Can I modify a tag's value using Kotlinx HTML? - kotlin-js

I'm using a table to display a game of minesweeper, creating the table with the DSL is pretty straightforward, but how can I get, edit and delete the td value? Or am I missing the point?
//this will add some text to the cell, but how do I delete it, modify it, or simply access it?
onClickFunction = {


How to access value from react-native-cn-richtext-editor

I have successfully implemented react-native-cn-richtext-editor with limited toolbar functions.
I want to know that, how to get value (text that we have typed) from editor.
I am new in RN, have tried to get value but didn't get success. How can I resolve this issue, as I want to sent this text to server and then do further process.
In given example of this library there is method onValueChange on change the content object is present in value and to extract the value below example is there
onValueChanged = (value) => {
Finally I got the solution of above question.
convert the value in HTML with convertToHtmlString write following command,
let html = convertToHtmlString(this.state.value)
for more details refer this github link

Yii2 Gridview get all selected row for all pagination

I wrapped my gridview with Pjax widget like this
in order to make the gridview make ajax request when I click on each pagination.
I also use ['class' => 'yii\grid\CheckboxColumn'], in column as well.
and I find that when I'm on first pagination I checked some rows and then go to second page and check some rows but when I go back to first page what I've checked is gone.
My question is how can I keep all checkedrow for all pagination
With current conditions (Pjax, multiple pages, yii\grid\CheckboxColumn) it's impossible because of the way it works.
When you click on the pagination links all GridView html content is replaced by new one that comes from the AJAX response.
So obviously all selected checkboxes on the previous page are gone.
Few possible ways to solve that:
1) Write custom javascript and server side logic.
As one of the options, you can send AJAX request to server with parameter meaning that user has chosen to select all data for the bulk delete operation (or use separate controller action for bulk deletion). In this case actually we don't need to get the selected data from user, because we can simply get them from database (credits - Seng).
2) Increase number of displayed rows per page.
3) Use infinite scroll extension, for example this.
4) Break desired action in several iterations:
select needed rows on first page, do action (for example, delete).
repeat this again for other pages.
You can get selected rows like that:
[infinite scroll] : will work good if you do not have any pjax filters. If you have filters also in play, do not use this plugin as it does not support pjax filters with it. For rest of the applications it is perfect to use.
Update1 : it seems to be straight forward than expected, here is the how I accomplished it
Add following lines to the checkbox column
'checkboxOptions' => function($data){
return ['id' => $data->id, 'onClick' => 'selectedRow(this)'];
Now add following JS to the common js file you will have in your project of the page where this datagrid resides
var selectedItems=[]; //global variable
* Store the value of the selected row or delete it if it is unselected
* #param {checkbox} ele
function selectedRow(ele){
if($(ele).is(':checked')) {
//push the element
if(!selectedItems.includes($(ele).attr('id'))) {
} else {
//pop the element
if(selectedItems.includes($(ele).attr('id'))) {
Above function will store the selected row ids in the global variable array
Now add following lines to pjax:end event handler
$(document).on('pjax:end', function () {
//Select the already selected items on the grid view
$.each(selectedItems, function (index,value) {
Hope it helps.
I just solved this problem and it works properly with Pjax.
You may use my CheckboxColumn. I hope this can help. The checked items are recorded with cookies.
You can read the part with //add by hezll to understand how to fix it, because I didn't provide a complete general one.
Hope it works for you.

