How to prerender a Vue3 application? - vue.js

I try without success to apply a prerendering (or a SSG) to my Vue3 application to make it more SEO friendly.
I found the vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa, and when I try it with the command line: vue add prerender-spa I have the error:
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'endsWith')
After that I tried prerender-spa-plugin but I have an error when I make a npm run build:
[prerender-spa-plugin] Unable to prerender all routes!
ERROR Error: Build failed with errors.
Error: Build failed with errors.
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/#vue/cli-service/lib/commands/build/index.js:207:23
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/webpack/lib/webpack.js:148:8
at /Users/myusername/Workspace/myproject/node_modules/webpack/lib/HookWebpackError.js:68:3
What do you think about this? Do you have any idea?

Nuxt3 is a really powerful meta-framework with a lot of features and huge ecosystem. Meanwhile, it's in RC2 right now so not 100% stable (may still work perfectly fine).
If your project is aiming for something simpler, I'd recommend using Vitesse. It may be a bit more stable and it's probably powerful enough (check what's coming with it to help you decide).
Some solutions like Prerender also exist but it's paid and not as good as some real SSG (/SSR). Also, it's more of a freemium.

I struggled with the same error output until I found the prerender-spa-plugin-next. Then I notice the latest version of prerender-spa-plugin was published 4 years ago and prerender-spa-plugin-next is continually updating. It seems like that prerender-spa-plugin-next is a new version of prerender-spa-plugin with the same functions. So I use prerender-spa-plugin-next instead of prerender-spa-plugin then everything works fine!
Here is my step:
install the package
npm i -D prerender-spa-plugin-next
modify vue.config.js like
const plugins = [];
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const { join } = require('path');
const PrerenderPlugin = require('prerender-spa-plugin-next');
new PrerenderPlugin({
staticDir: join(__dirname, 'dist'),
routes: ['/'], //the page route you want to prerender
module.exports = {
transpileDependencies: true,
configureWebpack(config) {
config.plugins = [...config.plugins, ...plugins];
npm run build
Then check the index.html under the dist folder you can see the page is prerendered.
Further usage refers to the homepage of prerender-spa-plugin-next

Found and fix about the scss files to import.
In nuxt.config.ts use :
vite: {
css: {
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {
additionalData: `
#import "#/assets/scss/_variables.scss";
#import "#/assets/scss/my-style.scss";
Now my 2 mains issue are : how to install vuetify properly, currently syles and components seems working but the JS not, for example, accordions don't expands on click.
And second topic is to have a i18n module, it seems that vue-i18N no longer works.


Vue.js 3 extension breaks while using "vue-cli-service build" due to unsafe-eval

I am developing a chrome extension using vue 3, vue-router and vuex based on Kocal's project which uses vue-cli under the hood. I used whenever possible Single File Components with extensive use of vue bindings.
Everything works perfect on development mode but I recently tried to build the application for production and I encountered this error with partial rendering:
chunk-vendors.f6de00a6.js:11 EvalError: Refused to evaluate a string as JavaScript because 'unsafe-eval' is not an allowed source of script in the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src 'self'".
After a few days of digging, my understanding is that either webpack or vue compiling system is messing with CSP by referring/injecting code through eval scripts. As I am fairly new to this, it's hard for me to read to distinguish what I can do.
I tried different approaches:
defining $vue alias to a runtime only build in vue.config.js (supposedly removing unsafe eval by having code compiled before runtime but ending with a new error: Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function for o=Object(n["withScopeId"])("data-v-21ae70c6");)
using render() function at root
adding "content_security_policy": "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'", to manifest.json
switching a component to render() to see if I have better chance with the partial rendering, but ending up with nothing being displayed although having console.log from render being executed.
Adding a config to chainWebpack splitting manifest and inline manifest on vue.config
What puzzles me is that I can't shake off the unsafe-eval, with at best a partial display, at worst a blank page. Bindings seem to be shaken off regardless and using a router-link to change page will give a blank page.
Edit: After digging through compiled code from webpack and setting minimize opt to false, it seems the error comes from a vendor: vue-i18n
The eval is likely coming from Webpack, due to an issue with global scoping.
see link for more detail
Could you try adding this configuration to vue.config.js
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
node: {
global: false
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
global: "window"
tl;dr: Check your dependencies/packages, including those you wouldn't think they use unsafe-eval.
After digging into webpack internals and components building for vue3, here are the takeaways:
using Single File Components and default vue-cli config is ok as it will indeed just need vue runtime, so no unsolicited unsafe-eval
webpack config as below works:
module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
global: "window" // Placeholder for global used in any node_modules
// Note that this plugin definition would break if you are using "unit-mocha" module for vue-cli
In the end, the issue was a dependency I was using for i18n vue-i18n#next, after removing it and switching to chrome's i18n way, it's now working.

How do you remove console.log from a build using the JS Quasar Framework?

