ERROR ITMS-4241: App is Removed or Deleted with Fastlane - app-store-connect

I'm using a fastlane command to upload apps to my testflight a new guy is trying to use my configuration on his computer but that error is thrown in the console log. To clarify, this works fine to me.
This is the lane I have in my Fastfile I edited the values of each key to not show real data, but we both have the same Fastfile
desc "Publish to TestFlight"
lane :testflight_prod do
git_url: "git#certificates-repo",
username: "",
app_identifier: "",
team_id: "TEAMID",
type: "appstore"
gym(clean: true, scheme: "AppStore", output_directory: './builds', export_method: "app-store")
upload_to_app_store(skip_metadata: true, skip_screenshots: true)
When uploading to testflight he gets this error
ERROR ITMS-4241: "App is Removed or Deleted. Apps can't be validated
or submitted while they're removed or deleted." at SoftwareAssets
Invalid AdamId: 1609274749.


Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" - here_sdk example error

followed these instructions on Github to run a here_sdk example and received an error. Trying to run a Here example in Flutter for the first time and not having success with these instructions or other instructions found on Here developer documentation.
Link to Here Documentation -
Get Started for Flutter
Unzip the HERE SDK for Flutter plugin to the plugins folder that can be found inside the example app project. Rename the folder to 'here_sdk': hello_map/plugins/here_sdk (Done)
Set your HERE SDK credentials to
hello_map/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml (Done)
hello_map/ios/Runner/Info.plist (Done)
Start an Android emulator or an iOS simulator and execute flutter run from the app's directory - or run the app from within your IDE.(Will not run due to errror)
Link -
Error Received:
event sent after app closed: {id: 0, progressId: null, message: Running "flutter pub get" in hello_map_app...}
Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "C:\sec\Flutter\examples\Here Examples\hello_map_app\plugins\here_sdk".
event sent after app closed: {id: 0, progressId: null, finished: true}
pub get failed (66; Could not find a file named "pubspec.yaml" in "C:\sec\Flutter\examples\Here Examples\hello_map_app\plugins\here_sdk".)
The error is correct, no yaml file was found in the here_sdk download for Flutter.

iTunes connect - TestFlight - Console Error on Selecting Build for Test Group

I am trying to setup TestFlight for a new app.
I have uploaded a build, setup Test Information and created a new Test Group with a few testers.
Under the 'Builds' tab in the aforementioned group when I select the build in the 'Select a Build to Test' dialog I get the following error message in the browser console:
Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'e.testInfo.find(function(t){return t.locale===e.defaultLocale}).feedbackEmail')
Anyone have any ideas?
NOTE: I do have valid feedback email entered within the Test Information page, and have also tried various other emails.
OK it seems that iTunes connect does not like 0.x versions. Set it to 1.0 and it worked.
Same problems here.
Not working if I re-submit 1.0.0 version build+1,
and still show loading and the error show in the browser(chrome) console

OSX App doesn't start(Buid succeeded)

Problem: I am unable to launch my OSX app.
Software versions:
XCode Version 8.1 (8B62)
macOS Siera 10.12.1 (16B2657)
I've already tried:
I don't have any changes in my version control.
Also it works fine on my colleague's computer
I've already tried to clean, Also used deep clean
I've overloaded my mac twice
I've already removed derived data
But still unable to run OSX app. It just build successfully all the time and isn't going to launch my app.
I googled about it.
But haven't found something helpful.
Any suggestions? Probably I missed something... but I think it is a system bug. And I have to clean or relaunch something. But I've already tried all what I was able to guess.
Information from console:
/Users/UserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-awtljghmrbqhgebrvruwulpmysqx/Build/Products/Debug/App Name signature not valid: -67030
proc 1042: load code signature error 4 for file "App Name"
AMFI: allowing exception handler for 'App Name' (2504) because the process is unsigned.
Got a connection, waiting for process information for launching or attaching.
error: Attach failed: "No such process".
error: attach failed.
1 +0.000000 sec [09c9/1503]: error: ::read ( 3, 0x700009325a40, 1024 ) => -1 err = Bad file descriptor (0x00000009)
Any way. thanks for attention.

