Can we use RestAssured with Rubymine for API automation framework ?
I wants to analyse if we can use Ruby as language, on Rubymine IDE and along with RestAssured for API automation.
I am completely new to testing framework. In my team we are using cucumber framework(Java) with selenium for UI testing.
Here someone from other team suggested we can use Robot framework(based on selenium) as well.
So my question is, can we integrate Robot framework with Cucumber.
If So could you please provide me link as well where there is example to use robot and cucumber fw integrated way.
I am using cucumber frameowrk using JAVA, Now i have to run my tests in Browserstack. Can anyone help me how we can do this in JAVA,
I could see a link below which explians for ruby. But i need to know how we can do this in JAVA.
I want to start my automation project from scratch, as per requirements I have to use Behavior Driven Approach for testcase authoring and selenium for Automation. please suggest best suited framework.
You can check open source QMetry Automation Framework for web (selenium-webdriver) and mobile (appium) automation. It has all the features driver management, parallel execution, run configuration you want and many more like data-driven testing, data-bean, locator repository, integration with third party tools (CI, Test Management tools etc).
It support BDD, keyword-driven and coded (TestNG test) approach for authoring test cases. So you can opt bdd for test authoring.
You also will find inbuilt bdd steps ready to use for selenium webdriver and rest-webservices with the framework.
You can start by downloading blank project from git which uses ANT and IVY. If you want to use maven you can download qaf-blank-project-maven.
For getting started follow step-by-step-tutorial
I have to do Automated testing of Application based on Flash builder, after searching on this topic i came to know that flash builder includes Testing API's, and these API's supports HP QTP so After Including Testing API's in my application and making test cases Scripts based on VB scripts I can do automated testing, how should i do automated testing of application based on Flash builder.
You should take a look at Flex Mojos, which is a Maven Plugin. You can use it for automated builds and tests as well.
I am familiar with jwinauto for windows applications however I am looking for a better tool to automate the test of Windows Applications developed in Java or JRuby or Jython.
I have seen white for automating tests on web application and windows application by accessing the controls and automating them. However I want to find a white equivalent for windows applications (written in Java) preferably that is open source.
FEST is a nice tool to test Java UIs.
You can use the robot framework. It is written in python and can be run with jython.
Robot framework is a keyword driven testing framework. Keywords can be written in python, but if you're running with jython you can also create keywords out of POJOs (plain ol' java objects).