Can somone help to write test-case for successful component destruction in StencilJs? - stenciljs

I am writing Unit test cases for SentcilJs Component.
it('render component-name component', async () => {
const page = await newSpecPage({
components: [componentName],
html: `<component-name model-id="${}"></component-name>`,
page.rootInstance.Data = {
Model: [Model],
Value: [Value],
Status: []
page.rootInstance.tableModel = tableModel;
page.rootInstance.tableValues = tableValues;
await page.waitForChanges();
const chart = page.root.shadowRoot.querySelector('component-html');
this one is for successful render of components.
I would like to have test-case successful component destruction.
can someone help here?

I tried calling the the disconnectedCallback directly from the test and expected the mocked methods to have been called.
service.cleanup = jest.fn();


Unit test jest enzyme throws error on Formik 'resetForm'

I am trying to run unit test (enzyme) throws error on Formik 'resetForm'.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'resetForm' of undefined
_handleSubmitPress = (values, { resetForm }) => {
const { onSubmit } = this.props;
if (onSubmit) {
onSubmit({ ...values, resetForm });
it('Should fire formik form submit', () => {
const UpdateButtonPressMock = jest.fn();
const component = Component({
onSubmit: UpdateButtonPressMock,
I couldn't find any solution for this error.
Could someone help me on the above? I would really appreciate any help.
According to official docs for simulate, the function signature accepts an optional mock event.
The code you are testing uses properties that are not included in the default SyntheticEvent object that ReactWrapper passes to your event handler by default, for instance event.resetForm.
One way to do this is by triggering Formik's onSubmit directly like so:
// UnitTest.js
.simulate("submit", { resetForm: whateverYourMockResetFormValueShouldBe })
.prop('onSubmit')(valuesMock, { resetForm: UpdateButtonPressMock });
I haven't tested this, but you should be able to pass the event along with simulate as well.
// UnitTest.js
.simulate("submit", { resetForm: UpdateButtonPressMock })

Focus event unit test doesn't works in Vuejs / Jest

I want to create a unit test for two events, on focus and on blur.
I am using vueJS and jest.
handleFocus(event) {
if (this.blured === true)
if (event.relatedTarget !== null) {
this.blured = event.relatedTarget.className
} else this.blured = false;
That's what i tried, but the method seems not to be called
beforeEach(() => {
mocks = {
$t: jest.fn()
it("calls 'handleFocus' on focus", async () => {
const wrapper = mount(CxpDatepicker, {
const input = wrapper.find("input");
wrapper.vm.handleFocus = jest.fn();
await localVue.nextTick();
Please help pe to find the solution.
I understand I am very late to reply, but if you or anyone else still needs to know,
Try following to invoke your event:
input.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focus'));
Instead of
I was also not able to invoke it. So I tried this way, and it worked for me.

How Test with Jest a function in the method "mounted" VueJS

I would to try call a function already mocked. I use vueJS for the frond and Jest as unit test. Below a example of my code. My purpose is to test the call of « anotherFunction". The first test is succeed , not the second.Thanks for help or suggestion
code vueJS:
mounted() {
methods: {
myfunction() {
Jest code:
describe('Home.vue', () => {
let wrapper = null;
const options = {
mocks: {
$t: () => 'some specific text',
methods: {
myFunction: jest.fn(),
it('Should renders Home Component', () => {
// Given
wrapper = shallowMount(Home, options);
// Then
it('Should call anotherFunction', async (done) => {
// Given
wrapper.vm.anotherFunction = jest.fn().mockResolvedValue([]);
// When
await wrapper.vm.myFunction();
// THIS THE PROBLEM, myFunction is mocked and I can't call the function 'anotherFunction' inside...
// Then
// expect(wrapper.vm.anotherFunction).toHaveBeenCalled();
I was finding a good way to help you if this test case. So, I thought in something like the chuck code below:
import { mount } from '#vue/test-utils';
describe('Home', () => {
it('method calls test case', () => {
const anotherMethodMock = jest.fn();
wrapper = mount(Home, {
methods: {
anotherMethod: anotherMethodMock
But, the Jest threw the following exception:
[vue-test-utils]: overwriting methods via the methods property is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version. There is no clear migration path for themethods property - Vue does not support arbitrarily replacement of methods, nor should VTU. To stub a complex m ethod extract it from the component and test it in isolation. Otherwise, the suggestion is to rethink those tests.
I had the following insight, maybe, in this case, should be better to test the side effect of this anotherMethod calling. What does it change? Is something being shown to the user?
I believe that here we have started from the wrong concept.
I hope that this tip could be useful :)
As suggested by #Vinícius Alonso, We should avoid using methods and setMethods in our test cases because of it's deprecation. But you can still test the mounted lifecycle by mocking the functions that are being called during mount. So you can do something similar to below snippet.
describe('Mounted Lifecycle', () => {
const mockMethodOne = jest.spyOn(MyComponent.methods, 'methodOne');
const mockMethodTwo = jest.spyOn(MyComponent.methods, 'methodTwo');
it('Validate data and function call during mount', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(MyComponent);
Do mount/shallowMount inside it only rather putting it outside of it as it was not working in my case. You can checkout more details on it if you want.

