

I am using BufferedOutputStream
suspend fun write(byteArray: ByteArray) {
But when I add suspend keyword I got warning:
Inappropriate blocking method call
What is the correct way to use output stream with coroutines?
OutputStream.write is a blocking function, and by convention suspend functions must never block. You can wrap it in withContext so it uses the IO dispatcher to do it appropriately. However, it is possible this won't make the warning go away because the Kotlin lint is kind of buggy about false positives for this issue.
suspend fun write(byteArray: ByteArray) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
In general if there is a truly async alternative, it better suits the coroutines model. You could find callback-based APIs and wrap them into suspend functions using suspendCoroutine or suspendCancellableCoroutine.
However, more often than not, you need to deal with actual blocking IO.
In that case, the easiest is to simply run the blocking IO on the IO dispatcher using withContext(Dispatchers.IO):
suspend fun write(byteArray: ByteArray) = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
However, you have to think about which level you're using the IO dispatcher at. If this method is quite low-level, maybe you should use withContext higher in the call stack, and just keep this method non-suspend.

What does main-safe in Kotlin Coroutines?

I'm learning Coroutines of Kotlin. The Text A is from
What does main-safe in Kotlin Coroutines?
Does it mean the system will run them in background thread automatically when it need ?
Does it mean I will never use the code such as withContext(Dispatchers.IO) in both Room and Retrofit operation ?
Text A
Both Room and Retrofit make suspending functions main-safe.
It's safe to call these suspend funs from Dispatchers.Main, even though they fetch from the network and write to the database.
For me as an android developer this simple definition made perfect sens
We consider a function main-safe when it doesn't block UI updates on
the main thread.
Found it here
What does main-safe [mean for] Kotlin Coroutines?
You literally quote the answer yourself:
It's safe to call these suspend funs from Dispatchers.Main, even though they fetch from the network and write to the database.
And the answer to
Does it mean I will never use the code such as withContext(Dispatchers.IO) in both Room and Retrofit operation ?
is: Correct (assuming you configure them properly, e.g. use suspend modifier in Retrofit fun definitions).
Please check this answer for the exact reason why the API calls works with retrofit without changing the dispatcher to IO, referencing :
It works because Retrofit's suspend implementation delegates to
Call.enqueue. This means it already executes on its own background
executor by default instead of using the caller's Dispatcher.