Is there any method to implement search input in React Native FlatList? - react-native

I want to implement a search bar for flat list data, the problem is that the search function is working but it is not coming back to its original state data after a search is done or search text is null.
const [data,setdata] = useState([{
id: "bd7acbea-c1b1-46c2-aed5-3ad53abb28ba",
fullName: "Bianca Bradley",
timeStamp: "12:47 PM",
recentText: "Contacts",
avatarUrl: ""
}, {
id: "3ac68afc-c605-48d3-a4f8-fbd91aa97f63",
fullName: "Sujitha Mathur",
timeStamp: "11:11 PM",
recentText: "Contacts",
avatarUrl: ""
const handleSearch = text => {
const formattedQuery = text.toLowerCase();
const ndata = data.filter((item) => {
return item.fullName.toLowerCase().match(formattedQuery)
return (
<View style={[styles.searchboxview]}>
<Input type="text" value={query} onChangeText={(text)=>handleSearch(text)} style={[styles.searchbox]} textAlign="center" placeholder="Search User Name" w="85%" maxWidth="340px" />
<FlatList data={data} style={[styles.list]} renderItem={({
}) keyExtractor={item =>} />
The problem which i can predict is that setdata(ndata) sets to new search data and it doesnot returns back to original data list. What will be the solution for it?

You can add a condition, if the text in textinput is empty then we will set the main data as data which is passed to the flatlist


React Native - Appended component in hook not responding as expected

I am working on a project that uses Google autocomplete to set locations. The project allows users to set pickup and destination location, and then they can also enter stop-by places up to additional 3, making it a total of 5.
Here's my sample code:
const placesRef = useRef([]);
const [stopspots, setStopSpots] = useState([]);
const [state, setState] = useState({
defaultPlacesInput: 'flex',
//and others
useEffect(() => {
placesRef.current = placesRef.current.slice(0, 5);
}, []);
const placesComponent = (i, placeholder) => {
return (<PlacesFrame key={i}>
ref={el => placesRef.current[i] = el}
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
setState({...state, defaultPlacesInput: 'flex'})
textInput: [styles.input1,{paddingLeft:30}],
container: [styles.autocompleteContainer,{display:placesRef.current[i]?.isFocused() ? 'flex' : state.defaultPlacesInput}],
listView: styles.listView,
listView: styles.listView,
row: styles.row,
predefinedPlacesDescription: {
color: '#1faadb',
language: profile.language,
components: 'country:' + profile.iso,
//value: '',
onChangeText: alterOtherFields
renderRow={(data) => <PlaceRow data={data} />}
const stopByLocation = () => {
var counter = stopspots.length, obj = placesComponent(counter + 2, 'Drop off location');
setStopSpots([...stopspots, {
id: counter,
place: obj
And here is how the autocomplete component is rendered
{placesComponent(0, 'Pick up location')}
{placesComponent(1, 'Drop off location')}
The output look like this
Everything works perfect when I call the placesComponent() function directly. But like I mentioned earlier, I want the users to be able to add up to 3 additional stop by locations, and because it is optional, additional fields is added by appending to hook, and then rendered. the code looks like this.
{placesComponent(0, 'Pick up location')}
{placesComponent(1, 'Drop off location')}
//This will append more placed fields
{stopspots != '' ? : {}) => ((
: null}
<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.6} onPress={() => stopByLocation()}><AddPlaces><AntDesign name="plus" size={10} color="#444" /> Add</AddPlaces></TouchableOpacity>
The outcome looks like this
I observed that each component binded to the hooks takes the early properties, and does not effect additional changes. While the first two fields rendered by calling the function directly does.
When I make changes to state.defaultPlacesInput (observe this in styles property of GooglePlacesAutocomplete), the changes only effect on the two components called directly.
Is there a module, or a systematic way to append the renderer function call, without using useState hooks to append the 3 additional fields?
Is it possible to expose stored properties in useState hooks to respond as the other two which observe the state changes? If yes, how?
Any contribution, suggestion will be accepted

Implementing react-hook-forms and react-select with radio buttons and multi inputs combo