Test that a value is correctly set before calling an asynchronous service in a component

I'm writing unit tests for an Angular2 app in which a component is calling an asynchronous service when it is initialized in order to load its data. Before loading data, it should set a loading flag to true in order to show a spinner, and then the loading flag is set back to falseonce the data has been retrieved.
ngOnInit() {
reloadEmployees(filter: string) {
this.loading = true;
this.employeeService.getEmployees(filter).subscribe((results: Employee[]) => {
this.employees = results;
this.loading = false;
Here is how I wrote my test:
beforeEach(() => {
declarations: [EmployeeComponent],
imports: [FormsModule, SpinnerModule, ModalModule, TranslateModule.forRoot()],
providers: [
{ provide: EmployeeService, useValue: employeeServiceStub },
fixture = TestBed.createComponent(EmployeeComponent);
component = fixture.componentInstance;
let employeeService = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(EmployeeService);
spy = spyOn(employeeService, 'getEmployees').and.returnValue(Observable.of(testEmployees));
it('should start loading employees when the component is initialized', fakeAsync(() => {
I was expecting the callback from the service to be run only if I call tick() in my test but apparently it is called anyway because component.loadingis already back to false when I check its value. Note that if I comment out the line that sets loading back to false in the callback of the component, the test passes.
Any idea how I should test that?
Rx.Observable.of seems to be synchronous (GitHub issue). That's why fakeAsync wrapper doesn't work with it.
Instead you can use e.g. Observable.fromPromise(Promise.resolve(...)).
In your case:
spy = spyOn(employeeService, 'getEmployees').and.returnValue(
Alternatively you can use async scheduler:
import { Scheduler } from 'rxjs/Rx';
spy = spyOn(employeeService, 'getEmployees').and.returnValue(
Observable.of(testEmployees, Scheduler.async));
I have prepared a working test sample on Plunkr

Shadow DOM and testing it via Jasmine

I have a webcomponent that creates a shadow DOM and adds some html to its shadowRoot.
class SomeThing extends HTMLElement {
attachedCallback () {
this.el = this.createShadowRoot();
render () {
this.el.innerHTML = '<h1>Hello</h1>';
export default SomeThing;
And I am compiling it with the help of webpack and its babel-core and babel-preset-es2015 plugins.
Also I am using Karma and Jasmine to write my Unit Test. This is what it looks like.
describe('some-thing', function () {
var someElement;
beforeEach(function () {
someElement = document.createElement('some-thing');
it('created element should match string representation', function () {
var expectedEl = '<some-thing></some-thing>';
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
it('created element should have shadow root', function () {
var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
I want to see if there is something in the shadowRoot of my element, and want to write test cases for the HTML and events created inside the shadowRoot. But the second test is failing. It is not able to add shadowRoot to the some-element DOM.
If anyone can help me out, that would be helpful.
I am also uploading the full test working project on Github. You can access it via this link
Thanks in advance
I had a similar problem testing a web component but in my case I am using lit-element from polymer/lit-element. Lit-element provides life cycle hooks, template rendering using lit-html library (documentation).
So this is my problem and how I solved. I noticed that the component was added and the class executed constructor and I had access to public methods using:
const element = document.querySelector('my-component-name')
But it never reached the hook firstUpdated, so I thought the problem was the speed the test executes vs the speed component is created. So I used the promised provided by lit-element API (updateComplete):
Note: I use mocha/chai instead of Jasmine
class MyComponent extends LitElement {
render() {
return html`<h1>Hello</h1>`
customElements.define('my-component', TodoApp);
let element;
describe('main', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
element = document.createElement("my-component");
describe('test', () => {
it('Checks that header tag was added to shadowRoot', (done) => {
(async () => {
const res = await element.updateComplete;
const header = element.shadowRoot.querySelector('h1');
assert.notEqual(header, null);
So, my advice is create a promise and resolve it when the render function is executed, use the promise to sync the creation of the component with tests.
I am using this repository to test concepts