RavenDB 5.3.102 Issue Errors with installation and Lets Encrypt bug - ravendb

I have, unsuccessfully, been trying to install RavenDB 5 on a Win 2012R2 server in secure mode, however, getting error messages that are not in Raven's documentation under troubleshooting. I have seen similar errors and applied all their suggestions - they blame port numbers being blocked on firewalls (disabled firewall completely - so no luck there) or IP address binding (when I set it up in unsecure mode, it worked fine - so no luck there).
I am using the downloaded version Free Community version. I think maybe that Windows Server 2012R2 does not support TLS1.2 or there's a configuration issue
Here's the message
Setting up RavenDB in Let's Encrypt security mode failed.
System.InvalidOperationException: Setting up RavenDB in Let's Encrypt security mode failed.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Validation failed.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to simulate running the server with the supplied settings using: https://a.******.ravendb.community:60443
---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
---> System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: Authentication failed because the remote party sent a TLS alert: 'HandshakeFailure'.
---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80090326): The message received was unexpected or badly formatted.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
Besides disabling the firewall in WinServer completely (tried opening every port that may be a problem including 60443, 38888, 8080 (I know, it's not there, but), 80, 443, but that did nothing, so I disabled the firewall (bad form - yes, I know).
Since I use Let's Encrypt on IIS for a couple of other sites with other port #s and have not had any problem with auto-renewals, I figure that maybe it's a Kestrel configuration issue (so looking into this). The ambiguity of this error: HandshakeFailure could mean hundreds of different things, so it's hard to determine what.
It looks like RavenDB is running a simulation "Failed to simulate running the server" and, perhaps it's a bug on their end (perhaps LetsEncrypt does not recognize the simulation?).
Anywho, before saying to heck with this DB (which has raving reviews) and moving on to another NoSQL database like FoundationDB or CouchDB, I'd love to figure out how to secure it. It DOES WORK in nonsecure mode fine!!
Any ideas?

The issue is that Windows Server 2012R2 lacks the ciphers that are required by RavenDB.
To fix that, please make sure you enabled TLS 1.2 and add the following ciphers:
You can use IIS Crypto to add the ciphers, please see:

Turns out, Windows Server 2012R2 does not come with the following cipher suites:
Because of this, it's not possible to use Let's Encrypt (as configured for RavenDB) on a Windows 2012R2 Server.


Mule error "Remote host closed connection. Possible SSL/TLS handshake issue." on HTTP request

I would like to seek for your advice if you have any idea or you have already encountered this issue “SSL/TLS handshake Issue” ?
To give you a summary, we’re getting an error the error below when connecting to Coupa (ERP) through HTTP.
Remote host closed connection. Possible SSL/TLS handshake issue. Check protocols, cipher suites and certificate set up. Use -Djavax.net.debug=ssl for further debugging.
We have several HTTP requests using the same HTTP config, but there’s this only one specific request that gives the said error. Also, this HTTP request works in postman. This occurs only in one Mule environment (UAT Environment). It works fine in our sandbox environment.
We are not sure whether the SSL connection/Handshake is closed on our end or server end.
If ever its on our end, how do we identify the fix for that?
If it’s on the server end, what should be the proof that we need to provide to them to say that the issue is on their end.
The server -Coupa in this case- is closing the connection just after it was opened by the client -a Mule application- probably before the client can send the HTTP request. The server could do this by any of a number of causes and the client does not receive any error messages or codes to indicate a reason. You will need to learn the reason from the server side.
Usual reasons are because an HTTPS connection doesn't match thee required ciphers suites or protocol versions accepted by the server, or because the client IP is not whitelisted. In those situations documentation from what's acceptable to the server side is useful. There could some other reasons that are known only to the server side.
A method to troubleshoot TLS connection issues is to do a traffic capture of the TCP packets, ideally from both sides, but if you don't control the server it will be only possible from the client. Another option if you are using HTTPS is to enable Java SSL Debug log in the Mule runtime to print the HTTPS connection information. You need to understand how to troubleshoot TLS to use these tools.

The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 70

I'm trying to access an SSL URL from a Windows browser to another machine running Tomcat and I am seeing error 36887 from Schannel in the System event log on the Windows machine with this description:
The TLS protocol defined fatal alert code is 70
According to MS documentation:
I've turned up Schannel logging (max=7) on the Windows machine and I can see that an SSL handshake was negotiated correctly, this from the event log:
An SSL server handshake completed successfully. The negotiated cryptographic parameters are as follows.
Protocol: TLS 1.2
CipherSuite: 0xC028
Exchange strength: 256
This seems to contradict the code 70 error.
Cipher suite 0xC028 is TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384. I've checked on the Tomcat machine and can see that this is available, and TLS1.2 is also enabled on both machines so the successful handshake makes sense.
The process ID associated with the code 70 error belonged to lsass.exe - my Windows knowledge is quite limited so I have no idea what that does.
I can find nothing in the catalina.out log on the Tomcat machine, the code 70 seems to be happening before the request is actuall sent. I am certain that the certs are all configured correctly as I can access the URL successfully from other machines.
How can I progress from here?
The issue turned out to be that one of our client apps was using .NET 4.5.2 and defaulting to TLS1.1, which had been disabled at the server end by some patching. Ultimately a .NET update to 4.7.2 fixed the issue.
It means communication with the server was attempted using a recognized but unsupported TLS version. If your server is set to accept only communications using TLS 1.2 or newer, for example, then anything that tries to communicate via TLS 1.1 or lower will throw this error.
Two computers have to agree on a method of communication before they can actually do the communication. That is why this error message can occur and then the computers appear to communicate just fine... the first method was tried and rejected, and then a newer one was tried and succeeded, that's all.

