how to generate datatable headers from data - datatables

I am using datatables and currently putting the header and footer data in using HTML. I would like to make it more dynamic but can't seem to find a way to generate the headers from JSON data returned in the AJAX. Is there a way to do this?


I need to display data form API in tabular form in wix

In my website i have to show data in tabular form which I am getting from API. I successfully integrated API and I am getting response from that API but the problem is I don't know how to show it in a tabular form in Wix.
I tried dynamically adding HTML code in script file but it is not working. Please let me know if there is a way I can do it.
You can put your data in a table element using the rows property.

Classic Asp - Get html content after generated page/page load

I´m using AspPDF together with Classic ASP to create PDF files and I have a page that is build dinamically based on POST requests.
After that, I need to get this HTML that has been dinamically created and insert all of it inside a variable, so then I can send it to AspPDF method at the end of the page.
(I know AspPDF has a method that converts page based on URL, it does not work for me in my specific case)
Because I have several if statements and loops, I have no idea how to store all current HTML generated in a variable.
Any ideas on that?
i am not familiar with AspPDF, but my question is:
can you store everything in some variable and once html completly generated then send content by using
Response.Write VarHTML
Because I have several if statements and loops, I have no idea how to store all current HTML generated in a variable.
like this:
VarHTML = VarHTML & "your html code"
VarHTML -- just variable you create

Simple data populate data with Kendo UI

Hello I'm quite new to Kendo UI so my question is probably simple as well.
I am working with datasource of Kendo UI (Javascript) that reads a simple JSON object from a remote source, what works fine.
I struggle now with populating the data into single text fields within the HTML page. I find some example on Kendo UI documention talking about "template", "model", "columns", "binding", etc. but there is nothing I think I can adapt it to my needs. All examples I find are focussed on Kendo Widgets or "grid", what is not what I want.
I read the JSON by "datasource" object from remote source, looking like this:
In my HTML there are two input fields, one with ID="productid" and another one with ID="title"
I don't need a precise code solution just a hint/link how to proceed to populate the JSON elements into the value attributes of the two input fields. If this is possible is there also the other way possible like storing the values of the input fields back to a datasource and send it back to remote server for saving/updating purposes?
Any hint is welcome!

Chart Integration in YII Framework

Is there any way by which we can show the grid column data in a chart in YII framework? How can I fetch data from database based upon a query and show it in a chart.
You can get data from database with use of YII functions. Pass data to JS chart function as json array.
Highcahrt extension available for yii in below link.
Other charts widely used with YII:

Ext JS 4 Basic Grid Example Gets JSON Value

Is there any simple example that takes data from a link that is a JSON array and shows it a basic grid table at Ext JS 4?
This simple example loads json data into grid using ajax proxy.