Can I authorize Google maps SDK before deploying an Expo app to Play Store? - react-native

I have an Expo app that uses react-native-maps. It works well on Expo Go and I would like to deploy it to Google Play Store.
According to Expo documentation, I have to:
deploy the app on Google Play Store to generate app signing credential
copy the SHA-1 certificate fingerprint in Google Play console
create an API key in Google Cloud Credential manager
paste the API key in app.json
rebuild the app and re-submit to Google Play Store
So, to my understanding, the app will be available for users without maps activated. Then I'll have to deploy it again with maps activated. It sounds very counter-intuitive, and puts me at risk to get bad reviews from first users, who will claim the app "doesn't work" (because there is no map of course)
Is there a way to immediately publish a working app? If I need to handle a two step process, will the second build be immediately available in the Play Store, or will it be subject to a 3 days review?


App won't run without google play services, which are not supported by your device Error while using firebase analytics for react native mobile app

I am trying to integrate firebase analytics on react native app, I have completed all the prerequisites and got a successful build running on Honeywell android Device, but when I open the app it gives above error. There are many such duplicate question but nothing works for me as I can't have play store as the target devices are Handheld android devices and not mobile devices. How to integrate firebase analytics without having to install google play service.
Thanks for Answer #JakeSteam
But I could get firebase integration working without google play service error.
Issue Details:
I was using react native firebase 5.x.x, which works fine but will give a pop up message mentioned in question if your device doesn't have google play service.
Upgrade react native firebase to version 6.x.x, the community has redeveloped this repo and I am not having issues with it now.
Without google play service on your device you can only use few firebase services like analytics, crashlytics etc.
As a Firebaser said:
Firebase as a platform requires Google Play Services, even though some Firebase products may be able to work without it.
If you cannot use Google Play Services, you may want to look into Google Analytics, which does not require it:
Note: Google Analytics can be used and will work on devices that do not have Google Play Services. In this case you still download and use the Google Play Services SDK and Google Analytics will automatically fall back to local dispatching.

Is there a way to implement server side verification in google admob using react-native/expo and not android only?

I'm developing a expo/react-native app.
I want to use google admob inside my app (rewarded ads, videos), and verify in my server (node.js) if the user did finish the ad.
I saw in the website of google admob that there is a way to verify this in android. This is the link:
But I could not find anywhere, a way to verify it in react-native/expo app. (with node.js server).
I want to know if this is possible, and if so what is the best way to do it.

Google Drive API oauth 2 error

I managed to get the code runing to a point where i can upload and download files in my android app from google drive using the api. However i uploaded my app to Google Play and when a user installs it the first time the oauth 2 screen pops up and requires to select account(which is great) but when the user selects Google account the oauth screen just keep appearing and looping.
Did anyone encounter this before?
As stated in this thread, maybe you did not create credentials for your app. As described in this documentation, you must retrieve your SHA-1 keys for both the debug and production environments and add them in your credentials in the Google Developers Console.

Google Sign-in for Unity without Google+?

I'm developing an application in Unity, primarily focusing on iOS right now.
For the backend, I decided to try out firebase since they have a Unity package and so far its been pretty painless.
Does a Google Signin option exist for Unity that doesnt involve GooglePlayGames (GPG)?
I'm not interested in integrating to that platform at all, Im really just after the Sign in feature so I can grab the user token and authenticate to Firebase.
I currently have GPG and Firebase up and running...and it works great.
My issue is that if a user is not a Google+ member, they cant authenticate since apparently GPG relies heavy on that.
All I'm really after is a solution for vanilla Google Login that would give me an auth token I can use in Firebase...
If you're familiar with Pokemon Go...a very similar login flow.
With that app i was able to use a google account that doesnt have google+ and everything worked fine.
First of all, don't use the Google Play games plugin; it doesn't work for iOS anyways if you don't have an existing Google Play games account via any Android device usage in past. Even for many Android users Play Games apps won't work because it's not packaged with every Android device.
However, I am using this Google Login Unity plugin in iOS & Android which is available in the Asset Store. It works really well.

Trying to post score with scores api from an iOS app, but app access_token is required

I have an iOS game that wants to publish user scores to Facebook. I use lastest Facebook SDK from git.
The app is in the Games category, and marked as Native/Desktop app.
The iOS bundle is set correctly (if I set it wrong, my app can't log-in).
I request publish_actions permission from the user and it succeeds.
But when I try to post a new score via requestGraphPath of USER_ID/scores (or me/scores) I get an error requesting the app access_token.
I understand that this is considered as a client-app and the app authentication is done via the Facebook SDK. So the access_token is a combined one (and encrypted?) and should work.
(putting the App Secret Key inside my app and patching the SDK to handle it isn't a good idea)
On the other hand, posting high scores via the new Open Graph works perfectly (I use the default High Score action and it works), but I need to wait for the approval in order to go live...
What am I missing about the Scores API?
On facebook your app must be WEB-type.
Work only with USER_ID and app access_token
(example 221179161233395|O9Wwt7hmowV2Bt3k5yVAy2SInTU)