Event Handling for ordinary differential equations for billiards - conditional-statements

I am currently interested in billiards. However, I am interested in special billiards with a non-conventional reflection law and specific rules for the trajectories. I, therefore, need to calculate the trajectories using a differential equation solver. Finding one is not a problem at all. However, I still have trouble finding a suitable solution for the reflection. Previously I was working in Mathematica, whose Numerical ODE solver has a WhenEvent option:
NDSolve[{y''[t] == -9.81, y[0] == 5, y'[0] == 0, WhenEvent[y[t] == 0, y'[t] -> -0.95 y'[t]]}, y, {t, 0, 10}];
The solution that this line of code gives is a bouncing ball.
Basically after each integration step, it checks whether the condition is true and if so, it performs an action. (I suspect it checks if y has switched sign. If, for example, one puts in
the quantity does not switch sign and this method fails.)
Now, I would like to switch from Mathematica to something that is more openly available (C++ or python based.) but I could not find anything that can has this or a similar options. Does anyone perhaps have an Idea, what I could use instead? Basically I am looking for the option to check for a condition after each integration step and if the condition is met perform an action on the solution.
Does anyone have an idea what I could use?
Any help appreciated


Without unwinding, translate a simple while loop iteration into SMT-LIB formula to prove correctness

Consider proving correctness of the following while loop, i.e. I want show that given the loop condition holds to start with, it will eventually terminate and result in the final assertion being true.
int x = 0;
while(x>=0 && x<10){
x = x + 1;
assert x==10;
What would be the correct translation into SMT-LIB for checking the correctness, without using loop unwinding?
Hoare logic and loop-invariants
Typical proof of such a statement would be done via the classic Hoare logic, which I assume you're already familiar with. If not, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoare_logic
The idea is to come up with an invariant for your loop. This invariant must be true before the loop starts, it must be maintained by the loop body, and it must imply the final result when the loop condition is no longer true. Additionally, you also need to prove that the loop will eventually terminate, by means of a measure function. (More on that later.)
You can convince yourself why this would be sufficient: An invariant is something that's "always" true. And if it implies your final result, then your proof is complete. The proof steps I outlined above ensure that the invariant is indeed an invariant, i.e., its truth is always maintained by your program.
Coming up with the invariant
What would be a good invariant for your loop here? Let's give this invariant the name I. A moment of thinking reveals a good choice for I is:
I = x >= 0 && x <= 10
Note how similar (but not exactly the same!) this is to your loop-condition, and this is not by accident. Loop-invariants are not unique, and coming up with a good one can be really difficult. It's an active area of research (since 60's) to synthesize loop-invariants automatically. See the plethora of research out there. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_invariant is a good starting point.
Proof using SMT
Now that we "magically" came up with the loop invariant, let's use SMT to prove that it is indeed correct. Instead of writing SMTLib (which is verbose and mostly intended for machines only), I'll use z3-python interface as a close enough substitute. To finish the proof, I need to show 4 things:
The invariant holds before the loop starts
The invariant is maintained by the loop body
The invariant and the negation of the loop-condition implies the desired post-condition
The loop terminates
Let's look at each in turn.
(0) Preliminaries
Since we'll use z3's python interface, we'll have to do a little bit of leg-work to get us started. Here's the skeleton we need:
from z3 import *
def C(p):
return And(p >= 0, p < 10)
def I(p):
return And(p >= 0, p <= 10)
x = Int('x')
Note that we parameterized the loop-condition (C) and the invariant (I) with a parameter so it's easy to call them with different arguments. This is a common trick in programming, abstracting away the control from the data. This way of coding will simplify our life later on.
(1) The invariant holds before the loop starts
This one is easy. Right before the loop, we know that x = 0. So we need to ask the SMT solver if x == 0 implies our invariant:
>>> prove (Implies(x == 0, I(x)))
Voila! If you want to see the SMTLib for the proof obligation, you can ask z3 to print it for you:
>>> print(Implies(x == 0, I(x)).sexpr())
(=> (= x 0) (and (>= x 0) (<= x 10)))
(2) The invariant is maintained by the loop-body
The loop body is only run when the loop condition (C) is true. The body increments x by one. So, what we need to show is that if our invariant (I) is true, if the loop condition (C) is true, and if I increment x by one, then I remains true. Let's ask z3 exactly that:
>>> prove(Implies(And(I(x), C(x)), I(x+1)))
Almost too easy!
(3) The invariant implies the result when loop condition is false
This time, all we need to ask the solver is to prove the required conclusion when I holds, but C doesn't:
>>> prove(Implies(And(I(x), Not(C(x))), x == 10))
And we have now completed what's known as the partial-correctness claim. That is, if the loop terminates, then x will indeed be 10 at the end. This is what you were trying to prove to start with.
(4) The loop terminates
What we've done so far is known as partial-correctness. It says if the loop terminates, then your post-condition (i.e., x == 10) holds. But it does not make any guarantees that the loop will always terminate.
To get a full-proof, we have to prove termination. This is done by coming up with a measure function: A measure function is a function that assigns (typically) a numeric value to the set of program variables, which is bounded from below. Then we show that it goes down in each iteration and has an initial value that's above its lower-bound. Then we know that the loop cannot continue forever: The measure has to go down in each iteration, but it cannot do so since it's bounded below.
Termination proofs are usually harder, and coming up with a good measure can be tricky. But in this case, it's easy to come up with it:
