Odoo cannot print on server - odoo-15

I deployed my Odoo App on our own server.
When I tested it on my Local Computer, it was just working fine.
But when it deployed, it can't download a Report
The console throw error like this
Error on Console
The App shows a notification of Connection Lost and Reconnect
Any advice?

Check your configuration file. When you are working in your local with one worker, the longpolling is not enabled and it doesn't use. If you are going to use with port numbers on the url as the error suggests there are few things you need to check.
Check the conf file for correct ports. If there is no configuration file generate one and to the service with correct ports.
Check that the server ports are accessible from outside of your server. I'd suggest using NGINX and not exposing ports.
reports normally shouldn't go to the longpolling port if that is the case. So setting the web.base.url and web.base.url.freeze parameters in the settings, to avoid changes in the url when accessing from ports.


Nginx reverse proxy works only outside lan

I have a server which has multiple "app pages" running on it. (for example: Home Assitant, Cockpit etc.).
On the local network I can access them using like
I used to use port forwarding but I didn't wanted to remember ports so I'm using Nginx Proxy Manager and a DuckDNS domain.
So now outside of the local network I can type https://ha.mydomain.duckdns.org, which works fine, but if I'm connected to the local network my browser throw a PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR message.
I tried it with multiple devices, different applications, even on the home assistant app, and got the same result.
I'm using SSL certificates created in Nginx Proxy Manager, but when using http I get an 404 error.
After long searches I found that I probably need a custom local DNS (like pihole) running, and my router DNS has to point to it. I'm not sure if this would even solve my problem, but I would like to avoid this method, cause if my server shuts down or has any problem, it would cause problem on all the devices in my network.

IntelliJ Websphere Server Local, Error running 'Local Deploy': Address localhost:9080 is already in use

I seem to be doing something wrong in my run configuration for IntelliJ. I cannot run the server on the port 9080 because another app has to use the port 9080 and it's not up to me what port that app uses. So please don't tell me to kill the app using the port 9080. This is not a duplicate of this
With the other app running I can start up the server via command line or using an external tool in IntelliJ however I cannot start it though a run configuration. My server requires the other app to be running locally to do local testing however I cannot debug the app due to this extremely annoying issue. IntelliJ is simply picking the port 9080 out of some configuration and checking that port all on its own and deciding to not try starting the server and then somehow at some point deciding to check the port which of course wont be available. Is there a setting that I'm missing or is there another way to handle this so that way I don't run into this issue?
In local deploy there is not an option to change the port number.
From #Andrey's comments the solution turned out to be the server.xml is all that IntelliJ checks and doesn't load the bootstrap.properties right off the get go. So if you are filling in the httpPort number via bootstrap.properties, server.env, or any dynamically loaded properties, IntelliJ will use the default 9080. The solution here was then to simply hardcode the httpPort in <httpEndpoint httpPort=9081 ... /> for local testing

RabbitMQ Management Plugin

I am having some issues accessing the rabbitmq_management plugin.
I am running RabbitMQ 3.6.2, where rabbit is installed as a service and the plugin is enabled. Running on Windows Microsoft Server 2012.
Service runs fine, no errors in logs, however when i try and access the management tool via the web browser UI, "This page can't be displayed", I am sure i am going to the right port as the logs show the port it is running on, i have tried adding some rules to the Inbound on the firewall in case it was to do with ports and nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
I am able to access the port via another machine on the network but does still not work in local host.

Subversion repository access from another computer

I have set up Subversion on my system. Without any changes its working fine on localhost. Now I want to access it from another network e.g outside my home network.
I tried to access it from global ip 116.128.**.**:3343/csvn/repository but nothing happens. And when I try to checkout in Eclipse it shows an error:
Target machine actively refused the connection.
I have also added the port no. in router.
As far as I see, the URL you've specified goes to your Subversion server's control panel, not repositories. I've found this:
By default, the Subversion Edge admin console listens for requests on
two ports:
3343 - This is the plain HTTP port
4434 - This is the SSL HTTPS port
To solve the issue you have to
Go to the Control Panel with your web browser and check what port your Subversion server listens to, e.g. 443/8443 for HTTPS and 80/8080 for plain HTTP.
Make sure that the port is properly forwarded on your router to the machine where the SVN server is installed.
Make sure that local firewall allows inbound connections to your Subversion server on the selected port.
It can be caused by a lot of different problems. One of the most common problems is, the server is having a firewall (or behind a firewall) which blocks incoming connection of unallowed port.

Unable to connect to different HTTP port on server

I am new to WCF Services, I have developed a WCF service library hosted within a Windows Service. The service end point is http://servername:9980/ApplicationServer/ServiceName.
When I run this service on local system and try to connect using my application, everything works fine.
The problem starts when I deploy this service on server system, none of my application can use this service, even the browser says page not found. Though, if I remove the specific port number from the endpoint all works well.
I have already opened all the ports in Windows Firewall including Client and Server. Also proper exceptions are made to the router firewall, still I am not able to host the service on specific port. I have even tried by switching firewall off on both client and server system.
Thank you in advance.
-Ashish Sharma
When you remove the specific port number it defaults to port 80.
So there is something that is blocking the other port.
Try using the Telnet command to check if the port is open (you may have to enable telnet)
As you have allready checked the firewalls, it could be urlscan or a network device.