Strapi (i18n) API URL Syntax : Locale and Population in the same url - api

can someone help me with Internalization plug-in in Strapi, I have an issue i cannot find the solution with the documentation :
I would like to do a get request with populate & locale in the same url but impossible to find the right syntax :[place_subcategories][populate]=places This is working ✅ this is working ✅[place_subcategories][populate][1]=places&locale=ru This is not working ❌
Can someone help me? that would be awsome

I fixed it by putting locale first and then populate:[place_subcategories][populate][1]=places
and make sure that the populate has data in the locale requested.


How to fix typing error Shapes and Connectors with SymbolPalette in VueJS

I try to duplicate the creation of Symbol Palette on my component, but I got errors on the types :
let connectorSymbols: ConnectorModel[] = [...]
let palettes : any
I have syntax error, I am a beginner on VueJS and I never encountered this kind of declaration.
Could you help me ?
I use a boilerplate vue and webpack, is that enough ?
The following details are needed,
We need more information about your exact requirement and if possible provide issue reproducible sample?
Did you follow all the steps in the getting-started documentation to create Vue ColorPicker sample using Webpack?
We have created simple Vue ColorPicker sample using webpack and it can be download from here.

React Native - Parse URL to get Query Variable

Looking for a way to parse a URL to get a query variable in React Native received from Linking.
I'm receiving the URL as something like:
I'd like to get the someVar value from the URL.
Any thoughts?
This should do the trick
var url = ""
var regex = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g,
params = {},
while (match = regex.exec(url)) {
params[match[1]] = match[2];
There is a URL class in JavaScript which is intended to let you both build and parse URLs robustly, making query parameters easily accessible:
const url = new URL('url-app-scheme://somePage?someVar=someVal');
Sadly, the implementation of URL in React Native is not complete and has some known bugs. Fortunately, there is a solid polyfill library called react-native-url-polyfill which provides an implementation of URL that is well behaved and tested - I highly recommend it.
Using query-string its working
yarn add query-string
import queryString from 'query-string';
const parsed = queryString.parseUrl("");
console.log(parsed.query.offset) will display 10
There are ways of doing this that you can leverage from the JS ecosystem. Try URI.js
Try url
"This module has utilities for URL resolution and parsing meant to have feature parity with node.js core url module."
The node URL object is available to your app when using the Chrome react-native debugger, but is not available on your iPhone when untethered.
So use this package
npm install url
Sample code:
import url from 'url';
let urlObject = url.parse(inUrlString);
let outUrlString = urlObject.protocol + '//' + + '/more/jump?jump_path=' + encodeURIComponent(urlObject.pathname);
let urlObject = url.parse(url, true); // second parameter `true` (parse search query)
console.log(urlObject.query['id']); // 1
Update: This is not a solution to the above question because it doesn't work unless in debugging mode. I have not deleted this answer however, because I think it points out a note worthy nuance.
JavaScript's very own URL Web API is supported in React Native (using version 0.46). You can use to to parse or build any and every part of the url with great ease.
The API is identical to the WHATWG API of the URL module in Node.js This answer should really be more obvious, but its easy to get lost with the number of okay url parsing packages available.
Edit: This works only in the JS debugging mode for some reason, and not otherwise. So this solution doesn't really hold valid, but I'm leaving it here because I'd love to know how to get the same URL module to work with react-native.

Yii with Bootstrap error (CWebApplication.bootstrap not defined)

I have followed this setup, but not work for me, all CSS files do not give style to the page,
So searching I found this thread How to install bootstrap extension in yii using some tricks. But not work's too.
Now I have this error
'Property "CWebApplication.bootstrap" is not defined.'
Anyone can help or have any idea?
Thanks in advance and for my English.
Property "CWebApplication.bootstrap" is not defined.
The error means the system is trying to access Yii::app()->bootstrap, which could be a property on the application. Since bootstrap is a component it should be accessible, if the configuration is done properly.
This error is most likely because you forgot the following in the main config file:
// This should point to the location you placed the files in for example extensions/bootstrap/components/bootstrap.php
The class location above will only work if the alias is set properly before setting the configuration.
Yii::setPathOfAlias('bootstrap', dirname(__FILE__).'/../extensions/bootstrap');
Instead you could also change "bootstrap.components.Bootstrap" into "application.extensions.bootstrap.components.bootstrap".
I strongly advise you to use Yiistrap, it was made by the person who create yii boostrap and the person who created Yiibooster. Yiistrap has everything from both extensions and more new stuff. here is the page , also has a fully documented API which yii boostrap do not have and it will save a lot of google searches.

Javascript split working incorrectly in IE

I have one page checkout. My OPC works fine with other browsers but I get a fatal error with IE. IE's Javascript console says Object doesn't support this property or method.. The method in question is var items = field_name.split(reg) from the file: order-address.tpl.
I have no idea what is causing the problem. Because of this error, I cannot login properly from one page checkout when using IE. It seems that there are a lot of people with the same problem. What's the issue?
This error is present in 1.4.9, 1.4.10, and 1.5.3.
SOLVED. It turns out the issue is not with coding but with settings of IE.
All I had to do was reset IE from Tools => internet options => advanced => reset (including personal settings)
That did it for me. Thank you altafhussain for trying to help me out.

How to customize cluster icon using gmaps4rails

So we're trying to change the default cluster icon using gmaps for rails.
In the wiki
it says
You can customize the pics used by the clusterer by setting the js function in your code.
Where would we put that function? It says "In the javascript" - but where? Do we straight-up edit the code generated by gmaps4rails? How does gmaps4rails pick up the information?
To do this customization you just need to create js file. Then you can
"require" that js file in your Application.js or otherwise just directly refer in your view file. That's it you need not to do anything else. I have used it and it worked for me. If any questions do let me know.
To understand how it works you can just refer the
gmaps4rails.base.js (see #customClusterer = -> false)
gmaps4rails.googlemaps.js (method - createClusterer)
it is straight forward to understand