Index pattern is not visualize in kibana - api

I am using Elastic Search 8.1.2 with Kibana

Either your space or your role doesn't allow you to access the index pattern management feature (see screenshot below)
At the space level, you can give access to index pattern management:
Or you can also do it at the role level:


Lucene vs. Azure Search

I am a newbie to search engines and information retrieval. Can someone explain how different is Lucene search engine compared to Azure Search.
I read the Azure Search documents and see that Azure Search supports Lucene queries as well, so is Azure Search built on top of Lucene or inherits certain features of it?
There is no proper documentation as such, can someone point me in the right direction.
Thanks in advance.
According to this Microsoft page the full text search is built on Lucene.
"The full text search engine in Azure Search is built on Apache Lucene, an industry standard in information retrieval."
Azure Search is not built on top of Apache Lucene as such, but it does support Lucene Query syntax.

Is it possible to turn off the possibility of FT-indexing on a per database level

I understand there is a Domino ini setting for turning off all FT-indexing for an entire server. But is there any way to do this for only some databases on the sever, possibly on a per folder basis?
A fulltext can only be created by a user with manager access to the database.
In a well configured environment NO USER needs manager access to ANY database.
Even administrators don't need that (as there is Full Administration Mode).
So: Give users editor to the databases, manage access to databases with groups (user managed groups if you want), and then decide which databases to index.
In the end give the rules about which databases should have an index to the admins...

Constraint and Index Declaration in Spring Data Neo4j 4.0.0

I just want to clarify of what I read in the Spring Data Neo4j 4.0.0 documentation. So, the provided way to configure index & unique constraint is just by defining it directly in the web console using Cypher query, and no more inside the application (like what #indexing tag does previously). Is it correct?
Thank you in advance and your response would be really appreciated!
That's right. Index maintenance and configuration is not the responsibility of the OGM or Spring Data. It can be configured as you said via the shell, or you can use the Session/Neo4jTemplate.execute with your Cypher statement.
Neo4j’s schema indexes are used automatically by Cypher when set up in your database. Spring Data Neo4j (version 4) does not provide facilities for handling that setup out of the box.
its clearly mentioned in official docs,

kibana for sql database

I need to build a kibana like dashboard over a sql database. Is this possible? or is there an alternative as easy as kibana (in term of integration) for sql?
Siren ( ) is an extended Kibana which has support for connecting directly to SQL (or other APIs) and create filters and analytics.
Check it out
There is a blog about how to index SQL databases in Elasticsearch here:
Once you get it indexed, you can set up your Kibana to view your data.
You can also find more options suggested here:
this could be an alternative for you-
creates an API to the tool where you can create queries, visualise data, prepare dashboards and share to others. Depending on the number of metrics, you can opt for free plan or small monthly fee.

LDAP server - usage

I know that LDAP server (or directory service or directory) stores information (mostly used for storing user information) in object oriented database.
Is it just a "user store"? And can be used using LDAP API or "LDAP configuration in server" for user authentication and to get user information...
LDAP in itself provides any other functionality than storing user information? Like security configuration? policy configuration? etc.
How bad performance will be if a relational database (say Oracle) is used to store user information?
Actually newer versions of OpenLDAP store their configuration inside itself only, classic text configuration file is depreciated, if not removed already. This feature is called cn=config in OpenLDAP [ ]. Thing you're probably thinking about is dynamic ACI ( not to be confused with ACL which is also provided ), and sure, LDAP, in general, provides much functionality like that. There are also monitor backends provided, in general LDAP likes itself, and is driven into self-managed direction. However, it's purpose is quite different than RDBMS, it's optimized for search operations, but not manipulating data and doing computations on it. Think it that way - e.g. user information, or DNS information is retrieved enormously more times than modified, and that's field in which ldap rocks. You actually rarely need suming UserID's, don't you? :) Object oriented database means, that - in contrary to RDBMS - data is organized with the way closer to OO type ( classess, attributes, inheritance etc. ). There are also SQL backends to ldap ( don't know what sense does it make though ), but I haven't heard about LDAP backends for SQL database.
Have a look on OpenLDAP Administration Guide here
Regarding storing custom information, you can create your own classes, objects and even attribute types, by inheritance/composing existing entities, or from scratch. Sky is the limit, man ;-)
An LDAP directory server stores data in attributes which are grouped in entries. Which attributes are required or allowed in an entry is defined by an attribute called an objectClass. Each attribute type has an attribute definition in a schema. The attribute type definition has a syntax which defines what sort of data is allowed, possibly a matching rule and/or ordering rule defining how attribute values are compared, and other data describing the attribute. Any sort of data can be stored in a directory server database, including binary data. Most often a directory server is used for authentication and profile information. Legacy directory servers like OpenLDAP don't perform as well on updates (ADD, MOD, DELETE, MODRDN) as on authentication or searches, but more modern servers perform updates at a very high rate.