How do I render numbers like 4999 to $4,999.00 in datatables? - datatables

If the data source is from an existed DOM, rather than some JSON variable. How do I convert the numbers like 4999 to $4,999.00 in datatables?
I don't know what kind of options should be passed to the main function.
// need help on this
Here is the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
//Only needed for the filename of export files.
//Normally set in the title tag of your page.
document.title='Simple DataTable';
// DataTable initialisation
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<a class="btn btn-success" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" href="https://codepenio/collection/XKgNLN/" target="_blank">Other examples on Codepen</a>
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td>Alphabet puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Layout for poster</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Image creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1500">1500</td>
<td>Create font</td>
<td data-order="1200">1200</td>
<td>Sticker production</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Glossy poster</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Beer label</td>
<td data-order="2499">2499</td>
<td>Shop sign</td>
<td data-order="1099">1099</td>
<td>X-Mas decoration</td>
<td data-order="1750">1750</td>
<td>Halloween invite</td>
<td data-order="400">400</td>
<td>Wedding announcement</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="299">299</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="149">149</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Album cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="4999">4999</td>
<td>Shipment box</td>
<td data-order="1399">1399</td>
<td>Wooden puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Fashion Layout</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Toy creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1550">1550</td>
<td>Create stamps</td>
<td data-order="1220">1220</td>
<td>Sticker design</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Poster rock concert</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Wine label</td>
<td data-order="2799">2799</td>
<td>Shopping bag</td>
<td data-order="1299">1299</td>
<td>Decoration for Easter</td>
<td data-order="1650">1650</td>
<td>Saint Nicolas colorbook</td>
<td data-order="510">510</td>
<td>Wedding invites</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="399">399</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="249">249</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Blue-Ray cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1999">1999</td>
<td>TV carton</td>
<td data-order="1369">1369</td>

You can use the createdCell() callback, inside DataTables' columnDefs initializazion option.
Inside the callback, you have access to the <td> element of the created cell and to its data, so you can manipulate both in the way that you prefer.
In this fiddle I changed the shown data format using the Intl.NumberFormat() api:
$(document).ready(function() {
// Only needed for the filename of export files.
// Normally set in the title tag of your page.
document.title = 'Simple DataTable';
// DataTable initialisation
columnDefs: [{
targets: 4, // <-- this is the target column
createdCell: function(cell, cellData, rowData, rowIndex, colIndex) {
const formattedContent = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
cell.innerHTML = formattedContent;
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<a class="btn btn-success" style="float:left;margin-right:20px;" href="https://codepenio/collection/XKgNLN/" target="_blank">Other examples on Codepen</a>
<table id="example" class="table table-striped table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td>Alphabet puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Layout for poster</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Image creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1500">1500</td>
<td>Create font</td>
<td data-order="1200">1200</td>
<td>Sticker production</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Glossy poster</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Beer label</td>
<td data-order="2499">2499</td>
<td>Shop sign</td>
<td data-order="1099">1099</td>
<td>X-Mas decoration</td>
<td data-order="1750">1750</td>
<td>Halloween invite</td>
<td data-order="400">400</td>
<td>Wedding announcement</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="299">299</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="149">149</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Album cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="4999">4999</td>
<td>Shipment box</td>
<td data-order="1399">1399</td>
<td>Wooden puzzle</td>
<td data-order="1000">1000</td>
<td>Fashion Layout</td>
<td data-order="1834">1834</td>
<td>Toy creation</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1550">1550</td>
<td>Create stamps</td>
<td data-order="1220">1220</td>
<td>Sticker design</td>
<td data-order="2100">2100</td>
<td>Poster rock concert</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="899">899</td>
<td>Wine label</td>
<td data-order="2799">2799</td>
<td>Shopping bag</td>
<td data-order="1299">1299</td>
<td>Decoration for Easter</td>
<td data-order="1650">1650</td>
<td>Saint Nicolas colorbook</td>
<td data-order="510">510</td>
<td>Wedding invites</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="399">399</td>
<td>Member pasport</td>
<td data-order="249">249</td>
<td>Drink tickets</td>
<td data-order="199">199</td>
<td>Blue-Ray cover</td>
<td>To Do</td>
<td data-order="1999">1999</td>
<td>TV carton</td>
<td data-order="1369">1369</td>


How to add class for values in specific columns that matches a given pattern in jQuery.DataTables?

I want to add a classname "red" to:
all values that are less than 10.
Only for those in column X,Y...
How can I achieve this?
It looks something like this:
You can do it using The callback createdRow as follows :
This callback is executed when a TR element is created (and all TD child elements have been inserted), it used to format a particular row at draw time.
$(document).ready(function () {
createdRow: function (row, data, index) {
if (data[2] < 10) {
$('td', row).eq(2).addClass('red');
if (data[3] < 10) {
$('td', row).eq(3).addClass('red');
}); {
font-weight: bold;
color: red;
<link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<table id="example">

append the query with custom data modifications to add more

I have table where i am getting 10 records, out of those 10 records, one of the record has a value of 0 or -110 & 3, those two records have the same ID, so i want to remove those 3 rows from the query itself and then add the following condition just after those has been removed
AND DATEDIFF(day, ddate, GETDATE()) >= 21
so consider my query has a sample data of like this
This is the query which derives the table data:
select id,name,counts,section,skid,ddate from mytable;
<table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">
This is the GIST of the Table
my query is generating data like above
so within the query itself i want to remove those 3 rows which have a minus value, the same skid has one minus value, it will remove all its records
and add the above date condition i have to the query
how can i do all this in one sql condition, something using declare, i am not sure
;with cteexclude
select *
from mytable c
--Here you are excluding all SPID from selection
--from MyTable that returns from the sub query
--by this not in checking, you are getting only
--records for SPID has all positive Section value
where c.spid not in
--This part of query will return all spid
--has at least 1 or more 0 or Negative value
select distinct spid
from mytable
--For example Section calculation is as below
--Then Do the calculation directly as shown below
WHERE dateDiff(day,startdate,getDate()) <= 0
--Now select all records from cteexclude
select * from cteexclude;

