My code was working fine and then suddenly start showing error something like this:-
Compiling JS failed: 180820:25:';' expected Buffer size 7070676 starts with:....... and has protection mode(s): r--p
Error Screenshot
I tried resetting the cache with
npx react-native start --reset-cache
I am using the latest version of every module in my code the last change is to remove the "AsyncStorage" module.
After reviewing the change I made, it seems that I used and await call outside an async function, and that's what caused this error.
try npm cache clean –force or yarn cache clean
Use .then instead of await in your application
I created two components in react-native, they are working fine in my dev environment, when I use bit compile and bit status, everything remains on track, no errors. But when i use bit build or bit tag, it starts giving me error
Validation Error: Preset react-native not found.
To counter this, I have added a new env extension that is using react-native and my components are using the env extension. I have overrided the jest config and added preset there. Nothing works. Any solution to this?
I have also confirmed that components are using the env extension only.
configured tester: teambit.defender/jest (Jest # 27.5.1) I tried overriding this jest version, which I was unable to.
I got the solution, for this we have to add react-native as dev-dependecies in workspace.jsonc file. Bit does't pick from the package.json.
I'm not sure what exactly is happening but I am unable to run react-native link without errors occuring
CLI Output:
react-native link --verbose
debug Available platforms: iOS, Android
debug Targeted platforms: iOS, Android
debug Getting project config for iOS...
debug Getting project config for Android...
error No package found. Are you sure this is a React Native project?
error Unexpected close tag
Line: 22
Column: 24
Char: >
debug Error: Unexpected close tag
Line: 22
Column: 24
Char: >
at error (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/xmldoc/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:666:10)
at strictFail (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/xmldoc/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:692:7)
at closeTag (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/xmldoc/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:885:9)
at SAXParser.write (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/xmldoc/node_modules/sax/lib/sax.js:1447:13)
at new XmlDocument (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/xmldoc/lib/xmldoc.js:199:15)
at readManifest (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/tools/android/readManifest.js:44:10)
at Object.projectConfig (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/tools/android/index.js:66:46)
at Object.keys.forEach.platform (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/commands/link/getProjectConfig.js:25:62)
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at getProjectConfig (/Users/Dellybro/Desktop/App/AppReactNativeApp/node_modules/#react-native-community/cli/build/commands/link/getProjectConfig.js:22:35)
This randomly started happening after attempting to npm install react-native-firebase.
What I've tried
remove node_modules and npm install
Checking out my code back to a previous commit
Adding my package name to the manifest locaed in /android/app/src/debug/AndroidManifest.xml
Removing the app from my computer and cloning it from github
Running react-native link on another project, which works, but i just can't run react-native link on this specific project.
So the answer to my question was that in my android manifest xml file, there was an incorrect closing brace for one of my intent filters.
So for anyone that this happens to ensure that all of your Android files have correct syntax.
I fixed this problem by closing some unclosed tag in android/app/src/main/androidManifest.xml. Try checking the file line by line.
I'm working on a project using vuetify. I was using "npm run serve" command to build and run a live server. it was working all good until all of sudden my project stopped building. every time i try running the command "npm run serve" it builds and hangs on 98% without throwing an error.
i tried npm install. npm build none of these fix the issue
in my terminal i run this command and the result is as follows:
npm run serve
rep-vuetify#0.1.0 serve /Users/Desktop/rg21-vuetify/rep-vuetify vue-cli-service serve
INFO Starting development server...
98% after emitting CopyPlugin
IT hangs on 98% and don't do anything after this, been stuck on this step for whole week if some one can help me.
I have same problem stuck in 98%.
98% after emitting CopyPlugin
In my case, I recheck again my code, and I found my import path is invalid, something like :
import { myComponent } from ''
After fix the code, It works again.
I my case the problem is a empty require
getBackground() {
return `url(${require("")})`;
In Vue, if you have multiple HTML elements of a component/view not contained within a single element (eg. this DIV) the building will froze/halt unexpectedly.
Get sure to have all items contained within a section, div, etc.
Probably, NPM has nothing to do with this particular problem.
<div class="contain-all-stuff">
<!-- Anything inside this one single DIV container -->
If you are installed ESLint.
Try to run "npm run lint" command before you run "npm run serve"
it worked for me.
Try to update you NPM to the latest version and run your CLI as admin if you are using windows I have faced the same problem before.
Which version of NPM you are using?
I was getting the same issue with node version 12.6.0.
After node version updated to the 12.9.1, the issue is resolved for me.
I got the same error message, but I resolved it.
In my case, I just change different branch. after that, I change back the original branch, then it doesn't work when I run "npm run serve".
The problem is all import paths are case sensitive!
So when I change to the old branch, it changes my directory name to uppercase letters( before I use uppercase directory name). But the latest branch I already changed to lowercase letters for directory name.
For example, if your import like below:
component: () => import('#/views/test/Test'),
then you should check the directory's name and file's name must be the same uppercase letters and lowercase letters.
For anyone still having this problem past 2020, check everything in your Vuex index.js page and ensure that all the paths to you modules are correct. One of mine was incorrect and it took me an hour to figure it out. It might not be empty, so a search like suggested above will not help you in this case.
I had the same issue.. but the % the build was freezing was variable.
For me it was one stupid > that was missing in a closing div-tag..
Just wondering why I did not get an error on that :s
when I try to run my app on the iOS simulator I get the error :
Error running xcrun simctl openurl booted exp://localhost:19000: An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=60):
The operation couldn’t be completed. Operation timed out
Operation timed out
Error installing or running app. Error: Process exited with non-zero code: 60
any idea how to solve this error ?
This usually is an error with the Simulator. If you remove expo (delete the app) from the simulator and run the command again, it should build fine.
However, if it still fails, Erasing all content and settings on the simulator does the trick too.
you must have a .watchmanconfig file (like below)
File example
When you initialize a project with expo init "projectname", there is no .watchmanconfig file.
So, create one and in this file, just initialize an empty object like this : {}
Then you can start with expo start or yarn/npm start
It solved all my problem.
Hope it does for you too.
For anyone like me also searching this issue, it is possible to un-eject your app and run again like normal. From the docs, Delete the ios and android directories from your project. Delete the isDetached and detach keys from your project's app.json. You can now use your project like a normal Expo project (with no ExpoKit). Read more at
It may be an issue with some outdated simulators in your simulator cache. On MacOS remove the sub-directories in the following directory:
check if you have .watchmanconfig file present in root, if not create one .watchmanconfig and initialize empty object and run command npm start again
New to react, working through a udemy tutorial on a Mac. Installed node ok but when I go to start a project
react-native init projectname
terminal output:
This will walk you through creating a new React Native project in /Users/myuserid/projects/projectname
Installing react-native package from npm...
and it just "hangs" there... seemingly frozen or chugging along. When I check Monitor it looks like Terminal is using 0% CPU. There is no indication (backslash flipping or otherwise) that it is processing.
Inside the projectname directory is a "package.json" file and a "node_modules" file with a bunch of subfiles.
I saw this post with a similar problem (, but doesn't look like there is a remedy. Is there any way to speed this up? How can I tell if it has stalled forever? Will this happen during every project init I do?
I'm not in China... I have fast internet... and I'm using NPM 3.3.12
Thank you!
I got the same issue , and i found the 1st comment on the question is useful .
Indeed , If no error, it means that it takes time to download dependencies.
You can track downloading by adding --verbose :
react-native init projectname --verbose
You will spend a long period to reach 50% of downloading.
Nevertheless, you might face the following error :
npm WARN react-native#0.34.0 requires a peer of react#~15.3.1 but none
was installed. npm verb exit [ 0, true ]
If so , check this thread .
I had the same problem while using an existing (empty) directory as App name
It worked as soon as I changed the App name to something new