def M(x):
return 10-x
The claim is that the measure is always non-negative in this case. Let's prove that before the loop starts, i.e., when x == 0:
>>> prove (Implies(x == 0, M(x) >= 0))
It goes down in each iteration:
>>> prove (Implies(C(x), M(x) > M(x+1)))
And finally, it's always positive if the loop executes:
>>> prove (Implies(C(x), M(x) >= 0))
Now we know that the loop will terminate, so our proof is complete.
But wait!
You might wonder if I pulled a rabbit out of a hat here. How do we know that the above steps are sufficient? Or that I didn't make a mistake in my coding as I waved my hand over your program and magically translated it to z3-python?
For the first question: There's established research that for traditional imperative program semantics, Hoare-logic style reasoning is sound. Here's a good slide deck to start with: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1617/HLog+ModC/slides/lecture2.pdf
For the second question: This is where the rubber hits the road. You have to put my argument to peer-review, possibly using an established theorem prover to code the whole thing up and trust that the mechanization is correct. Why3 (https://why3.lri.fr) is a good-platform to get started for this style of reasoning.
Picking the invariant
The trickiest part of this proof is coming up with the right invariant. A "good" invariant is one that's not only true, but one that allows you to prove the result you want. For instance, consider the following invariant:
def I(p):
return True
This invariant is manifestly true for all programs as well! But if you attempt to run the proofs we had with this version of I, you'll see that it won't go through and you'll get a counter-example. (It's quite instructive to do so.) In general, you can:
Pick an "invariant" that's not really enforced by your program, i.e., it doesn't stay true at all times as described above. Hopefully the counter-example you get from the solver will be helpful to identify what goes wrong.
Or, and this is way more likely, the invariant you picked is indeed an invariant of the program, but it is not strong enough to prove the result you want. In this case the counter-example will be less useful, and for complicated programs it can be hard to track down the reason why.
An invariant that allows you to prove the final result is called an "inductive invariant." The process of "improving" the invariant to get to a proof is known as "strengthening the invariant." There's a plethora of research in all of these topics, especially in the realm of model-checking. A good paper to read in these topics is Bradley's "Understanding IC3:" https://theory.stanford.edu/~arbrad/papers/Understanding_IC3.pdf.
The strategy outlined here is a "meta"-level proof: It's equivalent to a paper-proof which identified the proof goals, and shipped them to an SMT solver (z3 in this case), to finish the job. This is common practice in modern day proofs, i.e., coming up with sub-goals and using an automated-solver to discharge them. Theorem-provers like ACL2, Isabelle, Coq, etc. mechanize the "coming up with subgoals" part to a large extent, making sure the whole proof is sound with respect to a trusted (but typically very small) set of core-axioms. (This is the so called LCF methodology, see https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/slides/manchester-12sep01/slides.pdf for a nice slide-deck on it.)
Hopefully this is a detailed-enough level answer for you to get you started in program verification with SMT-solvers. Perhaps it's more than what you asked for; but the rule-of-thumb is there is no free lunch in verification. It is a lot of work! However, you get pretty close to push-button reasoning these days (at least for certain kinds of programs) with the advances in automated theorem provers, SMT-solvers, and other frameworks that many people built over the years. Best of luck, but be warned that program-verification remains the holy-grail of computer science after almost 7-decades of work on it. Things always get better/easier, but there's much more work to be done in the field.

X and Y inputs in LabVIEW

I am new to LabVIEW and I am trying to read a code written in LabVIEW. The block diagram is this:
This is the program to input x and y functions into the voltage input. It is meant to give an input voltage in different forms (sine, heartshape , etc.) into the fast-steering mirror or galvano mirror x and y axises.
x and y function controls are for inputting a formula for a function, and then we use "evaluation single value" function to input into a daq assistant.
I understand that { 2*(|-Mpi|)/N }*i + -Mpi*pi goes into the x value. However, I dont understand why we use this kind of formula. Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value of -M*pi. Also, I don`t understand why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i. And finally, why need to add -Mpi again? If you provide any hints about this I would really appreciate it.
This is just a complicated way to write the code/formula. Given what the code looks like (unnecessary wire bends, duplicate loop-input-tunnels, hidden wires, unnecessary coercion dots, failure to use appropriate built-in 'negate' function) not much care has been given in writing it. So while it probably yields the correct results you should not expect it to do so in the most readable way.
To answer you specific questions:
Why we need to assign a negative value and then do the absolute value
We don't. We can just move the negation immediately before the last addition or change that to a subtraction:
{ 2*(|Mpi|)/N }*i - Mpi*pi
And as #yair pointed out: We are not assigning a value here, we are basically flipping the sign of whatever value the user entered.
Why we need to divide to N and then multiply by i
This gives you a fraction between 0 and 1, no matter how many steps you do in your for-loop. Think of N as a sampling rate. I.e. your mirrors will always do the same movement, but a larger N just produces more steps in between.
Why need to add -Mpi again
I would strongly assume this is some kind of quick-and-dirty workaround for a bug that has not been fixed properly. Looking at the code it seems this +Mpi*pi has been added later on in the development process. And while I don't know what the expected values are I would believe that multiplying only one of the summands by Pi is probably wrong.

