So, before anything else, I know that the v-slot attribute receives an object as value, but written like this:
But I stumbled over this piece of code:
v-slot="{ isHovering, props }"
Does this mean that I extract only these specific props from the slotProps object?
I have been going through an already existing code and trying to understand different parameters passed inside a tag.
placeholder ="show first name"
:someElement = "true"
#error = "showErrorAlert"
so what exactly is the difference between these three parameters passed and when to pass them.
I am very new to vue so I am struggling a bit.
If any one needs any further information please let me know.
to communicate data between components in vuejs we have two concept: props and events.
vue props
vue custom events
read the two links above to learn about them from vue documentation but in short say we have a component structure like this:
---- | <child-component>
data flow from parent to child is done with the help of props. that is when you're defining child-component you can set in its vue instance object that this component can accept some prop like this.
props: {
text: { type: String },
value: { type: Boolean },
then when you use this component in the parent one you can pass the defined props to the component like this:
<child-component text="some text" :value="false" />
notice the : notation is just a shorthand for v-bind:value="false", if you don't use this binding the false will be sent to the child component as a string. for any other value type you should use binding.
please read the docs to learn more about binding in vue
attribute binding
v-bind shorthand
now, the data flow from child to parent is done via events so in your child component you can emit an event for the parent one to listen to like this:
this.$emit('event-name', payload)
then in the parent component where you used child component you can listen to this event like this
<child-component #event-name="doSomethingFun($event)" />
where doSomethingFun() is a method in parent component and we are passing the payload sent from child component to this method with $event
notice # notation is shorthand for v-on like v-on:event-name="doSomethingFun($event)"
: is shorthand for v-bind: and this is used for dynamic rendering for the attributes such as src, href etc.
# is shorthand for v-on:click which is event handler for function calls.
You can read more Event handling shorthand syntax
Considering following HTML code:
<div id="app">
<comp :is_checked="is_checked" v-on:ch="function(x){is_checked_2=x}"></comp>
<p>{{ is_checked_2 }}</p>
<script src="app.js"></script>
and app.js:
var tm = `<div>
<input type="checkbox" v-model="is_checked"
>{{ is_checked }}
Vue.component('comp', {
template: tm,
props: ["is_checked"]
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
is_checked: null,
is_checked_2: null
If we replace is_checked_2=x by console.log(x) in v-on:ch="function(x){...}, everything works correct and v-model is changing is_checked when input checkbox value changes.
Also if we don't send the value of variable by props and define it locally in component, everything works correct.
It seems that changing the parent Vue's object variable is
regenerating the whole HTML of component where the value of variable
is sent by props and the variable is reset there immediately after
firing the event inside template. It is causing that functions
triggered by events don't change component's variables.
Is it a bug in Vue.js?
To make it more clear, the behavior is following: changing whatever Vue parent value that is not bound and however related to the component (no props, no slots) results at resetting all values in the component that are bound by props. Following only occurs if we reactivelly write to parent/main HTML using modified parent variable, we can achieve that by placing {{ .... }} there. This seems to be the bug.
Example: Vue has variables a and b. We place {{ a }} to the main code. The value of variable b is sent by props to component and matched to variable c. With the time we are changing that value of variable c inside the component. In one moment we decide to change value of a and it results by "forgetting" current state of c and it is reset to initial state by invoked props.
To summarize: the bug itself gets stuck that props should be reactivelly invoked only if corresponding parent variable is changed and not if whatever parent variable changes and at the same time they modify HTML code.
This issue doesn't have nothing to do with event listeners neither events, because it is possible to replicate it without using them.
{{ is_checked_2 }} or {{ '',is_checked_2 }} or {{ '',console.log(is_checked_2) }} after changing value of is_checked_2 is causing rerendering the whole top Vue component having is_checked as variable and it is resetting child component variable, because it has the same name. The solution is never using the same name for child and parent component variables bound by props. This is issue of Vue/props architecture how it was designed.
I don't think it's a bug.
You're most likely running into a race condition where your change event gets executed before or in place of the internally attached one (hence the seemingly nullified data binding).
