How to retrieve JWT token using postman with user role attribute - api

In my application, we have four different user roles. When I tried to generate the JWT token using postman, though the token is retrieved, it is not providing the user role so that I cannot inject the retrieved token in the respective endpoints.
So how can I retrieve the right token using postman
get :


Use Authentication (different Token) from Collection within Requests in Postman

I try to create a postman collection for my backend service which uses Azure B2C Authentication.
Within my Collection I added Authentication, which works and I can authenticate within my Chrome Browser:
Once I am authenticated and redirected back to Postman it says that an access_token can not be found. I can see that it is in id_token:
Now I created also a Request with Authentication Type oAuth 2.0 where I could select Available Token. But as the token is not within access_token it does not autofill the token. Is there any way to tell Postman that i want to use id_token as access_token within my requests in the collection?
Thanks for your help and feedback
As you saved your token with the name as Azure AD B2C Authentication, for your requests, you can select the Azure AD B2C Authentication from your available tokens.
This will auto-fill the token
I created the token with name as access token
Now for my request, I selected the access token from the available tokens under Access Token
Then the token is auto-filled as below
In this way, you can use the Access Token in collections in postman

User is null even after token is validated

I have a web API designed in Asp.Net core 2.1 and I am using self-signed tokens using the multi-tenant tokens.
The token is successfully authenticated and by the [Authorize] attribute on the controller. Now I am trying to access the subject inside the same using User.FindFirst("sub")?.Value.
The value of User is null even after the token is authenticated. I am expecting the claims from the validated token.
I could not find the reason for the User value being null. I could not find the reason for the User value being null.
What could be wrong?

Using JSON Web Token (JWT) for both Authentication and Authorization

I have a serverless web app using AWS lambda functions. For JSON Web Token(JWT), you can specify the payload. Is it possible to specify payload like
authorization-level: admin
and use the resulting token to not only authorize users but also authenticate users? (EX. users technically do not even have to log in to access API and get personal information because token has user email, which we verify and return related payload)
Or is this a major security breach?
It is perfectly fine to use JWT for both authentication and authorization, as long as you don't use NONE for signature algorithm. The signature guarantees that user has not tampered with the payload.

authentication with vue spa

I have followed a few guides on adding authentication to my vue application (which has a net core api backend).
I'm a junior programmer with authentication so forgive me if my questions seem dumb.
These involve sending a username and password to my api login method and getting back a jwt token (is this an id_token or an access token?). I then send this token with every api request using the Bearer authorization. Some guides (eg microsoft net core docs) have this jwt token include role information.
Is this just a basic form of jwt authentication. Some things i have read about token authentication indicate that when i login i should get an id token which i then exchange for an api access token. These tutorials don't appear to do that - it looks like there is only one token and that it's used for api access and authentication.
Ideally i would like to implement oidc into my vue application but the many guides out there dont seem to address this.
The tutorials are talking about the JWT token based authentication , it will issue a JWT token to declare a user and their access permissions in the application.
When a user tries to log in to the application with their username and password, the server/api side will authenticate the user ,generate the token and send token back to client . Next time client could use token to access the server/API which eliminates the need for the app or system to remember or store the user’s credentials. You can involve user's basic profile information(not sensitive) and some custom claim in that token such as claim related to roles . Both client side and server side should check the specific role if you want to check the authorize part .
Id_token was added to the OIDC specification(OpenID Connect) as an optimization so the application can know the identity of the user, without having to make an additional network requests. It contains user profile information (like the user's name, email, and so forth) , and So if you are using OpenID Connect (Implicit Flow is suitable for SPA) to do the authentication and authorization , you will get id token which identity of the user , and access token which could be used to access the protected resource/API .
You are not using OpenID Connect , so no id token is involved in the scenario .

oAuth 2.0 - Acting on behalf of the user

I'm new to oAUth2 and I'm trying to get a few things straight.
I understand the basic principles involved with oAuth2 but I am not sure how to implement it in my situation.
I am writing an app that acts on behalf of the user to automate a manual process and perform some tasks(update/request status...etc). The API we are connecting to uses oAuth2 to grant our application permission. We plan on having the user grant our application permission when they create a new account with us.
I understand that the user will request an authentication code that is provided to our application. Then our application will use the authentication code to generate an access token.
We would like to do this only once. Then act as the user to send and receive notifications without having to have the user to log into the service with their credentials.
I am not sure how to implement this without having to store the user credentials to get an auth code since the auth code and auth tokens expire. I'm guessing that this is a common scenario.
What would I need to do to get what I want accomplished?
You can get a new AccessToken using a RefreshToken, if this is provided by the Authorization Server.
If it's not provided I would contact the Api provider, you should never store a users credentials. In fact if the OAuth protocol is well implemented as a client you should never be able to even get the client credentials. When the user has to login you should redirect the user to the Authorization Server, there the user should login and then the authorization token should be redirected to your application by the Authorization Server.
See also this explanation on Refresh Tokens from the OAuth 2.0 spec:
Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens. Refresh
tokens are issued to the client by the authorization server and are
used to obtain a new access token when the current access token
becomes invalid or expires, or to obtain additional access tokens
with identical or narrower scope (access tokens may have a shorter
lifetime and fewer permissions than authorized by the resource
owner). Issuing a refresh token is optional at the discretion of the
authorization server. If the authorization server issues a refresh
token, it is included when issuing an access token
If you request a new AccessToken using your RefreshToken and the response includes a new RefreshToken you should overwrite your currently saved RefreshToken. With other words, you should always use the latest RefresthToken you received.