In Vuetify, how can I use unique sparklines in a data table? - vue.js

I want to create a Vuetify data table that has a column that contains a unique sparkline for each item in the data table. Is that possible?
There's this previous post and Sandbox example, but I'm struggling to modify it to have a unique sparkline per row. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
I have tried to add the sparkline 'value' array to the general data array in the linked example, like:
name: "Frozen Yogurt",
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: "1%",
value: [0,1,2,3,4,5]
But I don't know how to feed this value back into the sparkline which only takes one array, and doesn't seem to accept a list of data arrays (one per row?)

Change: <template v-slot:item.chart> to <template v-slot:item.chart="{ item }">.
And change the sparkline :value to :value="item.value".
Then in your desserts array add a value to each item like in your question.
Example here.


Solr: indexing nested JSON files + some fields independent of UniqueKey (need new core?)

I am working on an NLP project and I have a large amount of text data to index with Solr. I have already created an initial index (Solr core) with fields title, authors, publication date, authors, abstract. The is an ID that is unique to each article (PMID). Since then, I have extracted more information from the dataset and I am stuck with how to incorporate this new info into the existing index. I don't know how to approach the problem and I would appreciate suggestions.
The new information is currently stored in JSON files that look like this:
{id: {entity: [[33, 39, 0, subj], [103, 115, 1, obj], ...],
another_entity: [[88, 95, 0, subj], [444, 449, 1, obj], ...],
another id,
where the integers are the character span and the index of the sentence the entity appears in.
Is there a way to have something like subfields in Solr? Since the id is the same as the unique key in the main index I was thinking of adding a field entities, but then this field would need to have its own subfields start character, end character, sentence index, dependency tag. I have come across Nested Child Documents and I am considering changing the structure of the extracted information to:
{id: {entity: [{start:33, end:39, sent_idx:0, dep_tag:'subj'},
{start:103, end:115, sent_idx:1, dep_tag:'obj'}, ...],
another_entity: [{}, {}, ...],
another id,
Having keys for the nested values, I should be able to use the methods linked above - though I am still unsure if I am on the right track here. Is there a better way to approach this? All fields should be searchable. I am familiar with Python, and so far I have been using the library subprocess to post documents to Solr via Python script
sp.Popen(f"./post -c {core_name} {json_path}", shell=True, cwd=SOLR_BIN_DIR)
Additionally, I want to index some information that is not linked to a specific PMID (does not have the same unique key), so I assume I need to create a new Solr core for it? Does it mean I have to switch to SolrCloud mode? So far I have been using a simple, single core.
Example of such information (abbreviations and the respective long form - also stored in a JSON file):
{"IEOP": "immunoelectroosmophoresis",
"ELISA": "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay",
"GAGs": "glycosaminoglycans",
I would appreciate any input - thank you!

How to adjust the stock of a product tracked by lots in Odoo via API

OK so I have been banging my head at this problem for way too long by now.
I want to sync stock levels of a product that is tracked with lots between the webshop and Odoo. For this reason I need to be able to make a stock adjustment of a lot via the API (in this case in python).
I have found this possible way of doing it:
"name": "Webshop stock adjustment",
"company_id": 1,
"location_id": 8, # warehouse
"location_dest_id": 14, # virtual location
"product_id": batch["product_id"][0],
"product_uom": 1,
"lot_ids": [batch["id"]], # I am searching for the id by the lot name beforehand
"product_uom_qty": 1,
"quantity_done": 1,
"state": "done"
This, however, results in two moves! One move which has the correct lot, and another one without a specified lot. The latter move is faulty of course, as the product is tracked with lots. This results in a fault lot entry, where I can't change the quantity by hand, as the field is invalid. Worse, it results in wrong stock levels.
You can see the problematic bookings here
I have tried to just create a stock.move.line, like so:
"company_id": 1,
"display_name": "Webshop adjustment", # does not appear
"location_id": location_id,
"location_dest_id": location_dest_id,
"product_id": batch["product_id"][0],
"product_uom_id": 1,
"lot_id": batch["id"],
"product_uom_qty": quantity,
"qty_done": quantity,
"state": "done" # has no effect
However that results in a line with no effect: Line
I have also tried to find the stock adjustment wizard, but the only one I found in the code as opposed to the UI, doesn't have a field for lots..
I'd be happy for any input on how to solve this problem!
Meanwhile I managed to solve this problem reliably. I needed to implement a function for that, rather than mucking around with the external API.
The function here is expecting vals with the format below. It reduces whatever batch needs to go first.
'sku': sku,
'qty': quantity
def reduce_lots(self, vals):
for product_req in vals:
product = self.env['product.product'].search(
[['default_code','=', product_req['sku']]]
if len(product) == 0:
lots = self.env['stock.quant'].search(
['&',('product_id', '=', product[0]['id']),('on_hand', '=', True)],
order='removal_date asc'
move = self.env['stock.move'].create({
'name': product_req['order'],
'location_id': 8, # Our Warehouse
'location_dest_id': 14, # Virtual Location, Customer. If you need to increase stock, reverse the two numbers.
'product_uom_qty': product_req['qty'],
product_req['lots'] = []
for line in move.move_line_ids:
line.write({'qty_done': line['product_uom_qty']})
'_qty': line['product_uom_qty'],
'_best_before': line.lot_id.removal_date
return vals