Because v-model is essentially just a syntactic sugar for updating data on user input events. Quoting the docs:
v-model internally uses different properties and emits different events for different input elements:
text and textarea elements use value property and input event;
checkboxes and radiobuttons use checked property and change event;
select fields use value as a prop and change as an event.
You might also want to see "Customizing Component v-model".
In Laravel Nova, action modals are rendered in Vue by retrieving a list of fields to display through a dynamic component. I have replaced the action modal with own custom component, but am struggling to achieve the effect I want without also extending the entire set of components for rendering form fields.
I have my CustomResourceIndex.vue, containing a conditionally loaded (via v-if) ActionModal.vue, in which the form fields are rendered like so:
<div class="action" v-for="field in action.fields" :key="field.attribute">
:is="'form-' + field.component"
where the actual form field component is chosen based on the field.component value.
Those form fields (which I ideally do not want to have to extend and edit) are rendered like so:
<default-field :field="field" :errors="errors">
<template slot="field">
class="w-full form-control form-input form-input-bordered"
I would like to watch the value of specific fields and run methods when they change. Unfortunately due to a lack of ref attribute on the input elements or access to the value that the form element is bound to, I'm not sure how I can accomplish that from within ActionModal.vue.
I am hoping that because I have access to the ids still, there is some potential way for me to emulate this behavior.
Many resources I've found on my own have told me that anything with an ID is accessible via this.$refs but that does not seem to be true. I can only see elements that have an explicitly declared ref attribute in this.$refs, so I am not sure if I've misunderstood something there.
I would recommend looking into VueJS watch property.
You can listen to function calls, value changes etc.
watch: {
'field.component': function(newVal, oldVal) {
console.log('value changed from ' + oldVal + ' to ' + newVal);
Are those components triggering events? Try looking into the events tab of the Vue DevTools to see if some events are triggered from the default-field component when you update the value.
My guess is that you could write something like:
<div class="action" v-for="field in action.fields" :key="field.attribute">
:is="'form-' + field.component"
The $event value being the new value of the field.
Hit me on the comments if you have more info on the behavior of the default form fields (Are their complete code accessible somewhere?).
Not too sure if i understand "Non-prop attributes" from manual (or vue.js at all):
Say i have ChildComponent.vue file:
<input type="text" class="input" :value="childValue" v-on="listeners">
export default {
props: {
childValue: {
type: String,
default: 'blah',
computed: {
listeners() {
return {
// Pass all component listeners directly to input
// Override input listener to work with v-model
input: event => this.$emit('input',
Then I add it to ParentComponent like this:
<ChildComponent v-model="parentValue" placeholder="default" #keydown.enter="parentMethod"/>
export default {
data () {
return {
parentValue: "",
methods: {
parentMethod () {
The flow should be (and works like this) - anything written to text field in ChildComponent after pressing enter should be sent all the way up to ParentComponent as parentValue and parentMethod() should be invoked.
If I understand correctly BasicComponent is kind of extension to its template's root component, meaning <input> will not only have props type and class set, but also placeholder (which has "default" value)?
Also, does this mean that the v-model prop to whom parentValue data is assigned will be propagated to <input> element as well, making my :value and v-on bind reduntant?
Another question - how the hell is v-on="listeners" working without specifying an event, does it mean i'm listening to EVERY event?
In the parent component there is a shorthand #keydown.enter which means it's listening for keydown.enter event, yet in listeners() method I'm emitting an input event...
I also have big trouble understanding what is going on in listeners() method at all, so any help in deciphering this will be greatly appreciated. :D
Thanks in advance for help.
Let's do this one topic at a time...
Difference between props and non-prop attributes:
Props are the parameters which you define in your props object. With props you can tell the user what types they should use for a given prop, whether they're required or not, default values, assign validation functions, and etc.
Also, props are reactive, so if your template depends on a prop and the prop updates, so will your template.
Attributes you assign to your components, but do not correspond to any props, are passed to the $attrs variable. You can use it to access those values, like $ to get the id, or $ to get the name, and so on.
