R Apply across a DF column with a dynamic column selection - dynamic

Been trying to figure out how to calculate across a DF using L/T/Apply by dynamically selecting the column to use. I have a DF of wind speed at different heights (Date, Year, Wind.100, Wind.120, Wind.80, etc) and I want to do calculations based on the heights that varies depending on what turbine I am simulating.
Height <- 100
Level <- paste0("Wind.", Height)
I've tried:
tapply(df[[Level]], list(DF$Hour, DF$Year), mean)
tapply(df[Level], list(DF$Hour, DF$Year), mean)
tapply(df[,..Level], list(DF$Hour, DF$Year), mean)
but it fails and says :object 'Level' not found.
There has got to be a way to script this. I know doing a
doesn't work but I can't figure it out.


Proportions for multiple subcategories

I am trying to calculate proportions with multiple subcategories. As seen in the screenshot below, the series is grouped by ['budget_levels', 'revenue_levels'].
I would like to calculate the proportion for each.
For example,
budget_levels=='low' & revenue_levels=='low' / budget_levels=='low'
budget_levels=='low' & revenue_levels=='medium' / budget_levels=='low'
However, not getting the desired output.
Is there any way I could do this calculation for each with a simple one-line code such as .apply(lambda) function?
Use value_counts to get the number of occurences of each combination. Then group by the column budget_levels and divide the observations in each group by their sum. sort_index makes it easier to compare the groups.
df.value_counts().groupby(level=0).transform(lambda x: x / x.sum()).sort_index()

Rstudio and ggplot, stacked bar graph: Two almost identical bits of code, fct_reorder works with one, and not the other?

I wrote this which perfectly reorders the variable mcr_variant by count on my bar graph.
mcrxgenus %>%
mutate(mcr_variant = fct_reorder(mcr_variant, count)) %>%
ggplot( aes(fill=isolate_genus, y=count, x=mcr_variant)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity") +
coord_flip() +
labs(x="MCR variant", y="Count", fill="Isolate genus")
I wrote this to display the same dataset a bit differently.
mcrxgenus %>%
mutate(isolate_genus = fct_reorder(isolate_genus, count)) %>%
ggplot( aes(fill=mcr_variant, y=count, x=isolate_genus)) +
geom_bar(position="stack", stat="identity")+
labs(x="Isolate genus", y="Count", fill="MCR variant")
It does NOT reorder my bar graph by count. I have absolutely no idea what is going on. It seems to me there should be no reason for this. mcr_variant and isolate_genus are both categorical variables. mcr_variant has 12 levels and isolate_genus has 6 possible levels. That is the only difference I can think of. Anyone run in to this problem before? It's been driving me mad! I have no idea what is happening here!
When you stack bars up, you're adding their values. fct_reorder, by default, takes the median of the values. So if MCR Variant A has counts 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, its order will be determined by the median count, 1, while its height is the sum of the counts, 6. Meanwhile if MCR Variant B has counts 2, 3, its order will be the median 2.5, but its sum is 5.
You need to make fct_reorder use sum, just like your stacked bar graph. Replace fct_reorder(isolate_genus, count) with fct_reorder(isolate_genus, count, sum).
If this doesn't work, please share a reproducible sample of data, preferably with dput so the classes are preserved and everything is copy/pasteable e.g., dput(mcrxgenus[1:10, ]) for the first 10 rows. Pick a suitable sample to illustrate the problem.