Root finding with a kinked function using NLsolve in Julia

I am currently trying to solve a complementarity problem with a function that features a downward discontinuity, using the mcpsolve() function of the NLsolve package in Julia. The function is reproduced here for specific parameters, and the numbers below refer to the three panels of the figure.
Unfortunately, the algorithm does not always return the interior solution, even though it exists:
In (1), when starting at 0, the algorithm stays at 0, thinking that the boundary constraint binds,
In (2), when starting at 0, the algorithm stops right before the downward jump, even though the solution lies to the right of this point.
These problems occur regardless of the method used - trust region or Newton's method. Ideally, the algorithm would look for potential solutions in the entire set before stopping.
I was wondering if some of you had worked with similar functions, and had found a clever solution to bypass these issues. Note that
Starting to the right of the solution would not solve these problems, as they would also occur for other parametrization - see (3) this time,
It is not known a priori where in the parameter space the particular cases occur.
As an illustrative example, consider the following piece of code. Note that the function is smoother, and yet here as well the algorithm cannot find the solution.
function f!(x,fvec)
if x[1] <= 1.8
fvec[1] = 0.1 * (sin(3*x[1]) - 3)
fvec[1] = 0.1 * (x[1]^2 - 7)
NLsolve.mcpsolve(f!,[0.], [Inf], [0.], reformulation = :smooth, autodiff = true)
Once more, setting the initial value to something else than 0 would only postpone the problem. Also, as pointed out by Halirutan, fzero from the Roots package would probably work, but I'd rather use mcpsolve() as the problem is initially a complementarity problem.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of a log function with sevaral parameters

I am trying to find out the parameters for the function below:
\log L(\alpha,\beta,v) = v/\beta(e^{-\beta T} -1) + \alpha/\beta \sum_{i=1}^{n}(e^{-\beta(T-t_i)} -1) + \sum_{i=1}^{N}log(v e^{-\beta t_i} + \alpha \sum_{j=1}^{jmax(t_i)} e^{-\beta(t_i - t_j)}).
However, the conventional methods like fmin, fminsearch are not converging properly. Any suggestions on any other methods or open libraries which I can use?
I was trying CVXPY, but they don't support the division by a variable in the expression.
The problem may not be convex (I have not verified this but it could be why CVXPY refused it). We don't have the data so we cannot try things out, but I can give some general advice:
Provide exact gradients (and 2nd derivatives if needed) or use a modeling system with automatic differentiation. Especially first derivatives should be preferably quite precise. With finite differences you may lose half the precision.
Provide a good starting point. May be using an alternative estimation method.
Some solvers can use bounds on the variables to restrict the feasible region where functions will be evaluated. This can be used to restrict the search to interesting areas only and also to protect operations like division and log functions.

Mathematica can't solve DSolve[{f[0] ==d,f'[0]==v0,f''[t] == -g*m2/f[t]^2}, f, t]?

In[11]:= $Version
Out[11]= 9.0 for Linux x86 (32-bit) (November 20, 2012)
In[12]:= DSolve[{f[0] == d, f'[0] == v0, f''[t] == g*m2/f[t]^2}, f, t]
DSolve::bvimp: General solution contains implicit solutions. In the boundary
value problem these solutions will be ignored, so some of the solutions will
be lost.
Out[12]= {}
The code above pretty much says it all. I get the same error if I replace g*m2 with 1.
This seems like a really simple DFQ to solve. I'd like to tell DSolve to assume all variables are real and that d, g, and m2 are all greater than 0, but there's unfortunately no way to do that.
You are trying for a symbolic solution. And unfortunately, symbolic integration is hard (while symbolic differentiation is easy).
The way this integration works is to obtain the energy functional by integrating once
E = 1/2*f'[t]^2 + C/f[t]
and then to isolate f'[t]. The resulting integral is not easy to solve and leads to the mentioned implicit solutions.
Did you really want to get the symbolic solution or only some function table to plot the solutions or compute other related quantities?
Since it was clarified that the requested quantity is the maximum of certain solutions: This can be computed by setting v=0 in the energy equation
C/x = E = 1/2*v0^2 + C/x0
x = C*x0/(C + 1/2*v0^2*x0 )
One would have to analyze the time aspect to make sure that this extremum is reached before passing again at the initial point x0.