SQL update query to get values by joining 3 tables

Please help me to write update query for below. I am using SQL server 2014.
Requirement: Update Table C based on project Id, get corresponding 'Answer_weightage' values for corresponding project ID and from latest record. Table A 'Latest'= 'Yes' means it is a latest record. Based on 'Link_Id' Table A and B are linked. Table A and C are linked based on 'Project_Id'
Table A:
Request Type |
<th>Project ID | </th>
<th>Latest |</th>
<th> Link_ID</th>
<td>1000</td> <td>No</td> <td>1</td>
<td>b</td> <td>1005</td> <td>Yes </td> <td>2</td>
<td>123</td> <td>1000</td><td>Yes </td> <td>4</td></tr>
<td>c </td><td>1005</td> <td>No</td> <td>3</td></tr>
Table B
Question</th> <th>Description</th> <th>Answer_weightage</th> <th>Link_ID
6 </td><td>Question6 </td><td>0</td> <td>2</td>
<td>2</td> <td>Question2</td> <td>5</td> <td>4</td></tr>
<td>3</td> <td>Question3 </td><td>5</td> <td>4</td></tr>
<td>4</td> <td>Question4</td><td> 5</td> <td>4</td></tr>
<td>5 </td><td>Question5 </td><td>2</td> <td>4</td></tr>
<td>6</td> <td>Question6 </td><td>2 </td><td>4</td></tr>
<td>7</td> <td>Question7</td> <td>9 </td><td>4</td></tr>
<td>1</td> <td>Question1 </td><td>5</td> <td>1</td></tr>
<td>2</td> <td>Question2 </td><td>9</td> <td>1</td></tr>
<td>3 </td><td>Question3 </td><td>5</td><td> 1</td></tr>
<td>4</td> <td>Question4</td> <td>2 </td><td>1</td></tr>
<td>5</td> <td>Question5</td> <td>5 </td><td>1</td></tr>
<td>6</td> <td>Question6</td> <td>5 </td><td>1</td></tr>
<td>7</td> <td>Question7</td> <td>2</td> <td>1</td></tr>
<td>1</td> <td>Question1</td> <td>2 </td><td>2</td></tr>
<td>2</td> <td>Question2</td> <td>0 </td><td>2</td></tr>
<td>3 </td><td>Question3</td> <td>9 </td><td>2</td></tr>
<td>4</td> <td>Question4 </td><td>9</td><td> 2</td></tr>
<td>5 </td><td>Question5 </td><td>9</td><td> 2</td></tr>
<td>7 </td><td>Question7</td> <td>5 </td><td>2</td></tr>
<td>1</td> <td>Question1</td><td> 2</td> <td>4</td></tr>
Table C:
<th>Project ID</th>
Desired Result (in Table C):
<th>Project ID</th>
You want to update question1 of Table C, set the value equal to Answer_weightage selected from B where b.Description = 'Question1' and linkId = (Link_Id from A where latest='YES' and has same projectId as C).
Update C set C.Question1 =
(select Answer_weightage
from B
where Description='Question1' and Link_ID =
(select Link_ID
from A
where A.ProjectID = C.ProjectID and Latest='Yes'))

order from recent date DataTables dd/mm/yyyy

I made a table using DataTables plugin.
I created a column called "Date" wich contains some dates. With the button near "Date" I can order records but I have to use this format for the dates dd/mm/yyyy so the order is wrong.
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">
<table class="table table-striped" id="mydata">
<td value="2020-11-15">15/11/2020</td>
<td>In corso</td>
<td value="2017-04-07">07/04/2017</td>
<td>prova 123<br> prova</td>
<td value="2017-01-15">15/01/2017</td>
<td>In corso</td>
<td value="2017-01-15">15/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-15">15/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-14">14/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-13">13/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-12">12/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-12">12/01/2017</td>
<td value="2017-01-12">12/01/2017</td>
$('#mydata').DataTable( {
responsive: true
} );
This is why I didn't post it. There is an error in lineno 0 . But in my file i don't have any error
How can I solve this problem?
You are comparing dates as strings, but the strings contain the day at start. Let's implement a helper function:
function helper(input) {
var dateElements = input.split("/");
return dateElements[2] + dateElements[1] + dateElements[0];
and use this to convert your elements to their desired format. Then you will be able to compare them, as year will be at the start, month will follow and day will be at the end.

SQL unpivot row to N rows (based on column value)

I have a table looking like the example below, and trying to UNPIVOT the table to hold only ONE link per row, and adding an info column, based on the UNPIVOT.
I managed to get partly to my desired result, but need a bit help for the last part. I have this Query so far:
SELECT Theme, Area, URL
SELECT Theme, Area, URL_1, URL_2, URL_3
FROM table
) AS a
URL FOR URLs IN (URL_1, URL_2, Url_3)
) AS b WHERE URL <> '';
How to add this extra Column, with info based on the URL?
Thank you in advance.
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<h1>Would like</h1>
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<h1>What I got so far</h1>
<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="2">
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
<td>Some URL</td>
short answer:
SELECT Theme, Area, UrlKind, URL
SELECT Theme, Area, URL_1, URL_2, URL_3
FROM table
) AS a
URL FOR UrlKind IN (URL_1, URL_2, Url_3)
) AS b WHERE URL <> '';
So name of that column is defined by FOR ... part of unpivot.