I am trying the Quasar Framework (for those not familiar, it's based on Vue) and it's going well. However I've tried running a build (npm run build) and get repeated:
error Unexpected console statement no-console
... so the build fails because it sees console.log(...) and is not happy. My options:
don't use console.log in development. But it's handy.
comment out the eslint rule that presumably enforces that, so letting console.log into production. But that's not ideal for performance/security.
have the build automatically remove any console.log. That's what I'm after.
But how?
I took a look at the build and it mentions using webpack internally and UglifyJS too. Given that, I found this answer for removing console.log in a general Vue/webpack project:
... but if that's how, where does that go within Quasar since there is no webpack config file? I imagine in the quasar.conf.js file (since I see an 'extendWebpack' line in there - sounds promising). Or is there a better way to do it? How do other people remove console.log in production when using Quasar? Or handle logging without it?
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
build: {
uglifyOptions: {
compress: { drop_console: true }
The above will result in configuring terser plugin with the following:
terserOptions: {
compress: {
drop_console: true
(you can see the generated config with quasar inspect -c build -p optimization.minimizer)
You still also need to remove the eslint rule to avoid build errors, see
If you want instead to configure webpack directly use:
module.exports = function (ctx) {
return {
build: {
chainWebpack (chain) {
chain.optimization.minimizer('js').tap(args => {
args[0].terserOptions.compress.drop_console = true
return args
It will do the same as above.
1 Edit package.json in Vue's project what had created it before.
2 Then find "rules": {}.
3 Change to this "rules":{"no-console":0}.
4 if you Vue server in on, off it and run it again. Then the issue will be done.
As an alternative I can suggest using something like loglevel instead of console.log. It's quite handy and allows you to control the output.

Bundle size is big, how to reduce size of app.js?

I am using Vue.js and have only 4 components in my project.
I imported only bootstrap, jquery and lodash:
import { map } from 'lodash';
import 'bootstrap/js/dist/modal';
import $ from "jquery";
But npm run production creates
bundle of 400kb size.
npm run production is configured as shown below.
cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --no-progress --hide-modules --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js
Is it possible to reduce bundle size to ~100KB ? If yes how?
You should add bundle analyzer to your webpack config.
That tool will help you to understand what is going on with your final bundle for example:
you have imported something accidentally and didn't noticed that
one of your dependencies is really big and you should avoid using it
you accidentally imported whole library when you just wanted to import single function from that library (that is common with lodash)
Here is an example of how you can add bundle analyzer to your webpack config:
const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer');
const isBundleAnalyze = true; // turn it too true only when you want to analyze your bundle, should be false by default
module.exports = {
// ... rest webpack config here
plugins: [
// ... rest webpack plugins here
...isBundleAnalyze ? [ new BundleAnalyzerPlugin() ] : []
Also check your final js file.
It should be a single line of code with simple variables. Something like this: !function(e){function t(t){for(var n,r,o=t[0],i=t[1],s=0,l=[];s<o.length;s++) if it doesn't looks like that it means that you configured your production webpack build incorrectly.
It's pretty obvious why your bundle is over 400kb, you are importing lodash and jquery, you are just missing moment.js (a little joke), but one thing that you can do is use only what you need.
First, if you are using Vue, or React, or any of those jQuery UI libraries you shouldn't be using jQuery unless is necessary.
Another thing that you can do is import only what you need, instead of:
import { map } from 'lodash';
import map from 'lodash/map';
or even better
import map from '';
Lazy imports, read more here. This will allow splitting your bundle into pieces that can be called at execution time, reducing considerably your app size.
const Foo = () => import('./Foo.vue')
There is also SSR (Server Side Rendering), which is basically generating the initial HTML code of your app at build time and rendering outputting that, to show the users that something is on the site, but you also need to understand that, this won't do much, since the browser needs to parse the Javascript code (the hydration process) in order to make the site functional.
If you are using React as of April 2021, the React team announced React Server Components, which seems like a big thing coming up, I supposed that many other libraries will be moving components to the server (and I hope Vue does).
Again as of today don't use it on production.
Other answers mentioned the use of webpack-bundle-analyzer, here is a trick how to use it:
const { BundleAnalyzerPlugin } = require('webpack-bundle-analyzer');
const analyzing = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'analyze';
module.exports = {
plugin: [
...(analyzing ? [new BundleAnalyzerPlugin()] : [])
on your package.json
"scripts": {
"analyze": "NODE_ENV=analyze webpack build"
use CompressionWebpackPlugin and try gzip

Vue3 autoprefixer config issue

I have a new project that was created with Vue-cli 3 using vue create my-new-project. I am using CSS grid for some layout things and i need to support IE11 and newer. Vue docs say that autoprefixer is loaded and enabled by default but its not working. I cant get it to work in either npm run build or npm run serve. Works fine in chrome but IE11 its not working. Im sure there is some config that needs to be done but im unsure what that may be.
> 1%
last 4 versions
module.exports = {
plugins: {
autoprefixer: {}
CSS Grid support is disable by default.
You can enable it by using either the grid: autoplace option or the /* autoprefixer grid: autoplace */ control comment.
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'autoprefixer': {
grid: 'autoplace'
Does Autoprefixer polyfill Grid Layout for IE?

Nuxt ignoring babel on build process
I originally left the presets as default.
I then followed the suggestions on
However this dealt more with pipelines
I am just trying to get it to convert the es6 to es5 (import chief among the reasons)
I get the same result or a complete failure no matter if i add the .babelrc, adjust package.json, adjust nuxt.config.js or a combination of them.
currently i have adjusted my nuxt.config.js to:
** Build configuration
build: {
babel: {
presets: ['#babel/preset-env'],
configFile: false,
babelrc: false,
plugins: ['#babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import']
When i upload the entire .nuxt folder to my server (running plesk using phusion passenger)
I get the following error
(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import { stringify } from 'querystring'
My site root is
The first line of server.js
import { stringify } from 'querystring
Changing this to
var stringify = require("querystring").stringify
Eliminates the error however i would need to go through page after page to remove this. My understanding is i can progamically adjust this using babel. But no matter what ive tried the file stays the same.
I did use the Nuxt CLI to automatically set up babel and webpack but using the above build config is not the default. I have attempted to play with it but i get the same result
I added babel/polyfill to try and get around the import issues without any success