Best way to do conditional access to a controller action method based on provided parameters? -

I have an application where each resource has multiple "sites". A user can have permission to access this resource for a number of these sites or none at all.
I have middleware set up that reads a user from a jwt and adds that user to the context. I then have an authorize attribute that simply checks for the existence of a user.
This is where I could use some help. I am not sure of the best way to conditionally restrict access to the resource (the condition being which site the end-user is specifically requesting the resource from).
I could break the resource into separate action methods and use an attribute that requires a specific role, but that feels a bit too much like duplication, I'd rather not deal with 7 endpoints that basically do the same thing, and adding new sites in the future will require adding a ton of new action methods.
Another solution I had in mind is to create an attribute/filter that compares the end-users permissions to the specific site that they are requesting. This sounds better but I'm not sure how to access specific arguments on the action method from the attribute. Also not sure of the best way to store all of a users "Roles" on an entity class...
Any insight is appreciated.


Is there a way to dynamically load claims in OpenIddict?

We have an application where there are lots of permissions as claims. Loading these when the user user logs in and setting them as part of the token makes the token very large.
My thinking was to find some way of load and adding claims dynamically to the token on every call (maybe from cache to speed it up).
I know openiddict offers a bunch of server events and am wondering if one of these might be a good place to put this logic.
Is there another way this can be achieved?
Our API is designed using many permissions and I don't wish to load them each time and put code inside each api to achieve this so adding claims to the principal seems logical.
Would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.
Our API is designed using many permissions and I don't wish to load them each time and put code inside each api to achieve this so adding claims to the principal seems logical.
Then what you currently have is pretty much your best option. You could also enable reference access tokens to store the actual token payloads in the DB and make the tokens returned to the clients smaller.
If you were willing to do that at the API level, you could use the claims transformation mechanism to add claims on-the-fly:

JHipster: How to restrict user to access own data with REST

JHipster implements several best practices for authentication and authorization.
Mainly described here:
But I still do not see an example how to design a solution, which does not involve putting user verification logic all over the place for a very common use case.
Let's say you have a WebPage using REST-API like BankAccountResource from JHipster Sample App and you want to restrict this to only ADMIN role or currently logged in User. Let's say you have 50 of such services for your customers: BankAccount, Address, BillingAddress, UserData, Devices... For every resource a GET and UPDATE must be restricted. Also loading device /api/device/{id} might not include user-id.
How do I prevent UserA from loading UserB's device by guessing it's id?
How do I avoid planting that code in every method?
I guess JHipster/SpringSecurity has concept/objects to handle such use cases. Could you point me, explain how to use them please?
Maybe this question helps a little bit: Restrict URL access control by id in jhipster
Spring Security hast PostFilters to check if an object e.g. loaded by a method may be accessed. If you need more control you can use Access Control Lists for fine grained access control.

Ignore or not API endpoint parameters based on access level

I am working on an API endpoint that returns a list of products:
The endpoint accepts the following parameters:
Each product has a boolean property named IsApproved.
In the web application used by common users I always want to return only the Approved products ... On the web ADMIN application used by administrators I want to return all products, Approved or Not ...
My idea would be to add a new parameter (enumeration) named:
And the values would be Approved, NotApproved and All.
On each API call I would check the user permissions ... If is admin I will consider the value on this parameter. If not then I will always return only approved products.
Another solution would be to have different endpoints ...
Any advice on which approach to take or is there other options?
The approval status is part of the product, therefore, in a perfect REST world, you don't want a different endpoint at all since you're accessing the same resource.
Then, for filtering a resource based on a property value, I think the convention is that if you specify that property as a query parameter it will only return those matching the value, and if not, it will return all of them, so I don't see the need to define a special ApprovedStatus parameter with some special values. Just query by isApproved!
Finally, about how to handle authorization. This, I think, should be handled at a completely separate layer**. If authorization is involved, you should have an explicit authorization layer that decides, for a specific resource and user, wether access is granted or not. This means the query would be triggered and if one of the resources generated by the query fails to be authorized for the user that triggered the query, it's taken out of the results. This accomplishes the behaviour you want without having any code that is checking specific users against specific query parameters, which is good because if tomorrow you have another endpoint that exposes this objects you won't have to implement the same authorization policy twice. Pundit is a perfect example on how to do this with Ruby elegantly.
**Of course, this approach retrieves data from the database unnecessarily which could matter to you, and also opens your endpoint up to timing attacks. Even then, I would consider tackling these problems premature optimizations and should be ignored unless you have a very good reason.
You're right about your ideas:
You can create a new endpoint just for admins, that will return all products
You can use a kind of authorization (e.g. Authorization Header) in order to check if the API is being called through admin or normal user. Then you can route internally to get all products or just IsApproved products.
You can add a proxy in front of your API to route to the right action, but it can also be achieved directly in the API but I think the second solution is easier.
Adding one more property is a bad idea.
In my opinion, adding another end point is very good. Because it will increase the protection in the admin end point.
Otherwise, since it is a web application, Simply set a cookie and a session to identify and separate the admin and user.
Going with the principle of least astonishment, I'd be in favour of adding a second endpoint for admin users. Such that you'll have:
GET /api/products (for regular users)
GET /api/admin/products (for admins)
This allows your code and API documentation to be nicely separated, and all of the admin-specific authentication details can live under the "admin" namespace.
The intention behind each API call is also clearer this way, which helps developers; and means that you can differentiate between admin vs regular usage in any usage stats that you track.
With ApprovedStatus, I think the specifics here don't matter much, but - considering what a developer using the API might reasonably expect / assume - it would be good to:
Ensure the ApprovalStatus parameter name matches the property name for "approval" that you return with each product object
Defaults to "approved" if it is not specified
Alert the user when an invalid value is specified, or one that they don't have access to
Bottom line: to answer your headline question - I think it's bad practice to ignore user input... sometimes. Design your API such that distinctions around when input can be passed in is very clear; and always alert the user if you receive input values that are technically acceptable, but not in the way that the user has requested, or for their access level. Ignoring values that are plain wrong (e.g. an argument that doesn't exist) is another story, and can be useful for future proofing or backwards compatibility.

How To Disable Per Request (URL Based) Claims Authorization in WCF?

I have a WCF service which uses claims based authorization.
What I want to do is to attribute an operation with a ClaimsPrincipalPermissionAttribute and only have the authorization check trigger once in my custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager. However I am finding that this authorization check is being triggered twice; once for the URL and then a second time on the operation itself.
I can't find much information on this subject, but what I have found indicates that this is by design. Is it possible for me to overwrite this behavior and not perform any authorization on the URL, and only authorization based on the operation?
I have no interest in authorizing based on URLs, and would really rather avoid adding claims for each and every URL as I am likely to have a lot of them and they may change in future.
I have read several articles, and seen videos from Dominick Baier on this subject, and while I have learnt a lot from these I still can't find an answer to this. Is this simply not possible and I just have to deal with having to authorize based on the URL as well?
You can't change this behavior - what I did is to write a custom claims permission attribute that does emit different claim types. This way I could distinguish between the per-request invocation and the explicit attribute.
or the Thinktecture.IdentityModel nuget package.

Symfony2: How to find the users that have permissions for a certain domain object?

In our application based on Symfony2 we would like to create a list of which of the users in the system that has permissions for a given domain object. We are using ACL and our immediate instinct was to look in the ACL-object returned from the ACLProvider of the domain object in question, for methods that could return the users (or at least SecurityIdentities) that has permissions, but I could not find such methods.
We are certain that this functionality is available through the API, but we cannot find where these methods are hidden.
EDIT An alternative would be to look up these connections in the acl-tables directly and finding out that way, but it would not be very pretty and we would probably be reinventing the wheel.
By default, the Authorization are specified in the file app/config/security.yml. It describe if a Role is allowed or not to access some modules.
There are some differences between Authorization and Permissions.
Permission are not managed by default by Symfony but through specific development (or bundles...)