Ready for a complicated one?
Using react-hook-forms and react-select using creatable (user creates multiple inputs on the fly)
I'm trying to implement a form that uses an option on 4 radio buttons, 2 of which reveal multi inputs (inputs that use react-select where the user can create multiple entries, not a dropdown) and trying to keep track of both the radio inputs and the multi inputs in the final useForm() object. I also need to be able to remove them if the user changes their mind or resets the form in total. Right now, the key values of registrationTypes changes when I change radioTwo and enter inputs. I also don't know how to remove user inputs. I'm using Controller to read the entries (although I've heard if you're using native HTML checkbox input, you have to use Register?) . Here's the code:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import Creatable from 'react-select/creatable'
import { Controller } from 'react-hook-form'
import { ErrorRow } from '../util/FormStyles'
import { FormRulesProps } from '../util/formRuleTypes'
import FormError from './FormError'
const registrationTypes = [
label: 'Allow anyone with the link to register',
value: 'radioOne',
label: 'Allow anyone with this email domain to register:',
value: 'radioTwo',
{ label: 'Allow anyone with this code to register:', value: 'radioThree' },
label: 'Define eligible users manually through eligibilty file.',
value: 'radioFour',
const RegistrationEligibilty = () => {
const {
formState: { errors },
} = useForm<any>()
const [selectedRadio, setSelectedRadio] = useState({ regType: '' })
const onSubmit = (data: any) => {
const handleSelected = (value: string) => {
setSelectedRadio({ ...selectedRadio, regType: value })
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)}>
{ => (
render={({ field: { onChange, value } }: any) => (
// #ts-ignore
onChange={(e: any) =>
onChange(, handleSelected(rt.value))
checked={selectedRadio.regType === rt.value}
style={{ paddingLeft: '10px' }}
{selectedRadio.regType === 'radioTwo' &&
rt.value === 'radioTwo' && (
<div style={{ width: '90%' }}>
render={({ field }) => (
placeholder="Select domains"
{selectedRadio.regType === 'radioThree' &&
rt.value === 'radioThree' && (
<div style={{ width: '90%' }}>
render={({ field }) => (
placeholder="Select codes"
export default RegistrationEligibilty
The result looks like this:
I also need to be able to remove them if the user changes their mind or resets the form in total
If the component is unmounted, the value of the component is not included in the result. Make sure your Creatable is unmounted when the relevant radio is not selected

How to create a custom record action button inside a List component with React-Admin?

I'm a totally newbie with React and React-Admin. IMHO, I'm trying to achieve something simple that many people must have already done but I cannot find any kind of tutorial anywhere.
I'd like to add another button to the list of action buttons (show/edit) within each row in a <List> component. This button would archive the record.
My last try looks like the code below.
import React from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-admin';
import { makeStyles } from '#material-ui/core/styles';
import ArchiveIcon from '#material-ui/icons/Archive';
const useRowActionToolbarStyles = makeStyles({
toolbar: {
alignItems: 'center',
float: 'right',
width: '160px',
marginTop: -1,
marginBottom: -1,
icon_action_button: {
minWidth: '40px;'
const ArchiveButton = props => {
const transform = data => ({,
archived: true
return <CloneButton {...props} transform={transform} />;
const RowActionToolbar = (props) => {
const classes = useRowActionToolbarStyles();
return (
<div className={classes.toolbar}>
<ShowButton label="" basePath={props.basePath} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
<EditButton label="" basePath={props.basePath} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
<ArchiveButton {...props} basePath={props.basePath} label="" icon={<ArchiveIcon/>} record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button} />
<DeleteButton basePath={props.basePath} label="" record={props.record} className={classes.icon_action_button}/>
export const UserList = props => {
return (
sort={{ field: 'first_name', order: 'ASC' }}
<TextField source="first_name"/>
<TextField source="last_name"/>
<EmailField source="email"/>
Obviously, this code does not work because the <CloneButton> component get rid of the id the record. Moreover, except if I did something wrong - which is totally possible -, it makes a GET request to a create endpoint.
I'm using different routes in my dataProvider (The back end is using Django and Django rest framework). I want to send a PATCH to the detail endpoint, like the <Edit> component does.
I also tried with a <SaveButton>, but it fails too.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'save' of undefined
at useSaveContext (SaveContext.js:23)
I guess the <SaveButton> must be within a <SimpleForm>?
I'd like the save behaviour of the <DeleteButton>, i.e. update the record from the list, display the notification that the record has been archived (with the Undo link), send the request to the back end, refresh the list.
Any guidance, directions would be very appreciated.
I don't know that this is a full answer, but felt like more than a comment...
You are trying to archive the existing record, not create a whole new record, right? CloneButton is supposed to be used to create a new record with a new ID (which is why your ID is going away), so you don't want to us it here. note that I've never used CloneButton. it is not fully documented so I could be wrong about its use.
I am thinking that you should use the useRecordContext hook within your Archive button to pull in all of the record's data, including the id; read this little section:
And I don't think transform is what you're looking for here. You will need to use one of the dataProvider hooks, i'm assuming useUpdate:
//first create component
const MyButton = (props: any) => {
const [sendEmailLoading, setSendEmailLoading] =
const record = useRecordContext(props);
const sendEmail = (id: Identifier) => {
"notifications", { id: id })
.then(({ data }: any) => {
if (data && data.status == "success")
notify('Email send success', { type: 'success' });
return (
<ButtonMUI color='primary' size="small" onClick={() => {
sendEmail( }}>
!record.publish &&(
!sendEmailLoading ? (
) : (
<CircularProgress size={25} thickness={2} />
//and second add to datagrid list
<NumberField source="id" />
<TextFieldRA source="subject" />
<DateField source="date" />
<BooleanField source="publish" />
{/* <EditButton /> */}
<ShowButton />
<MyButton />