comapring compressed distribution per cohort

How can I easily compare the distributions of multiple cohorts?
Usually, https://seaborn.pydata.org/generated/seaborn.distplot.html would be a great tool to visually compare distributions. However, due to the size of my dataset, I needed to compress it and only keep the counts.
It was created as:
SELECT age, gender, compress_distributionUDF(collect_list(struct(target_y_n, count, distribution_value))) GROUP BY age, gender
where compress_distributionUDF simply takes a list of tuples and returns the counts per group.
This leaves me with a list of
Row(distribution_value=60.0, count=314251, target_y_n=0)
nested inside a pandas.Series, but one per each chohort.
Basically, it is similar to:
pd.DataFrame({'foo':[1,2], 'bar':['first', 'second'], 'baz':[{'target_y_n': 0, 'value': 0.5, 'count':1000},{'target_y_n': 1, 'value': 1, 'count':10000}]})
and I wonder how to compare distributions:
within a cohort 0 vs. 1 of target_y_n
over multiple cohorts
in a way which is visually still understandable and not only a mess.
For a single cohort Plotting pre aggregated data in python could be the answer, but how can multiple cohorts be compared (not just in a loop) as this leads to too many plots to compare?
I am still quite confused but we can start from this and see where it goes. From your example, I am focusing on baz as it is not clear to me what foo and bar are (I assume cohorts).
So let focus on baz and plot the different distributions according to target_y_n.
sns.catplot('value','count',data=df, kind='bar',hue='target_y_n',dodge=False,ci=None)
sns.catplot('value','count',data=df, kind='box',hue='target_y_n',dodge=False)
sns.barplot('value','count',data=df, hue = 'target_y_n',dodge=False,ci=None)
Finally try to have a look at the FacetGrid class to extend your comparison (see here).
g=sns.FacetGrid(df,col='target_y_n',hue = 'target_y_n')
In your case you would have something like:
g=sns.FacetGrid(df,col='target_y_n',row='cohort',hue = 'target_y_n')
And a qqplot option:
from scipy import stats
def qqplot(x, y, **kwargs):
_, xr = stats.probplot(x, fit=False)
_, yr = stats.probplot(y, fit=False)
plt.scatter(xr, yr, **kwargs)
g=sns.FacetGrid(df,col='cohort',hue = 'target_y_n')

Performing calculations on multiple columns in dataframe and create new columns

I'm trying to perform calculations based on the entries in a pandas dataframe. The dataframe looks something like this:
and it contains 1466 rows. I'll have to run similar calculations on other dfs with more rows later.
What I'm trying to do, is calculate something like mag='(U-V)/('R-I)' (but ignoring any values that are -999), put that in a new column, and then z_pred=10**((mag-c)m) in a new column (mag, c and m are just hard-coded variables). I have other columns I need to add too, but I figure that'll just be an extension of the same method.
I started out by trying
for i in range(1):
current = qso[:]
mag = (U-V)/(R-I)
name = current['NED']
z_pred = 10**((mag - c)/m)
z_meas = current['z']
but I got either a Series for z, which I couldn't operate on, or various type errors when I tried to print the values or write them to a file.
I found this question which gave me a start, but I can't see how to apply it to multiple calculations, as in my situation.
How can I achieve this?
Conditionally adding calculated columns row wise are usually performed with numpy's np.where;
df['mag'] = np.where(~df[['U', 'V', 'R', 'I']].eq(-999).any(1), (df.U - df.V) / (df.R - df.I), -999)
Note; assuming here that when any of the columns contain '-999' it will not be calculated and a '-999' is returned.

One ggplot from two data frames (1 bar each)

I was looking for an answer everywhere, but I just couldn't find one to this problem (maybe I was just too stupid to use other answers, because I'm new to R).
I have two data frames with different numbers of rows. I want to create a plot containing a single bar per data frame. Both should have the same length and the count of different variables should be stacked over each other. For example: I want to compare the proportions of gender in those to data sets.
t1<-data.frame(cbind(c(1:6), factor(c(1,2,2,1,2,2))))
t2<-data.frame(cbind(c(1:4), factor(c(1,2,2,1))))
1 represents male, 2 represents female
I want to create two barplots next to each other that represent, that the proportions of gender in the first data frame is 2:4 and in the second one 2:2.
My attempt looked like this:
ggplot() + geom_bar(aes(1, t1$X2, position = "fill")) + geom_bar(aes(1, t2$X2, position = "fill"))
That leads to the error: "Error: stat_count() must not be used with a y aesthetic."
First I should merge the two dataframes. You need to add a variable that will identify the origin of the data, add in both dataframes a column with an ID (like t1 and t2). Keep in mind that your columnames are the same in both frames so you will be able to use the function rbind.
t1$data <- "t1"
t2$data <- "t2"
t <- (rbind(t1,t2))
Now you can make the plot:
ggplot(t[order(t$X2),], aes(data, X2, fill=factor(X2))) +
geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack")