Korean character showed by telegram bot sms - telegram-bot

I’m trying to send sms via telegram what clawed from Korean website.
But Korean characters was not display as i need. Please help me to show Korean character on telegrams sms.
It just showed as
["\ubc14\ub2e4 \ub178\uc744 \ub77c\uc774\ub529(WITH \ub2e4\ud63c \uc81c\ud2b8\uc2a4\ud2b8\ub9bcD8)_link : https://m.cafe.naver.com/ArticleRead.nhn?clubid=11853711&articleid=1079242&boardtype=L"]
But I want
바다 노을 라이딩… link : https://m.cafe.naver.com/ArticleRead.nhn?clubid=11853711&articleid=1079242&boardtype=L


Selecting English in the Whatsapp API link

I hope this is a do-able thing.. I have my website where I link certain services to have us contact via Whatsapp using the link below:
PS - I wrote a random phone number 97112345678 above. This can by any phone number with whatsapp.
On the desktop version of my site, this page opens up in Arabic for now since I am accessing this in UAE. Can I append something in the URL itself to land the page in English always? I tried "lang=en" as a guess but did not work.
link below showing the language
The language setting for your WhatsApp needs to be done on your mobile device. Follow the steps below to change your language. (Note that if you don't see the option below, it might not be supported in your country.)
Open WhatsApp.
Tap More options > Settings > Chats > App Language.
Select the language that you want (English).

How to create Hangouts chat message via API with a link to Video meeting

I'm trying to create Google Hangouts Chat message with a link to new Video meeting.
So far I managed to send a regular message, but I cannot find how to create a video meeting and send a link there:
msg := chat.Message {
Text: "test msg",
_, err := chatService.Spaces.Messages.Create(spaceID, &msg).Do()
if err != nil {
In the chat itself it's easily doable:
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
You have several options:
Include the link in a simple message:
If you include a plain link URL in your message text, such as http://example.com/foo, Hangouts Chat uses this as the link text and automatically hyperlinks that text to the specified URL.
If you don't want the link URL to show up, you can provide an alternate link text for this link, using the following syntax:
<video-meeting-url|your link text>
You can also customize your message to a higher degree by sending a card message. You can for example, provide a custom image for the meeting link, as explained here.
Before doing this, you have to create a video meeting and get its link. You cannot create a video meeting with Hangouts Chat API.
As you can see in the official documentation, Chat API can only be used to manage spaces (that is, chat rooms and direct messages), as well as its members and messages. Video meetings are not part of Hangouts Chat but of Hangouts Meet, and there is no open Hangouts Meet API.
Including links in message text
Card Messages: Image widget

Opening a WhatsApp chat from a website in IOS & Android

Is it possible to open a chat with a given phone number in WhatsApp from an website on IOS & Android? If so, how?
Have you tried creating a link like so?
The text parameter lets you pre-fill the chat box with some .. text : - )
As far as I know, you may also specify the recipient's number like so
Just make sure you add the country code properly (49 would be Germany in this case)
Of course, you may combine parameters. I gave this a quick test yesterday since I need it for a project of mine and accessing this link on desktop opens the WhatsApp web chat. Doing so on a mobile phone opens the app.
It seems like this is not possible from within websites. Time to rest my case.
Nowadays it is explained here on their website:
Use https://wa.me/{number} where the {number} is a full phone number in international format. Omit any brackets, dashes, plus signs, and leading zeros when adding the phone number in international format.

Audio sending via Telegram Bot seems like document

I'm building a telegram bot. When i try to send audio using the sendAudio method it sends like a downloadable file instead of music(playing in audio player etc.).
Example of what i send:
If I don't send title and performer it sends like a voice record.
If I send title and performer it sends like a document.
But I need to send it like a music.

How can I post a text string having hyperlink to some URL on the facebook wall

I am developing an application that wants me to design a functionality of posting an audio file to the wall and also there is a message along with the audio file. I have successfully posted/shared the audio file to the wall but now I want some text of my message should have a hyperlink to some URL.
Somebody plz help to get ou
You can send the link as an attachment to the wall post.
Sample C# code : http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com/Thread/View.aspx?ThreadId=235649&ANCHOR
You can find similar code for the language of your choice. Just google it.