TableView delete column via contextual menu

It is my first time asking here, sorry if i do something wrong (also not in my mother tongue).
Recently, i moved from Swing&AWT to JavaFX.
I am discovering the new Table which is quite different from the Swing version. Better i would say, it needs less operation and do more things, but ... lord, it's way more difficult to understand !
I am currently trying to modify the TableView dynamically. While the addColumn method is not a big challenge, i need help for my deleteColumn method :/
Let's talk about my problem :
I have a scene with many components on it (panes, buttons, menus, ...) and one pane (actually an anchorpane) hosts a TableView.
I would like to dynamically delete an entire column when this operation occurs :
The user right clicks on the TableView > a contextual menu shows up > he selects the item "delete"
So, basically a contextual menu that offers the option to delete the column where the user right-clicked.
I tried this :
-> When the user right-clicks on the TableView, this method is called :
public void setTargetForContext(ContextMenuEvent event){
if(event.getTarget() instanceof Label){
ObservableList list =(((Label)event.getTarget()).getChildrenUnmodifiable());
activeColumn = ((Text)((ObservableList)list)).getText();
And the goal was to set the column name in "activeColumn".
Then, when the user will select the "delete" option from the contextual menu, another method would be called to compare the name of the columns and delete the right one.
But it seems that i can't call a getChildren() method on the label, only an unmodifiable one. And it does not allow a cast and throw the exception.
Do you have a solution to allow me to get the column name ?
Or maybe i am going the wrong way and i have to find another way to delete the right-clicked column, but in this case i will need your help too.
Thanks a lot for reading, and thanks in advance for your help.
First, let me point out that if you call
then the table will have a built-in menu button with radio buttons allowing the user to select which columns are displayed. Maybe this is all you need.
In Swing, the renderers for table cells are just "rubber stamps" that are painted onto the table. Thus you can't register listeners for UI events with them.
By contrast, in JavaFX, the cells in a table are real UI controls with full functionality. This means there's no real need for API that gets the cell coordinates from a table. You should not register your listener with the TableView, but with the actual cells on which you want to operate. You access the cells from the table column's cell factory.
// the table:
TableView<RowDataType> table = new TableView<>();
// A table column:
TableColumn<RowDataType, CellDataType> column = new TableColum<>("Header text");
// A context menu for the table column cells:
ContextMenu contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
MenuItem deleteColumnItem = new MenuItem("Remove Column");
deleteColumnItem.setOnAction(e -> table.getColumns().remove(column));
// Cell factory for the column
column.setCellFactory(col -> {
// basically a cell with default behavior:
TableCell<RowDataType, CellDataType> cell = new TableCell<RowDataType, CellDataType>() {
public void updateItem(CellDataType item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null) {
} else {
// add the context menu to the cell:
return cell ;
If you want the context menu to appear in the table column header as well, you just need to do

MVC3 WebGrid Formatting or Styling Column Headers

I'm using the new MVC3 WebGrid. So far so good, just having issues styling/formatting the column headers. The best I've got is a workaround that applies the same css class from the first row of the WebGrid to the table header.
var headerCells = $("#grid tr:eq(0) th");
var firstRowCells = $("#grid tr:eq(1) td");
$.each(firstRowCells, function (index, value) {
This example obviously lacks a check to make sure there are rows or indeed the specifed element id, but it applies the css class from the first row to the header row meaning you can style independently of each other. { width:100px } { text-align:right;}
Is there a built in way of styling the column header elements (not just using the headerStyle property)?
No, as of now there is no built-in way to style the header cells independently, only the header row via the headerStyle property.
I think your workaround is good enough.
I know this is an old question, but this may be useful to viewers who stumble across it.
The :nth-child css pseudo selector is your friend, if you don't want to rely on javascript to copy the classes. It is easy to add a class to your webgrid using the tableStyle property, and then you can style the individual headers with the following bit of css:
.webgridclass tr th:nth-child(1){
.webgridclass tr th:nth-child(2){
Unfortunately, this is not supported in IE8 and earlier IE, but it does have full support in all proper browsers (newer than FF3).
We can do this using of Javascript code as below.
JsFiddle Example
$("table tr th:nth-child(n)").addClass("col-md-1");

How to add a row using javascript in SlickGrid

I am trying to add a row to a slick grid on my page using javascript. The way I am able to do it now is by using the following code. I was just wondering if there was a better way to do the same.
//data is the array which was used to populate the SlickGrid
data.push({name:'Finish scanning the slickgrid js', complete:false});
This is the preferred way.
Calling .setData() forced the grid to re-render everything. By calling updateRowCount() you are notifying the grid the number of the rows have changed and that it needs to render what has been added or removed only.
Here is what I've been used for adding new row with Button
function add_new_row(){
item = {"id": (Math.round(Math.random()*-10000))
//you can add another fields to fill default data on Adding new row
data_view.insertItem(0, item);