How to pass state variable data between two functions in react native expo? - react-native

I have two functions. My First.js function has two state variables that I want to send to Second.js . I have tried sending data using Stack Navigation route params but it keeps on saying
"undefined is not an object route.params.firstVariable"
How would I send data without using navigation?

If the functions/components are mounted on different screens, you will have to pass them through the navigator. If they are on the same screen, you can pass them as props.
Share the code if you still have an issue


Cannot update props passed via react navigation

I have a container where the API calls happen. I need to pass the response I get to another component which is not the child of the above container. I can't pass in props like how you usually do since it is not a child component of the above container. What I do is, I pass the response to the above container's child component and from there I use :
reason: this.state.reason
To pass in the reason as prop to the "Whatever" component. Now, the problem is this "reason" prop does not get updated when it changes in the container from where it is being passed.
Now, I am aware that since we are not passing props like how they are usually passed that's why we won't be able to get the updated props in whatever component. I am aware that I might have to change the structure of my app as well, but I cannot afford that right now.
Is there any way via which I can update the reason prop in the whatever component?
Thanks in advance.
You can use params in react navigation
--updating params
--passing params
--passing params to nested component

How to pass state from one react native screen to another

I have two independent screen
Login Screen
Now on the login screen i store the requested API data inside the state ( and that stored data I want to show on the dashboard screen for example the name or the age or the country or whatever. Now how do I sync both of these screens, I am using React Navigation 2.0
On success of a login request you need to change your current component to the Dashboard component, which -
Can be done in two ways
If you are replacing the component then you can call <Dashboard data={} /> and fetch it in your Dashboard screen as
If you are navigating to the component, you can do it via this.props.navigation.navigate('Dashboard', { data: }); and then in your Dashboard component you can fetch it via
Hope it helps :)
If you are doing a small project, you can do this via props, as explained by #Aseem Upadhyay
But note that this method becomes ineffective as your project grows. Imagine that you have multiple screens, distributed in a hierarchy, in which one daughter screen needs to pass data to another, which is on a different node. To do this via props, it would be necessary for the parent component to pass these values ​​to both screens. This form is very difficult to manage.
The ideal way to do this is through redux. With it, you create a shared store of variables, so you can access them anywhere in the application. The following link demonstrates how to configure redux in your project.
It is recommended to use redux for variables that need to be shared. If you have only local component variables, then you do not need to use it.
I hope this can help you in your projects.

React Native: How to trigger remote fetch when switching back to tab based on state

I am building an app with 2 tabs (react-navigation). I am new to react and redux and I am still trying to wrap my head around how to communicate between components without creating too many unnecessary dependencies.
Tab A: The main component is fetching data via a remote API. For this I am using a react-redux and redux-thunk. The data is kept inside the central store since it is used for button states across different components (Tab A and Tab B). Pressing a button is calling a Thunk that deals with the asynchronous API call to update the server and then dispatches the action to update the store.
Tab B: Also fetches its data via a remote API but sets it via the component's State. I did not see the point of also putting this into the redux store since it is not shared across components. The button component from Tab A is also used here.
What I am trying to achieve: When the state inside the redux store changes (button's onPress() dispatches an action) both Tab A and Tab B require to re-fetch via the remote API but only under the following circumstances:
Switching from one tab to the other requires a re-fetch inside the target tab. Then, only when switching back to the first tab it should also trigger a re-fetch.
What I considered:
Adding a tabAinvalidated and tabBinvalidated flag to the redux store. I then listen to the willFocus event inside both tabs. I then re-fetch if the respective tab is flagged as invalidated. This might work but I am not sure if it is considered an anti-patter to keep update flags for individual components inside the redux store.
Q: Is there a better approach to this? What is the best way in react native to inform components that they need to reload their data from a remote API?
I think I came up with a solution myself. Instead of using the boolean flags for each tab (tabAinvalidated, tabBinvalidated) I am now just recording a timestamp for every update inside the redux store. For components which require re-fetching based on redux store updates I copy the redux timestamp into their own component's State each time I re-fetch the data. This way I can check if the component needs to re-fetch its own data from the server.
setFocus = async() => {
if (this.props.updateTs > this.state.updateTs) {
await this.loadData()
this.setState({ updateTs: this.props.updateTs, })
Seems to work fine.

react native - send update/data to previous screen via current screen

So my first screen, say ParentScreen has a FlatList of a component. When any component of the list is clicked, it opens another screen ChildScreen. Now what I'm trying to do is that when I perform an action on the ChildScreen, the ParentScreen's FlatList needs to be updated.
I'm using react-native-navigation, so my current approach is to send props via passProps property via this.props.navigator.push() but when I perform an action on the ChildScreen, it's unable to update that data because the ParentScreen is frozen at that time, hence it gives me the error:
You attempted to set the key count with the value 3 on an object
that is meant to be immutable and has been frozen.
How can I communicate this data OR do a workaround to allow the same.
You need to read about react-redux, with that you can manage your states and pass data from one componet to the other by mapping states to props, you will learn about reducers, combine reducers and actions.
this youtube link can help you alot

navigating to component twice giving error for setstate

I have a small application in react-native with two components.
on Navigating to a component twice this gives me error for setState function.
Anybody have idea about this .
I am using native base as an starter kit for my project.
the only change I did is I have seperated the UI render part in different js file.
Thanks in advance.
this has something to do with your render function.
the setstate function gives error when there is no such state variable available.
may be on navigating again to that same screen it is giving you a new state for that page instead of the previous state.
Please check your render function.