why foursquare api and web search are different? - api

I need to search university buildings by using api.
But one of the building can't search by api, but it shows well on the web.
Can someone let me know why it is different?
Or is there any workaround?
Since foursquare v2 api is no longer supports, I'm using v3 one.
this web says this building is "college science building" category.
but below place search api can't find the building as same category.
query: sennott square
ll: 40.4424081,-79.9550292
radius: 2000
categories: 12036 (this is college science building category number)
sort: distance
the result is empty.
if I query the "sennott suare" with api, it only shows "parking" or "park" category.

The City Guide page and the v3 API are backed by different datasets, the v3 API is backed by our integrated dataset which is a combination of the legacy Foursquare dataset, and the dataset from Factual who we merged with a couple of years ago- but I can confirm that the POI in question, Sennott Square, is included in the integrated dataset and will be returned by the v3 API.
this is what I've got an answer from foursquare. They actually fix few api results that I need.


API to get the list of published post to create Ad and audience attribute list

I was unable to get the LinkedIn ads documentation for
Is there any LinkedIn marketing (Ads) API to get the list of published post to create ad from the existing content
Ads API get the audience attributes list like
Members with a Bachelor’s Degree
Expertise in Computer Science
and when it get selected it will get the list of target audience like Computer Software Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES AND SUPPORT SERVICES,etc.
Thanks in Advance.
Here the Links to the related doc:
1. Retrieve User Content
You can retrieve the user created post, with the UGC Post API:
As alternative you can fallback to the previous Share API:
Some SO Answers:
How to get posts of an organization from LinkedIn where Im the admin of the page
LinkedIn API: Server error while listing UGC posts
2. Handling Ads Targeting
The targeting for Ads is described in this section of the docs:
Useful links are about the Targeting Criteria Facet URNs, check also the targetingCriteria Examples page. The Audience Counts API and the Ad Supply Forecasts API could be useful for your scope.
Also useful SO answers:
Target Audience Count in LinkedIn API
Parameter 'targetingCriteria' is invalid for audience count with LinkedIn marketing API
Ad Targeting - Find Entities by URNs API ClassCastException error message
The list of available targeting facets is returned by the Ad Targeting Facets API: A sort of static list that describe for each fields, how you can retrieve the values (is a list or if you can query it).
When you have the facet urn, you can retrieve the values with the Find Entities by Facet API or Find Entities by Typeahead API
See also Discovering targeting entities section in the doc
As example:
for the degrees (urn:li:adTargetingFacet:degrees) you will use the Find Entities by Typeahead API in order to retrieve the whole list of available degrees.
for skills (urn:li:adTargetingFacet:skills) you can query for a search string using the Find Entities by Facet API

Yelp API : Retrieving reviews of a business

IS there any way I could retrieve all the reviews of a business Using the API ?
The sample response here just shows 3
In v3 yelp has a reviews API and it returns only three reviews per business.
Yelp Business Reviews v3
Unfortunately, yelp restricts reviews access via APIs. With the V2.0, it is restricted to just one review snippet, which is also truncated after 40 chars.
An alternate that you could try is to use web scraping platforms such as scrapy. Again, the challenge here is that, yelp changes its layout pretty often just to make sure you don't scrape out their data and hence, your scripts will likely fail after sometime.

What is the best way to get an image URL from a certain query?

I have a book recommendation project for school, and I want to add a picture for each book. I was thinking I could use a search engine API to return the first result, but I'm having trouble with them:
The Google .NET Api seems to be unsupported
The Bing API
The Flickr Api is well documented and it actually works, but the images on there aren't what I'm looking for
Have you tried http://jpg.to ?

Youtube API - worse results than by searching on youtube.com

I am building last.fm+youtube mashup and I am having trouble retrieving righ results from youtube search.
The track I am interested in is on the second place in youtube.com search. How I can make api results look as much similar to youtube.com search?
The method YouTube uses for it's provided search results on the home page includes Related Videos which is based on a proprietary algorithm.
Unfortunately, this proprietary method is not yet available in their API (v1 or current v2) which is why you don't have the same results provided.
The YouTube API Page shows how to use the Related Videos API feature, but only for a single video since it's limited to that use.
I've seen various questions/replies that come and go on the forum about this issue, like this ignored one.
Consider using the Related Videos based on a single video, which the API does support.
Example of that usage for YouTube Video Gedz - Gucci Gucci gość. Joda is:
You will see 25 results (default quantity when not specified in query) that are similar but not exact as the single video's YouTube page. Different algorithm's are at play here too, but this method is the best that's currently available.
My untested solution for your project goal is as follows:
1. Use current method to acquire video ID feeds.
2. If the results are less than the amount required, use the returned results first Video ID as a reference.
3. The Video ID reference (just a single video) is then used to perform another query for Related Videos.
4. You can then combine both query's to create a final list of Video ID's which to use.

Build a search-based-app using an API from a major search engine: google, bing, yahoo - who offers search API?

I need to provide search functionality as the cornerstone of my app (basically I think I can make a better interface than whats is offered by Google, bing, yahoo - bold claim I know). Therefore I will not build an entire search engine from scratch, I will rather use an API provider by a major search engine and simply modify the interface that present the results to my visitors. I am a Google fanboi and I initially tried to use Google Search AJAX API. However, I was very disappointed since I can barely change anything at all.
I need an API that will let me pull programmatically the results from a major search engine and let me output them with the style and goodies that I want.
I am not looking to alter the order in which the search results are presented to the user by inserting crap in between the good results (this is against my philosophy). But I would like to wrap massive php/javascript around each search results so that I can completely control how each result is graphically rendered.
I heard of the BING API 2.0, would that be more flexible than Google AJAX API? Could anyone provide output if any of the current search providers are offering API for this purpose right now?
After careful investigation it appears to me that the Bing 2.0 API is the most flexible and robust search API currently on the market.
The Bing API does require you to put their ads next to the results. You can place your own ads with the Yahoo API. The Yahoo API uses the same search technology (same results) and can be used starting from $0,40 per 1000 queries. The lowest, bulk price of the Google API is $4,00 per 1000 queries. Google's relevance is easily ten times higher for the somewhat more advanced queries.
And also Bing version 2 search API is free!
Whereas, Yahoo BOSS V2 has pricing and so Google does custom search API.