dremio list user API - api

I'm trying to query dremio using the documented API to get list of users.
Dremio version:
Enterprise Edition
sample query:
curl -X GET --location "http://localhost:9047/api/v3/user" \
-H "Authorization: _dremiohrr395nv31g8k610616tucp91g" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json"
I keep getting this error:
"errorMessage": "Something went wrong. Please check the log file for details, see https://docs.dremio.com/advanced-administration/log-files.html",
"moreInfo": "HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed"
It seems that this API is not supported at all.
Is there a published API to list all users so that I can get user name, uid, and role memberships?
I'm trying to avoid using SQL query.

v3 list users API is buggy.
user apiv2/user works


How can I create new TeamCity users through the API?

I want to create TeamCity users with various roles through the API. As long as I provide no role, I know how to do it, like so:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8111/app/rest/users \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"user", "password":"password"}' \
-u :<super-user-token>
Now, my issue is that e.g. I want to create an administrator. I tried this:
curl -X POST http://localhost:8111/app/rest/users \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"user", "password":"password", "roles": {"role": [{"roleId": "PROJECT_ADMIN"}]}}' \
-u :<super-user-token>
The roleId is a value that comes from the roles-config.xml file in folder <TeamCity Data Directory>/config, should be fine. I get the following error:
Responding with error, status code: 400 (Bad Request).
Details: jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.errors.PartialUpdateError: Partial error updating user 'zadigus' {id=3}, nested errors: jetbrains.buildServer.server.rest.errors.PartialUpdat
eError: Partial error updating roles for user 'zadigus' {id=3}, nested errors: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument for #NotNull parameter 'scopeData' of jetbrains/buildServer/
server/rest/model/user/RoleAssignment.getScope must not be null
There was an error processing the request, but the data could be updated partially. Please ensure consistent data state.
because I provide no scope. I was not able to find any information about what values I can feed the scope field with. Where are they documented?
I am using TeamCity version 2022.04.4.
I found it. In order to get the possible values for the scope field, just run
curl -X POST http://localhost:8111/app/rest/users \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username":"user", "password":"password", "roles": {"role": [{"roleId": "PROJECT_ADMIN", "scope": "invalid-value"}]}}' \
-u :<super-user-token>
In the reply to this request, we get the information that possible values are either g or p:<projectId>.

Hitting the GitHub api for listing PR comments returns no result

I want to list (count actually) the comments made on a GitHub pull request.
As per the documentation, I am using the following curl command to hit the GitHub API
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" -H "Authorization: token abcdefg123457" https://api.github.com/repos/MyOrg/MyRepo/pulls/2/comments
The result is the following:
despite me seeing comments on #PR2.
What am I missing?

amadeus api - this return 404 - any idea why?

curl -X GET "https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/shopping/flight-dates?origin=LON&destination=NYC&departureDate=2022-10-01&oneWay=true&nonStop=false&viewBy=DATE" -H "accept: application/vnd.amadeus+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
it is under internal analysis. The service will return soon in Test environment.
curl -X GET "https://test.api.amadeus.com/v1/shopping/flight-dates?origin=MAD&destination=MUC" -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" -k
{"errors":[{"status":404,"code":6003,"title":"ITEM/DATA NOT FOUND OR DATA NOT EXISTING","detail":"No price result found"},{"status":404,"code":6003,"title":"ITEM/DATA NOT FOUND OR DATA NOT EXISTING","detail":"No price results found for input combined criteria"}]}

Getting "You don't have a required scope to access the endpoint" when inserting script

I'm developing an app, for store fronts and want to get some analytics in checkout. So I want to inject a script in that scope of checkout. When I try to insert it I'm getting "You don't have a required scope to access the endpoint" but I have updated the scopes to checkoutcontent to modify. Not sure what else is wrong
Trying to insert script via an app, getting 403 even though I updated the OAuth scopes to include, Check out content and Checkout
curl --request POST \
--url https://api.bigcommerce.com/stores/{store_hash}/v3/content/scripts \
--header 'accept: application/json' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'x-auth-client: XXXXX' \
--header 'x-auth-token: XXXXX' \
--data '{"name":"Test Scripts Tag","description":"Test Scripts Tag","html":"<script src=\\\"https://Somedestination/Test.js\\\"></script>","src":"https://Somedestination/Test.js","auto_uninstall":true,"load_method":"default","location":"footer","visibility":"checkout","kind":"src"}'
Getting below error, while expecting a status=200
status: 403,You don't have a required scope to access the endpoint
The html field shouldn't be included when using src, could you try removing it?
The only errors I was receiving in testing were due to malformed HTML in the html field with the error code 422. It may also be worth trying to create a new API account to rule out scoping causing this.

Pushbullet API from cURL - invalid request

I'm working on an app using Pushbullet's API, but I'm running into odd errors when running through the sample code at https://docs.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes/.
I'm executing the following cURL command (in Windows):
curl -k -u <MY_API_KEY>: -X POST https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"type": "note", "title": "Note Title", "body": "Note Body"}'
...but it keeps generating the following error:
{"error": {"type":"invalid_request","message":"The param 'type' has an invalid value.","param":"type","cat":"\u003e:3"}}
It also produces this error:
The other commands for the other endpoints in the documentation work fine...it's just this one.
Got any suggestions? Thanks for the help! :)
It looks like windows doesn't support those kinds of quotes on the command line. Here's an example that works:
curl https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes -X POST -u <access token>: --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "{\"type\": \"note\", \"title\":\"Note Title\", \"body\": \"Note Body\"}"
I think I'm going to try to replace the curl examples with something that has less confusing behavior.
I figured it out - I don't really know why, but the cURL command wasn't working through the DOS prompt, and also wasn't working using the Postman REST client for Chrome, but I got it working in the DHC extension for Chrome. The trick was setting the Authorization header to "Basic", which resolves the Pushbullet access token to some other form, and makes a successful the HTTP request.
Hope this helps someone down the road if they run into this on Windows!