How to watermark a wave file with NAudio? - naudio

My application outputs wave files and I have the requirement to implement watermarking. By this I mean taking another wave file containing, say, 4 seconds of someone saying "This file is copyrighted material" and overlay this into the original file every 30 seconds.
I have tried many things but none quite works. I can pad the watermark to 30 seconds using OffsetSampleProvider and mix this with MixingSampleProvider, but that would only mix in one copy.
LoopStream is a WaveStream, not an ISampleProvider, and even if I could do the conversion, I think this would mix forever, because the LoopStream would never stop returning data.
This seems like a fairly basic use case, but I cannot figure out how to do it!

You're not too far off. You can turn a LoopStream into an ISampleProvider with the ToSampleProvider extension method, and then you can use the Take extension method to limit the duration of the looped stream to match the duration of the file you're mixing it with.


How do I safely (i.e. crash resistantly) serialize docs in spacy?

I have a pretty big corpus of texts that I use to make a few million Doc-objects.
I am somewhat familiar with the usage of DocBin(), but it looks like it loads all the Docs to memory before dumping it to file. Seems a bit risky and crash-prone. Ideally I want to be able to continue where it stopped should a crash or unexpected exit occur.
I came up with two options:
Write every doc as a single file with Doc.to_disk.
After the first x iterations I write the docbin to file, then every x iteration after that I load the docbin-file, merge it with the ones in memory, then write that new DocBin to file again.
Anything I've missed here? What are the up- and downsides to these methods? Any other suggestions?

Too Few Observation Sequences while training new voice for MarryTTS

I'm trying to build a new voice for MaryTTS in German for a while now, but didn't succeed so far. I followed a tutorial ( and tried to understand each step. No matter what I do, I get stuck at step 14 (HMMVoiceMakeVoice), the error being:
ERROR [+2121] HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences
which usually means, that the tested phone (en9 in this example) is not found within my data set.
After changing the locale, the same error happend on the phone "de27" as Nikolay Shmyrev pointed out.
I doubt that though, since I use about 500 Audio files, which have a length of at least 5 sec, so a total well over an hour of footage.
In fact, I skipped the "en9" phone, since I don't know what exactly is represented by it. The next one to fail was "oI", which I located manually about ten times in the first few audio files.
I think it has to do with the automatic labeling to not work properly (step 2-4), but I don't know, what I can do, to get a better result?
Edit: I uploaded all the files I get until this step, which can be inspected on this shared google drive. Note, that I could not, for copyright reasons, upload the wav folder. In the logs directory, you can find the logs after each step. I couldn't find any problems there, but maybe someone will.
I do not completely understand the structure of the generated data, but I thought changing the MARYBASE/mary/trickyPhones.txt and running the make tools again would be enough to change the map name from "tS" to "Z" which sounds about the same in German. But the HMMVoiceMakeVoice still results in the same output.

finding malware in 2 different files of the same program

So this is an intro class I am taking in reverse engineering.
So I have two files that are the same program and one is supposed to have a trojan in it.
I looked at both files and have found some very odd things. However, I don't have reasons as to why it would happen.
The PE header is different. In one file in the DOS header the PE header is located at offset F0 and the other at F8. Why? I don't really understand. Why would someone change the PE header by 8 bytes?
I noticed the code entry points are different too. Does this mean that the start of the program is jumping else where meaning both programs are running from different locations.
I noticed all of the RVA's for say the export or import table have increased or shifted up higher. I assume this is because the PE header shifted by 8 bytes, therefore everything else in the file will shift up too.
The size of code value is different, as I found one file is a bit larger than the other. The time stamps are different too meaning that the file must have been edited.
One of the files has the import symbol execve, while the other does not. I don't know what this symbol does?
Lastly, I think 1 of the export symbols has jumps and such, that the other does not have. Meaning that it is doing something it shouldn't be doing.
Anyway, these are some observations I have noticed. I just need help making sense of what these observations might mean.
A Noob reverse engineer.
hopefully this will clear some things up.
I noticed the code entry points are different too. Does this mean that the start of the program is jumping else where meaning both programs are running from different locations.
Ok the change in the code entry points can clearly indicate that the code has been tampered with and often means that the malicious code will be called on entry and then the malicious code will run the normal code there-after. This is done so that the user does not notice the application has been tampered with.
The size of code value is different, as I found one file is a bit larger than the other. The time stamps are different too meaning that the file must have been edited.
The change in size can also indicate that there is malicious code in the executable because executables are not supposed to grow (I don't know you are feeding yours).
One of the files has the import symbol execve, while the other does not. I don't know what this symbol does?
As for execv, please see _execv, _wexecv MSDN

Best strategy to read file only once at launch?

I am reading a file datafile at the launch of my application.This is just self learning drill.
On apple developers website under the heading Minimize File Access at Launch Time
it says
If you must read a file at launch time, do so only once.
So my question is that is there a standard or preferred way of doing this. At the moment I have an instance varible NSArray and I populate that in - (void)viewDidUnloadand never garbage collect it. Is that good enough ? or Should I be making use of application Object (I am not even sure if it is logical to say this.).
There is no standard way to optimize. But there are some guidelines.
One basic idea of optimization is to do less. E.g. as the advice you cited where the data of a file may be needed at multiple points in your code, it is better to read it from disk once and then distribute a data pointer within your program.
If the file is big enough to cause a stutter when you start your application, i.e. it takes more than 20ms to read and parse the file, you should consider reading the file in a background thread/task and adding a ‘loading…’-state to display to the user.

is it possible to use html tags in gml file?

is there any way to use html anchor tag in a gml file..I want to create a hyperlink to location/point in a gml file.
how can i do so???
thanks in advance..
This is a little known GML technique that GREATLY increases the power of Game Maker, and is well worth learning, but as a note, it does NOT work in Studio, because of the countless new restrictions on commands. Go back to GM8.1 (I only ever use that now), and you should have no problem making use of this technique.
The technique is to write a program in another language through GML (batch, vbs, etc, or in this case, HTLM), execute it through GML, then delete the program.
Quite simply, use the file_text commands to create a file with the correct content and extension, execute it with execute_program, and then delete it with file_delete.
Specifically for this script:
argument0 is the link, including the protocol.
argument1 is the anchor, minus the # (that's handled for you).
argument2 is the full browser path.
argument3 is important. This is the time in milliseconds the program will wait before deleting the temporary link file.
(The execute_program command, even when told to wait for the program to complete, continues as soon as the temp file is loaded. If external, the redirect takes some time depending on your connection, so deleting the temporary file halfway through will cause it to fail. 10 milliseconds worked fine for me. The program will hang for this time in this setup, but if you would like to set up an alarm based system to stop it from hanging, that wouldn't be too hard.)
In other uses of this technique without the use of the internet (I use small batch and vbs files a lot), the "hang time" (pun not intended) is usually not necessary.
In addition, the browser location will need to be changed for each different computer
file_text_write_string(file,'<!DOCTYPE html>')
file_text_write_string(file,'<body onload="')
Sorry I wish It was possible but it's not unless you want to spend a lot of time with dll's. BUT you can create a Script and reuse it everywhere in your code...