How to extract this json into a table?

I've a sql column filled with json document, one for row:
How is it possible to trasform it into tabular form? I tried with redshift json_extract_path_text and JSON_EXTRACT_ARRAY_ELEMENT_TEXT function, also I tried with json_each and json_each_text (on postgres) but didn't get what expected... any suggestions?
desired results should appear like this:
T1 T2 T3 TOT
9.0 8.0 15.0 32.0
I assume you printed 4 rows. In postgresql
SELECT this_column->'ID'
FROM that_table;
will return column with JSON strings. Use ->> if you want text column. More info here:
In case you were using some old Postgresql (before 9.3), this gets harder : )
Your best option is to use COPY from JSON Format. This will load the JSON directly into a normal table format. You then query it as normal data.
However, I suspect that you will need to slightly modify the format of the file by removing the outer [...] square brackets and also the commas between records, eg:
"ID": "TOT",
"type": "ABS",
"value": "32.0"
"ID": "T1",
"type": "ABS",
"value": "9.0"
If, however, your data is already loaded and you cannot re-load the data, you could either extract the data into a new table, or add additional columns to the existing table and use an UPDATE command to extract each field into a new column.
Or, very worst case, you can use one of the JSON Functions to access the information in a JSON field, but this is very inefficient for large requests (eg in a WHERE clause).

get grouped results with sparql query

I still feel like a SPARQL newbie, so I may be way off base about what SPARQL GROUP BY does, but here's my questions.
Suppose I wanted to request all resources in graph database called Categories, and I wanted to get all the items associated with these categories, along with the names of the items and their price.
Right now my SPARQL queries are giving me back something like the following table:
**Categories Item ItemName ItemPrice**
Tools HammerID Hammer $12
Tools SawID Saw $13
Tools WrenchID Wrench $10
Food AppleID Apple $5
Food CornID Corn $1
I wanted to use GROUP BY to group the items under a single category, so that when I start processing it, I can look through each unique category and then display the items that belong in that category.
Right now if I loop through the above results, I will be iterating over 5 entries instead of 2.
The other way I can describe the results I want are by imaging what the corresponding json data would look like. I want something like:
tools: [
{id: hammerId
title: hammer
price: $12},
{id: sawId
title: saw
price: $13},
{id: wrenchId
title: wrench
price: $10}
food: [
{id: appleId
title: apple
price: $5},
{id: cornId
title: corn
price: $1}
With the results, like this I can directly loop over the top level items, and then display the results for each.
Can I use GROUP BY to tell SPARQL to give me results like this?
No, you can't. A SPARQL SELECT query-result is defined as a sequence of solutions, with each solution being a set of variable-value pairs (with a value being defined as an IRI, BNode, or literal value). Basically it's a simple table. There is no provision for 'nested' solutions like you'd need for your JSON-like structure.
However the difference is purely syntactic. If you group, you know the result will deliver all solutions belonging to the same group together (one after the other) - so in processing the result you can simply treat the grouped variable as a marker. And of course if you really want, you can easily rewrite the query result into this kind of syntactic structure yourself - it's just a different way of writing down the exact same information, after all.

Extjs 4 Grid findcolumn

I search a way in extjs 4 to find grid columns dynamic, because i wrote a function to show errors in editor grid. In version 3 i've made it over
but column model no longer exists, does anybody has an idea?
I just had to work this out, #VoidMan was close. Need to specify the view though. For example:
If your column is configured with an itemId like this:
header: 'A Column',
dataIndex: 'data',
width: 70,
itemId: 'myColumnItemId'
You can call it like this:
This is something among these lines:
where #column its your column itemId. Note, use itemId and not id because columns are now Component and Component id must be unique across all your application.
Hope that helps.
take a look at Ext.grid.header.Container and Ext.view.Table.headerCt