How to allow text input in list item using react native?

This question relates to React Native specifically the text input component. I wanted to create an app which allows users to select a number of people from their contacts and based on their selection, create a list with text input each beside them. From there, they are able to do text input and with the onChangeText function, changes the state of a particular key.
Below is the code that I have attempted. I tried to change the state of percent inside the prop which I believe is incorrect since all elements will share the same text input.
By doing so, whenever I made a text input to one field, the text input will erase subsequently.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
selected2: undefined,
description: "",
amount: "",
notes: "",
percent: {},
const SelectedList = (props) => {
const list = ({ allContacts }) => {
if (allContacts) {
return => {
return (
<ListItem key={}>
<Text note>{`${item.phone_number}`}</Text>
onChangeText={(percent) => {
I hope to achieve is that after selecting the number of contacts and transferring the array data, I want the array to be printed out and the text input of each list item to be independent of each other.
Any feedback and advice are welcome and I really appreciate for you to spending time reading my query and helping me with my problem. Thank you!
I think its about your logic.. something like this should work. make 'percent' type to array and in onChangeText change specific item
this.state = {
percent: [],
return,index) => {
onChangeText={(someText) => {
var {percent} = this.state;
percent[index] = someText;

How to Highlight Updated Items onRefresh of FlatList

I set up a FlatList with an onRefresh function to update the state when the user drags down the screen. It works properly, however I was wondering how I can highlight items in the FlatList that have been updated after the refresh.
Say, for example, I want to change the background for a few seconds for any item in the list that was updated, then return to normal.
renderItem={({item}) => (
<View style={styles.scoreContainer}>
<ScoreRow data={item.away} />
<ScoreRow data={item.home} />
keyExtractor={item => item.gameID}
The best I could do was add a useEffect in the ScoreRow component to detect if something changes within that component, but that only allows me to update one component at a time, not the entire View.
const [runUpdate, setRunUpdate] = useState(false)
const [runs, setRuns] = useState(data.R)
useEffect(() => {
if(runs !== data.R) {
setTimeout(() => setRunUpdate(false), 10000)
}, [data.R])
I can't figure out how to detect a change on an an item in the View of the FlatList so that I can change the entire View the way I did each component.
You can achieve this by using data of FlatList. You have to make an extra parameter for this.
//Method to refresh data
_refreshMethod() {
// Do your code to fetch...
let newDataArray = data // Data fetch from server or some thing.
let updatedArray = [], index) => {
data["isNewItem"] = true;
this.setState({scores: updatedArray})
// Method to update new item status after a delay
_callTimer() {
setTimeout(function() {
let updatedArray = [], index) => {
data["isNewItem"] = false;
this.setState({scores: updatedArray})
}, 3000); // The time you want to do...
Then change the style of row based on the state value.
renderItem={({item}) => (
<View style={item.isNewItem ? styles.yourNewItemStyle : styles.scoreContainer}>
<ScoreRow data={item.away} />
<ScoreRow data={item.home} />
keyExtractor={item => item.gameID}