Worklight - EncryptedCache open fails with error status 10

I am having some problems with EncryptedCache on my HTC One Android phone.
The same code works on another phone and in the browser simulator but fails on my HTC One android phone with an unusual error code.
I am using: Worklight 6.2
Failing on: HTC one, android 4.4.2 (Cyanogenmod)
Working on: Samsung I9100 Galaxy S II
Working on: browser simulator fails on my phone and return status 10..
(* WL.EncryptedCache.write fails on my phone and return status 6..)
I have also run the sample app from developerworks as-is on my HTC One phone with the same results and error code.
Sample app link
Logcat log:
Captured from Sample app
1) Destroyed cache
2) Entered a new key
3) Opened cache
4) Got alert error message
Full log can be downloaded from here
My code is:
function wlCommonInit(){
var STORAGE_ID = 'todos';, true,
function(){ //success
console.log('--> cache opened');
console.log("--> Loading Angular");
angular.element(document).ready(function() {
angular.bootstrap(document, ['todomvc']);
//location.hash = "/";
function(status){ //fail
console.log("WL.EncryptedCache open error status: " + status);
case WL.EncryptedCache.ERROR_NO_EOC:
alert("ERROR: NO EOC");
alert("AN ERROR HAS OCCURED. STATUS :: " + status);
Sorry to say I cannot currently reproduce this.
Installed Worklight Studio 6.2 from the Eclipse marketplace into a fresh copy of Eclipse and a new workspace
Downloaded the Encrypted Offline Cache sample project > import to Eclipse
Added the Android environment and > Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
Installed on device (Nexus 5, Android 4.4)
Opened a cache, encrypted some value, closed cache, quit app, re-open, re-open cache, decrypt key, etc etc... all operations seem to pass.
Could you please use Wireshark while you use the app and provide the trace log from there?
In addition, if you could also try the above steps.
I too was getting the same error. My steps were open cache, write, close. Then open again and read.
The issue was close and open again. I kept the cache open for the entire session and it worked fine.
Looks like when you destroy cache, you might have to close it and open again to write a new entry.
Hope it helps.

no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application

I am trying to configure my app to support push notification, but keep getting this error:
Failed to get token, error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3000 "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application" UserInfo=0x1f818fc0 {NSLocalizedDescription=no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application}
I did enable my app to support push notifications (only for development at this point).
I did create the provisioning profile AFTER enabling the push notifications.
My bundle identifier is the same as appears in the profile.
In my profile file there is a string: aps-environment
I made sure that in both project and target under the "Code signing identity" section ALL the values are selected to be my provisioning profile.
Any more ideas? Thanks.
In my case, the stuff in my provisioning profile:
security cms -D -i ~/Downloads/spolskyDevelop.mobileprovision
Was different than the stuff in the app that was actually built (you can find out where it is built by looking at Xcode's Logs tab)
codesign -d --entitlements - '/Users/drew/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/spolsky-bdbtdfjeeywhqzccpmmceqvnhgtm/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/'
This was true even though the "Currently Matches" hint text under Code Signing Identity was indicating the correct provisioning profile--weird, huh? To make a weird story weirder, the correct provisioning profile was being installed on the device when I ran, (Settings->General->Profiles) leading me to believe the provisioning profile was right--but it was falling back to a wildcard ID when the app was actually launched.
The clue was the difference in the output of these two commands: vs
When I made the bolded part match, the italicized part changed to match automatically. In addition, the output of security and codesign were in agreement, and no more aps-entitlement error.
My guess here is that XCode was using a wildcard-style match on my non-wildcard ID. ("spolsky" is, after all, quite nearly "spolsky-ios"), and this explains the "Currently Matches" output. But something in the build chain is more strict about this, so it falls back to an actual wildcard ID during the build.
The problem is due to current Provisioning Profile does not contain APNS information, as the Provisioning Profile is created BEFORE creating the APNS certificate.
Therefore, to solve the problem, create a new Provisioning Profile & select the Provisioning Profile in Xcode will clear the error.
I had this same problem after push notifications were already working on my device. Seemed like Xcode cached something incorrectly so refreshing it fixed my problem:
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts
View Details for your Developer Account
Just click Refresh for the Provision Profiles a few times. I was seeing these change with each refresh. Keep refreshing until they stop changing.
i got this error and did not create a new provisioning profile; created a new one and then had to restart xCode but works now!
Be aware that the bundle identifier must match the provisioning profile in a case-sensitive manner. I had something like com.FirstLast.appname when it should have been com.firstlast.appname. Well, that kept me busy for quite a while.
I fixed this problem by enabling push notification capability.
Select Project > Target > Capabilities > Turn On Push notifications
If this problem happened suddenly after upgrading to Xcode 8 you might find a warning in the capabilities screen that'll allow you to fix this automatically:
Select Project > Target > Capabilities > Turn On Push notifications
Product->Clean did it for me. Hopefully it does it for someone else.
I ran into this in what's possibly a non-frequent use case. I'm working with Xcode 6 and iOS 8. I was creating a series of entirely new app projects, and attempting to re-use the same bundle ID, so as not to need to go through all of the portal-side setup again. This too was just for sandbox testing.
I would find that, while the setup and registration would work fine for the first app, if I deleted that app from the device, set the same bundle ID for the second app, and then attempted to register PNs with that app, I would get this error.
My solution was to:
Remove the associated provisioning profile from the device.
Remove the associated provisioning profile from Xcode.
Close Xcode
Double-click my downloaded .mobileprovision file to install it back into Xcode
Open the project and deploy it.
This approach seems to jar loose whatever previous state was there, and I'm able to register for PNs with the new app / same bundle ID.
For those who got this error in ios 10, you can try following steps:
1.clean your project.
2.and check Targets -> Capabilities -> Push Notification.If it is off,On it.
And problem will solve.The above steps help me to get rid off this problem. Hope it will helpful to someone.
New provisioning profile worked for me. Make sure to use a Developer profile if you are in development (don't use Ad Hoc). It was fine after that, no idea why the old one stopped working right.