The event flow in your case:
Yes, the things you type on your ChildComponent are passed to ParentComponent. They are passed both via your v-model and via #keydown.enter="parentMethod".
You probably know how events work, but if you don't, here's the gist of it: When you need to pass data from a child component to a parent component, you emit an event in your child and listen to it in your parent.
For example, if you want to emit an event called foo, you would call $emit somewhere in your child, using $emit('foo'). Then, you'd listen to it in the parent by adding #foo="yourHandler" to the child, where yourHandler is a function written to handle the event. Which is what you did with #keydown.enter="parentMethod".
<input> will not only have props type and class set, but also placeholder (which has "default" value)?:
Answer: It depends. What the <input> tag in your template will receive depends on whether or not your root element (<input>) inherits component attributes. That behavior is defined by the inheritsAttrs property of a component, which defaults to true.
What that means is, in your case, since you haven't specified inheritsAttrs it will default to true, and yes, every attribute you pass to <ChildComponent> will be passed to your <input> tag, except for the things you defined manually.
Since you declared your <input> tag like this:
<input type="text" class="input" :value="childValue" v-on="listeners">
Your <input> tag will inherit all attributes from <ChildComponent> except type, value and your listeners (more on that later). The exceptions to that rule are class and style, which are always inherited regardless.
PS: Note that type, class and placeholder are attributes, not props.
Does this mean that the v-model prop to whom parentValue data is assigned will be propagated to element as well, making my :value and v-on bind reduntant?
Answer: No, but it also won't work. Here's why:
When you declare your listeners using this piece of code:
listeners() {
return {
// Pass all component listeners directly to input
// Override input listener to work with v-model
input: event => this.$emit('input',
You are assigning to your listeners computed property every single event listener placed on your ChildComponent tag, including your keydown event, which is why it works.
The assignment is done in this line:
It uses the spread operator to add all the elements in your $listeners variable (which holds all your component events) to the object you're returning.
The only event which you are not inheriting is input, as defined in this line:
input: event => this.$emit('input',
With that line, you tell your code that the behavior of your input event will be the one you defined, rather than the inherited.
Then, when you assign v-on="listeners" to your input, you're telling it to listen to every single event listed on your listeners variable. That is: You're appending all your inherited events and your custom input event to your input event.
Finally, to explain why it isn't redundant but why it won't work, you must understand how v-model works. It (usually) works by listening on the input event of a component, and using it to update the value prop of the same component. So in this line:
<ChildComponent v-model="parentValue" placeholder="default" #keydown.enter="parentMethod"/>
You are doing two things:
You're assigning the value of parentValue to the value prop of ChildComponent
You're telling your component to update parentValue whenever the input event is called.
That means that assigning a value and listeners to your input tag is not redundant, since you need it for v-model to work properly, but it won't work in the end, since your component doesn't have a value prop. it has a childValue prop instead.
To fix it, you have two options:
Rename childValue to value
Or tell your component to use childValue as model
To do the second approach, just append this piece of code to your ChildComponent:
model: {
prop: 'childValue',
event: 'input'
That will tell your component to use that prop and that event to make v-model work.
A final note: In the future, try narrowing your question down to a single topic. It will be easier to answer and will help people who search for those topics later on.
I have an array of generic child components in my parent component:
<component v-for="item in items" :key="" :is="componentName">
I can get a child via this.$refs, but I can't set a new value for a prop :is like:
this.$refs[id][0].is = 'MyNewComponentName'
How can I set a value of component instance property in a code?
First define your prop structure like
...item, // to use your current variables
componentName: 'MyExistingComponentName'
Receive the prop and bind it to a data variable, so something like
data: function() {
returns {
items: this.propItem
Make the required adjustment in your tag
<component v-for="item in items" :key="" :is="item.componentName">
Now you got 2 options, you can either change the item.componentName by referencing this.items in a method, finding the index and changing it or you could get the parent to change the value of the prop using a custom event using $.event(event-name, 'MyNewComponent`). Both methods are fine, it really depends on your requirements.
Refer to
You could also read stackoverflow questions on mutating prop values.