Why don’t multiple cameras on my windows show up? - camera

I'm trying to connect two cameras both with two lenses that are connected to two separate USB ports. the problem is that only one cam works at the time. Is that even possible? my goal is to connect multiple cameras to a single computer to run a command via python. any advice?
once I run the python command along with the script, a visualizer should pop up. The visualizer shows only on camera, but no the other. I am thinking its a power issue since one camera is receiving power and the other is not.
any idea?


unexplicaly shutdown problem and SSH unreachable

I make this post because I didn't find the answer (I made some searches with tag Shutdown, Reboot and SSH).
Since fews months, I've got 2 Corals (out of 3) that shutdown unexplicaly and then become unreachable.
When this occur, I'm forced to go the device (the serial connectivity doesn't work either and the fan doesn't works at this time), unplug and then re-plug the power in order to be able to reconnect through SSH.
What the best thing to do ?
Thanks a lot.
I've seen similar behavior with low power. Be sure you are connecting your board to a 2-3 A power supply. A couple indications that this might be your problem are:
Your board is connected to your computer USB power
Your board runs fine until you load it (i.e. start inferencing on the TPU)
That's the first things I would look for.

Jenkins performance with 1000+ nodes - own device farm

Hi i have a question according to Jenkins.
I want to create my own device farm with it.
For first simply example there will be 5, 6 nodes and i know that Jenkins will work perfectly with them.
But what if there will be 1000+ nodes? It is even possible? Are there another solution like Jenkins but for much much devices and nodes?
I fount aws-device-farm but i want my solution for that.
Target is to connect lot of devices with labels, and run tests on them, then get a result.

Can we make 2 or more USB Internet Modems to work on one PC?

I'm working on a project that require a working similar to connecting 2 or multiple USB Internet Modems to just one PC and make them work all together at the same time, and i want to know if i can use 2 USB Internet Modems in just one PC and make them work simultaneously.
Thank you.
Combing multiple internet or WAN connection is definitely possible, although there are lots of caveats. Google '3G Multihoming' to see some more background.
There are actually relatively cheap ($50 approx) routers which will support load balancing over multiple WAN ports - look for Dual WAN or Multi-homming in the tech specs.
You can also 'trick' windows into using more than one internet connection - see some links below.
However, unless you use a service on the server side also to help split the loads, you need to be aware of some limitations:
If your use case has lots of requests that can run in parallel, as many web page downloads do, then this technique should work well.
If you are downloading a single large file in one request then it will likely not make much difference, although if it is smart enough to move all other request to another connection it may help a little.
Some links for Windows dual connection use (note I have not tested these personally):
http://www.wikihow.com/Combine-Two-Internet-Connections (be wary of the 'double speed' comment)
http://www.techkhoji.com/how-to-combine-multiple-internet-connections/ (see 'Method 2')

How do I forward output from X to multiple clients?

I am currently building a server using Debian Squeeze. It will be administered by myself and a friend, and I am wondering if it is possible to forward the output from ONE process to TWO clients.
As an example, process abc is running on the server. It uses X for graphical output. I would like to be able to view and control its X window on both client computers at the same time. This way, both my friend and I would be able to see the status of process abc and send commands to it from our remote computers. The only solutions that I have found so far indicate that the process can only connect to one X instance at a time, requiring that for me to see the X output, my friend would have to disconnect. Is there a way for both of us to connect and control the same process at the same time?
I am afraid that X forwarding allows only one connection. However, you can try VNC to achieve your desired setup.
You maybe able to use VNC to control the remote desktop (the (Archlinux Wiki) states that you maybe able to set x11vnc to forward the root desktop, which you both may be able to access at the same time; I haven't tried it so I can't say for certain).

Developing over VPN connection on a virtual desktop

Other than the possible lag issues, has anyone tried this? What are the pros or cons associated with this?
A lot of times for me it's the limitations of the remote desktop connection, be it VNC or RDP or whatever. For examples:
My workstation has two monitors. Remotely viewing my workstation reduces it to one.
Lag is tolerable in the IDE, but not with anything image-heavy. Everything from photoshopping to web browsing is done locally, not on the remote machine.
Adding to #2, when splitting up tasks between the local and remote machine, there's that extra layer of getting the two to play nice together that adds just a little bit of overhead per task, which adds up to a lot overall. Something as simple as saving a file from the web browser and opening it in the IDE takes more steps.
(I may think of more and add them later.)
All in all, it's fine if the setup can be adjusted properly. In my experience, the companies I've worked for have defined their remote connection capabilities by the needs of someone other than the software developers, and thus leave us with little pet peeves that make the process just slightly more difficult than it needs to be.
Here is my take on it from my experiences
PROS: Single dev environment, only need to license one set of tools (if applicable)
CONS: The lag got the best of me. Typing to only have it show up 1 - 3 seconds later...sometimes, other times works great. In VS, the popup notifications sometimes take forever to display as well. Other cons would include if you have to share your desktop with another employee and possible moving files to/from the dev machine as RDP does not natively allow you to drag/drop files.
same as other posters - lag when using tools that affect screen painting for vstudio (resharper,coderush) is a real problem - some stuff involving the mouse (dragging grid columns) is very difficult to use
I'd add that about every 10-15 times when I go to log back in on the physical workstation at work, it takes the stupid thing about 2 minutes to finally succeed in refreshing the displays