Error occurred during the pre-login handshake, due to AntiVirus?

I need your expertise on one of my issues. I often get an intermittent issue from our Power BI on-premises Gateway to SQL connectivity
Error from gateway log
Error: A connection was successfully established with the server, but
then an error occurred during the pre-login handshake. (provider: SSL
Provider, error: 0 - The wait operation timed out.)
The difficult part here is it's very difficult to reproduce ☹️ Whenever I tried the connectivity from the gateway to SQL server, it succeeds but at some very rare case, it fails.
Steps we did to find the root cause
Checked in both the gateway server and SQL server TLS 1.2 only is
enabled, other versions of TLS are disabled
created a .udl file and tried the connectivity but got the error like
[DBNETLIB] ConnectionOpen( SECCreateCredentials().] SSL Security
Finally, we contacted our internal support team, they told to run the network tracer. So we did.
After some long times, we had the luck to capture the error in the network tracer. (Below Image)
Support team told like:
We see that client (gateway server) is sending Client hello after 14 seconds for the TLS SSL handshake, this delay is causing the connection to fail as connection needs to get established in 15 seconds.
We see the same pattern, where the client is causing delay on multiple instances of the communication.
And such delay is generally caused by the Antivirus
My question:
Is this really the Antivirus issue? If so then why it's not happening
all the times?
P.S I know this question is already asked in SO and possible for duplicate, but my real question is this antivirus would be a possible cause for this?
The issue is finally resolved after so many attempts. The below is the solution worked for us
• Azure AD join, where the connections head to the “login.microsoft.com” and delay the connections. There are few settings from registry and GPO that needs to be performed to disable this Auto Azure WorkPlace join.
It talks about restricting the server from joining AzureAD through a GPO, which resolves to:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WorkplaceJoin\ key:
autoWorkplaceJoin = 0
• Connections headed to http://ctldl.windowsupdate.com , refer the below article that talks about this issue.
To disable it: • Create a backup of this registry key (export and save
a copy)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\SystemCertificates\AuthRoot • Then create the following DWORD registry values under the key
I hope this helps someone in the future !

How to customize ssl handshake routine?

Recently, I tried to access one special bizarre https server with python requests library and it always reported handshake_failure. However, I can access it with browser.
After some debugging with wireshark, I found the server refused the first clientHello directly. I knew there may be some bizarre behavior for that server.
What i ask is that how to customize ssl handshake routine to identify what exactly caused the server to refuse my clientHello?
For example,
I want to add some extensions as the browser does during ssl handshake.

SSL handshake issue while java client talking to SSLv3 ONLY server

We are facing a problem and I am sure this is the right place. We have a load balancer (cisco's) and for various reasons the SSL configuration on the load balancer (the server) side is set to use "SSLv3" protocol version. Now after setting the same, when I access the load balancer in CHROME browser, I am able to access the pages but I do see the below message when I click on their security icon.
"connection had to be retried using ssl 3.0" - I looked at the packet capture using wireshark and I see that browser tries TLSv1 and receives a "fatal alert" from the server saying "protocol_version" and then immediately browser tries SSLv3 version and finishes the handshake. So browser is able to negotiate this as a client.
However when I set up a stand alone java (tried using 1.6 as well as 1.7) client from eclipse and try connecting to the server I am getting the below exception.
: Received fatal alert: protocol_version javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: protocol_version
As per various documentations, I saw two options I have
to set https.protocol system property to SSLv3. [this works for us, but the problem is it is affects the outbound SSL calls globally. I have another outbound SSL call to another server which does not work with SSLv3]
setEnabledprotocols() - this works as well but sometimes, we dont have access to the socket directly (sometime we generates stubs using third party and the stub takes care of the low level connection stuff, so no access to that socket).
But my actual question is, If by default TLSv1/SSLv3 and SSLv2Hello(just the format I believe) are enabled in java, why is JSSE implementation not able to negotiate like how chrome browser is able to negotiate. Is this expected? If browser is doing it, I believe it should be part of some SSL RFC and if that is the case, same functionality of this "negotiation" should be provided by java itself right?
I did go through this http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/root/jdk/openjdk/6-b14/sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl.java and was not able to find any part for this negotiation during handshake.
Is there a possibility of issue from the server side (load balancer) that i. I see that server sends fatal alert but that being cisco I believe the ssl implementation should be perfect and that is expected. Am I wrong?
Issue happens both in java 1.6 and 1.7. Do let me know if more information would be required to answer, will be happy to help.