laravel: is it possible to make a migration from DB to the code? - laravel-9

I'd like to make some changes on the database side (PHPMyAdmin) since the GUI is user-friendly. Now, I can't figure out how to update my code model with the actual DB structure. Picture for better understanding:
I use Laravel version 9 and a thank you in advance.

There is a kitloong/laravel-migrations-generator package which generates migrations for all or some tables:
php artisan migrate:generate
php artisan migrate:generate --tables="table1,table2"


SQL Database running to other computers

I have question about Entity Framework projects or ADO.NET.
How can other users use my project without import SQL database? Is there any method to automatically create database/tables?
Could you please give hints or reference article or something like that.
How can other users use my project without import SQL database?
If you have a project that is just starting a good choise is to use Code First. In this case every developer can use a local database.
Is there any method to automatically create database/tables?
Here comes the good part of Code first - the database will be generated for you. Another thing that helps a lot, in my opinion, is the seeding of test data - Use Code First Migrations to Seed the Database.
Further reading: Migrations
You can use enbedded dbs like derby,h2 etc.

Best practice to insert 20 tables from sql file to YII project to create models

I just try yii last version.
In doctrine the models generated easly by shell comand, I want to do the same with yii.
maybe its something like?:
yiic migrate create *
Thanks in advance
Start gii, go to the Model Generator and type '*' in the table name.
Yii provides a graphical too called Gii to auto generate models, CRUD functionality, controllers and many other things.
You don't need to care about SQL code, just import all your tables in database using PHPMyAdmin or whatever tool you use. then configure the database settings in /protected/config/main.php. sample code is provided in same file.
Then enable Gii tool with these guidlines Automated code generation
then start with creating models. type in name of your table click preview and then generate, your are done.

Creating database (not populating it) through Ant build file

I've managed to do some ant-script to populate my databases.. (simple script that runs some .sql files, like 'create', 'populate', 'drop', etc.)
Is there any way in hell that an ant-script can create the database itself from scratch? This is for JavaDB-Derby (from the glassfish bundle). Since it's a project for university, we find that we recreate the database on different machines all the time, and I would like to avoid this. Also it'd be great to know.
Normally I would create a database through Netbeans, and it would ask for a name, location, username, and then it would create the link derby:jdbc://localhost:1527//DBUsername/
I understand this is probably a bit too db-related, but since ant seems like a good tool maybe it could help.. or if not, maybe some other way (maybe another .sql file?)
Thanks for any replies.
Apache Derby's JDBC driver lets you create a database using ;create=true flag in the connection string:
You can do this from Ant by running ij tool as command-line (or as java app). Here's a link to documentation
I've created databases via Ant. I don't recall having a problem executing DDL with the SQL task. You might want to check out DBUnit.

Getting the SQL from a Rails Migration

Does anyone know of a way to see the SQL that would be generated by a migration (preferably without actually running the migration)?
Check out this pulugin:

Making a SETUP file

I have a VB project that runs on SQL SERVER 2005, while making the setup file for it, how do I include the DB?
You don't
Typically you have a DB generation script that is run either as part of setup or as part of first run of application
You also need to consider migrations (changes to DB when new releases of your application are published)
Consider using MigratorDotNet or RikMigrations to solve these problems in a seperate installer/upgrade program if you are still using VB6
I disagree, you could include the database. Simply distribute the .MDF file with your application.
Of course, the setup application would have know how to attach the database to an existing SQL Server RDBMS.
Both methods given in the above answers will work. I have tried them both. However using a
db generation script reduces the size of the final deployment files considerably. I would launch the script on the first run of the application and not in the setup itself.
I will second jack on this one.
From my experience of using installs that require an actual database file tend to have more issues then when updating or on first install when running scripts. As jack mentioned another bonus is reduced file size.
You can create who database scripts by right clicking on the required database, and selecting the script database option. Note however this will only create the tables and fields and not replicate any data.