Custom notification with useNotify in react-admin - react-admin

I'm using react-admin 4.0.3 and i want to replace the default notification for a custom component that i did. I am using the hook useNotify(), there are any way to do this? I can't find a way on the docs or anywhere

It's in the documentation very clearly:


How to override component on specific slot

i'm trying to make a banner component to use as SimpleBannerComponent, but i need to override only in a specific slot/section on homepage.
In another pages I will use the default component.
How can I do that?
Thanks for your time.
The best way is to create a new CMS component only for that specific slot/section on homepage, because once you update a component, all its instances will also be updated everywhere.
Documentation on how to create and map a new component can be found on Spartacus Documentation Site.

Algolia for React Native: refine() method

I wish to use Algolia to setup InstantSearch in my React Native project. I am using this tutorial to learn the basics.
It appears in their RefinementList and InfiniteHits components there is a parameter: refine. This parameter seems to play a key role in the functionality of this tutorial's app.
Where can I get an example of how this refine() method would look like?
Please help me with some resources. An explanation of this refine() method would also help.
I think there's a typo in the documentation at the time of this writing (for which I opened a pull request), and the name of the actual prop is refineNext.
The documented InfiniteHits example from the React Native guide uses a connector, which is a lower-level abstraction allowing users to fully control the UI. This is what allows you to use React Native code for the UI while having access to the InfiniteHits data and logic. You can read more about the connectInfiniteHits connector in the documentation.
The provided refineNext function lets you load more results. It doesn't take any arguments, all you need to do is call it whenever you want to load more results from Algolia. In the example, it's being used in the onEndReached callback of React Native's FlatList component, whenever the hasMore provided prop is true. This allows loading more results once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content.

How to use existing cumulocity widget in custom widget

I created a custom widget using angular 10, Now I wanted to add a datapoint list in the configuration(edit) and access it
I am using c8y-data-point-list directive but my angular application not able to find this selector/associated component.
so my first question is how to use the existing angularJs component in angular? how to import it?
is it possible?
I also want to use more widget in a custom widget from ng1-module, how to achieve it?
c8y-data-point-list is not in the official list of cumulocity components, so it's not possible to use it.
Also the highest version of angular would be the 8th, as they currently only support it and still use angularJS components.

How to customize/ extend ootb components in spartacus

I am new to Spartacus and I am trying to add more elements to the component AddedToCartDialogComponent. Not sure how I can customise/extend this component.
I need to extend the typescript and also the template which is the view for this component.
Probably, your best bet is reading through the Spartacus docs about customizing components here. Also try to find your answer in other places in our docs.
If your question was about extending components from Angular perspective, you should probably first read Angular docs

Unable to get VeeValidate 3.x working with a custom component using VueSelect

This is the code:
I'm using a custom component because I want to override a couple of slots in VueSelect. I'm using the ValidationProvider but that doesn't seem to be working.
I've looked for help but only found examples using VeeValidate 2.x.
I've figured out how it works. By default, VeeValidate validates the input only after the blur or input events on the child elements of ValidationProvider. If you want it to validate on custom events, you can implement a custom mode for the custom component and specify the mode attribute on the ValidationProvider.
For example: (my updated codesandbox link).