SQL Pivot table? - sql

Hi I am looking for a SQL Script the can pivot the following table
Every values in ObjectClassProperty column must become columns. ObjectInstanceProperty will become values for the respectivly newly created column.
One thing to keep in mind. ObjectClass is dynamically changing.

I have implemented once such similar solution in MS SQL Server 2019 version.
Details can be found in the dbfiddle<>example<>dynamicpivot.
Note: This will work if there are not duplicates in ObjectClassProperty.


Best way to duplicate data in the same table and updating a column at the same time

I'm trying to find the best way to duplicate all the rows in a table.By this i mean inserting them again in the same table, but i need to update a single column only on the values that were inserted.
This is to help me write a script so I can automate some work on some clients.
I can't use select * as it will throw an error because of the identity columns but at the same time i don't want to be manually writting all the column names for several tables.
Is there a simple way to translate this into SQL server?
Sorry for not showing a piece of code, but i have nothing at the moment and i'm not really fluent in SQL.
EDIT: I have ended up following the advice of JamieD77 in the comments below this post by moving everything to a table, drop the id column, updating what i need and then moving back as it seems to be the most effiecient.
In SQL Server Management Studio you can drag the "Columns" folder under a table and drop it on the query window and it will paste a comma-delimited list of all the columns.
Or run a query like:
select string_agg(quotename(name),', ')
from sys.columns
where object_id = object_id('MyTable')

Copy all columns without data but with dependencies in SQL [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
In SQL Server, how do I generate a CREATE TABLE statement for a given table?
(16 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
So i'm trying to copy all data of table CarOrders into a new table, NewCarOrders. But i only want to copy columns and dependencies and not data. I don't know if it truly matters, but i'm using SQL Server Management Studio.
Here are two things that i tried, but none worked.
INTO NewCarOrders
FROM CarOrders
WHERE 0 = 1
The issue with above is, it is copying all the columns but it is not copying the dependencies/relationships.
I saw some posts on some of the forums regarding this, but the suggested solution was using SSMS Wizard. I want to do it using SQL (or T-SQL).
I'm new to SQL world, so i'm really sorry if it is a stupid or no brainer question. Let me know if i am missing some important information, i'll update it.
Try below query and check if this works for you
INTO NewCarOrders
FROM CarOrders
This will create NewCarOrders table with same structure as CarOrders table and no rows in NewCarOrders.
SELECT * FROM NewCarOrders -- Returns zero rows
Note : This will not copy constraints , only structure is copied.
For constraints do as below -
In SSMS right click on the table CarOrders, Script Table As > Create To > New Query Window.
Change the name in the generated script to NewCarOrders and execute.
Also change the constraints name in the generated script else it will throw error like There is already an object named 'xyz' in the database
You can use the like command:
CREATE TABLE NewCarOrders LIKE CarOrders;

find column name in sql query

I would like to use the GUI to find q column name in my sql query which has more than 300 columns
For example: I want to use GUI provided by SQL to find all the column names starting with VENDOR and hi-light them in order to make my operation easier..
I just want to use GUI
P.S: No query suggestions please, I am already aware of them (using like and all)
In MSQL Studio, use the Query Designer (Design Query In Editor...), paste your SQL, then use the name column in criteria pane to copy and paste in excel

Adding a Computed column with After clause

I am trying to create a computed column after a specified column.
But the SQL gives syntax error for the query below. Please help me with the correct syntax/way to do this.
ALTER TABLE service_ServiceClass
ADD LichenClassName AS ([dbo].[UfnGetServiceClassName]([Id])) AFTER Description
You get an error because "AFTER" is MySQL syntax.
There is no direct way to alter column order in SQL Server currently.
In MS SQL Server Management Studio, you'd have to use the SSMS Table Designer (rightclick yourTable->Design) to arrange your columns, which can then generate a script which drops and recreates the table.
There is no after clause in sql server's alter table statement.
The order of the columns in the table (as well is the order of the rows, btw) is completely insignificant from a user's point of view.
It's significant from the server point of view, as it may effect performance when using clustered indexes.
The only time the order of the columns matters is when you are using select * ..., but you shouldn't use that anyway. Always specify the column names directly.

Create delimited string from a row in stored procedure with unknown number of elements

Using SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft SQL Server MS is there a way to create a delimited string based upon an unknown number of columns per row?
I'm pulling one row at a time from different tables and am going to store them in a column in another table.
A simple SQL query can't do anything like that. You need to specify the fields you are concatenating.
The only method that I'm aware of is to dynamincally build a query for each table.
I don't recall the structure of MSSQL2000, so I won't try to give an exact example, maybe someone else can. But there -are- system tables that contain table defintions. By parsing the contents of those system tables you can dynamically build the necessary query for each source data table.
TSQLthat writes TSQL, however, can be a bit tricky to debug and maintain :) So be careful how you structure everything...
Or just do it in your client application.